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Termination of
years. (Colegio Del Santisimo Rosario v.
Rojo [2013])
EMPLOYMENT An employee who was suffered to work
for more than the legal period of six (6)
months of probationary employment or
A. SECURITY OF TENURE less shall, by operation of law, become
1. Categories of Employment as to Tenure a regular employee. (Umali v.
Hobbywing Solutions, Inc., [2018])
a. Regular

The employee has been engaged to The necessity or desirability of the work
perform activities which are usually performed by an employee can be
necessary or desirable in the usual inferred from the length of time that an
business or trade of the employer employee has been performing this
work. If an employee has been
The test to determine whether employed for at least one (1) year, he or
employment is regular or not is the she is considered a regular employee by
reasonable connection between the operation of law.
particular activity performed by the
employee in relation to the usual Maintenance personnel performing
business or trade of the employer. If the repair works and maintenance services
employee has been performing the job such as fixing livestock and poultry
for at least one year, even if the houses and facilities as well as doing
performance is not continuous or merely construction activities within the
intermittent, the law deems the repeated premises of the employer’s farms and
and continuing need for its performance other sales outlets for an interrupted
as sufficient evidence of the necessity, if period of three (3) to seventeen (17)
not indispensability, of that activity to years performed necessary and
the business. (Geraldo v. The Bill Sender desirable activities to the employer’s
Corp., [2018]; Vicmar Development poultry and livestock business. (Abuda
Corporation v. Elarcosa [2015]) vs. L. Natividad Poultry Farms [2018])

The primary standard for determining The services of regular employees can
regular employment is the reasonable be terminated only by the employer for
connection between the particular just cause or authorized cause. In case of
activity performed by the employee in illegal dismissal, the regular employee
relation to the usual trade or business of shall be entitled to reinstatement
the employer. Respondents' jobs as without loss of seniority rights and other
fishermen-crew members of F/B MG 28 privileges and to his full backwages,
were directly related and necessary to inclusive of allowance, and to his other
petitioner's deep-sea fishing business benefits or their monetary equivalent
and they had been performing their job computed from the time his
for more than one year. (Lu v. Enopia compensation was withheld from him to
[2017]) the time of his actual reinstatement. (Art.
294, Labor Code)
Full time teachers become regular or
permanent employees once they have The services of an employee who has
satisfactorily completed the been engaged on probationary basis
probationary period of three school may be terminated for any of the

following: (a) a just or (b) an authorized Alcaraz [2013])
cause; and (c) when he fails to qualify as
a regular employee in accordance with b. Casual
reasonable standards prescribed by the An employment shall be deemed to be
employer. casual if it is not covered by the
preceding paragraph: Provided, That
The employer is made to comply with any employee who has rendered at least
two (2) requirements when dealing with one year of service, whether such service
a probationary employee: first, the is continuous or broken, shall be
employer must communicate the considered a regular employee (by
regularization standards to the operation of law) with respect to the
probationary employee; and second, the activity in which he is employed and his
employer must make such employment shall continue while such
communication at the time of the activity exists.
probationary employee’s engagement. If
the employer fails to comply with either, Repeated rehiring of casual employee
the employee is deemed as a regular and makes him a regular employee. (Tan vs.
not a probationary employee. Lagrama [1998])

Keeping with these rules, an employer is The second paragraph of Article 280,
deemed to have made known the stating that an employee who has
standards that would qualify a rendered service for at least one (1) year
probationary employee to be a regular shall be considered a regular employee,
employee when it has exerted is applicable only to a casual employee
reasonable efforts to apprise the and not to a project or
employee of what he is expected to do a regular employee referred to in
or accomplish during the trial period of paragraph one thereof. (E. Ganzon, Inc. v.
probation. This goes without saying that Ando, Jr., [2017])
the employee is sufficiently made aware
of his probationary status as well as the c. Probationary
length of time of the probation. A probationary employee is one who is
placed on trial by an employer, during
The exception to the foregoing is when which the latter determines whether or
the job is self-descriptive in nature, for not the former is qualified for
instance, in the case of maids, cooks, permanent employment.
drivers, or messengers. Also, the rule on
notifying a probationary employee of By virtue of a probationary
the standards of regularization should employment, an employer is given an
not be used to exculpate an employee opportunity to observe the fitness and
who acts in a manner contrary to basic competency of a probationary employee
knowledge and common sense in regard while at work. During the probationary
to which there is no need to spell out a period of employment, an employer has
policy or standard to be met. In the same the right or is at liberty to decide who
light, an employee’s failure to perform will be hired and who will be denied
the duties and responsibilities which employment. (Moral v. Momentum
have been clearly made known to him Properties Management Corp., G.R. No.
constitutes a justifiable basis for a 226240 [2019])
probationary employee’s non-
regularization. (Abbott Laboratories v. Probationary employment shall not

exceed six (6) months from the date the (Universidad de Sta. Isabel vs. Sambajon Jr.,
employee started working, unless it is [2014])
covered by an apprenticeship agreement
stipulating a longer period. The services As a probationary employee, he may also be
of an employee who has been engaged validly dismissed for a just or authorized
on a probationary basis may be cause, or when he fails to qualify as a
terminated for a just cause or when he regular employee in accordance with
fails to qualify as a regular employee in reasonable standards made known to him
accordance with reasonable standards by the employer at the time of his
made known by the employer to the engagement. Apart from the protection this
employee at the time of his engagement. last ground in the dismissal of a
An employee who is allowed to work probationary employee affords the
after a probationary period shall be employee, it is also in line with the right or
considered a regular employee. privilege of the employer to choose who will
be accorded with regular or permanent
GENERAL RULE: Probationary period shall status and who will be denied employment
not exceed 6 months from the date the after the period of probation. It is within the
employee started working. Once exceeded, exercise of this right that the employers may
the employee becomes a regular employee. set or fix a probationary period within
which it may test and observe the
employee's conduct before hiring him
permanently. (Philippine National Oil Co.-
a. when the employer and the employee
Energy Development Corp. v. Buenviaje, [2016])
agree on a shorter or longer period;

b. when the nature of the work to be It is also indispensable in probationary

performed requires a longer period; employment that the employer informs the
employee of the reasonable standards that
c. when a longer period is required and will be used as a basis for his or her
established by company policy. regularization at the time of his or her
engagement. If the employer fails to comply
with this, then the employee is considered a
If not one of the circumstances above is regular employee. (Philippine National Oil
proven, the employee whose employment
Co.-Energy Development Corp. v. Buenviaje
exceeds 6 months is undoubtedly a regular
employee. (San Miguel Corporation vs. Del
Rosario [2005]) As regards a probationary employee, his or
her dismissal may be allowed only if there is
There can be no dispute that the period of
just cause or such reason to conclude that
probation may be reduced if the employer,
the employee fails to qualify as regular
convinced of the fitness and efficiency of a employee pursuant to reasonable standards
probationary employee, voluntarily extends made known to the employee at the time of
a permanent appointment even before the engagement. (Dagasdas v. Grand Placement
three-year period ends. Conversely, if the
and General Services Corp. [2017])
purpose sought by the employer is neither
attained nor attainable within the period, the When the standards set are too general and
law does not preclude the employer from failed to specify what is expected of the
terminating the probationary employment employee as an executive chef, he was not
on justifiable ground; or, a shorter
informed of the reasonable standards by
probationary period may be incorporated in
which his probationary employment was to
a collective bargaining agreement

be assessed. Consequently, he was hired as for a specific undertaking or tasked to
a regular employee. (Agustin v. Alphaland perform functions that are vital, necessary,
[2020]) and indispensable to the usual business or
trade of the employer. (Freyssinet Filipinas
d. Project Corp. v. Lapuz, 2019)
Where the employment has been fixed
for a specific project or undertaking the Repeated and successive rehiring of
completion or termination of which has project employees does not, by and of
been determined at the time of the itself, qualify them as regular employees.
engagement of the employee. Case law states that length of service
(through rehiring) is not the controlling
For an employee to be considered determinant of the employment tenure,
project-based, the employer must show but whether the employment has been
that: fixed for a specific project or undertaking,
with its completion having been
a. the employee was assigned to carry determined at the time of the engagement
out a specific project or undertaking; of the employee. (Dacles vs. Millenium
and Erectors Corporation [2015])

b. the duration and scope of which TEST: The test to determine whether a
were specified at the time the particular employee is engaged as a
employee was engaged for such project or regular employee is whether or
project. Being assigned to a project or not the employee is assigned to carry out a
a phase thereof which begins and specific project or undertaking, the
ends at determined or determinable duration or scope of which was specified,
times, the services of project and made known to him, at the time of his
employees may be lawfully engagement. (Herma Shipyard, Inc v.
terminated at the completion of such Oliveros [2017])
project or phase. (Freyssinet Filipinas
v. Lapuz [2019]; Dacles vs. Millenium The services of project-based employees
Erectors Corporation [2015]) are co-terminous with the project and
may be terminated upon the end or
Failure to present contract of project completion of the project or a phase
employment means that the employees are thereof for which they were hired. The
regular. (Hanjin Heavy Industries vs. Ibanez principal test in determining whether
[2008]) particular employees were engaged as
project-based employees, as distinguished
Once a project or work pool employee has from regular employees, is whether they
been: (1) continuously, as opposed to were assigned to carry out a specific
intermittently, rehired by the same project or undertaking, the duration and
employer for the same tasks or nature of scope of which was specified at, and made
tasks; and (2) these tasks are vital, known to them, at the time of their
necessary, and indispensable to the usual engagement. It is crucial that the
business or trade of the employer, then the employees were informed of their status as
employee must be deemed project employees at the time of hiring and
a regular employee. Indeed, while length that the period of their employment must
of time is not the controlling test for be knowingly and voluntarily agreed
project employment, it is nonetheless vital upon by the parties, without any force,
in determining if the employee was hired duress, or improper pressure being

brought to bear upon the employees or (ii) It satisfactorily appears that the
any other circumstances vitiating their employer and the employee dealt with
consent. (Herma Shipyard, Inc. v. Oliveros each other on more or less equal terms
[2017]) with no moral dominance exercised by
the former or the latter. (Id.)
The activities of project employees may or
may not be usually necessary or desirable Since a part-time faculty can neither
in the usual business or trade of the attain a probationary nor regular status
employer. (E. Ganzon, Inc. v. Ando, Jr. due to lack of all the academic
[2017]) qualifications, the only conclusion
therefore is that a part-time faculty will
The rehiring of construction workers on a always be a fixed-term employee. (Brazil
project-to-project basis does not confer v. STI Education Ser Group, Inc., G.R. No.
upon them regular employment status as 233314, [2018])
it is only dictated by the practical
consideration that experienced A fixed-term employment is allowable
construction workers are more preferred. under the Labor Code only if the term
(E. Ganzon, Inc. v. Ando, Jr. [2017]) was voluntarily and knowingly entered
into by the parties who must have dealt
e. Seasonal with each other on equal terms not one
The work or service to be performed is exercising moral dominance over the
seasonal in nature and the employment other. (Samonte vs. La Salle Greenhills,
is for the duration of the season. Inc., [2016])

f. Fixed-Term Fixed term employees enjoy also

The employment is for a fixed term security of tenure but only during the
where its duration is for a definite lifetime of the employment contract. If
period. they are illegally dismissed during the
lifetime of their contracts, they will be
NOTE: The decisive determinant in entitled to reinstatement and payment
term employment is not the nature of of back wage but only up to the end of
the activities performed by the the contracts. (New Sunrise Metal
employee, but the “day certain” agreed Construction v. Pia, G.R. No. 171131
upon by the parties for the [2007])
commencement and termination of their
employment relationship (Brent School g. Work-pool Employee
vs. Zamora [1990]). Work pool refers to a group of workers
from which an employer, like a
Two (2) general parameters to construction company, draws the
determine the validity of fixed term workers it deploys or assigns to its
employment: various projects or any phase or phases
(i). The fixed period of employment was
knowingly and voluntarily agreed A work pool may exist although the
upon by the parties without any force, workers in the pool do not receive
duress, or improper pressure being salaries and are free to seek other
brought to bear upon the employee and employment during temporary breaks
absent any other circumstances vitiating in the business, provided that the
his consent; or, worker shall be available when called to

report for a project. Although primarily services to other employers during the
applicable to regular seasonal workers, lulls in the production business, they
this set-up can likewise be applied to shall still be regarded as regular
project workers insofar as the effect of employees who are simply "on leave"
temporary cessation of work is during such periods of suspension in
concerned. This is beneficial to both the production. On the part of ABS-CBN, it
employer and employee for it prevents shall not be obliged to pay the
the unjust situation of "coddling labor at employees during such temporary
the expense of capital" and at the same breaks.
time enables the workers to attain the
status of regular employees. (Tomas Lao However, the continuous rehiring of the
Construction v. NLRC, G.R. No. 116781 members of the DM System work pool
[1997]) from one program to another bestowed
upon them regular employment status.
The Supreme Court ruled that a project As such, they cannot be separated from
employee or a member of a work pool the service without cause as they are
may acquire the status of a regular considered regular, at least with respect
employee when the following concur: to the production of the television
programs. This holds true
1) There is a continuous rehiring of notwithstanding the fact that they were
project employees even after allowed to offer their services to other
cessation of a project; and employers. (Del Rosario v. ABS-CBN
2) The tasks performed by the alleged Broadcasting Corporation [2020], J.
project employee are vital, necessary CAGUIOA)
and indispensable to the usual
Classification of Employees in
business or trade of the employer.
Construction Industry
(GMA Network, Inc. v. Pabriga, G.R.
1. Project Employees
No. 176419 [2013])
Those employed in connection with
a particular construction project or
The creation of a work pool is a valid phase thereof and whose
exercise of management prerogative. It employment is co-terminous with
is a privilege inherent in the employer's each project or phase of the project
right to control and manage its
to which they are assigned. (Sec.
enterprise effectively, and freely conduct 2(2.1), Dept. Order 19, s. 1993, DOLE-
its business operations to achieve its Bureau of Working Conditions)
purpose. However, to ensure that the
work pool arrangement is not used as a 2. Non-Project Employees
scheme to circumvent the employees'
Those employed without reference
security of tenure, the employer must
to any particular construction project
prove that (i) a work pool in fact exists,
or phase of a project. (Id.)
and (ii) the members therein are free to
leave anytime and offer their services to
Members of a work pool from which a
other employers. These requirements
construction company draws its project
are critical in defining the precise nature
employees, if considered employees of
of the workers' employment.
the construction company while in the
work pool, are non-project employees or
By analogy, and as applied to the
employees for an indefinite period. If they
members of the IJM System work pool,
are employed in a particular project, the
even if they are allowed to offer their

completion of the project or any phase completed within or outside the premises of the
thereof will not mean severance of (the) principal. The "principal" refers to any employer
employer-employee relationship. (J. & who puts out or farms out a job, service or work
D.O. Aguilar Corporation v. NLRC, G.R. to a contractor or subcontractor.
No/ 116352 [1997], citing Philippine
National Construction Corp. v. NLRC
Further, the "right to control" must be exercised
by the contractor, otherwise, the arrangement
shall be considered to be labor only contracting.
While in the work pool, such employee
(Daguinod v. Southgate Foods, Inc. [2019], J.
or employees do not enjoy remuneration
or allowance for their sustenance. This is
in line with the decision of the Supreme
Court on “a fair day’s wage for a fair Assets, share capital, donated capital, and
day’s work”. (Caltex Refinery Employees statutory funds cannot replace the paid-up capital
Association v. Brillantes, G.R. No. 123782 requirement as these are separate and distinct
[1997]) accounting terminologies with differing purposes
and implications on the financial standing of the
2. Legitimate Subcontracting vs. Labor-Only contractor. It is settled that a sum of assets,
Contracting without more, is insufficient to prove that an
entity is engaged in valid job contracting. We
GENERAL RULE: The contractor is a labor-only cannot readily presume that the assets were those
contractor – UNLESS the contractor overcomes contemplated by D.O. No. 18-A-11 since
the burden of proving that it has the substantial principal’s allegation that the contractor possesses
capital, investment, tools and the like. In labor- substantial capital is not supported by the
only contracting, the statute creates an employer- evidence on record.
employee relationship for a comprehensive
purpose: to prevent a circumvention of labor
Share capital refers to the money paid or required
to be paid by the members for the conduct of the
operation of the cooperative. Meanwhile, paid-up
PERMISSIBLE OR LEGITIMATE job contracting capital pertains to the portion of the subscribed
or subcontracting, on the other hand, “refers to an share capital which has been paid by the members
arrangement whereby a principal agrees to put of the cooperative. Donated capital is defined as
out or farm out with the contractor or the subsidies, grants, donations and aids received
subcontractor the performance or completion of a by the cooperative from any person, whether
specific job, work, or service within a definite or natural or juridical, local or foreign both
predetermined period, regardless of whether such government and private. Statutory funds or
job, work, or service is to be performed or reserves refer to earnings of
completed within or outside the premises of the the cooperative allocated to various statutory
principal. accounts such as: (a) Reserved fund; (b) Education
and training fund; (c) Community development
Under Section 4 (a) of DO 18-02, legitimate labor Fund; and (d) Optional fund.
contracting or subcontracting refers to an
arrangement whereby a principal agrees to put Since share capital refers to the total number of
out or farm out with a contractor or subcontractor shares paid or required to be paid by its members,
the performance or completion of a specific job, the paid-up capital of a cooperative is only a
work or service within a definite or fraction or portion of share capital. Share capital is
predetermined period, regardless of whether such not automatically equivalent to the paid-up
job, work or service is to be performed or capital because it may include unpaid shares of

the cooperative. The amount of paid-up capital with respect, not only to the results to be
may only be equal to the amount of share capital obtained, but with respect to the means
if all share capital have been paid. (Serman and manner of achieving this result. This
Cooperative v. Montarde [2020]) pervasive control by the contractor over its
employees results in an employer-
employee relationship between them.
a. Elements of Labor-Only Contractor

• The contractor or subcontractor c. Solidary Liability

does not have substantial capital or Liability of the principal pursuant to the
investment which relates to the job, provision of Art 109 LC, as direct employer
work or service to be performed together with the contractor for any
and the employees recruited, violation of the LC.
supplied or placed by such
contractor or subcontractor are A finding by the appropriate authorities
performing activities which are that a contractor is a “labor-only”
directly related to the main business contractor establishes an employer-
of the principal; or employee relationship between the
principal employer and the contractor’s
• The contractor does not exercise the employees and the former becomes
right to control over the solidarily liable for all the rightful claims of
performance of the work of the the employees (Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc.
contractual employee vs. Agito [2009]).

b. Trilateral Relationship The contractor is considered merely an

Relationship in a contracting or agent of the principal employer and the
subcontracting arrangement where there is latter is responsible to the employees of the
a CONTRACT FOR A SPECIFIC JOB, labor-contractor as if such employees had
WORK OR SERVICE between the principal been directly employed by the principal
and the contractor, and a CONTRACT OF employer. (Valencia v. Classique and Cantigas
EMPLOYMENT between the contractor [2017])
and its workers.
There are three parties involved:
1. Principal – who decides to farm Employers cannot be compelled to retain the
out a job, work or service to a services of an employee who is guilty of acts that
contractor; are inimical to the interest of the employer.
2. Contractor – who has the capacity (Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc. vs. Cabiles,
to independently undertake the [2014])
performance of the job, work, or
service; and Requisites for validity
3. Contractual workers – engaged by The dismissal of employees must be made within
the contractor to accomplish the the parameters of the law and pursuant to the
job, work or service. basic tenets of equity, justice and fair play. In
Brahm Industries, Inc. v. NLRC, the Court
In this trilateral relationship, the principal explained that there are two (2) facets of valid
controls the contractor and his employees termination of employment: (a) the legality of the
with respect to the ultimate results or act of dismissal, i.e., the dismissal must be under
output of the contract; the contractor, on any of the just causes provided under Art. 282 of
the other hand, controls his employees the LC; and (b) the legality of the manner of

dismissal, which means that there must be Ordinary misconduct would not justify
observance of the requirements of due process, the termination of the services of an
otherwise known as the two-notice rule. (Orlando employee as the law is explicit that the
Farms Growers Association vs. NLRC, [1998]) misconduct should be serious (Oikonomos
Int’l. Resources Corporation vs. Navaja, Jr.
The principle echoed and re-echoed in our [2015])
jurisprudence is that the onus of proving that the
employee was dismissed for a just cause rests on The breach of trust must likewise
the employer, and the latter’s failure to discharge be willful, that is, "it is done intentionally,
that burden would result in a finding that the knowingly and purposely, without
dismissal is unjustified. (Balais, Jr. vs. Se’lon by justifiable excuse, as distinguished from
Aimee [2016]) an act done carelessly, thoughtlessly,
heedlessly or inadvertently.

1. Substantive Due Process

The employee was able to meet his sales
a. Just Causes
quota, surpass his sales target and turn
For an act to be considered a loss of trust over all his pending work to a reliever
and confidence, it must be first, work- before he left for a vacation leave and the
related, and second, founded on clearly employer did not suffer any loss because
established facts. of his absence. This first infraction in his
nine years of service does not constitute
The complained act must be work related willful breach of trust on his part.
such as would show the employee (Malcaba vs. ProHealth Pharma Philippines,
concerned to be unfit to continue working Inc., [2018])
for the employer and it must be based on
The rank-and-file employee's act must
a willful breach of trust and founded on
have been "performed with wrongful
clearly established facts. The basis for the
intent" to warrant dismissal based on
dismissal must be clearly and
serious misconduct. Dismissal is deemed
convincingly established but proof too harsh a penalty to be imposed on
beyond reasonable doubt is not necessary. employees who are not induced by any
(Malcaba vs. ProHealth Pharma Philippines, perverse or wrongful motive despite
Inc.,[2018]) having committed some form of
misconduct. (Bravo v. Urios College [2017])

The misconduct must "relate to the It is implied in every case of willful

performance of the employee's duties" disobedience that “the erring employee
that would render the employee "unfit to obtains undue advantage detrimental to
continue working for the employer." the business interest of the employer.”
Gambling during office hours, sexual (Malcaba vs. ProHealth Pharma Philippines,
intercourse within company premises, Inc., [2018])
sexual harassment, sleeping while on
duty, and contracting work in The admittedly insulting and unbecoming
competition with the business of one's language uttered by petitioner (“Siguro
employer are among those considered as nga abnormal utak mo”) to the HR Manager
serious misconduct for which an should be viewed with reasonable
employee's services may be terminated. leniency in light of the fact that it was
(Bravo v. Urios College [2017]) committed under an emotionally charged
state. the on-the-spur-of-the-moment

outburst of petitioner, he having reached standard of morality with which an act
his breaking point, was due to what he should be gauged — it is public and
perceived as successive retaliatory and secular, not religious. Whether a conduct
orchestrated actions of respondent. is considered disgraceful or immoral
Indeed, there was only lapse in judgment should be made in accordance with the
rather than a premeditated defiance of prevailing norms of conduct, which, as
authority. (Maula v. Ximex Delivery stated in Leus, refer to those conducts
Express, Inc., [2017]) which are proscribed because they are
detrimental to conditions upon which
Misappropriating fuel allowance, theft of depend the existence and progress of
fuel and corn, and sale of spare parts human society. The fact that a particular
while in the performance of his duties, act does not conform to the traditional
constitute serious misconduct. (Ting moral views of a certain sectarian
Trucking v. Makilan [2016]) institution is not sufficient reason to
qualify such act as immoral unless it,
When a teacher engages in extra-marital likewise, does not conform to public and
relationship, especially when the parties secular standards. More importantly,
are both married, such behavior amounts there must be substantial evidence to
to immorality, justifying his termination establish that premarital sexual relations
from employment. (Santos, Jr. vs. NLRC, and pregnancy out of wedlock is
March [1998]) considered disgraceful or immoral.
(Capin-Cadiz v. Brent Hospital and Colleges,
Mere private sexual relations between Inc. [2016])
two unmarried and consenting adults,
even if the relations result in pregnancy If the teacher and student eventually fell
or miscarriage out of wedlock and in love, despite the disparity in their ages
without more, are not enough to warrant and academic levels, this only lends
liability for illicit behavior. The voluntary substance to the truism that the heart has
intimacy between two unmarried adults, reasons of its own which reason does not
where both are not under any know. But, definitely, yielding to this
impediment to marry, where no deceit gentle and universal emotion is not to be
exists, and which was done in complete so casually equated with immorality.
privacy, is neither criminal nor so (Chua-Qua v. Clave [1990])
unprincipled as to warrant disciplinary
action. (Inocente v. St. Vincent Foundation Willful Disobedience
for Children and Aging, Inc. [2016]) Moreno’s failure to obtain the required
permission from the school before she
The determination of whether a conduct engaged in external teaching
is disgraceful or immoral involves a two- engagements is a clear transgression of
step process: first, a consideration of the SSC-R’s policy. However, said
totality of the circumstances surrounding misconduct falls below the required level
the conduct; and second, an assessment of of gravity that would warrant dismissal
the said circumstances vis-à-vis the as a penalty. Under Art. 282(a) of the
prevailing norms of conduct, i.e., what Labor Code, willful disobedience of the
the society generally considers moral and employer’s lawful orders as a just cause
respectable. (Leus vs. St. Scholastica College for termination of employment envisages
[2015]) the concurrence of at least two requisites:
(1) the employee’s assailed conduct must
Jurisprudence has already set the have been willful or intentional, the

willfulness being characterized by a EMPLOYEE. (Villanueva v. Ganco Resort
“wrongful and perverse attitude”; and (2) and Recreation, Inc., G.R. No. 227175 [2020],
the order violated must have been J. CAGUIOA)
reasonable, lawful, made known to the
employee and must pertain to the duties Records reveal that it was not only on
which he has been engaged to discharge. May 25, 2006 that Llanes, the pilferer, was
(Moreno v. SSC-R Manila [2008]) seen during a Meralco operation as he
was previously noticed by Meralco
Not every case of insubordination or employees in past operations. Also, the
willful disobedience by an employee evidence ascertained the presence of
reasonably deserves the penalty of Matis in the worksite where the pilferage
dismissal. The penalty to be imposed on took place, and his familiarity with
an erring employee must be Llanes. Matis's tolerance of the activities
commensurate with the gravity of his of Llanes demonstrates his complicity in
offense. To the Court’s mind, the case of the theft, and not a mere want of care in
an employee who is compelled to the performance of his duty or gross
apologize for a previous infraction but negligence. Assuming Matis were
fails to do so is not one which would negligent, his inaction can only be
properly warrant his termination, absent regarded as a single or isolated act of
any proof that the refusal was made in negligence which cannot be considered as
brazen disrespect of his employer. gross and habitual, hence, cannot be
(Montallana vs. La Consolacion College considered as a just cause for his
Manila [2014]) dismissal. (Matis v. Manila Electric Co.,
Dismissing employees merely on the
basis that they complained about their Gross negligence evinces a thoughtless
employer in a radio show is not only disregard of consequences without
invalid, it is unconstitutional. (Hubilla vs. exerting any effort to avoid them. There is
HSY Marketing, Ltd., Co [2018]) gross negligence in driving the bus
causing death and damages to property.
Gross and habitual neglect of his duties (Yellow Bus Line Employees Union v. Yellow
To warrant the dismissal of the employee Bus Line, Inc. [2016])
for just cause, Article 282(b) of the Labor
Code requires the negligence to be gross Gross inefficiency is closely related to
and habitual. gross neglect because both involve
specific acts of omission resulting in
Gross negligence has been defined as "the damage to another. Gross neglect of duty
want or absence of or failure to exercise or gross negligence refers to negligence
slight care or diligence, or the entire characterized by the want of even slight
absence of care. It evinces a thoughtless care, acting or omitting to act in a
disregard of consequences without situation where there is a duty to act, not
exerting any effort to avoid them." On the inadvertently but willfully and
other hand, habitual neglect "imparts intentionally, with a conscious
repeated failure to perform one's duties indifference to consequences insofar as
for a period of time, depending on the other persons may be affected. (Rio vs.
circumstances." A SINGLE OR Colegio De Sta. Rosa-Makati [2014])
DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A JUST Puncia's repeated failure to perform his
CAUSE FOR THE DISMISSAL OF THE duties — i.e., reaching his monthly sales

quota — for such a period of time falls absolute. An infraction, even if not
under the concept of gross inefficiency. In habitual, may warrant a dismissal under
this regard, case law instructs that "gross appropriate circumstances. (Rustan
inefficiency" is analogous to "gross Commercial Corporation v. Raysag [2021])
neglect of duty," a just cause of dismissal
under Article 297 of the Labor Code, for Abandonment, while it is not expressly
both involve specific acts of omission on enumerated under Article 297 of the
the part of the employee resulting in Labor Code as a just cause for dismissal of
damage to the employer or to his an employee, it has been recognized by
business. (Puncia v. Toyota Shaw/Pasig, Inc. jurisprudence as a form of, or akin to,
[2016]) neglect of duty. It requires the
concurrence of two elements: 1) failure to
As a general concept, “poor performance” report for work or absence without valid
is equivalent to inefficiency and or justifiable reason; and 2) a clear
incompetence in the performance of intention to sever the employer-employee
official duties. Under Article 282 of the relationship as manifested by some overt
Labor Code, an unsatisfactory rating can acts. (Rodriguez v. Sintron Systems, Inc,
be a just cause for dismissal only if it G.R. No. 240254 [2019], J. CAGUIOA)
amounts to gross and habitual neglect of
duties. The fact that an employee’s No separation pay when employee’s
performance is found to be poor or dismissal is based on gross and habitual
unsatisfactory does not necessarily mean neglect of duty. (Quiambao v. Manila
that the employee is grossly and Electric Company [2009])
habitually negligent of his duties. Gross
negligence implies a want or absence of Fraud or willful breach of the trust
or failure to exercise slight care or To legally dismiss an employee on the
diligence, or the entire absence of care. It ground of loss of trust, the employer must
evinces a thoughtless disregard of establish that 1.) the employee occupied a
consequences without exerting any effort position of trust and confidence, or has
to avoid them. (Eastern Overseas been routinely charged with the care and
Employment Center, Inc. vs. Bea [2005]) custody of the employer’s money or
property; 2.) the employee committed a
To show that dismissal resulting from willful breach of trust based on clearly
inefficiency in work is valid, it must be established facts; and 3.) such loss of trust
shown that: 1) the employer has set relates to the employee’s performance of
standards of conduct and workmanship duties. It is a cardinal rule that the loss of
against which the employee will be trust and confidence should be genuine,
judged; 2) the standards of conduct and and not simulated. It must arise from
workmanship must have been dishonest or deceitful conduct, and must
communicated to the employee; and 3) not be arbitrarily asserted in the face of
the communication was made at a overwhelming contrary evidence. (Sta.
reasonable time prior to the employee’s Ana v. Manila Jockey Club, Inc. [2017])
performance assessment. (Sameer Overseas
Placement Agency, Inc. vs. Cabiles, [2014]) The breach is willful if it is done
intentionally, knowingly and purposely,
While the rule is that a single or isolated without justifiable excuse, as
act of negligence is not sufficient to distinguished from an act done carelessly,
constitute a just cause for the dismissal of thoughtlessly, heedlessly, or
the employee, the same, however, is not inadvertently. It is the breach of the

employer's trust, not the specific trust and confidence, as ground for valid
employee act/s which the employer dismissal, requires proof of involvement
claims caused the breach, which the law in the alleged events in question, and that
requires to be willful, knowingly and mere uncorroborated assertions and
purposefully done by the employee to accusations by the employer will not be
justify the dismissal on the ground of loss sufficient. But as regards a managerial
of trust and confidence. (Inocente v. St. employee, the mere existence of a basis
Vincent Foundation for Children and Aging, for believing that such employee has
Inc. [2016]) breached the trust of his employer would
suffice for his dismissal. Hence, in the
To warrant dismissal based on loss of case of managerial employees, proof
confidence, there must be SOME BASIS beyond reasonable doubt is not required,
for the loss of trust or the employer must it being sufficient that there is some basis
have reasonable grounds to believe that for such loss of confidence, such as when
the employee is responsible for the, employer has reasonable ground to
misconduct that renders the latter believe that the employee concerned is
unworthy of the trust and confidence responsible for the purported misconduct,
demanded by his or her position. (Paulino and the nature of his participation therein
vs. NLRC [2012]) renders him unworthy of the trust and
confidence demanded of his
The law contemplates two (2) classes of position.(Lourdes School of Quezon City v.
positions of trust. The first class consists Garcia [2018]) (PJ Lhuillier, Inc. v. Camacho
of managerial employees or those who are [2017])
vested with the power or prerogative to
lay down management policies and to A selling teller is a position of trust and
hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, confidence since it requires the handling
discharge, assign or discipline employees and custody of tickets issued and bets
or effectively recommend such made in the teller's station. (Sta. Ana v.
managerial actions. The second class Manila Jockey Club, Inc. [2017])
consists of cashiers, auditors, property
custodians, etc. who, in the normal and Guidelines for the application of the
routine exercise of their functions, doctrine of loss of confidence, namely: (1)
regularly handle significant amounts of the loss of confidence should not be
money or property. simulated; (2) it should not be used as a
subterfuge for causes which are improper,
Loss of trust and confidence is a just cause illegal or unjustified; (3) it should not be
to terminate either managerial employees arbitrarily asserted in the face of
or rank-and-file employees who regularly overwhelming evidence to the contrary;
handle large amounts of money or and (4) it must be genuine, not a mere
property in the regular exercise of their afterthought to justify earlier action taken
functions. (Malcaba vs. ProHealth Pharma in bad faith. In short, there must be an
Philippines, Inc., [2018]) actual breach of duty which must be
established by substantial evidence.
The Court has distinguished the (Inocente v. St. Vincent Foundation for
treatment of managerial employees from Children and Aging, Inc. [2016])
that of rank-and-file personnel, insofar as
the application of the doctrine of loss of A frantic search for gainful employment
trust and confidence is concerned. With opportunities elsewhere should be
respect to rank-and-file personnel, loss of considered as inappropriate for being

made during office hours, the same did proven by substantial evidence, is a cause
not constitute willful breach of trust and analogous to serious misconduct.
confidence of the employer. The loss of (Hocheng Philippines Corp. v. Farrales
trust and confidence contemplated under [2015])
Article 282 (c) of the Labor Code is not
ordinary but willful breach of trust. The Repeated failure to perform his duties —
cause of the loss of trust must be work- i.e., reaching his monthly sales quota —
related as to expose the employee as unfit for such a period of time falls under the
to continue working for the employer. concept of gross inefficiency. In this
(Lagahit v. Pacific Concord Container Lines regard, case law instructs that "gross
[2016]) inefficiency" is analogous to "gross
neglect of duty," a just cause of dismissal
A Senior Purser is imbued with trust and under Article 297 of the Labor Code, for
confidence. She had in her custody and both involve specific acts of omission on
control company properties which are of the part of the employee resulting in
significant value, and she also had the damage to the employer or to his
responsibility of informing the In-flight business. (Puncia v. Toyota Shaw/Pasig, Inc.
Service Manager whether there was a [2016])
defective or missing equipment.
Moreover, she had oversight over two to The obesity of petitioner, when placed in
four cabin crew members assigned in her the context of his work as flight attendant,
section of the aircraft and rated their becomes an analogous cause under
performance for promotion purposes. She Article 282 (e) of the Labor Code that
had been entrusted with the custody and justifies his dismissal from the service.
control of valuable company properties in His obesity may not be unintended, but is
the normal and routine exercise of her nonetheless voluntary. As the CA
duties. (Lamadrid v. Cathay Pacific Airways correctly puts it, "voluntariness basically
Limited [2021] means that the just cause is solely
attributable to the employee without any
Commission of a crime external force influencing or controlling
Spouse, Ascendants, Descendants, his actions. This element runs through all
Legitimate, natural, adopted brothers and just causes under Article 282, whether
sisters of the employer, Relative by they be in the nature of a wrongful action
affinity in the same degrees and those by or omission. Gross and habitual neglect, a
consanguinity within the fourth civil recognized just cause, is considered
degree voluntary although it lacks the element of
intent found in Article 282 (a), (c), and
The conviction of an employee in a (d)." (Yrasuegui v. Pilippine Airlines, Inc.
criminal case is not indispensable to [2008]
warrant his dismissal by his employer
and that the fact that a criminal complaint b. Authorized Causes
against the employee has been dropped
Installation of labor-saving devices;
by the city fiscal is not binding and
conclusive upon a labor tribunal (Sea-Land
Service, Inc. vs. NLRC [1985])
Redundancy exists when the service of an
employee is in excess of what is
Other causes analogous
reasonably demanded by the actual
Theft committed by an employee against
requirements of the business. A
a person other than his employer, if
redundant position is one rendered

superfluous by any number of factors, abolished due to superfluity. Redundancy
such as overhiring of workers, decreased could have been justified if the functions
volume of business, dropping of a of the petitioners were transferred to
particular product line previously other existing employees of the company.
manufactured by the company or phasing (Arabit v. Jardine Pacific Finance, Inc.
out of a service activity formerly [2014])
undertaken by the enterprise. (Que v. Asia
Brewery, Inc. [2019], J. CAGUIOA) Retrenchment
Retrenchment is only a measure of last
Redundancy requires good faith in resort when other less drastic means have
abolishing the redundant position. To been tried and found to be inadequate.
establish good faith, the company must
provide substantial proof that it is Retrenchment is a management
overmanned. The act of hiring new prerogative consistently recognized and
employees while firing the old ones affirmed by this Court. It is, however,
"negates the claim of redundancy." subject to faithful compliance with the
(Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Dawal [2016]) substantive and the procedural
requirements laid down by law and
While a declaration of redundancy is jurisprudence. It must be exercised
ultimately a management decision in essentially as a measure of last resort,
exercising its business judgment, and the after less drastic means have been tried
employer is not obligated to keep in its and found wanting.
payroll more employees than are needed
for its day-to-day operations, Retrenchment is one of the authorized
management must not violate the law nor causes for termination of employment
declare redundancy without sufficient which the law accords an employer who
basis. Redundancy is ultimately a is not making good in its operations in
management prerogative, and the order to cut back on expenses for salaries
wisdom or soundness of such business and wages by laying off some employees.
judgment is not subject to discretionary The purpose of retrenchment is to save a
review by labor tribunals or even this financially ailing business establishment
Court, as long as the law was followed from eventually collapsing. (Blue Eagle
and malicious or arbitrary action was not Management, Inc. v. Naval [2016])
shown. (Manggagawa ng Komunikasyon sa
Pilipinas v. Philippine Long Distance When termination of employment is
Telephone Co., Inc. [2017]) occasioned by retrenchment to prevent
losses, an employer must declare a
Even if a business is doing well, an reasonable cause or criterion for
employer can still validly dismiss an retrenching an employee and who would
employee from the service due to be retained among the employees, such as
redundancy if that employee’s position status (i.e., whether they are temporary,
has already become in excess of what the casual, regular or managerial employees),
employer’s enterprise requires. efficiency, seniority, physical fitness, age,
and financial hardship for certain
It is illogical for employer to terminate the workers.” (La Consolacion College of Manila
petitioners’ employment and replace vs. Pascua, [2018])
them with contractual employees. The
replacement effectively belies employer’s Retrenchment that disregards an
claim that the petitioners’ positions were employee’s record and length of service is

an illegal termination of employment. employee in her division, the employer
(ibid) disregarded employee’s seniority and
preferred status relative to a part-time
Proof of financial losses becomes the employee which indicates its resort to an
determining factor in proving the unfair and unreasonable criterion for
legitimacy of retrenchment. In retrenchment. (ibid)
establishing a unilateral claim of actual or
potential losses, financial statements A lay-off, used interchangeably with
audited by independent external auditors retrenchment, is a recognized prerogative
constitute the normal method of proof of of management. It is the termination of
profit and loss performance of a employment resorted to by the employer,
company. The condition of business through no fault of nor with prejudice to
losses justifying retrenchment is normally the employees, during periods of business
shown by audited financial documents recession, industrial depression, seasonal
like yearly balance sheets and profit and fluctuations, or during lulls occasioned by
loss statements as well as annual income lack of orders, shortage of materials,
tax returns. conversion of the plant for a new
production program, or the introduction
While financial statements for previous of new methods or more efficient
years may be material in establishing the machinery, or of automation. (Dela Cruz
financial trend for an employer, these are vs. NLRC [1997])
not indispensable in all cases of
retrenchment. The evidence required for Jurisprudence, in both a permanent and a
each case of retrenchment will still temporary layoff, dictates that the one-
depend on its particular circumstances. month notice rule to both the DOLE and
Proof of actual financial losses incurred the employee under Article 283 (now
by the company is not a condition sine Article 298) is mandatory. (Pasig
qua non for retrenchment," and Agricultural vs. Nievarez [2015])
retrenchment may be undertaken by the
employer to prevent even future losses. Closure or cessation of business operations
(Blue Eagle Management, Inc. v. Naval Closure of business, is the reversal of
[2016]) see also (FASAP v. PAL [2018]) fortune of the employer whereby there is
a complete cessation of business
Documents that have not been the subject operations and/or an actual locking-up of
of an independent audit may very well be the doors of establishment, usually due to
self-serving. Moreover, it is not enough financial losses. Closure of business as an
that it presents its audited financial authorized cause for termination of
statement for the year that retrenchment employment aims to prevent further
was undertaken for even as it may be financial drain upon an employer who
incurring losses for that year, its overall cannot pay anymore his employees since
financial status may already be business has already stopped. (JAT vs.
improving. Thus, it must “also show that NLRC [2004]) In such a case, the employer
its losses increased through a period of is generally required to give separation
time and that the condition of the benefits to its employees, unless the
company is not likely to improve in the closure is due to serious business losses.
near future.” La Consolacion College of (Zambrano v. Philippine Carpet
Manila vs. Pascua, [2018]) Manufacturing Corp. [2017])

In dismissing a full-time, highest paid While serious business losses generally

exempt the employer from paying The Labor Code and its IRR are silent on
separation benefits, it must be pointed the procedural due process required in
that the exemption only pertains to the terminations due to disease. Despite the
obligation of the employer under Article seeming gap in the law, Section 2, Rule 1,
297 of the Labor Code. This is because of Book VI of the IRR expressly states that
the law's express parameter that the employee should be afforded
mandates payment of separation benefits procedural due process in all cases of
"in case of closures or cessation of dismissals. (Deferio v. Intel Technology
operations of establishment or [2014])
undertaking not due to serious business
losses or financial reverses."
2. Procedural Due Process
When the obligation to pay separation
For a dismissal to be valid, the employer must
benefits, however, is not sourced from
comply with both substantive and procedural due
law (particularly, Article 297 of the Labor
process requirements. Substantive due process
Code), but from contract, such as an
requires that the dismissal must be pursuant to
existing collective bargaining agreement
either a just or an authorized cause under Articles
between the employer and its employees,
297, 298 or 299 of the Labor Code. Procedural due
an examination of the latter's provisions
process, on the other hand, mandates that the
becomes necessary in order to determine
employer must observe the twin requirements of
the governing parameters for the said
notice and hearing before a dismissal can be
obligation. (Benson Industries Employees
effected. (Puncia vs. Toyota Shaw/Pasig, Inc., [2016])
Union-ALU-TUCP v. Benson Industries, Inc.
a. Twin-notice Rule
Disease or illness
The rule is explicit. For a dismissal on the The cardinal rule in our jurisdiction is
ground of disease to be considered valid, that the employer must furnish the
two requisites must concur: (a) the employee with two (2) written notices
employee suffers from a disease which before the termination of his
cannot be cured within six months and employment can be effected.
his continued employment is prohibited
by law or prejudicial to his health or to The employer must serve the erring
the health of his co-employees, and (b) a employee a first notice which details the
certification to that effect must be issued ground/s for termination, giving the
by a competent public health authority. employee a reasonable opportunity to
(Manly Express vs. Payong, Oct. 2005) explain his side. In practice, this is
commonly referred to as the notice to
The Implementing Rules of the Labor explain (NTE). The second notice
Code impose upon the employer the duty pertains to the written notice of
not to terminate an employee until there termination indicating that upon due
is a certification by a competent public consideration of all circumstances, the
health authority that the employee's employer has decided to dismiss the
disease is of such nature or at such a stage employee. (Pardillo v. Bandojo [2019], J.
that it cannot be cured within a period of CAGUIOA)
six months even with proper medical
treatment. (Marina's Creation Enterprises v.
Ancheta [2016]) Notice to the employee should merely
embody the particular acts or omissions
constituting the grounds for which the

dismissal is sought. … In fact, Tiu vs considered; and (2) grounds have been
NLRC merely requires that the employee established to justify the severance of
be appraised of the particular acts and their employment. (King of Kings v.
omissions for which the dismissal is Mamac [2007])
sought. (Glaxo-Wellcome Philippines vs.
NEW-DFA [2005])
Under Section 17 of the POEA Standard
Employment Contract for Seafarers, it is
The first written notice to be served on only the second notice or the notice of
the employees should contain the specific dismissal which may be dispensed with
causes or grounds for termination under exceptional circumstances (i.e if
against them, and a directive that the doing so will prejudice the safety of the
employees are given the opportunity to crew or the vessel) – the first written
submit their written explanation within a notice could never be dispensed with.
reasonable period. The seafarer should always be furnished
with the written notice informing him of
the charges against him and the date,
"Reasonable opportunity" under the
time, and place of the formal
Omnibus Rules means every kind of
investigation. (MECO Manning &
assistance that management must accord
Crewing Services, Inc. v. Sorrera [2019])
to the employees to enable them to
prepare adequately for their defense.
This should be construed as a period of Hearing
at least five (5) calendar days from
receipt of the notice to give the Guiding principles in connection with the
employees an opportunity to study the hearing requirement in dismissal cases: (a)
accusation against them, consult a union "ample opportunity to be heard" means
official or lawyer, gather data and any meaningful opportunity (verbal or
evidence, and decide on the defenses written) given to the employee to answer
they will raise against the complaint. the charges against him and submit
Moreover, in order to enable the evidence in support of his defense, whether
employees to intelligently prepare their in a hearing, conference or some other fair,
explanation and defenses, the notice just and reasonable way; (b) a formal
should contain a detailed narration of the hearing or conference becomes mandatory
facts and circumstances that will serve as only when requested by the employee in
basis for the charge against the writing or substantial evidentiary disputes
employees. A general description of the exist or a company rule or practice requires
charge will not suffice. Lastly, the notice it, or when similar circumstances justify it;
should specifically mention which (c) the "ample opportunity to be heard"
company rules, if any, are violated standard in the Labor Code prevails over
and/or which among the grounds under the "hearing or conference" requirement in
Art. 282 is being charged against the the implementing rules and regulations.
employees. (Perez v. Philippine Telegraph and Telephone
Co. [2009])

After determining that termination of It is not enough that the employee is given
employment is justified, the employers an “ample opportunity to be heard” if
shall serve the employees a written company rules or practices require a formal
notice of termination indicating that: (1) hearing or conference. In such instance, the
all circumstances involving the charge requirement of a formal hearing and
against the employees have been conference becomes mandatory because

company policies or practice, such as those In the determination of the amount of nominal
which regulate the procedures and damages which is addressed to the sound
requirements for their termination, are discretion of the court, several factors are taken
binding on the parties. (Surigao del Norte into account: (1) the authorized cause invoked,
Electric Cooperative, Inc. vs. Gonzaga [2013]) whether it was a retrenchment or a closure or
cessation of operation of the establishment due to
A hearing means that any party should be serious business losses or financial reverses or
given a chance to adduce evidence to otherwise; (2) the number of employees to be
support his side of the case and that the awarded; (3) the capacity of the employers to
evidence should be taken into account in the satisfy the awards, taken into account their
adjudication of the controversy. “To be prevailing financial status as borne by the records;
heard” does not mean verbal argumentation (4) the employer's grant of other termination
alone inasmuch as one may be heard just as benefits in favor of the employees; and (5)
effectively through written explanations, whether there was a bona fide attempt to comply
submissions or pleadings. (Perez v. Philippine with the notice requirements as opposed to giving
Telegraph and Telephone Co. [2009]) no notice at all. (PNCC Skyway Corp. v. Secretary of
Labor & Employment [2017])
That the workers involved in the incident
were "mustered" or convened thereafter by 3. Illegal Dismissal, Reliefs Therefrom
the captain is inconsequential. It is
insufficient compliance with the law which Kinds:
requires, as a vital component of due • No Just or Authorized Cause
process, observance of the twin Termination of employment effected
requirements of notice and hearing before merely because the employer no
dismissing an employee. (Wallem Maritime longer wanted the services of the
Services, Inc. v. National Labor Relations employee is not an authorized or just
Commission [1996] cause of dismissal under the Labor
Code. (Aldovino vs. Gold and Green
Failure to observe due process Manpower Management and Development
Services, Inc., [2019])
In Agabon v. NLRC, where the dismissal is for an
authorized cause, the lack of statutory due Dismissing employees merely on the
process should not nullify the dismissal, or render basis that they complained about their
it illegal, or ineffectual. However, the employer employer in a radio show is not only
should indemnify the employee, in the form of invalid, it is unconstitutional. (Hubilla
nominal damages (P30,000.00), for the violation of vs. HSY Marketing, Ltd., Co., [2018])
his right to statutory due process.
It is unreasonable to deny employees
In Jaka Food Processing Corp. v. Pacot, we fixed the their means of earning a living
nominal damages at P50,000.00 if the dismissal is exclusively on the basis of age when
due to an authorized cause under Article 283 of there is no other indication that they
the Labor Code, but the employer failed to are incapable of performing their
comply with the notice requirement. The reason is functions. Age, per se, is not a reliable
terminations under Article 283 of the Labor Code indication of physical stamina or
are initiated by the employer in the exercise of his mental rigor. What is crucial in
management prerogative, thus, the sanction determining capacity for continuing
should be stiffer. employment is an assessment of an
employee’s state of health, not his or
her biological age. (Padilla vs. Airborne

Security Service, Inc., [2017]) found it necessary to enforce the
foregoing measures to control and
• Constructive Dismissal regulate the conduct and behavior of
Constructive dismissal has been the employees, to maintain order in
described as tantamount to the work premises, and ultimately,
“INVOLUNTARILY RESIGNATION preserve the business. (Ibid)
due to the harsh, hostile, and
unfavorable conditions set by the Not every inconvenience, disruption,
employer.” (Saudi Arabian Airlines difficulty, or disadvantage that an
(Saudia) vs. Rebesencio [2015]) employee must endure sustains a
finding of constructive dismissal.” It is
Aptly called a dismissal in disguise or an employer’s right to investigate acts
an act amounting to dismissal but of wrongdoing by employees.
made to appear as if it were not, Employees involved in such
constructive dismissal may, likewise, investigations cannot ipso facto claim
exist if an act of clear discrimination, that employers are out to get them.
insensibility, or disdain by an Their involvement in investigations
employer becomes so unbearable on will naturally entail some
the part of the employee that it could inconvenience, stress, and difficulty.
foreclose any choice by him except to
forego his continued employment. However, even if they might be
(Sumifru (Philippines) Corporation vs. burdened — and, in some cases, rather
Baya [2017]) The test of constructive heavily so — it does not necessarily
dismissal is whether a reasonable mean that an employer has embarked
person in the employee’s position on their constructive dismissal.
would have felt compelled to give up (Philippine Span Asia Carriers
his job under the circumstances. (Borja Corporation (formerly Sulpicio Lines, Inc.)
vs. Miñoza [2017). vs. Pelayo [2018])

The employer’s act of calling several The act of moving the effectivity date
meetings inquiring about the of an employee’s resignation to a date
employees’ absences, for which the earlier than what she had stated
latter were issued separate cannot be deemed malicious. This
memoranda; subjecting the employees cannot be viewed as an act of
to an on-the-spot drug test; barring harassment but merely the exercise of
entry into the restaurant; and allegedly respondent's management prerogative.
threatening and intimidating the We cannot expect employers to
employees by the presence of a maintain in their employ employees
stranger, in the restaurant, do not who intend to resign, just so the latter
constitute constructive dismissal. The can have continuous work as they look
employer was validly exercising its for a new source of income. (Paredes v.
management prerogative when it Feed the Children, Inc, [2015])
called meetings to investigate the
employees’ absences, gave them a. Reinstatement
separate memoranda seeking Reinstatement restores the employee who
explanation therefor, and conducted was unjustly dismissed to the position
an on-the-spot drug test on its from which he was removed, that is, to
employees, including respondents. As his status quo ante dismissal. (Advan
the Court sees it, the employer only Motor., Inc. v. Veneracion [2017])

General rule: an illegally dismissed where there was neither dismissal by the
employee is entitled to reinstatement or employer nor abandonment by the
separation pay, if reinstatement is not employee, the proper remedy is to
viable; and payment of full backwages. reinstate the employee to his former
(Holcim Philippines, Inc. vs. Obra [2016]) position, but without the award of
backwages. However, since reinstatement
Exceptions: reinstatement of the was already impossible due to strained
employee without backwages on account relations between the parties, as found by
of the following: (a) the fact that the the NLRC, each of them must bear their
dismissal of the employee would be too own loss, so as to place them on equal
harsh a penalty; and (b) that the employer footing. At this point, it is well to
was in good faith in terminating the emphasize that “in a case where the
employee. (Universal Robina Sugar Milling employee’s failure to work was
Corporation vs. Ablay [2016]) occasioned neither by his abandonment
nor by a termination, the burden of
An employee who is unjustly dismissed economic loss is not rightfully shifted to
from work shall be entitled to the employer; each party must bear his
reinstatement without loss of seniority own loss.” (Borja vs. Minoza [2017])
rights and other privileges and to his full
backwages, inclusive of allowances, and b. Backwages
to his other benefits or their monetary Payment of backwages is a form of relief
equivalent computed from the time his that restores the income that was lost by
compensation was withheld from him up reason of the unlawful dismissal. (Advan
to the time of his actual reinstatement. Motor., Inc. v. Veneracion [2017])
(Art. 294, Labor Code)
In illegal dismissal cases, back wages refer
The decision of the Labor Arbiter (LA)
to the employee's supposed earnings had
reinstating a dismissed or separated
employee, insofar as the reinstatement he/she not been illegally dismissed. As
aspect is concerned, shall immediately be applied in this case, back wages
executory, even pending appeal. correspond to the amount ought to have
Consequently, the employer is duty- been received by the affected employees if
bound to reinstate the employee, failing only they had been reinstated following
which, the employer is liable instead to the Assumption Order. This shall
pay the dismissed employee’s salary. similarly include not only the employee's
(Manila Doctors College vs. Olores [2016]) basic salary but also the regular
allowances being received, such as the
This duty is terminated upon the reversal emergency living allowances and the 13th
of the LA’s decision by a higher tribunal.
month pay mandated by the law, as well
Notwithstanding this reversal, an
as those granted under a CBA, if any.
employer who did not reinstate an
(Albay Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Aleco
employee shall still be liable for the
accrued wages of the employee, i.e., the Labor Employees Organization [2020], J.
unpaid salary accruing up to the time of CAGUIOA)
the reversal except if the reason for the
delay of reinstatement is not the fault of
the employer. (Ibid) The award of backwages and/or
separation pay due to illegally dismissed
employees shall include all salary
Jurisprudence provides that in instances
increases and benefits granted under the

law and other government issuances, constitutional right of labor to security of tenure.
Collective Bargaining Agreements, (A. Nate Casket Maker v. Arango [2016])
employment contracts, established
company policies and practices, and
Illegally dismissed overseas workers, including
analogous sources which the employees
seafarers, shall be entitled to salaries
would have been entitled to had they not
corresponding to the unexpired portion of their
been illegally dismissed. On the other
employment contracts. This includes the monthly
hand, salary increases and other benefits
vacation leave pay and all other benefits
which are contingent or dependent on
guaranteed in the employment contract which
variables such as an employee's merit
were not made contingent upon the performance
increase based on performance or
of any task or the fulfillment of any condition.
longevity or the company's financial
(MECO Manning & Crewing Services, Inc. v. Sorrera
status shall not be included in the award.
This ruling is consistent with the
Constitutional command that the State
shall afford full protection to labor c. Separation Pay, Doctrine of Strained
(Section 3, Article XIII) and the edict Relations
under Article 3, Chapter I of the Labor Separation pay becomes due if an
Code. Most important, it conforms with employee is dismissed without just cause
the purpose to restore an illegally and without due process and is therefore
dismissed employee to the same status as entitled to backwages and reinstatement.
if their employment was not illegally (Radar Security & Watchman Agency, Inc. v.
severed by allowing the, to continuously Castro [2015])
enjoy the salaries, benefits, and
allowances they were assured to receive Under the law and prevailing
during the term of their employment. jurisprudence, an illegally dismissed
(Dumapis v. Lepanto Consolidated Mining employee is entitled to reinstatement as a
[2020]) matter of right. The award of separation
pay is a mere exception to the rule.

The grant of additional backwages is It is made an alternative relief in lieu of

necessary in arriving at a complete and reinstatement in certain circumstances,
just resolution of the case and is a relief like: (a) when reinstatement can no longer
granted by substantive law which cannot be effected in view of the passage of a
be defeated by mere procedural lapse. long period of time or because of the
Since the illegally dismissed employee realities of the situation; (b) reinstatement
was found to be a regular employee and is inimical to the employer's interest; (c)
not a probationary employee, his reinstatement is no longer feasible; (d)
backwages accrued from the time of his reinstatement does not serve the best
illegal dismissal until his reinstatement interests of the parties involved; (e) the
and not merely for the unexpired portion employer is prejudiced by the workers'
his probationary employment. (Agustin v. continued employment; (f) facts that
Alphaland [2020]) make execution unjust or inequitable
have supervened; or (g) strained relations
These twin remedies — reinstatement and between the employer and employee.
payment of backwages — make the dismissed (Fernandez, Jr. v. MERALCO [2018])
employee whole who can then look forward to
continued employment. Thus, do these two Separation pay, equivalent to one month's
remedies give meaning and substance to the salary for every year of service, is

awarded as an alternative to bad faith or fraud or constitutes an act
reinstatement when the latter is no longer oppressive to labor, or is done in a
an option. Separation pay is computed manner contrary to good morals, good
from the commencement of employment customs or public policy. Exemplary
up to the time of termination, including damages, on the other hand, are
the imputed service for which the recoverable when the dismissal was done
employee is entitled to backwages, with in a wanton, oppressive, or malevolent
the salary rate prevailing at the end of the manner. (Sysmex Security Services, Inc. v.
period of putative service being the basis Rivera [2017], J. CAGUIOA)
for computation. (Concurring Opinion, J.
CAGUIOA, Dumapis v. Lepanto The violation of the employee's right to
Consolidated Mining Company [2020]) statutory due process by the employer
warrants the payment of indemnity in the
Doctrine of Strained Relations form of nominal damages. The amount of
Under the doctrine of strained relations, such damages is addressed to the sound
the payment of separation pay is discretion of the court, taking into
considered an acceptable alternative to account the relevant circumstances. The
reinstatement when the latter option is no payment of nominal damages would
longer desirable or viable. (Symex Security serve to deter employers from future
Services, Inc. v. Rivera [2017], J. CAGUIOA) violations of the statutory due process
rights of employees. It likewise provides a
However, strained relations must be vindication or recognition of the
demonstrated as a fact to be adequately fundamental right to due process
supported by evidence-substantial accorded to employees under the Labor
evidence to show that the relationship Code and its Omnibus Implementing
between the employer and the employee Rules. (Moral v. Momentum Properties
is indeed strained as a necessary Management Corp. [2019])
consequence of the judicial controversy.
(Radar Security & Watchman Agency, Inc. v. e. Attorney’s Fees
Castro [2015]) There are two commonly accepted
concepts of attorney's fees - the ordinary
The doctrine of strained relations cannot and extraordinary. In labor cases,
be applied indiscriminately since every attorney's fees partake of the nature of an
labor dispute almost invariably results in extraordinary award granted to the
"strained relations;" otherwise, victorious party as an indemnity for
reinstatement can never be possible damages. As a general rule, it is payable
simply because some hostility is to the client, not to his counsel, unless the
engendered between the parties as a former agreed to give the amount to the
result of their disagreement. That is latter as an addition to, or part of the
human nature. Strained relations must be counsel's compensation.
demonstrated as a fact. The doctrine
should not be used recklessly or loosely Notably, Article 111 of the Labor Code
applied, nor be based on impression sanctions the award of attorney's fees in
alone. (Rodriguez v. Sintron Systems, Inc., cases of the unlawful withholding of
supra., J. CAGUIOA) wages, wherein the culpable party may be
assessed attorney's fees equivalent to ten
d. Damages percent (10%) of the amount of wages
Moral damages are recoverable when the recovered. The amount of attorney's fees
dismissal of an employee is attended by shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the

total monetary award, and the fees may paid without justification was sufficient to
be deducted from the amount due the warrant an award of attorney's fees. (Alva
winning party. v. High Capacity Security Force, et. al.
In addition, Article 2208 of the Civil Code
allows the award of attorney's fees in the But, being compelled to litigate is not
following instances, to wit: sufficient reason to grant attorney's fees.
(2) When the defendant's act or omission The Court has consistently held that
has compelled the plaintiff to litigate with attorney's fees cannot generally be
third persons or to incur expenses to recovered as part of damages based on
protect his interest; x x x the policy that no premium should be
(7) In actions for the recovery of wages of placed on the right to sue. Under Article
household helpers, laborers and skilled 2208 of the Civil Code, factual, legal, and
workers; equitable grounds must be presented to
(8) In actions for indemnity under justify an award for attorney's fees.
workmen's compensation and employer's Absent a showing of bad faith on the part
liability laws; x x x of petitioners, the award of attorney's fees
(11) In any other case where the court is deemed inappropriate. (Rickmers Marine
deems it just and equitable that attorney's Agency Phils., Inc. v. Global Management
fees and expenses of litigation should be Limited [2018], J. CAGUIOA)
f. Liabilities of Corporate Officers
Both the Labor Code and the Civil Code
Corporate directors and officers are
provide that attorney's fees may be
recovered in the following instances, solidarily liable with the corporation for
namely, (i) in cases involving the the termination of employment of
unlawful withholding of wages; (ii) employees done with malice or in bad
where the defendant's act or omission has faith. (Polymer v. Salamuding [2013])
compelled the plaintiff to litigate with
third persons or the plaintiff incurred g. Burden of Proof
expenses to protect his interest; (iii) in
In illegal dismissal cases, the burden of
actions for the recovery of wages of
proof that employees were validly
household helpers, laborers and skilled
dismissed rests on the employers. Failure
workers; (iv) in actions for indemnity
to discharge this burden means that the
under workmen's compensation and
dismissal is illegal. (Aldovino vs. Gold and
employer's liability laws; and (v) in cases
Green Manpower Management and
where the court deems it just and
Development Services, Inc. [2019])
equitable that attorney's fees and
expenses of litigation should be
There can be no case for illegal
termination of employment when there
was no termination by the employer.
In a catena of cases, the Court awarded
While, in illegal termination cases, the
attorney's fees in favor of illegally
burden is upon the employer to show just
dismissed employees who were
cause for termination of employment,
compelled to file an action for the
such a burden arises only if the
recovery of their lawful wages, which
complaining employee has shown, by
were withheld by the employer without
substantial evidence, the fact of
any valid and legal basis. A plain
termination by the employer. (Remoticado
showing that the lawful wages were not
vs. Typical Construction Tradiong Corp,

[2018]) Without notice to the employer
An employee may put an end to the relationship
C. TERMINATION BY EMPLOYEE without serving any notice on the employer for
any of the following just causes:
With notice to the employer
i. Serious insult by the employer or his
An employee may terminate without just cause
representative on the honor and person of
the employee-employer relationship by serving a
the employee;
written notice on the employer at least one (1)
month in advance. The employer upon whom no ii. Inhuman and unbearable treatment
such notice was served may hold the employee accorded the employee by the employer or
liable for damages. (Art. 285 (a), Labor Code) his representative;

In illegal dismissal cases, the fundamental rule is iii. Commission of a crime or offense by the
that when an employer interposes the defense of employer or his representative against the
resignation, the burden to prove that the person of the employee or any of the
employee indeed voluntarily resigned necessarily immediate members of his family; and
rests upon the employer. (Doble, Jr. v. ABB, Inc.
[2017]) iv. Other causes analogous to any of the
foregoing. (Art. 285 (b), Labor Code)
Since Doble claims to have been forced to submit
a resignation letter, it is incumbent upon him to
prove with clear and convincing evidence that his 1. Resignation vs. Constructive Dismissal
resignation was not voluntary, but was actually a
case of constructive dismissal, i.e., a product of Resignation is the FORMAL
coercion or intimidation. Coercion exists when PRONOUNCEMENT or RELINQUISHMENT
there is a reasonable or well-grounded fear of an of a position or office — the voluntary act of
imminent evil upon a person or his property or an employee who is in a situation where he
upon the person or property of his spouse, believes that personal reasons cannot be
descendants or ascendants. (1) that the sacrificed in favor of the exigency of the
intimidation caused the consent to be given; (2) service, and he has then no other choice but to
that the threatened act be unjust or unlawful; (3) disassociate himself from employment. The
that the threat be real or serious, there being intent to relinquish MUST concur with the
evident disproportion between the evil and the overt act of relinquishment. (Silvertex Weaving
resistance which all men can offer, leading to the vs. Campo [2016]; Malixi v. MEXICALI [2016],
choice of doing the act which is forced on the Panasonic v. Peckson [2019])
person to do as the lesser evil; and (4) that it
produces a well-grounded fear from the fact that A resignation must be unconditional and
the person from whom it comes has the necessary with the intent to operate as such. To
means or ability to inflict the threatened injury to determine whether the employee indeed
his person or property. (Doble, Jr. v. ABB, Inc. intended to relinquish such employment, the
[2017]) act of the employee before and after the
alleged resignation must be considered.
An employee who voluntarily resigns is not Voluntary resignation is difficult to reconcile
entitled to separation pay unless it was previously with the filing of a complaint for illegal
stipulated in the employment contract or has dismissal. The filing of the complaint belies
become established company policy or practice. respondent's claim that petitioner voluntarily
(Pascua vs. Bank Wise, Inc [2018]) resigned. (Grande v. Philippine Nautical
Training College [2017])

Constructive dismissal has been described as such as when an employee’s act of handing in
tantamount to “INVOLUNTARILY his [or her] resignation was a reaction to
RESIGNATION due to the harsh, hostile, and circumstances leaving him or her no
unfavorable conditions set by the employer.” alternative but to resign.” Pascua vs. Bank Wise,
(Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) vs. Rebesencio Inc., [2018])

Aptly called a dismissal in disguise or an act 2. Abandonment

amounting to dismissal but made to appear as Abandonment of employment is a deliberate
if it were not, constructive dismissal may, and unjustified refusal of an employee to
likewise, exist if an act of clear discrimination, resume his employment, without any
insensibility, or disdain by an employer intention of returning. While it is not
becomes so unbearable on the part of the expressly enumerated under Article 297 of
employee that it could foreclose any choice by the Labor Code as a just cause for dismissal of
him except to forego his continued an employee, it has been recognized by
employment. (Sumifru (Philippines) Corporation jurisprudence as a form of, or akin to, neglect
vs. Baya [2017]) of duty.

The test of constructive dismissal is whether a It requires the concurrence of two elements:
reasonable person in the employee’s position 1) failure to report for work or absence
would have felt compelled to give up his job without valid or justifiable reason; and 2) a
under the circumstances. (Borja vs. Miñoza clear intention to sever the employer-
[2017) employee relationship as manifested by some
overt acts (Rodriguez v. Sintron Systems, Inc.
The employer’s act of calling several meetings [2019], J. CAGUIOA)
inquiring about the employees’ absences, for
which the latter were issued separate Abandonment must be accompanied by overt
memoranda; subjecting the employees to an acts unerringly pointing to the fact that the
on-the-spot drug test; barring entry into the employee simply does not want to work
restaurant; and allegedly threatening and anymore. The filing of complaint for illegal
intimidating the employees by the presence of dismissal is inconsistent with abandonment
a stranger, in the restaurant, do not constitute of employment. An employee who takes
constructive dismissal. The employer was steps to protest his/her dismissal cannot
validly exercising its management prerogative logically be said to have abandoned his/her
when it called meetings to investigate the work. The filing of such complaint is proof
employees’ absences, gave them separate enough of his/her desire to return to work,
memoranda seeking explanation therefor, and thus negating any suggestion of
conducted an on-the-spot drug test on its abandonment. (Unirock Corporation v. Pajarito
employees, including respondents. As the [2020])
Court sees it, the employer only found it
necessary to enforce the foregoing measures to Abandonment is essentially a matter of
control and regulate the conduct and behavior intent. It cannot be presumed from the
of the employees, to maintain order in the occurrence of certain equivocal acts. There
work premises, and ultimately, preserve the must be a positive and overt act signifying an
business. (Ibid) employee’s deliberate intent to sever his or
her employment. Thus, mere absence from
It is constructive dismissal when resignation work, even after a notice to return, is
“was made under compulsion or under insufficient to prove abandonment. (Hubilla
circumstances approximating compulsion, vs. HSY Marketing, Ltd., Co., [2018])

Mere allegation that the employees Not all preventive suspensions are tantamount to
voluntarily terminated their employment due constructive dismissal. To be valid, however, not
to continued refusal to report from work only must the preventive suspension be imposed
without any presenting any proof that they pursuant to Section 8, it must also follow the 30-
intended to abandon their employment is DAY LIMIT exacted under the succeeding
insufficient to prove abandonment. (ibid) Section 9 of the Rule. … The employer shall
thereafter reinstate the worker in his former or in
On the theory that the same is proof enough a substantially equivalent position or the
of the desire to return to work, the immediate employer may extend the period of suspension
filing of a complaint for illegal dismissal, provided that during the period of extension, he
more so when it includes a prayer for pays the wages and other benefits due to the
reinstatement, has been held to be totally worker. In such case, the worker shall not be
inconsistent with a charge of abandonment. bound to reimburse the amount paid to him
To reiterate, abandonment of position is a during the extension if the employer decides, after
matter of intention and cannot be lightly completion of the healing, to dismiss the worker.
inferred, much less legally presumed, from (Agcolicol, Jr. vs. Casiño [2016])
certain equivocal acts. (Claudia's Kitchen, Inc.
v. Tanguin [2017])
An employee who forthwith takes steps to While there is no specific provision in the Labor
protest his layoff cannot, as a general rule, be Code governing the "floating status" or temporary
said to have abandoned his work, and the "off-detail" of employees, the Court, applying
filing of the complaint is proof enough of his Article 301 [286] of the Labor Code by analogy,
desire to return to work, thus negating any considers this situation as a form of temporary
suggestion of abandonment. (Padilla vs. retrenchment or lay-off. Conformably with Article
Airborne Security Service, Inc [2017]) 301, the placement of an employee on "floating
status" must not exceed six months. Otherwise,
D. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION the employee may be considered constructively
dismissed. (Seventh Security Services, Inc. v. Loque
The employer may place the worker concerned
[2020]. J. CAGUIAO)
under preventive suspension if his continued
employment poses a serious and imminent threat
The bona-fide suspension of the operation of a
to the life or property of the employer or of his co-
business or undertaking for a period not
exceeding six (6) months, or the fulfillment by the
employee of a military or civic duty shall not
Preventive suspension is a disciplinary measure
terminate employment. In all such cases, the
for the protection of the company’s property
employer shall reinstate the employee to his
pending investigation of any allege malfeasance
former position without loss of seniority rights if
or misfeasance committed by the employee. The
he indicates his desire to resume his work not
employer may place the worker concerned under
later than one (1) month from the resumption of
preventive suspension if his continued
operations of his employer or from his relief from
employment poses a serious and imminent threat
the military or civic duty. (Art. 301, Labor Code)
to life or property of the employer or his co-
workers. (Philippine Airlines vs. NLRC [1998])
Temporary “off-detail” or the period of time
security guards are made to wait until they are
Where preventive suspension is more apparent
transferred or assigned to a new post or client
than real, there is constructive dismissal. (Anonas
does not constitute constructive dismissal, so
Construction and Industrial Supply Corporation vs.
long as such status does not continue beyond six
NLRC [2008])
(6) months. The onus of proving that there is no

post available to which the security guard can be employer and the employee whereby the latter
assigned rests on the employer. (Tatel vs. JLFP after reaching a certain age agrees and/or consents
Investigation and Security Agency, Inc.,[2015]); (Ibon to sever his employment with the former (Cainta
v. Genghis Khan Security Services [2017) Catholic School vs. CCSEU [2006]).

The period of temporary off-detail must not In case of early retirement programs, the offer of
exceed six (6) months. Beyond this, a security benefits must be certain while the acceptance to
guard’s floating status shall be tantamount to be retired should be absolute. The acceptance by
constructive dismissal. (Padilla vs. Airborne the employees contemplated herein must be
Security Service, Inc, [2017]) explicit, voluntary, free and uncompelled. (Robina
Farms Cebu v. Villa [2016])
A security guard’s employer must give a new
assignment to the employee within six (6) months. Retirement laws, in particular, are liberally
This assignment must be to a specific or particular construed in favor of the retiree because their
client. Jurisprudence reveals that: [1] an employer objective is to provide for the retiree's sustenance
must assign the security guard to another posting and, hopefully, even comfort, when he no longer
within six (6) months from his last deployment, has the capability to earn a livelihood. The liberal
otherwise, he would be considered constructively approach aims to achieve the humanitarian
dismissed; and [2] the security guard must be purposes of the law in order that efficiency,
assigned to a specific or particular client. A security, and well-being of government
general return-to-work order does not suffice. employees may be enhanced. Indeed, retirement
(Ibid.) laws are liberally construed and administered in
favor of the persons intended to be benefited, and
all doubts are resolved in favor of the retiree to
Series of letters requiring an employee to report to
achieve their humanitarian purpose. (Philippine
employer’s head office and explain why he had
National Bank v. Dalmacio [2017])
failed to report to office without identifying any
specific client to which the employee which the
Art. 287 of the Labor Code provides for two types
employee will be assigned, were at best, nothing
of retirement: (a) compulsory and (b) optional.
more than general return-to-work orders. (ibid)
The first takes place at age 65, while the second is
primarily determined by the collective bargaining
The only time a prolonged floating status is agreement or other employment contract or
considered an authorized cause for dismissal is employer's retirement plan. In the absence of any
when the security agency experiences a surplus of provision on optional retirement in a collective
security guards brought about by lack of clients. bargaining agreement, other employment
(Soliman Security Services, Inc. v. Sarmiento [2016]) contract, or employer's retirement plan, an
employee may optionally retire upon reaching the
age of 60 years or more, but not beyond 65 years,
provided he has served at least five years in the
Retirement is a different specie of termination of establishment concerned. That prerogative is
employment from dismissal for just or authorized exclusively lodged in the employee. (Universal
causes under Articles 282 and 283 of the Labor Robina v. Caballeda [2008])
Code. While in all three cases, the employee to be
terminated may be unwilling to part from service, Retirement plans allowing employers to retire
there are eminently higher standards to be met by employees who have not yet reached the
the employer validly exercising the prerogative to compulsory retirement age of 65 years are not per
dismiss for just or authorized causes. Retirement, se repugnant to the constitutional guaranty of
on the other hand, is the result of a bilateral act of security of tenure. By its express language, the
the parties, a voluntary agreement between the Labor Code permits employers and employees to

fix the applicable retirement age at 60 years or Catholic Education Association of the Philippines
below, provided that the employees' retirement [2020])
benefits under any CBA and other agreements
shall not be less than those provided therein.
However, company retirement plans must not
only comply with the standards set by existing
labor laws, but they should also be accepted by
the employees to be commensurate to their
faithful service to the employer within the
requisite period. (Obusan v. Philippine National
Bank [2010]

An employee in the private sector who did not

expressly agree to the terms of an early retirement
plan cannot be separated from the service before
he reaches the age of 65 years. The employer who
retires the employee prematurely is guilty of
illegal dismissal, and is liable to pay his
backwages and to reinstate him without loss of
seniority and other benefits, unless the employee
has meanwhile reached the mandatory retirement
age under the Labor Code, in which case he is
entitled to separation pay pursuant to the terms of
the plan, with legal interest on the backwages and
separation pay reckoned from the finality of the
decision. (Laya v. Philippine Veterans Bank [2018])

The Court is not unaware of its rulings wherein it

pronounced that retirement pay and separation
pay are not mutually exclusive (unless there is a
specific prohibition in the collective bargaining
agreement or retirement plan against the payment
of both benefits); however, with the employee’s
entitlement to retirement pay not included as an
issue in an illegal dismissal case which had
already been finally decided, it is quite absurd for
the employee to submit a “contemporaneous”
claim for retirement pay on the execution phase of
these proceedings. Plea to include retirement pay
in the execution of a final decision under the
phrase “other benefits” cannot be granted. (Villena
vs. Batangas II Electric Cooperative, Inc., [2015])
R.A. No. 7641 does not exempt a school from
paying retirement benefits to qualified part-time
employees. The law encompasses all private
sector employees, save for those specifically
exempted. (Father Saturnino Urious University v.


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