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2004 IEEElPES Transmission & Distribution Conference 8 Exposition: Latin America 1

Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Loss

Reduction with Variable Demands
E. A. Bueno, C. Lyra, Senior Member IEEE, and C.Cavellucci

period of time [8-131.

Absrract- This paper presents a contribution to loss reduction Although loss reductions is achieved when the
in distribution systems, considering variable demands. codguration of distribution system is changed to adjust to the
Formulations for both fixed and variable demands are presented. demand variations, is important to consider that switch
Simple examples illustrate significant aspects of the problem with
variabte demands. Two algorithms are proposed to solve the loss
operations imply some risk, due to transitory disturbances on
reduction problem with fixed configuration for the whole the network.
planning period. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact on loss
reduction due to load variations during the planning period.
Index Terms-Distribution system, loss minimization, network Their contributions are a careful analysis of the loss reduction
reconfiguration. problem with variable demands and two heuristic approaches
to solve the problem, considering an unchanged configuration
I. INTRODUCTION during the whole planning period.

r all electric power systems energy is continuously The next section presents the mathematical formulation for
dissipated in the lines and equipments - these losses are the loss reductions problems, with fEed and variable
named “technical losses”. In Brazil, losses amount to around demands. Section I11 discusses simple case studies to illustrate
15% of total energy production [l]; in the distribution systems the main aspect of the problem. Section IV and V propose
losses frequently achieve levels above 8% [2]. approaches to deal with the problem of loss reduction under
Distributions networks usually operate with a radial variable demands and fxed network configurations.
configuration. Neighbor feeders are linked through Conclusions fallow.
interconnection switches (open switches). A network
reconfiguration can be achieved by changing the opedclosed 11. PROBLEM CHARACTERISTICS
status of switches, keeping the radial topology of the network. Figure 1 presents a simplified diagram of a primary electric
In 1975, the French engineers Merlin and Back [3] proposed power distribution network, distinguishing the principal
to use network recodlguration procedures for loss reductions entities for the loss reduction problem: substations (SE), lines
in distribution systems. (L), switches (SW)and consumption in the load blocks (LB).
The number of passible configurations on a distribution
system is associated to the number of switch state
combinations, which increases in a factorial relation with the
number of switches existing in the network. Thus, evaluation
of all possible configurations is not possible, even with state
of the art computers. Heuristic techniques are adapted to deal
4 t
with the problem [4]; among them “Sequential Switch
Opening” [3,5] and “Branch Exchange” [6,7] are probably the II L B I SW, . L B d

most popular approaches.

The majority of the methodologies applied to the loss
reduction problem consider fixed demands. However, some
works already identified the benefits of approaching the
problem considering the load variations throughout a given U 2 6
Fig. 1. Electric power distribution network
This work was supported by the CNPq - entity from Govem of Brazil to
support study and research. The distribution network can be represented by a graph
E. A. Bueno is a Ph.D. student at the School of Elecbical and Computer G = [N, A], where N is the set of nodes and A the set of arcs
Engineering (EEC), University of Campinas (UNICAMF), Campinas, Sa0
Paulo, Brazil (e-mail: [14], Fig. 2 presents a graph representation for the primary
C. Lyra is with FEECRMICAMP, Campinas, S b Paulo, Brazil (e-m$l: distribution network of Fig. 1.
C. Cavellucci is with THOTH Solutions, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil (e-

0-7803-8775-91041$20.00 02004 lEEE 304


usually be approximated to one per unit (5 x 1 P.u.). In such

cases it is possible to simplify the (l), becoming unnecessary
the voltage magnitude comtraints in problem P [7].
Also, in well compensated networks, the reactivate power
can be considered approximately proportional to the active
power, (e. g., Q, a,Pj for V j ), Under this assumption, both
power flow equations are equivalent. Also, the objective
function, represented by (4), can be expressed as follows.
f ( ~ =) (I+ a z ) ~ r P P i
(2 1
Note that the optimization result is not altered by the term
1 + a in (2). So, it needs to be considered just for the losses
-9- Line with closed switch
calculation, after the problem resolution.
Transmission network

Fig. 2. Graph representation of distributionnetwork B. Formulation for Uniform Remand Variation

Figure 3 presents a load curve with uniform demand
The nodes are associated with load blocks or substations (a

node root, R, is also included to prevent difficulties in the
treatment of network connectivity). The arcs are associated Demands 4
with either lines or switches - the arcs thai connect the
substations to the node root represent the transmission

A . Fixed Demand Formulation

"he electric losses (dssipated power) through the lines are
proportional to the square of the currents, They can be
expressed in terms of the active and reactivate power flows in
the network arcs [7]. So the total losses in the network are
defmed by the fimctionf(P, Q) as following.

Fig. 3. Load Curve with Uniform Demands Variations

where the q k is the resistance of the line.
The active power (PJk), the reactivate power (Q,,t), and the The energy losses considering the uniform demand
voltage magnitudes (4)can be calculated by an approximate variation can be defmed by the functionf(P, T),
power flow method [7].
The reconfiguration problem for a set of known demands
(in a given moment), can be characterized as (j=l k-l

Considering that hi is a constant, the fhction f (P, T ) can be

expressed as
s.t. - Powerjlows;
- Muximumflows constraints;
- Voltage magniiude constraints;
- Network radial operation.

Since multiplication by a constant does not alter the result of

To solve the problem P it is necessary to find the arcs
the optimization, (4) shows that to solve the losses reduction
(switches) that must be (closed switches) or not (open
problem with uniform demand variation is equivalent to
switches) in a radial configuration for the network. The vector
solving the problem for fixed demands. The constant
C,., with dimension of the number of arcs, is composed of
binary components (0 defining open switches and 1 defining K =[$ A,J;) should be considered just for the calculation of
closed switches).
The voltage magnitudes of the distribution systems can the losses, after the problem solution.


C. Formulationfor Non Uniform Demand Variation d, d,

In practice, the load variation is not uniform. For example,
during a given period of a day, an industrial area can reduce
consumption while a residential area increases consumption.
In this section we propose formulations for the loss reduction
problem with non-uniformdemand variations. Two scenarios
are considered: allowing changes in configurations after each
significant modification in demand profiles and keeping
configurations fixed for the whole planning period. These two 4 4
scenarios can be formulated as follows. Fig.4. Fictitious distribution network

Suppose three levels of load values: low, medium and high.

Table I shows the consumption in each load block di (in
Fig. 4), for the three load levels.

pvd Pvd, TABLE 1

Configuration Constraint Configururion Comtruint
A.Ci.Pi=br A.C.Pi=bi di dz k dr dj d6
Low @hours) 3,O 2,5 2.5 1,5 1,5 1,O
ippPpF -
P SF SF Medim(10 hours) 4,O 2,5 12,O 2,O 2,O 1,s
High (6hours) 22,O 3,O 4,O 2,5 2,5 2,O
9,= [ x A ’ 1~it is a tree ij= [ xjf’)it is atree

Consider the resistance for all ms 1 ohm. The optimal

where T is the number of the time intervals considered; C is a radial configurations for the low, medium, and high load
square diagonal matrix, where the diagonal is the vector of
levels are, respectively, the configurations 1, 2 and 3,
states of switches in the network (Cy); P is the vector of presented in Fig, 5 .
power flows; b is the vector of demands in nodes and power
injected at the root node; P and are bounds on flows;,Ti
is the group of arcs that represent closed switches in the “ F I G 1”
Optimal for “low l d ’
interval i and is the group of arcs that represent closed
switches during the whole planning period.
Solving problem Pvd is equivalent to solving several
MNFlG 2 -
uncoupled problems, one for each time interval Ai. optimalEar “nzedhmlaclb‘
h problem P V d c just one network configration is allowed
for the whole planning period. Because of this assumption,
problem Pvdrcis much larger (and difficult) than problem P v d .
Actually, problem PVdrchas not been previousIy approached
by other researchers.
In this paper, two approaches for the solution of the
problem Pvap are proposed. The f i t approach, named Fig. 5. optimalRadial Cofigurations
“Mini” Energy Losses”, is based on the algorithm of
“Sequential Switch Opening”, developed by Merlin and Back The losses for each configuration shown h Fig. 5 are
(1975). ?‘he second approach, named ‘%eneralized Branch present in Table II. The last line (Optimal Losses) gives the
Exchange”, is inspired in the algorithm “Branch Exchange’’ best values for losses, supposing that the network is allowed
[ 6 ] . Those methods will be discussed in the Sections IV and to change configuration in order to adapt to the demands
V, respectively. Next section presents simple case studies to variations. Column “Total 24h” presents the total network
illustrate sigruficant aspects of the problem. losses for a one day planning period. The first three lines of
this column consider that the system operates with fmed
configurations, respectively, the configurations 1, 2, and 3.
111. CASESTUDIES The last line (of the same column) informs the losses for the
Figure 4 shows a reduce distribution network with 9 nodes one day period, when the system operates with the best
and 11 arcs. It will be used to study the behavior of the configuration for each load profile. The last column in same
Table II (Increase) indicates the increase in losses with
electrical losses under demand variations.
respect to the optimal situation (when the network is modified
to adapt its configuration to the load).


I Losses I
Low Load High Load Total

Power Energy Power Energy Energy

0 ww (kw) (kw &w4

Results shown in Table I1 allow the following conclusions: Another radial configuration is presented in Fig, 7. Its
[)The best loss reductions are achieved when network power and energy losses for low and high load are presented
configurations are altered to adapt to load variations; in Table IV.
iQ When it is imposed that network configurations should
be fixed, the best operation alternatives would not
necessarily be the best configuration for the high load;
iii) In some situations the constraint that the configuration
remain fixed will not lead to a significant increment in
total losses - note in Table I1 that if the system operates Fig. 7. An alternative configuration
with Configuration 2 losses will increase only 1,5%,
with respect to the optimal condition. TABLE lV
iv) A small change in the configuration can lead to ENERGYLOSSESVALUESINALTE~VATIVE CONFIGURATTON
significant reduction in losses - for instance, switching
from Configuration 3 to Configuration 2 leads to a loss I
reduction of approximately 38%. Low Load High Load Total
In the example, Configuration 2 (best configuration for Power Energy Power Energy Energy
medium level loads) corresponds the best alternative to (kw) WW 0 (kwh)
operate the network with a fxed configuration. However, the Duration I 12hours 12 hours I 24hours
optimal fixed network configuration is not necessarily the best
configuration for a given period. This situation will be
illustrated in the following example.
Consider the same network shown in Fig. 4. To simplify The Configuration C is not the best alternative for either
exposition, consider only two segments of the load curve, both the low or high loads. However, it is better than
with a 12 hours interval. Consumption in each node is Configurations A and B under the constraint of operation with
presented in Table I. The optimal configurations for each load a fixed configuration for a day.
profile are present io Fig. 6. Next sections propose alternatives approaches to find
Table III presents the losses in power (kW) and energy optimal fmed configurations, for operation during a given
(kwh) for the two load situations. Last column shows energy planning period. In other words, they propose methods to
losses during a one day period. solve problem Pvdlc.

CONFIG A - In their pioneering work, Merlin and Back (1975) proposed
optimal far “low l o d the method of “Sequential Switch Opening” for loss reduction
problem with fixed demands. In short, the method consists of
the successive application of two procedures, until a radial
solution is found:
CONFIG B - 9 Find the best distribution of flows for a network with
ii)Open the switch with the smallest power flow.
Fig. 6 . Optimal Configurationsfor Low and High Loads

The MEL algorithm is an extension of these ideas for

solving problem PvdfF.It can be summarized in the following
sequence of steps.


Step01 Calculate the optimal power flows for all the considering different degrees of freedom for the network
situations of loads, without the constraint of radial operation. In the ideal case, networks can change
operation; configurations freely, in order to better adapt to demand
Step U2 Calculate the total energy associated with each arc variations. In a case more realistic, and difficult, networks
for the whole planning period (the total energy associated should operate with fixed configuration; analysis of this case
with one arc is the sum of the energies that circulate in the is the main contribution of the paper.
arc, considering all intervals); The mathematical formulations were simplified to
Srep 03 Verify if the network has cycles; if yes, remove the emphasize the most important characteristics of the problem.
arc in a cycle (open the switch) with the smallest energy Simple examples were designed to illustrate the various
value and r e m to Step 01;otherwise, STOP and show
aspecb of the problem.
the solution.
The case studies showed the importance of developing
methods that lead to good solutions of the problem with
variable demands and fixed configurations. The “Minimum
Energy Losses” and “Branch Exchange by Energy” methods
The Branch Exchange method proposed by Civanlar et al. were proposed in this direction.
[6] starts witch a radial configuration. Through branch
exchanges, the configuration is modified successively in the
attempt to reduce resistive losses, without losing the radial VII. BFEFtENCES
network topology. Good branches for exchanges can be [l] C. Cavellucci, “Buscas Informadas baseadas em Grafos para a
identified with the following conditions: MinimizaGb das Perdas em Sistemas de DistribuiqBo de Energia
i 1 if there is a significantvoltage difference between the EUtrica’*, PhD. dissertation, Electrical Engineering and Computation
terminals (nodes) of an open switch, then there are Faculty, Unicamp, 1998.
possibilities of losses reduction; (21 J. B. Buch, R D. Miller and J. E. Wheeler, “Distrbutiou System
io loss reduction is achieved with load tsansfer from the
Integrated Voltage and Reactive Power Control”. IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparam and Systems, pp. 284 - 289, 1982.
low voltage terminal to the high voltage terminal. [3] A. Merlin and H. Back,“Search for a Minimal-LossOperating Spanning
The following algorithm adapts the Branch Exchange ideas Tree Coniiguration in an Urban Power Distribution System”. Proc. 1975
to deal with problem Pvdrf PSCC 5th Power System Compulation Conference, Cambridge (VK),
paper 1.2/6.
[4] C. Lyra, C. Pissarra and C. Cavellucci, ‘Xdu@o de Padas na
step U1 Consider a radial network configuration; calculate Distribuiqilo de E n e p Elktrica”, CBA 2000 h i s do Xm Congressp
voltages for all nodes; Brasileiro de Autodtica.
Step 02 If there are no switches with significant voltage drop [SI D. Siurmohammadl and H. Hang, “Reconfiguration of Electric
Distribution Networks for Resistive Line Losses Reduction”. IEEE.
between terminals, STOP (the process of Branch 1989.
Exchange is fmished); [6] S. Civanlar, J.J. Grainger; H. Ym and S.S.H. Lee.“Distribution Feeder
Step 03 For each open switch, Reconfiguration for Loss Reduction”. IEEE. Transaclions on Power
For all load profile, Delivery, vol. 3, pp. 1217-1223, 1988.
- calculate the voltage differences between [7] M. Baran and F. Wu ‘Wetwork Reconl?ption in Distribution System
for Lass Reduction and Load Balancing”.IEEE. Trunsactions on Power
terminals; Delivery, vol. 4, pp. 1401-1407,1989.
- multiply the value of the voltage difference for [SI R E. Lee attd C. L. Brooks, “A Method and Its Application to Evaluate
each profile by the interval duration; Automated Distribution Control”. IEEE Transactions on Power
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- calculate the voltuge direreme extended, [9] C. S. Chen and M. Y. Cho, Tnergy Loss Reduction by Critical
corresponding to the sum of the product of voltage Switches”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 8, pp. 1246-1253,
difference by the duration of the intervals; 1993.
Step U4 Close the switch that shows the largest voltage [lo] Q. Zhou, D. Shmohammadi and W. H. E. Liu, ‘?)ismibution F d a
Reconfiguration for Operation Cost Reduction”. IEEE, Transactions OR
drflerence extended Power Systems, vo1.12,pp. 730-735,1997.
- identify the cycle formed in the network; Ill] R Taleski and 0. RajiEiE, “Distribution Network Reconfiguration for
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largest energy losses reduction; pp. 398 - 406, 1997.
[12] K. Y. Huang and H. C. Chin, “DistributionFeeder Energy Conservation
Step 05 Return to the radial configuration, by opening the by using Heuristics Fuzzy Approach” Electrical Power and Energy
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losses reduction; [13] P. A. Vargas, C. Lyra, and F. J. Von Zuben, "Learning Classifiers on
Step 06 Update the values of voltages and return to Step 02. Guard Against Losses in DistributionNetworks”. IEEE/PES T&D 2002
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[I41 R.K. Ahuja, T.L.Mapanti and J. B. Orlin, ‘Wetwork Flows: Theory,
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A mathematical formulation for the problem was presented,

Christian0 Lyra is a professor of Electrical Engineering at the School of

Electrical and Computer hgineering of the University of Campinas
(UNICAMF'), in Sit0 Paulo, Brazil. Born in 1951 in Pemambuco (Brazil), he
6nished high school as an AFS exchange student in Philadelphia, United
States in 1970. He graduated from the Federal University of Pemambuco
(Brazil) in 1975 with a B.S. degree in electrical engineerhg. His M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering were received from UNICAMP, in
1979 and 1984, respectively. Following a brief career at the Power Company
of the S b Francisco River, he joined the Faculty of UNICAMP in 1978 where
he has been head of the Department of Systems Engineering and Director of
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering;presently he is the Dean of the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include
power systems optlnization, energy systems analysis, planning and operation
of dLFtrbution systems and infelhgentcomputing. He is a Senior Member of

Celso Cavellucci manages Thoth Solutions. He graduated in 1974 from the

University of Mackenzie in SS0 Paulo (Brazil) with a B.S. in electrical
engineering. His M.S.and PhD. degrees in electtical engineering were
received from UNICAMP, in 1989 and 1999, respectively. M e r working for
VASP airlines and Olivetti of Brazil, he joined the Power Company of Sib
Paul0 (CPFL)in 1976, where he has coordinated the areas of information
analysis and systems analysis and developed methodology to assess planning,
project and operation of dwtribution networks. He left CPFL in 2000 to start
moth Solutions. His research interests include planning and operation of
distribution systems, artificial intelligence and combinatorial optimization.

Edilson Ap. Bueno received in 1996 the 3.S. degree in electrical engineering
from S3o Paul0 State University (UNESP) in Ilha Solteira. His M.S. degree in
electrical engineering was received from University of Campinas
o]NICAMF') in 2000. Currently, he is a PbD. student ai UNlCAMP. His
research interest5 include planning and o p e d o n of distribution systems and
operational research.


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