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- Y11 still need to participate in events.

- Finish chapters before the mock exam.
- Y10 students – low level – set strategies – get at least C
- Y10 – combine papers – term 1
- Y11 – full paper Term 1 and Mock
- Y10 – full paper term 2
- Field Trip (sasana kijang) – BNM
- Y9 will start to learn Y10 chapters – Y11 teacher will do this because Y11 will
be having IG exam.
- Discuss about FA and SA.
- Few terms –
- Veal Teach Business Y10 (2 classes) and Economics Y11 (2 classes)

- Textbook
- Suggest to buy resources

SOW 2024

LP 2024
- Reflection should be well written – actual reflection of the whole lesson.
- 80% of the student5s able to complete the task at the and the remaining 20%
has reflected and they have been given strategies to improve on it. This will
be tested in next lesson before the lesson start. Complete ‘quizzez’ / ‘kahoot’ /
quizlet quiz – teacher check and give feedback.

- how many achieved?

- Strategies?
- Any improvement?
Assessment 2024 (workbook /
FA (Y10) – max 6 and min 3 [better 4] – 1/2 periods - (25 / 30 marks) – topical
FA (Y11) - max 6 – 1/2 periods - (25 / 30 marks) - topical

SA (Y10) – 1h 30 mins – (60-100 marks)

Setter (Econs):
T1 Y10 – Hui Sian (one paper combination)
T2 Y10 – Veal (P1 and P2 – IGCSE Format – Full set)
T1 – Y11: Tharsani (P1 ands P2)

T2: Mock
P1 - Y11: Tharsani
P2 - Y11: Tharsani

Setter (BS)
T1 Y10 – Veal (Combination)
T2 Y10 – Ms Priya (P1 and P2)
T1 Y11 – Ms Priya (P1 – Ms Tan / P2 – Priya)

T2 Y11
Mock Y11 (P1) Ms Tan
Mock Y11 (P2) Ms Tan

CLP 2024
Discuss and let Mr Reno know

IGCSE Documents 2024

Combine questions and prepare?
Department activities 2024

Cover materials 2024 (by 8th Jan)

- Prepare 3 cover – 30 minutes each – (Y10 and Y11) – BS and Econs
- Print one set for each – 30 copies

Subject overview 2024 (by 5th Jan)

- Once only – for the academic year
- Y10 – BS:
- Y11 – Econs:
- Y10 – BS:
- Y11 – Econs:

Lesson Observations 2024

New teacher in the first 3 months. Book once it is opened on the calendar.
- Depend 30 / 60 minutes
- LO checklist? How measure? %? Classroom management? Student asking
questions? Teacher play role as? Environment?
- REMIND Mr. Reno about the checklist?

Y10: 18 Jan – 1/2 (students will be in and out)

Term 1 – one observation

Term 2 – one observation

Work scrutiny 2024

Mark and give feedback.
Book / file : standardize

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