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GRADE X- 2023-2024

1. Name the type of domestic circuits. What is the importance of domestic circuits?
A. There are two types of circuit-
a. LIGHTING CIRCUIT- It is used for running low-power rated devices like tube light, fan, TV, etc which
draws less amount of current. It has 5A fuse.
b. POWER CIRCUIT- It is used for running high-power rated devices like geyser, refrigerator,etc which
draws heavy current. It has 15A fuse.
Domestic electric circuits are the circuits that are used in homes to supply electricity throughout our houses.
They are used to power a variety of household appliances and these circuits light up our homes. Three wires
are used in domestic wiring.

2. State two characteristics of a domestic circuit.

A. i. Each distribution circuit in a house has an independent fuse.
ii. All distribution circuits in a house are connected in parallel.

3. State the colours which represent the circuit wires.

A. The circuit consists of-
4. Why do we prefer a parallel arrangement for domestic circuit?
A.i. If an appliance stops working due to some fault, the others are working.
ii. Each appliance has its own switch due to which it can be turned on or off independently.
iii. Each appliance gets the same voltage 220V at that of the voltage in the supply line.
iv. They draw current as per the requirement of the device.

5. Why is series arrangement not advisable for domestic circuit?

A. i. If an appliance stops working due to some fault, then other appliances also stop working.
ii. All the appliances have only one switch due to which they can’t be used independently.
iii. The appliances do not get the same voltage as that of the supply line.
iv. All the devices in the combination draw the same amt. of current.

5. What is a switch?
A. A switch is an on/off device to regulate the flow of current. It is always connected to the live wire.

6. Why do we receive electric shock?

A. The live wires become bare due to wear and tear or excessive heating. This naked live wire may touch the
metal body of the appliance which in turn becomes live. If we come in contact with such an appliance, then
the current flows through our body due to which we get an electric shock.
7. How can we prevent electric shock?
A. The metal body of an appliance is connected to the earth by means of an earth wire by using a 3-pin plug.
If a person touches an earthed metal body, the current directly passes to the earth thus preventing a shock.

8. What causes electrical fire?

A. i. Short-circuit
ii. Over loading

9. Define the terms mentioned above.

A. i. Short -circuit- When the insulation of the live wire and the neutral wire gets removed, the two wires
touch each other. When the live wire and the neutral wire comes in contact directly, it is known as short
ii. If too many electrical appliances of high-power rating are switched on at the same time, they draw
extremely large amount of current. This is known as over loading. Over loading may also occur if too many
appliances are connected to a single socket with the help of a multi pin plug. A large amount of current
generates heat due to which an electrical fire may start.

10. What is an electrical fuse? Where is it installed?

A. A fuse is a safety device made up of an alloy of Pb- Sn (1:1). It is installed in the live wire of a domestic
11. What is the importance of an electrical fuse?
A. Fuse is a piece of wire of a material with a very low melting point. When a high current flows through the
circuit due to overloading or short circuit, the wires get heated and melts. As a result, the circuit is broken
and current stops flowing. Hence the device is prevented from damage.

12. Where is the earth wire connected? What is its importance?

A. The appliances outside metallic shell are earthed to avoid the electrocution of anybody accessing the
The free end of the earth wire is attached to a copper plate buried deep in the ground. This leaves the body of
the electrical appliances at the same potential (zero) as the earth and hence when we touch the metal body,
we do not get a shock.
13. What are the precautions taken while using electrical appliances?
• A. Whenever we are using electrical appliances, our hands should be dry and wear chappals.
• Repair of electrical appliances should be done by a trained person.
• Never use equipment with frayed cords, damaged insulation or broken plugs.
• Put off the switch, if there is no use of electrical appliances.
• Too many appliances should not be connected to a single socket.


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