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EXERCISES 5. A constant force of 2:50 N accelerates a stationan ‘The mass of cyclist together with the bike is 90 kg. particle of mass 15 g through a displacement of 250 m Calculate the increase in kinetic energy if the speed See nO ee ee Find the work done and the average power delivered 2. A block of mass 2-00 kg moving at a speed of 10°0 m/s Bas eas Dany Rese reUS Oana eCopt taal 9% PTT’ moves from «point r= (2m) i+ Gms kinetic energy. another point 7, = (8 m) i+ (2 m)j during which a certat force F =(5N)i+ (6 N)j acts on it. Find the work dear 3. A box is pushed through 4:0 m across a floor offering COG R eas cous Bere asa seek ay dues by; the by the force on the particle during the displacement Tene ora 7, A man moves on a straight horizontal road with a blast gc SAEUVEES EEE Sas as Olu calideisoray aniinetinostot of mass 2 kg in his hand. If he covers a distance of 40> inclination 30° and length 10 m, Find the work done by with an acceleration of 0'5 mis’, find the work done b the force of gravity. the man on the block during the motion in the saitstion, nt. Find the wrk done by tio ring 6 placement frm #0 te os nA ek 0 alides down an inline of Uniform speed. Pind the work done ‘he block ses though 1 se mis hep over nather beck of mann 0 Testa ‘on. horzonalsurtea SED. A-conatant horisnatalfreoF ntng othe black proves an aeceterntion =F Fin oM 8 ave together (a) Find the caicent of kinetic freien tetera furfce(b) Pind Uh final ee ‘ing the unallr back (c) Pind the vert aoe {he force of ftom on the wmaller bk Wo te ae beck during displacement d athe sete’, a the 1A. weighing 000 to nowy aid trough 20m on m sraght track having fiction coven 8 ety the box. a) Find the work done by the perven salty the box wth a chain atan angle @ with the horton Find the work when the person has choses eles of which ensures ie the minimum magnitude ofthe 1A block of weight 100.N is sloy si up on a smoth ‘etn of inclination 9° by a persn. Calcite he wert dine by the perton in moving the block, tireage ‘stance of 20m, ifthe driving force tn ta) porate te ‘he incline and (bin the hercontal deco 12, Find the average factional force needed to stop ear ‘weighing S00 kein a ditance of 25 mf the inti 72 keh, a 1M. Find the average force necded to acelerate car weighing 500 Ky from rest to 72 kav in a ditance of Bm. 15. A particle of mans m mover on a straight ine with its ‘laity varying withthe distance travelled scoring to the equation «= als, where ae a constant, Find the ‘otal work dane by ail the freee daring a displacement fom z= Ot9x =i. 1. A block of mass 20 kg kept at rest on an inclined plane “inination 7° is pulled up the plane by applying & ‘constant force of 20 N parallel tothe incline. Me fre ‘ct for one cond. (a) Show thatthe work done by the ‘pplied force doen not exceed 40 J (D) Find tho work dime’ by the force of gravity in Ut one necond A the work done by the applied force 4 40 J.) Find the inte energy ofthe blgk atthe instant the fre esas tora. Take = 10 ms 17.4 block of masa 20 kis pushed down an inclined plane ‘incination 37 with «free of 20 N acting pra to the incline Tein found Use the block moves on Use Incline with an acceleration of 10 mb! 1 the block ‘artd frum re, find the work done (a) by the applied force inthe ist scand,() by the weight of the block Inthe first wcond and () by the fretonal free acting ‘on the Blok inthe frst second. Take = 10 mi 1. A 250 block slides om a rough horizontal table, Find the work done by the frictional fore in bringing the Dock to west i i i initially moving at a speed of 40 ‘os. Ifthe fsetoneuafcient between the table and the block 01, haw far dace the block move before coming Water filing trom 2 50 m high fll to be used for senerating electric energy IF 18 10" kg of water falls per hour and half the gravitational potentil energy ca, Fe converted into electric energy, how many. 100 W Tampecan be it’? 20. A person is painting his house walls. He stands on a ladder with « bucket containing paint in one hand and 4s brush in other, Suddenly the wicket lip from is hand and falls down onthe Noor I the bucket ith the pint had a mass of 60 kg and was sta height of 20 atthe time i slipped, how mach gravitational potential era is lst tether with the paint? 21. A projectile is fred from Use top of 40 om high eli with am inal speed of 80 mitt an unknown, angle Find is spoed when it hit the ground 22. The 200 m fre syle womens swimming gold medal at Seol Olympic 1988 went to Heike Frienanch of Bast Germany when she st a new Olympic record of minute and 57 86 seconds. Assume that she covered most ofthe itance with a uniform speed and had to exert 460 W {maintain her speed. Calealae the average fore of seistance afer by the water during the sim 25. The US athlete Florence Grifithsoyner won the 100 m ‘sprint gold medal at Seol Olympic 1988 setting « new iympie recor of 1054» Asuine that she achieved or ‘maximum speed inn very shor time and then Tan Use ‘ce with that speed tll she crated the he. "Take het ‘asa tobe 60 Kg. a) Calculate the Kinet emery of GitithJoyner at her fall speed (b) Assuming that the rack, the wind etc offered an average resistance of one tenth of her weight, calculate the work dane by the ‘sistance dunng the run. (@) What power Gefth. Slayer had to exert to maintain uniform speed? 24, A water pump ite water fm a level 10 m blow the ‘round. Waters pumped at rate of 30 Kminute wih ‘eligible velocity Calculate the minimus horsepower the engine should have to do thi 25, An woruly demonstrator bits a sane of mass 200 fom ‘the ground and throws it at his opponent. At the time of projection, the stone is 150 cin sve the ground se ‘ha a speed of $00 ms, Caleulate the work done by the demonstrator during the prota. It takes one econ fi the demonstratar to UM the sane snd throw, what Irsepower does he use 26, In a factory it is desired to UR 2000 bof metal through 4 distance of 12 min T minute, Find the minions Ihorsepower of the engine tobe ed 437. A scooter company gives the fllowing specications about te pedvct 1 ¢ Weight of the acoter — 98 hi Masinnamn ape — 60 rb ‘Maxienum engine yomer — 98 hp ck up tne to get the mason speed — 5 8 {Check the vali of these spciiations ‘98, A block of mass 800 x. is being brovkht oven by a QW It the Mock acquires speed af 400 emis in ‘Ropming down 200 a, find Ue work done by the chain tain the press. ‘28, The heavier Block in an Atwoo machine ae 6 mass thrice that ofthe lighter one The tension in the atin WTIGO'N when the spetom ies nto motion, Pind the tecrence in the gravitational potential energy ding the firot encom ater the stem is released frm re 0. The two blocks in an Atwood machine have masses Okey and $0 kg. Find the work done by gravity during the fourth second after the sytem is released from res $31. Consider the situation shown in figure (6.2) The sytem Ge leased fom rest andthe Bleck of mess 10 hs found to have a spend O/ ater it has descended {hragh a distance of Lm, Brad the coficent of kinetic Friction between the block and the table ‘52, A block of mass 100g ie moved with 9 speed of 50 ms Ack cise porn in a closed cular tbe of radius Toes hain & vertical plane. The erow-ecton of the Uae a tuen thatthe block just ts ini. The block (eer eeral ceilatons inside the tube and finally ake se lomest pot, Find the work dooe by the imo the block daring the proses ‘58. A car weighing 1400 kg ia moving at «sped of 6 kh Aur hen the motor mops, ies at able fo reach SB.Aalinaion which isa» eight of 10 above the ee calealate the work done wins rion (negative Frthc work dane bythe fiction. ‘aus A wmall block of rss 200 gin Kept atthe to of 8 A sata acne which i 10.m long and 32m high the beck from fd put iat the tp, (20 aide the block it reachericaly on the growed (2) i lider down fnchne’? Take g = 10 0/8 ‘a5: In a cilre's park, there i lide hie a otal to Seat and a height of 80, (gue BES) oot ot ar are provided 0 reach the top. A, Dey ere tN climb up the lader tote ty ofthe ei dee dow othe ground. The average ition a offered by the slide is three tenth of his weight athe week done bythe bry on the ladder a he pa (0 (by dhe work done by the aide on the boy 8 be cope, seat tine mark done by the ladder on the Bayar dees Nee any work dane By free inside the iy a ae. Figure (£4) shows # particle sliding on tition care (8 es ia aie hort sce 1a wi nears slipping fom the pont A, hw I the pare track wil the particle it the ground? {51 A block weighing 10 N travels down s smoath cared 2 ined to. =. rough horzontal sure track iis) The rough warlace has a fiction cn aa oy the blk, the block starts siping 20 he oom tea pot 10m above the horizontal rr, Hrtar il ie move on the rough surface? | alien ‘38, A uniform chain of mass m and length {overs ¢ ‘ole withts two third par onthe tale. Find the wet {ehh dane by person to put the hanging pat beck © the table, ake A beck of mast 250 is kept on a verti ering of at ee cone ee earn Soa en Sr ce ten sneer eax ET) shows spring Sted atthe beiom end of © [eof inination A amall eck oes ‘aes devin down the incline fom a pane p ot tbe soning The block fener 2m, sop mementarly and then rebousts ty, Eases of 1m up the incline Figure 87 4A Mock of mass m moving at a speed v compress & sing through a distance x bears is speedo balved Fad the epring constant of the spring. '& Cuasider the situation shown in figure (GES), Initially ‘be epring is unstretched when the system is relesaed ‘he rest. Assuming no friction inthe pulley, fad the ‘seuimem elongation of the pring. Figure 88 AU of mass m is atached to two unstretched springs ‘foprng constants &, adh, as shown in figure (ED). The block is displaced towards right through a distance «and is released. Find the speed ofthe block ast passes through the mean portion shown, a te Figure 259 47. A block of mass m sliding on smooth horizontal eurface with a velocity ¥ meets log horizontal spring fed at oe ed and having spring constant kas shown in figure (E10. Find the maximum compression ofthe spring Will the velocity of the block be the same a8 when i comes back to the eriginal postion show? cai . Pipa E10 48. small block of mass 100 g is pressed against a horaostal spring fixed at one end to compress tne spring through 50 em (Sgure S11). The epring constant it 100 Nim. When released, the block moves borzomally ‘il leaves the spring. Whore walt hit the ground 2m below the spring? [eons Powe 8£11 40. A small eay block is atached to the lower end of « light rod of length J which can be rotated sbout ke with one end tied to Uhe top of the sphere. (a) Find the gravitational potential nergy ofthe chain with refeenes level at the eentre of the sphere. (b) Suppose the chain i released and si down the =phere. find the kinetic energy of the chain, when it has lid through an angle 0. (e) Find the engi ateratin of the dan we bean starts sliding down, [A smooth sphere of radius ix made to translate in a ‘ruight line with a constant aeseration a. A particle kept on the top of the sphere i released frm there at ero velocity with respect tothe sphere. Find the sped Of the particle with respect to the sphere a+ Fontion of the angle 0 it sides ANSWERS opsecnive 1 12.) 20g © 205 1@ 20 3@ 4 540) 6) 12 4000N te 80 9M 106) Tasos 15, ma aa 60-24 wI16s OBECTIVE 1 Yta) 1003 60d (e603 1a, ) 2a 30a 18 - 0024, 82cm ai) 5@.O.@ 6 lah td) 19.12 hte, Bie) 9.0) 20.1183 no 21 58 ws 2 m0N aos 2.(a) 22501) 49005 (@ 485 W ee 24. 68x10" hp 26050 25.3845, 8140107 hp 14000 26.53 bp aus 27. Seems to be somewhat overelaimed 5 625 J, 961 W 28, - 886 J Bass 196s 10s 30.674 foodoala S101 2 2-145 etsy 33. 20900 J ipa oF. (opm MUA 64T EAT BOM 80 me Tateme arm Bam) 35. (a) ero fh) = 600.3 fe) 1600 3 a) sooo (b) 7600 5 ‘36. At @ horizontal distance of 11m from the end of the track, a.50m Concept of Pays 98, meli8 98. -2y MeL /9 40.-29 41.0. 2.200, 8.005 wane 0) 1000 im ae = SS ase etn nn tt i a 49.27 an si Akin ‘ = 53.2) 8 me 4 TN me (65 me fameR s. SNe 56 oe"1/8) ss me TTR $8.0) SL86 above the lowest pit (008 50, cos") coving)? WONR am ole Oma a. THe Tid (1-8 e) The cad through the particle makes an ange ton") withthe verte os En emma oMa-ouinh 64. (2a iat +g eco”

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