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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

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Iontophoretic skin delivery systems: Success and failures T

a a b a,⁎
P. Bakshi , D. Vora , K. Hemmady , A.K. Banga
Center for Drug Delivery Research, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA 30341, United States
Dermatologist, Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Frimley, Surrey, United Kingdom


Keywords: Iontophoretic transdermal delivery uses a small electric current to push charged molecules into the skin under an
Iontophoresis electrode of same polarity and offers an attractive option to facilitate the delivery of macromolecules or hy-
Macromolecules drophilic molecules and to improve patient compliance. This technique has been used in physical therapy clinics
Hydrophilic molecules for several decades, though the science was not always there to support claims of clinical effectiveness. Recently,
Controlled drug delivery
this modality of treatment has undergone more systematic and rigorous investigations to withstand the scrutiny
Iontophoretic patches
of regulatory authorities. In recent years various drugs have gained FDA approval for iontophoretic patches. This
technique is gaining recognition due to better compliance rates, non-invasive drug delivery leading to fewer side
effects, and sustained release of the drug. Furthermore, programmed delivery and bolus delivery systems have
helped with customizing the drug dosage and frequency of dosage based on the patient's need.

1. Introduction used in physical therapy clinics for several decades, though the science
was not always there to support claims of clinical effectiveness.
Transdermal drug delivery (TDD) offers multiple advantages over History of iontophoresis can be traced back to more than 250 years
traditional oral drug delivery route. These include non-invasive de- ago when electrical transport was performed on therapeutic agents in
livery, bypass of first-pass metabolism, patient compliance, and less the mid-18th century by Giovanni Battista Bianchi. It was found that
systemic side effects. The TDD industry has grown and has seen a sig- purgatives delivered using electricity had the same laxative effect when
nificant upward trend over the past decade. The global TDD market was administered orally. The method of delivering pharmacological agents
worth $32,516 million in 2016 and is expected to reach $61,689 mil- using iontophoresis was later recognized by Leduc (1900), who in-
lion by the end of 2023 with a compound annual growth rate of 9.5% troduced the term iontotherapy and formulated laws for this process
during 2016–2023 (ReportLinker, 2019; Prateeksha Kaul and Garima (Chien and Banga, 1989). Since then, iontophoresis has been used to
Chandra, 2017). treat acute local inflammatory conditions and to deliver local an-
For a drug to permeate through the skin, it should ideally be esthesia and a variety of drug molecules percutaneously.
moderately lipophilic with a molecular weight < 500 Daltons. The Iontophoresis is an enhancement technique that involves the ap-
stratum corneum acts as a barrier and limits the entry of substances into plication of low current intensities to the skin. This technique helps to
the skin. Large and hydrophilic molecules such as peptides and poly- enhance the topical and transdermal delivery of charged or neutral
saccharides cannot cross this barrier, which has resulted in the devel- molecules (Singh and Roberts, 1989). Iontophoresis involves the use of
opment of different strategies to enhance drug transport into and small intensity of the current (usually less than 0.5 mA/cm2) to push
through the skin. Several enhancement technologies, such as ionto- charged drug molecules into the skin when placed under an electrode of
phoresis, electrophoresis, and sonophoresis, have been developed to like polarity. Iontophoresis shows an excellent enhancement effect on
assist the transdermal delivery of such molecules (Siddoju et al., 2011). hydrophilic molecules with molecular weight less than 15 kDa (Kalluri
In recent years, numerous hydrophilic macromolecules have gained and Banga, 2011). Iontophoresis works on the principle of electro-
FDA approval for therapeutic use. This trend is expected to continue migration, i.e., like repels like, driving charged molecules through the
and possibly even increase. Iontophoretic transdermal delivery offers skin (Ita, 2016). Application of current through the electrodes results in
an attractive option to facilitate the delivery of these molecules and to electromigration of the charged drug molecules causing the drug mo-
improve patient compliance. In theory, this modality is promising as it lecule to be driven into or through the skin. The movement of the drug
has been validated by multiple clinical trials. The technique has been molecule is accompanied by the flow of water, which is known as

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: banga_ak@mercer.edu (A.K. Banga).

Received 1 May 2020; Received in revised form 17 June 2020; Accepted 23 June 2020
Available online 27 June 2020
0378-5173/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Bakshi, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

electroosmosis. The transport of neutral molecules also occurs at the iontophoretic delivery of macromolecules, irrespective of their charge
anode by electroosmosis along with the bulk water flow from anode to (Kanikkannan, 2002). Neutral molecules can also be carried by elec-
cathode. Thus, iontophoresis enables transport of several hydrophilic troosmosis mechanism using anodal delivery (Kalia and Guy, 2004).
drugs that cannot otherwise be delivered passively (Singh et al., 1995). Another mechanism by which iontophoresis can be performed or
In recent times this modality of treatment has undergone more applied is reverse iontophoresis. Reverse iontophoresis involves the
systematic and rigorous investigations to withstand the scrutiny of extraction of a molecule from the body by electroosmotic flow. This
regulatory authorities. Products for iontophoretic delivery of lidocaine, technique has a significant medical application and can be used for non-
fentanyl, and sumatriptan have been approved by FDA, though some invasive sampling. One such product based on this technique was an
were later recalled due to lack of sales or issues relating to device or automatic glucose biographer device, GlucoWatch® G2™ Biographer,
skin burns. and its application is discussed later in this review (Pandey et al., 2019;
Banga, 2011).
2. Mechanism of drug transport by iontophoresis:
3. Factors affecting iontophoretic transport
Iontophoresis transports the drug across the skin by two main me-
chanisms: Charged solutes are transported primarily by electrical re- Various factors affect the iontophoretic delivery, such as current
pulsion from the electrode, and electroosmosis may enable transport of density, pH, duration, salts and drug concentration in formulation,
unionized molecules (Barry, 2001). The trans-appendageal path plays a ionic strength, drug concentration, molecular size, and type of current
vital role in drug transport through electroosmosis and electromigration [continuous, pulse current, AC (alternating current) and DC (direct
(Bath et al., 2000). During iontophoresis, ions prefer the pathway with current)]. Physiochemical properties such as charge, size, and lipophi-
least electrical resistance, i.e., through the pores such as sweat glands or licity of the drug also influence the rate of delivery across the skin. Drug
hair follicles (Grimnes, 1984; Burnette and Marrero, 1986). The ionic candidates with higher water solubility and charge are favorable for
flow through stratum corneum is negligible hence the dominant ionic iontophoretic delivery. The transport of the molecules across the skin is
path is sweat duct units or trans-appendageal pathway. As iontophoretic also dependent on the current. Thus an increase in current density is
delivery takes place via the appendageal pathway, the technique would expected to deliver a higher amount of drug (Banga, 2011). The phy-
be useful for the treatment of some follicular diseases, such as acne or siologically acceptable current considered safe for humans is considered
androgenetic alopecia (Illel, 1997; Banga, 2011). to be 0.5 mA/cm2 or less (Dixit et al., 2007). Iontophoresis has the
Fig. 1 illustrates the basic principle of iontophoresis. A typical advantage of delivering the drugs in a controlled manner where de-
iontophoretic delivery system consists of a current source and two livery can be initiated or terminated. The application of iontophoresis
electrodes. The drug reservoir is placed under the appropriate elec- further reduces the lag time of the drugs administered by passive dif-
trode, while the other electrode serves as a counter electrode to com- fusion (Kalluri and Banga, 2011). Delivery can also be modulated by
plete the circuit (Singh et al., 2012). Negatively charged ions are pro- controlling the current profiles. In DC, the current is continuous and is
pelled into the skin under the influence of cathode, and positively in one direction. Whereas, in AC, the current changes periodically.
charged ions are transferred through the skin under the influence of Leuprorelin acetate, a potent luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone
anodal delivery. The isoelectric point (pl) of the human skin is around (LHRH) receptor agonist used in various clinical applications, was
4–4.5, which is below the pH of physiological conditions (pH-7.4). successfully delivered across porcine skin by using pulsed iontophoresis
Therefore, skin is negatively charged, which favors the flow of water (Smyth et al., 2002).
from anode to cathode. Thus, facilitating the transport of positively The choice of drug reservoir or formulation and its pH control the
charged drugs. Also, electroosmosis plays an essential role in the charge on the drug and competitive ions. Therefore, these factors are
transport of neutral molecules. This is because carboxylate groups critical for the successful transport of the drug during iontophoresis.
present in the skin are ionized at physiological pH. When an electric While choosing the formulation, it is essential to consider the type of
current is passed across such charged membranes, they favor the pas- buffer incorporated in the formulation since buffer ions compete with
sage of counterions, usually cations, and thus electroosmosis occurs the drug molecules and thus affect the drug permeation (Krishnan et al.,
from anode to cathode (Kalia and Guy, 2004). Therefore, skin is 2011). Iontophoretic patches typically have hydrogel formulations as
permselective to cations under the imposition of an electrical field they provide an aqueous environment to carry the current and also hold
(Naik et al., 2000). drug formulation in place. The type of polymer used for hydrogel for-
For delivery under anode, the role of electroosmosis becomes sig- mulation can influence the rate of delivery of the drug across the skin.
nificant with increasing molecular weight, and this enables Banga and Chien investigated the iontophoretic delivery of insulin,

Fig. 1. Basic principle behind iontophoretic drug delivery. Charged ions are propelled into the skin under the influence of electrode of like charge, while the
counter electrode completes the circuit – Reproduced from Naik et al., 2000; with permission from Elsevier.

P. Bakshi, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

calcitonin, and vasopressin by using hydrogels of polyacrylamide, poly KDa, pI 6.2) to hairless rat and porcine skin (Burnette and Marrero,
hydroxyethyl methacrylate, and carbopol 934 (Banga and Chien, 1993). 1986; Dubey and Kalia, 2010; Katikaneni et al., 2009). Iontophoretic
Gupta et al. reported that ionic polymers decrease the flux of sodium delivery of insulin has also been studied widely (Zhang et al., 2020).
cromoglycate, but nonionic polymers like hydroxypropyl cellulose and As mentioned previously, the delivery of these macromolecules can
polyvinyl alcohol did not affect the flux (Gupta et al., 1994). be further enhanced in combination with other enhancement technol-
Experimental variables that can be adjusted to modify iontophoretic ogies. For instance, Pawar et al. observed a multiple fold enhancement
transfer include the quantity of charge, skin area, and drug con- in transdermal permeation of Lysine-Proline-Valine (KPV) peptide by
centration. A linear relationship between drug concentration and microneedle pretreatment followed by iontophoresis as compared to
transport during iontophoresis has been reported until it reaches sa- microneedle or iontophoresis alone (Pawar et al., 2017). Similarly, in
turation (Kalia and Guy, 2004), although this may not always be the vivo delivery of daniplestim was most efficient and resulted in the
case (Banga, 2011). Similarly, another factor influencing the delivery of highest plasma concentration in a hairless rat model using a combina-
drugs across the skin is the pH of the formulation. An appropriate pH tional approach with maltose microneedles and iontophoresis, as
will ensure the ionization of the drug and cause maximum delivery compared to iontophoresis, sonophoresis, and microneedles alone
during iontophoresis (Kalia and Guy, 2004). (Banga, 2011; Katikaneni et al., 2010).
Experimental variables such as the use of another active or passive Proteolytic activity of skin is low compared to mucosal delivery
delivery technique may influence the delivery by compromising the (Kanikkannan, 2002). However, to minimize potential proteolytic de-
barrier. Iontophoresis has also been used in combination with other gradation of peptides in skin, protease inhibitors can be added. This was
enhancement technologies. For example, microneedles create hydro- also observed in one of the in vivo studies, which demonstrated en-
philic channels and application of iontophoresis with microneedles can hanced iontophoretic delivery of salmon calcitonin in rats by the use of
enhance the delivery of large hydrophilic macromolecules through protease inhibitors (Morimoto and Tojima, 1992). In clinical studies,
these channels (Banga, 2011; Katikaneni et al., 2009; Katikaneni et al., leuprolide, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), and calci-
2010). Similarly, the barrier function of stratum corneum can be tonin analog have been reported to be successfully delivered in human
overcome by using physical and chemical enhancers (Liu et al., 2013). volunteers using iontophoresis (Meyer and Kreis, 1988; Green, 1996).
Singh et al. investigated the effect of penetration enhancer and ionto- Even though iontophoretic transdermal delivery of peptides has been
phoresis on surface characteristics of human epidermis (Singh and successfully investigated with proteins of molecular weight up to
Singh, 1995). In another study by Lee et al., barrier properties of ~13KDa, many challenges still need to be investigated and resolved.
stratum corneum in rats was affected by permeation enhancers such as Issues such as quantity and cost of peptides to be formulated in
oleic acid and propylene glycol. This study showed that co-application patches, physical and chemical stability of peptides in the patch during
of oleic acid with iontophoresis further enhanced the effect of oleic acid shelf life, the proteolytic activity of the skin, safety, and efficacy of
and thus resulted in higher drug delivery (Jiang et al., 2000). iontophoresis for extended duration still needs further investigation.
Furthermore, the type of electrodes used in the study is also a sig-
nificant factor. Typical electrodes used for iontophoretic delivery are 5. Skin irritation and safety
Ag/AgCl as they resist changes in pH. The typical reaction occurring at
the anode and cathode is: It has been suggested in the literature that physiologically accep-
table current, which could be applied, is 0.5 mA/cm2 or less (Warden,
Anode:Ag + Cl− → AgCl + e−
2007). Sometimes, a higher intensity of current or the properties of the
Cathode:AgCl + e− → Ag + Cl− drug molecule can cause mild to moderate skin erythema or skin irri-
tation on the application of the iontophoretic patch (Curdy et al., 2001).
The electron is released to the circuit, and insoluble AgCl pre- Minor reactions such as itching, erythema, tingling sensation, or minor
cipitates at the anode surface. irritation on the skin surface where the iontophoresis is performed are
common. However, these minor reactions can be of the increased risk if
4. Iontophoretic delivery of peptides and proteins: the current density and exposure time is increased. In the past, there
have been reports of sustaining burns or scars on the skin due to the use
Peptides and proteins play an increasingly vital role in medicine of an iontophoretic sumatriptan patch (Zecuity). Though such cases are
today. Their potency and specificity make them excellent therapeutic not common, the FDA has investigated these events (Medscape, 2020).
agents; however, their physicochemical properties and stability ne- One of the ways this problem can be addressed is by avoiding the ap-
cessitate their administration by parenteral route. Transdermal delivery plication of patch on broken or damaged skin (Singh et al., 2001).
offers an alternative route of drug delivery, avoiding pain associated However, apart from mild skin erythema or skin irritation, there are no
with parenteral administration, and avoid the need for frequent injec- side effects of iontophoretic delivery.
tions due to their typically short half-life (Parasrampuria and
Parasrampuria, 1991). Techniques such as iontophoresis can be used to 6. Commercialized iontophoretic devices
enhance the delivery of these large molecules across the skin.
The charge on the peptide can be controlled by changing the pH 6.1. Iontophoretic devices in the pharmaceutical industry
relative to the isoelectric point of the peptide. The pH and ionic
strength of the buffer, current density, and electrode configuration, as During the 1990 s, various transdermal companies such as ALZA,
discussed previously, are some of the factors that are important for Cygnus, and Theratech underwent acquisition or merger, affecting the
iontophoretic delivery of peptides. development of iontophoretic patches. ALZA Corporation developed an
Iontophoretic delivery has typically been used to deliver small E-TRANS system used for iontophoretic delivery of fentanyl for post-
peptides. Iontophoretic delivery of various peptides through the skin operative pain management, and its pipeline/developmental activities
has been widely studied. Gayathri et al. investigated the iontophoretic were affected by the Johnson & Johnson acquisition (Kasha and Banga,
delivery of 5-aminolevulinic acid and a dipeptide L-alanine-L-trypto- 2008). Fig. 2 shows some of the FDA approved iontophoretic devices in
phan across human epidermis. Iontophoresis enhanced the permeation the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. These iontophoretic devices
of 5- aminolevulinic acid and the dipeptide by up to 15 and 22 fold, are discussed further in this review.
respectively, compared to passive delivery (Krishnan et al., 2011 Jan 1). Even though some of the products were approved or marketed in the
However, there are some reports for in vitro delivery of larger proteins US, several had some limitations or setbacks, and hence were with-
such as Ribonuclease A (13.6 KDa, pI 8.64) and daniplestim (12.76 drawn from the market. LidoSite™, 10% lidocaine hydrochloride (HCl),

P. Bakshi, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

Fig. 2. Iontophoretic devices introduced in

US market for therapeutic and cosmetic use.
A) NuPathe's Zecuity® (FDA approved suma-
triptan iontophoretic transdermal system)
(ZECUITY 0000) B) IONSYS®, FDA approved
iontophoretic transdermal patch for fentanyl
(USFDA, 2018) C) Wrinkle MD®, hydrogel patch
to deliver hyaluronic acid and peptides (Eye
wrinkle treatment, 2019) D) FDA approved Fa-
cial spa device by NuFace using galvanic current
(NuFACE, 2018).

and 0.1% epinephrine was available till 2008 and Iontocaine, 2% li- Reverse iontophoresis is essential in medical diagnostics as it can allow
docaine hydrochloride (HCl) and 0.01 mg/ml epinephrine topical noninvasive sampling of biological fluids. However, the product was
system till 2005. LidoSite™, an iontophoretic patch delivering lidocaine discontinued from the market; it had low demand due to high cost and
and epinephrine, could achieve dermal analgesia in 10 min that was the inconvenience of still needing one finger prick each day to calibrate
faster compared to topically applied analgesics such as EMLA (eutectic the device (Tierney et al., 2001; Wang and Lee, 2015).
mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine), which takes 60 min to achieve Class 2 category devices approved by FDA are considered “life-
analgesia (Barry, 2001). Epinephrine/Lidocaine iontophoretic patch supporting/sustaining/substantially relevant to human health“ but in-
(LidoSite™ from former Vyteris, Inc.) was designed for children to volve enough potential risk that ”special controls“ are required for their
achieve fast local action of analgesics. Despite achieving a fast onset of clearance (MiriamTucker, 2014). As of April 2020, FDA has classified
action compared to topical cream, it had limited commercial success. In iontophoretic devices under class 2 devices, which are approved via a
2008, Vyteris, Inc., withdrew the product after being two years in the 510(k) application (Accessdata.fda.gov, 2020). Overall, FDA has
market (Yeoh, 2012). In addition to the patch, another lidocaine pro- cleared 63 iontophoresis devices, mostly under 510(k) clearance. FDA
duct on the market was a topical iontophoretic solution (Lidopel, Empi. approved iontophoretic drug delivery combinations for the treatment of
Inc., 2004) to produce an anesthetic effect. The topical iontophoretic local dermal anesthesia using epinephrine/ lidocaine, acute post-
solution of lidocaine HCl 2% and Epinephrine 1:100,000 (Lidopel, operative pain management using fentanyl, and acute migraine pain
Empi. Inc., 2004) consisted of empi dupel iontophoretic system and using sumatriptan delivery. At the time they were cleared, only safety
bilayer ultra-electrodes. The direct current was generated by the bat- relative to a product already on the market needed to be shown. FDA
tery-powered device, and the drug was delivered through the electrodes also approved NuPathe's sumatriptan iontophoretic transdermal patch
into the skin. However, this product was also withdrawn from the for migraine (Zecuity®). Following the successful approval of Zecuity by
market in 2011 (Federal Register, 2011). FDA, Teva Pharmaceuticals acquired NuPathe Inc. for $144 million
Similarly, IONSYS®, an iontophoretic transdermal patch for fentanyl (BioSpace 2013). However, after the brief commercial success of the
delivery, has been withdrawn from the market more than two times. product, Teva pharmaceuticals suspended their sales for Zecuity and
This iontophoretic fentanyl patch is a self-activating delivery system for investigated the cause and risk of severe burns and potential scarring
patients to control acute postoperative surgical pain. In 2006, both the due to sumatriptan iontophoretic patch (Zecuity®) (FDA Drug Safety
US FDA and European Medicines Agency approved the iontophoretic Communication, 2016).
fentanyl patch (IONSYS®) for acute postoperative pain. However, cor-
rosion in the circuit system was identified in one of the lots of ionto- 6.2. Iontophoretic devices in the cosmetic industry
phoretic fentanyl patches. This malfunction could potentially self-
trigger the device and could result in a patient overdose. Due to the The cosmetic industry primarily focuses on restoration [acne and
danger of overdosing, the European Medicines Agency recommended hyperpigmentation] and structural repair (scar treatments and anti-
the suspension of the product from the market in 2008 (European wrinkle) of the skin. Cosmetic agents are usually applied topically and
Medicines Agency, 2008). However, the iontophoretic fentanyl patch delivered at the site of action, which is usually the viable epidermis and
(IONSYS®) was later re-introduced to the market by The Medicines dermis. For efficient delivery of these agents, enhancement techniques
Company after FDA approval (Businesswire, 2015) but has again been like iontophoresis, microporation (laser and microneedles), sonophor-
discontinued, and all the products were withdrawn from the market in esis, and microdermabrasion are being used (Scott and Banga, 2015).
July 2017. This technique is also gaining recognition due to better compliance
Another product that was marketed is GlucoWatch® G2™ rates and noninvasive drug delivery hence fewer side effects.
Biographer, an automatic glucose biographer device, developed by The application of iontophoresis in the cosmetic industry started in
former Cygnus, Inc. The product was a glucose monitoring device based early 1935 when iontophoresis was used in salon practice. Earlier
on the principle of reverse iontophoresis, which was discussed earlier. iontophoresis was used for cosmetic applications in dermatological

P. Bakshi, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

clinics, but now with the advancement in technology, smaller cosmetic development for delivery by iontophoresis.
devices, and iontophoretic patches, the technology can be used at
home. Cosmetic devices marketed in the US are regulated under class I 7.1. Systemic drugs
device; a classification that does not need FDA approval before mar-
keting or class II where safety and efficacy are compared with the 7.1.1. Fentanyl
commercially available cosmetic device and are approved via 510(k) Approximately 75% of surgical patients suffer from moderate to
application (Newburger, 2006; Cosmetics and Skin, 2020; Class I/II severe postoperative pain (Wells et al., 2008). This happens despite
Exemptions. Health C for D and R, 2019; Wang and Lee, 2015). clinical advancements and constant efforts made to the development of
WrinkleMD™ and Patchology® are examples of cosmetic ionto- better standards for pain management (Apfelbaum et al., 2003; Gan
phoretic patches on the market. Cosmetic manufacturers generally refer et al., 2014). FDA approval of IONSYS®, iontophoretic fentanyl patch by
to galvanic microcurrent to describe the technology. The microcurrent The Medicines Company, USA, was expected to provide an alternative
is provided from the electric unit that delivers cosmetic agents in the to the traditional IV-PCA (patient-controlled analgesia). It was the first
skin through the flexible patch when placed on the skin (Patchology, needle-free, patient-controlled, pre-programmed fentanyl delivery
2020). NuFACE Trinity®, an FDA approved product and Nu Skin’s system for patients suffering from post-operative pain. It was a short-
Galvanic Spa System are iontophoretic devices on the market that use term pain management system for the replacement of opioid analgesia
microcurrent technology on skin. The current, when applied improved in the hospital (The Medicines Company, 2020). In the past, it has been
facial toning and also claims to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and demonstrated that fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal delivery provides
fine lines on the skin. Fig. 2 shows iontophoretic devices currently on more tolerability and postoperative pain relief (Saffer et al., 2015).
the US market used for cosmetic purposes. These cosmetic ionto- Clinical trials for the iontophoretic fentanyl transdermal system showed
phoretic devices with built-in integrated battery and circuits are con- that it was equally effective and as safe as morphine intravenous [IV]
sumer-friendly and also cost-effective compared to treatments in der- patient-controlled analgesia (PCA).
matological clinics. IONSYS® offered control over the analgesic dosing by double-
pressing a button to provide on-demand dosing of fentanyl by an im-
6.3. Other iontophoretic devices: perceptible electric current. It was administered only in hospitalized
patients and not intended for use at home. However, it had the potential
Other applications of iontophoresis include the delivery of local to improve acute post-operative surgical pain for patients by optimizing
anesthetic drugs. In November 2019, FDA approved the most recent nursing care (The Medicines Company, 2020).
iontophoretic device, the Tula® System, by Tusker Medical Inc. (Tula® Due to the presence of fentanyl, a Schedule II controlled substance
System - P, 2020). This system consists of the Tula iontophoresis system with high abuse potential, IONSYS® was available under the Risk
with the Tula tube delivery system used to deliver a solution of amide Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program required by the
local anesthetic and an α and β adrenergic agonist to the eardrums. The FDA. The aims of this program included a desire to reduce the risk of
system is approved to be used in both adults as well as children above respiratory depression that results from accidental exposure to non-
six months of age for the treatment of persistent fluid or infections in prescribed people (The Medicines Company, 2020). However, the
the middle ear (Accessdata.fda.gov, 2020; Tula® System - P, 2020; product was discontinued (July 2017), and was withdrawn from the
Crotti, 2020). market based on a business decision by The Medicines Company and
Transdermal iontophoresis is also used for the topical delivery of was claimed to have no quality or safety issues with the product for
anti-inflammatory agents (Costello and Jeske, 1995), analgesics, and in withdrawal.
the treatment of hyperhidrosis (Reinauer et al., 1993; Vlahovic, 2016).
Hyperhidrosis is the condition of excessive sweating and affects 2–3% 7.1.2. Sumatriptan
of the population. Tap water iontophoresis seems to offer a viable op- Migraine is a common condition affecting 10% of the adult popu-
tion for long-term treatment that does not require any medications. lation worldwide (Morillo, 2002). One class of drugs, triptans, are
Some of the FDA approved devices to treat hyperhidrosis currently on commonly used as anti-migraine agents and are an agonist of 5-HT1
the market are Hidrex PSP1000, Idromed 5 PS, and Fischer Galvanic family receptors (Brandt et al., 2020). Sumatriptan is the most widely
MD-2. These devices use direct and pulsed current to process ionto- prescribed triptan. Currently, marketed formulations of sumatriptan,
phoresis, and current applied induces ions to pass through the skin and with other routes of delivery, have their respective advantages and
block or turn off the sweat ducts temporarily (Nawrocki and Cha, 2019; disadvantages. Parenteral delivery provides a good response, but the
Fischer Product, 2020; Hidrex, 2019; IontoCentre, 2020; Hyperhidrosis, patient suffers from more adverse side effects compared to other routes
2020). of administration. Moreover, injections bring discomfort to the pain.
One iontophoretic product on the market that can be filled with any Oral formulations are more patient compliant, but most of the
drug solution is IontoPatch™ , an iontophoretic patch for extended time- people suffering from migraines experience nausea or vomiting during
release of drugs placed in this patch and is manufactured by Travanti their migraine attacks, making oral absorption unreliable (Vikelis et al.,
Medical (IontoPatch®, 2020). It can provide noninvasive drug delivery 2012). The half-life of sumatriptan is only 2 h, and most of the active
and is designed for use in physical medicine and rehabilitation centers. drug is eliminated within 4–6 h in the majority of the patients (Tfelt-
It has a self-contained battery producing low levels of electric current, Hansen, 1998). Nasal and oral formulations of sumatriptan suffer from
which stops after the prescribed dose (mA-minute) is delivered. These poor bioavailability, whereas subcutaneous administration in the form
patches are for single-use and disposable (Banga, 2011; Costello and of injections leads to rapid effect. Thus, due to reasons discussed,
Jeske, 1995). Other such devices that are on the market include Tri- transdermal delivery offers advantages over other routes of adminis-
varion®, Trivarion® Butterfly, and ActivaDose® II (ActivaTek Inc., USA). tration. Sumatriptan is a relatively hydrophilic drug (Ahn and Basbaum,
This technology allows precise dosing in a unique integrated circuit in a 2005); hence transdermal iontophoretic delivery of the drug is ideal.
device that has controls for current and time of application (Trivarion®, Iontophoresis delivers a steady-state of therapeutic drug levels over a
2014). more extended period. This sustained therapeutic level is helpful for
patients to avoid recurrence that is likely to occur due to its short half-
7. Clinical relevance and future of iontophoresis-based drug life. It yields lower Cmax with comparable AUC, yielding a safer de-
delivery livery profile with fewer side effects (Siegel et al., 2020; Siegel, 2005).
Fig. 3 illustrates the pharmacokinetic profile of sumatriptan following
This section will discuss drugs that are either approved or in clinical iontophoretic delivery. Plasma levels are maintained around 20 ng/ml

P. Bakshi, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

product is a challenging factor. Other challenges involve avoiding dose

dumping and formulating an electronically safe device.
Cigarette smoking is harmful to health and is a primary contributing
factor for lung cancer. Therefore, smoking cessation is highly desired to
reduce health risks. Currently, nicotine replacement products such as
nicotine patches and bupropion are being used to address the problem
of smoking cessation (Nicotine Transdermal Patch: MedlinePlus Drug
Information, 2019,). However, to explore other drugs for transdermal
delivery, combinational approaches with iontophoresis are being in-
vestigated. This novel approach will help the investigation of more
drugs for smoking cessation. One such drug for smoking cessation,
nortriptyline hydrochloride delivery, has been delivered by ionto-
phoresis along with permeation enhancers, isopropyl myristate (20%,
w/w), and propylene glycol (15%, w/w). The efficient delivery of
nortriptyline hydrochloride was observed by the combinational ap-
proach of iontophoresis with permeation enhancers (Escobar-Chávez
Fig. 3. Sumatriptan plasma concentration over time for each formulation. et al., 2009; Merino et al., 2008).
Iontophoretic delivery of Sumatriptan shows a maintained level of 20 ng/ml Iontophoresis has been explored for use in the treatment of skin
until the cessation of iontophoretic delivery at 4 h. Reproduced from (Pierce cancers in order to avoid the significant side effects associated with
et al., 2009 Jun 1) with permission from Elsevier. anti-cancer drugs. One such study was carried out on cetuximab, an
anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody for the treatment of non-melanoma
until the termination of iontophoretic delivery at 4 h. Thus, ionto- skin cancer. Therapeutically relevant concentrations of cetuximab were
phoresis based transdermal delivery of sumatriptan offers rapid but obtained in the epidermis, upper dermis, and lower dermis after 1 h,
steady and non-invasive drug delivery approach (Pierce, 2010; Siegel, 4 h, and 8 h, respectively proving the potential of anti-cancer drugs for
2005). non-invasive transdermal delivery. (Lapteva et al., 2020)
The maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) achieved with the su- Also, iontophoresis technology has been explored for the treatment
matriptan patch was 30% lower than that achieved by the subcutaneous of skin diseases like psoriasis. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disorder
route. Lower Cmax reduces the adverse effects of the patch as compared associated with the uncontrolled growth of epidermis. One of the sig-
to S.C. administration (Rapoport et al., 2010). FDA had approved a new nificant challenges in the conventional treatment of psoriasis is the
drug application of iontophoretic patch containing Sumatriptan (Ze- inability of the therapeutic drug to penetrate the layers of the skin.
cuity®, formerly NP101- Zelrix™, Nupathe Inc., Conshohocken, PA, These barriers can be overcome by iontophoresis, and iontophoretic
USA) (BioSpace 2013). The iontophoretic device for sumatriptan was delivery of methotrexate has been investigated for the treatment of
designed to reach therapeutic dose (with 4 mA for 1 h followed by 2 mA psoriasis (Dhote et al., 2012; Vemulapalli et al., 2008; Vemulapalli
for 3 h) within four hours. As discussed previously, iontophoretic de- et al., 2008).
livery of sumatriptan maintained a constant level of 20 ng/ml until the
termination of iontophoretic delivery at 4 h (Pierce et al., 2009; 8. Clinical investigations with iontophoresis
ZECUITY®, 2015). However, the product is currently discontinued, as
discussed earlier. Iontophoretic delivery of lidocaine has been thoroughly in-
vestigated. Draper et al. were able to deliver 2% lidocaine and epi-
nephrine with iontophoresis within 10 min in a clinical setting at
7.2. Local treatment- Lidocaine/Epinephrine
40 mA/min. Lidocaine was detected at a depth of 5 mm below the skin
surface. The total concentration delivered was more than 18% (Draper
LidoSite™ (from former Vyteris Inc., Fair Lawn, NJ, USA) was ap-
et al., 2011). In another study, the effectiveness of lidocaine ionto-
proved by FDA in 2004 and was a lidocaine patch in combination with
phoresis was investigated to inactivate trigger points in the treatment of
epinephrine. The combination with epinephrine helps reduce the blood
myofascial pain syndrome. Anxiety and depression scores were sig-
flow at the delivery site, thereby decreasing systemic uptake and in-
nificantly improved by using direct current with and without lidocaine
creasing the dermal concentration. The current density used in
iontophoresis at three mA for 10 min (Kaya et al., 2009). The Pulsed
LidoSite™ patch was 0.35 mA/cm2 and was to be applied for 10 min,
dye laser is a therapy used for the treatment of port-wine stains, but the
with the patch formulation designed to be at pH 4.5, at which both
treatment is painful and requires repeated sessions. Iontophoresis of
lidocaine and epinephrine are positively charged (USFDA Drug
lidocaine with and without epinephrine was observed to be a safe and
Approval Package, 2004; Lidosite, 2007). However, the product also
effective method of local anesthesia and does not affect the treatment
has been discontinued since 2006 due to the reasons discussed earlier in
efficacy (Kennard and Whitaker, 1992).
this review.
Iontophoretic delivery of lidocaine was also investigated for the
treatment of chronic arthritis in children, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
7.3. Other potential applications (JIA). A clinical study performed on children showed delivery of 2%
lidocaine with local anesthetic (EMLA®) cream provides an excellent
The development of integrated circuits and miniaturized or coated alternative to painful joint injections (ClinicalTrials.gov, 2019). Topi-
batteries will enable the design and manufacture of compact credit- cally applied drugs for the treatment of herpes labialis (cold sores)
card-sized patches, further improving patient acceptance of this tech- exhibit lower levels of efficacy due to limited permeability through the
nology. The industry will do a better if they focus on niche products skin. Iontophoresis offers enhanced drug delivery through the skin by
with significant unmet needs to use this technology so that there are no using low levels of electric current. Clinical studies performed on ion-
insurance reimbursement issues. More product approvals are expected, tophoretic Zovirax (acyclovir) Cream was achieved, having 5% delivery
and approval will be easier to obtain for drugs that are intended for (ClinicalTrials.gov, 2007).
localized effects on the skin. As iontophoresis shows a preference for a Further, in one of the clinical studies, transdermal delivery by ion-
trans-appendageal route, this widens horizons with regards to the tophoresis of prokinetic agents like neostigmine and glycopyrrolate was
treatment of follicular diseases or hair treatments. The cost of the investigated for the promotion of bowel evacuation. Bowel care can be

P. Bakshi, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 586 (2020) 119584

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