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Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at

Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Ⅰ. General

1. Safety objectives

This document describes Safety Manage System (hereinafter called “SMS”) of HALLA–MIR AKHTER
Joint Venture to assure the safe operation of aircraft through effective management of safety
risk during development for Cox’s Bazar Airport Phase1 in conformity with international and national

This document will be fully involved in the management of SMS issues, in particular into the followings

◈ Detailed procedure for controlling SMS during construction

 Target setting
 Implementation of SMS
 SRC (Safety review committee) constitution
 Regular SRC (Safety review committee) meetings
 SMS Training
 Hazard identification and analysis
 Promotion
 Monitoring, inspections, investigation and follow-up
 Emergency preparedness and response plan
 SMS notice for corrective actions

◈ Implementation of project work in an operational aerodrome

◈ Impact of the charges on safety after completion of the project

2. Safety policy
HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will issue and bring to the attention of all personnel written
“SMS Policy Statement”. SMS Policy is summarized as followings.

 It is suitable for the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) and
relevant law
 It includes a commitment to comply with the requirements and continual improvement
 It provides a framework for establishing and reviewing SMS objectives and targets
 It is communicated, understood and implemented throughout HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint
 It is periodically reviewed for its suitability and effectiveness
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

3. Application of the document

This document is applied to project activities and construction activities carried out by HALLA–MIR
AKHTER Joint Venture. This document is also designed to describe how HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint
Venture intends to satisfy all of its obligations to manage and coordinate their operations
during procurement, construction for development Cox’s Bazar Airport Phase1.

This document is not intended to supersede or replace the general provisions and rules and regulations of
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh(CAAB). HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will abide
by the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) general provisions and rules and regulations at all

4. Related standard and law

 The requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)

 CAAB - ANO - A-1 (Safety Management System)
 CAAB - ANO (AD) - A-5 (Manual on Aerodrome Safety Management System)
 ICAO Annex 14 (To the Convention on International Civil Aviation)
 ICAO Safety Management Manual (SMM)
-Chapter5 : Safety Management System
 FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Ⅱ. Detailed Procedure for controlling SMS during construction

1. Coordination and SMS Procedure

1.1 Coordination

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will coordinate the below related department to implement
the safe operation of aircraft through effective SMS procedure during development for Cox’s Bazar
Airport Phase1 in conformity with international and national requirements.
In order to respond to emergency situation promptly, HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will also
keep the emergency contacts among Airport Manager of the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
(CAAB) and HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s lined manager before starting construction
activities. The organization chart for coordination and emergency contacts sample form are as below.

◈ Organization chart for coordination

Civil Aviation
of Bangladesh (CAAB)

Airport Manager Airlines


Planning Division Construction Division Plant/Equipment Division Admin Division

◈ Emergency Contacts
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

 The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)

No Position Contact Number Remarks
1 Airport Director
2 Airport Manager
3 Airport Civil Engineer

 Police, Fire Station, Hospital

No Position Contact Number Remarks
1 Police Station
2 Fire Station
3 Hospital

 HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s lined manager

No Position Contact Number Remarks
1 Project Manager
2 Safety Manager
3 Lined Manager

1.2SMS procedure

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will implement SMS procedure as per ICAO regulation and
the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB). The detailed procedure is
explained as below chart.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Target Setting

- Mangement Commitment to SMS

- Appointment of Key Safety Personnel


- SRC Constitution

- Regular SRC Meeting

- SMS Training

- Hazard Identification and Analysis


Monitoring / Inspection
Investigation & Follow-Up

Emergency Preparedness
Response Plan

SMS Notice
Corrective Action

1.2.1 Target Setting

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s SMS target is to complete construction site by fully
embracing its Zero Accident Philosophy and achieving its target of Zero injury or illness, fatalities, and
incidents of a nature that damage the environment, property or equipment and also assuring the safe
operation of aircraft through effective management of safety risk during development for Cox’s Bazar
Airport Phase1. The target that HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will strive to achieve is 100%
of the project/ construction site job hours to be accident free.

◈Our goals are

 Zero injury, illness, lost time and fatalities to people
 Assuring the safe operation of aircraft during construction activities
 No damage, harm and accidents to property and facilities
 No contaminate, harm and damages to environment
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet) Management commitment to SMS

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s project and construction management will show a SMS
commitment demonstrated by attendance at SRC (Safety Review Committee) meetings, participation in
SMS inspections and audits, full compliance with all SMS regulations. Appointment of key safety personnel

The followings are the organization chart for SMS implementation and responsibility descriptions assigned
to each job function to ensure that all aspects of the SMS standards are adhered to at job sites. Safety is an
integral part of normal activities performed during daily construction progress. Personnel of HALLA–MIR
AKHTER Joint Venture are accountable for complete fulfillment of responsibilities in his area of
work. Project team shall support this SMS policy and hold their members of team accountable for the
execution of SMS.

a) Organization

Project Manager

Safety Engineer QA/QC Engineer

Deputy Project Manager

Planning Division Construction Division Plant / Equipment Division Admin Division

b) Responsibility

 Project Manager
Overall responsibility for project SMS matters. Responsible for establishing project SMS and for
ensuring that appropriate resources are allocated to put the SMS policy into effect.

 Deputy Project Manager

Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Assistant for project manager as to project SMS matters. Responsible for helping establish project
SMS procedure.

 Construction Manager
Responsible for overall accountability for construction SMS matters. Responsible for establishing
construction SMS policy and for ensuring that appropriate resources are allocated to put that
policy into effect at site.

 Safety Engineer
HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture recognizes an importance that a proper appointment of a
qualified safety engineer is key to the effective implementation and functioning of SMS

 Managing the SMS implementation plan on behalf of the project manager

 Performing, facilitating hazard identification and safety risk analysis
 Monitoring corrective actions and evaluating their results
 Providing periodic reports on the organization’s safety performance
 Maintaining records and safety documentation
 Planning and facilitating safety training
 Providing independent advice on safety matters
 Monitoring safety concerns in the aviation industry and their perceived impact on the
organization’s operations during the construction activity
 Coordinating and communicating (on behalf of the project manager) with the Civil
Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) and other state agencies as necessary on
issues relating to safety
 Coordinating and communicating (on behalf of the project manager) with international
organizations on issues relating to safety

 Subcontractor’s SMS manager

 Conduct daily safety tour and report to HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture
 Conduct SMS program under the direction of the subcontractor’s construction manager
 Patrol the work site regularly to verify that the work is carried out under safe and healthy
conditions, with no violations of SMS requirements
 Advice promptly workers of the corrective action when any unsafe and unhealthy
conditions or violations are observed
 Check each work procedure from the SMS point of view and advise works before
commencement of work and while working
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

 Medical Staff
 Develop operation plan of the medical facility
 Request the purchase of the medical equipment, facilities and medicine, as necessary
 Perform periodically inspection about facility and place related public health
 Make arrangements for the provision of adequate first aid at selected areas on site and in
the camp

 Personnel
It is the duty of every personnel to conduct his or her job functions in a safe and responsible
manner. It is also a condition of employment that employee become familiar with the
requirements of the HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s SMS requirements and complies
with the requirements of the SMS procedures. It is the responsibility of every employee to comply
with the rules and regulations that pertain to

 SMS requirements associated with each job they are performing

 Be directly responsible for this own personal safety and health
 Do nothing against this SMS plan and nothing to endanger him or co-workers
 Use correct tools and equipment for the job.
 Do not use plant or equipment for job if you are neither trained nor experienced.
 Keep tools in good condition.
 Report any damage to plant or equipment

2.2 Implementation of SMS

Implementation of safety management system (SMS) means HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s
SMS policy is implemented and SMS objectives are achieved in all the project site. These are summarized
in the following paragraphs.

2.2.1 SRC (Safety Review Committee)constitution

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will maintain a site safety review committee with the primary
function and mandate for SMS plan implementation, monitoring and assessment. The committee is
accountable to construction manager. Members of the committee are construction manager, safety
Employer’s SMS representative and representative from subcontractors and vendors.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

The safety engineer shall be the chairman of the SRC meeting and assigned employee to the construction
will be invited to attend these weekly meetings. Attendees at these meetings will include the construction
manager and other persons from the construction site nominated by the construction manager and safety

◈The function and terms of safety review committee are

a) To monitor the adequacy of the SMS control plan and ensure implementation
b) To review emergency and response procedures
c) To promote the contractual SMS requirements at construction site
d) To review results of SMS inspections
e) To determine that required follow up actions have been implemented
f) Minutes of the SRC meeting will be circulated to all concerned parts
g) The safety engineer will if necessary via the construction manager arrange an extraordinary
meeting to discuss any urgent site SMS matters

2.2.2 Regular effective SRC (Safety Review Committee) meetings

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will establish a specific program for SRC meetings at all levels
within its organization to communicate SMS commitments and requirements and to achieve a full
involvement of all workforces in SMS issues.

◈The following SRC meetings are held on a regular basis

 Project safety review committee (monthly)
 Site safety review committee (monthly)
 Project SRC meeting (weekly)
 Site SRC meeting (weekly)
 Subcontractor / vendors internal SRC meeting (weekly)
 Workforce tool box safety meeting (weekly)
 Task specific talks (daily)

2.2.3 SMS training

The site SMS will ensure that a suitably structured schedule of site SMS training is adopted by all section
parties throughout the construction. The safety engineer will ensure that suitable ongoing program for the
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

site SMS training courses are implemented to the construction site, including subcontractors and vendors.
All construction personnel will undergo initial SMS training before they commence work at the
site. Additional training may be necessary as site conditions change or new SMS procedures are

Comprehensive and up to date records of all site SMS training will be kept. The construction manager will
provided with detailed reports of site SMS training carried out on a monthly basis. The site safety manager
will require subcontractors and vendors to implement site SMS training programs.

2.2.4 Hazard identification and analysis

The hazard analysis process is aimed to identify health, safety hazards associated to the activities to be
performed and suitable mitigation measures are defined to reduce the SMS risk as low as reasonably
practicable. HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture has identified the hazards involved in each activity
in the work scope and established suitable procedures to eliminate, whenever possible, the hazards. Proper
measures to prevent undesired events from occurring or to minimize the consequences associated to an
undesired event have been identified. A hazard control sheet has been prepared for each hazard to be used
before the start of each task to verify that workers are fully aware on the risk they are going to face and that
the control and recovery measures specified are in place.

a) Risk assessment
▶ HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture, when considered necessary, will implement
arrangements to assess the risks of the construction activities, which are likely to result in
injury or ill health to persons at work or to members of the public.

▶ The purpose of these assessments is to identify the degree of risk associated with the
construction activity and to determine the preventative or protective controls required. Details
of the risk assessments will be recorded and used to formulate SMS construction instructions
for undertaking the work.

▶ All risk assessments will be continuously reviewed and where circumstances change to such an
extent as to render the original assessment invalid, a new assessment will be carried out.

▶ Each task, where task planning is required, will be the subject of a study. This will be
undertaken by the personnel in charge of the work. The study will incorporate all the
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

recognized degree of hazards and risk associated with them.

b) The safety engineer or assigned personnel in the construction site will review the study and
provide additional instructions or requirements as necessary. They will carry out hazard
identification and the hazards identified will be graded according to their degree of risk. Those
which have the potential to cause death or permanent disability to people, or permanent damage to
plant, equipment or structures.

▶ Those which have the potential to cause serious injury or illness to people or major downtime
in the use of plant, equipment or structures.

▶ Those which have the potential to cause minor injury or illness to people or minor damage to
plant, equipment or structures.

c) The risk assessments will then be formatted for each identified hazard, risks and graded similarly

▶ Those with high probability of occurring

▶ Those with a medium probability of occurring

▶ Those with a low probability of occurring

d) The risk assessment will state the task to be performed, the identified hazards, the risks associated
and methods to be employed in order to reduce the risks. The final part of the assessment will
state the line of communication and emergency assistance available if necessary. Prior to work
commencing information on the contents of the risk assessment will be passed onto the workforce
via toolbox safety meeting and task specific talks. It is likely that the same risk will be performed
in a number of locations or on a number of occasions. Where this is the case, one assessment may
be valid for many instances, with only minor alterations and change of location.

2.3 SMS Promotion

2.3.1 SMS promotion

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture has a belief that safety promotion is achieved through the
combination of technical competence that is continually enhanced through training, effective
communications, information sharing and also through the leadership by management lines to promote
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

the safety culture throughout an organization, but cannot succeed solely through mandate or strict
to SMS policies.

◈Safety promotion therefore is implemented by

 SMS training
 Effective communication
 leadership by management lines
 Incentive and awards

2.3.2 SMS training

As to SMS training, refer to the 2.2.3.

2.3.3 Effective SMS communication

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will communicate the HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint
Venture’s SMS objectives and procedures to all personnel including subcontractors and vendors. The
safety engineer will regularly communicate information regarding the safety performance trends and
safety issues through bulletins and briefings. The safety engineer will also ensure that lessons learned from
investigations and case histories or experiences, both internally and from other organizations, are
widely. HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will also encourage operational personnel to identify
and report hazards.

◈Safety communication therefore aims to

 Ensure that all personnel are fully aware of the SMS procedure
 Convey safety critical information
 Raise awareness of corrective actions
 Provide information regarding new or amended safety procedures
 SMS disciplinary actions

2.3.4 Leadership by management lines

Safety promotion by leadership from management lines encourages a positive safety culture and creates an
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

environment that is conducive to the achievement of the HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s
safety objectives. A positive safety culture is characterized by attitudes and behavior that are committed to
the organization’s safety efforts.

2.3.5 Incentive and awards

Incentive and awards are an effective system to enhance SMS implementation, HALLA–MIR AKHTER
Joint Venture will actively utilize this system to promote SMS.

2.4Monitoring / Inspection / Follow up

2.4.1 Monitoring SMS performance through statistical indicators

Monitoring SMS performance through statistical indicators is also preferable, ensuring management of
risks. The following will be recorded and reported to the Employer every month.
 Number of Employee
 Man-hours Worked
 Fatality Cases
 Lost Time Accident (LTA)
 Lost Work Days (LWD)
 Restricted Work Cases (RWC)
 Medical Treatment Cases (MTC)
 First Aid Cases (FAC)
 Dangerous Occurrences (DO)
 Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)
 Frequency Rate (FR)
 Severity Rate (SR)

2.4.2 Inspection and Audit

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture has set up a specific program of inspections and audits for own
facilities and activities and those of subcontractors in order to monitor the compliance with HALLA–
SEOKWANG Joint Venture’s SMS procedure. HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture personnel and
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

personnel of subcontractor are involved in these inspections and audits. Findings of inspections and audits,
and recommendations, if any, implemented to enhance the HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s
SMS procedure are promptly disseminated.

All construction site personnel are required to carry out continual SMS surveillance’s as they go about their
daily job. The SMS inspections will be planned by the safety manager. The safety inspections will be
out using the SMS inspection report form which will be completed by a comprehensive checklist as soon
possible after the inspection. A copy of the inspection results will be distributed to the construction site
section parts, subcontractors and vendors. All site SMS checklists and inspection reports will incorporate a
follow–up procedure to ensure that any recorded SMS violations have been promptly attended to in a
satisfactory manner

The HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s SMS audit will be conducted regularly to make itself
aware of hazards inherent in the construction site activities and evaluate those hazards. An audit check list
will be prepared to each discipline of the construction SMS activities for a systematic and critical analysis.
A copy of the SMS audit will be sent to the construction manager.

2.4.3 Incident Investigation, Follow-Up and Reporting

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture acknowledges the importance of establishing effective

investigation, reporting and follow-up procedures on SMS matters throughout the organizational structure
of the construction site. Weekly site SRC meetings will be held between the construction manager, safety
engineer and line managers from construction site including subcontractors and vendors. The safety
engineer will provide a regular investigation and report to the construction manager.

◈The following items will form the base of this report

a) SMS promotion and training undertaken
b) SMS instructions and corrective actions
◈ The incident investigation
a) Investigate all hazardous incidents to find out root and contingency causes that determined the
b) Disseminate learning points to all appropriate people
c) Take corrective actions and monitor their implementation
d) The ultimate objective of incident investigation, reporting is to prevent reoccurrence of similar
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

2.5 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Emergency preparedness and response plans are in place to face events that have the potential to cause
to people or to the environment. These plans are periodically drilled to verify and improve their
and personnel are trained in their use.

Any emergency occurring at construction site or a camp may cause serious injuries, loss of life, and
damage to property, the environment and safe operation of aircraft. These situations may demand adequate
rescue and relief measure to handle such events quickly and effectively. The objective of this procedure is
to reduce the severity of loss and handle the situation in the best possible ways. It must be clearly
understood that it is not a substitute for maintaining good standards of SMS requirements.

Every person working at construction site must be familiar with the emergency and evacuation procedures.
In the event of emergency, such as fire, chemical spillage, land slide, scaffolding collapse, structure
or other industrial disaster and emergency aircraft landing worker should be prepared to tackle the
emergency and be able to leave their work place in a safe and orderly manner as quickly as possible.

a) Emergency Classification
 Emergency plane landing
 Fire, explosion
 Bomb threat
 Loss of utilities(water, sewerage services, power)
 Health epidemic
 Extreme weather (wind storms, sand storms, tornadoes)
 Release of hazardous materials
 Major injuries, large numbers of injured persons
 Missing persons
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

b) Emergency Preparedness
The basic and essential features of any emergency preparedness are to analys is and plan for the
potential risk. This includes

 Establishing and maintaining effective communications

 Liaison with local emergency services and authorities
 Action procedure
 Appoint of key personnel and specifying their duties and responsibility
 Emergency response drills

c) Emergency Response Drills

Effectiveness and comprehensiveness of emergency procedures must be tested on a routine basis.
Drills which reflect the conditions induced from the more likely emergency occurrences must be

 Plan, coordinate and execute emergency drills which effectively test existing emergency
response procedures for all site environments including emergency plane landing
 Draw upon HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s support and resources as necessary
for effective drills
 Encourage participation in drills when feasible
 Basic drills for fire evacuation from site shall be conducted
 Specific emergency drills shall be conducted according to the schedule prepared
 All emergency drills, exercises and responses to actual incidents shall be fully
documented and followed by a complete review and when necessary, as per procedure

2.6SMS notice for corrective actions

If Engineer detects the fact that HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture fails to fulfill the SMS
responsibility or to correct unsafe conditions or inadequate practices, safety engineer of HALLA–MIR
AKHTER Joint Venture will take the active necessary corrective action. When any negligence of SMS
or inadequate practices from subcontractors or venders are detected, the safety engineer of HALLA–MIR
AKHTER Joint Venture immediately advises or instruct the subcontractor and vender to correct them by
issuing the letter of instruction for corrective action to the subcontractor and vender. The work will not be
commenced again until corrective actions have been taken. Daily SMS tour shall be made by
safety manager who will record and submit one copy of the daily checklist to the HALLA–MIR AKHTER
Joint Venture’s safety engineer.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

2.SMS check list

Accidents mostly occur due to lack of knowledge, careless attitude, poor tools and equipment. In
consideration of the above, the safety and accident prevention actions shall be adopted to reduce and or
mitigate possible accident of any kind, which may result from construction activities in the project site. A
close supervision and monitoring of the construction activities, following standard practice will help in
fulfilling these goals to a large extent. In order to ensure safety of personnel and workers at site, due care
and attention shall be paid during for site preparation works. In this chapter more detailed SMS check list
will be considered and its management plan will be discussed.

2.1Traffic safety

Employee will comply with all SMS rules and signs regarding traffic and vehicle use including the
requirements traffic safety. Vehicles must be parked only in areas approved by the Engineer.
Speed limit within the site is controlled according to site and road condition. All equipment, machinery and
tools for use at the job site shall be checked, and subject to initial and periodic inspection. Any equipment,
machinery and tools that have not been checked shall be removed from the site. Inspection records shall be

2.2 Personal protective equipment (PPE)

a) Head protection
Safety hats or helmets are rigid headgear made of various materials and designed to protect the
head from impact, flying particles, electric shock, or any combination of the three. Each helmet
has two parts, a shell and a suspension cradle. Any modification of the safety helmet, especially
punching holes in shell, is prohibited.

b) Eye and face protection

Protection of the eyes and face by physical or chemical agents is of prime importance in an
industrial environment. Selecting type of protection will depend on the properties of possibly
imposed hazard, but it should be borne in mind that all eye protection and most face protection
devices must be considered as optical instruments. Industrial grade safety glasses (with shield)
required during working hours in construction site for following works.

 Welding and cutting

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Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

 Driving nails
 Grinding
 Drilling
 Blasting
 Painting

c) Hand protection
The kind of gloves used depends primarily upon the material or equipment being handled. Gloves
should not be used near rotating machinery as they can be caught and trap the hand. Suitable
gloves should be worn on most construction work.

d) Foot protection
The safety shoes or boots are fitted with a metal toe protection and shall be worn at all times while
working. The toe protection is capable of withstanding both compression and impact loads. Non-
slip or studded boots shall be worn because of the risk of slipping on grease surfaces. All studs
should be non-sparking.

e) Hearing protection
Protective hearing equipment is to be provided and used in designated areas or for high noise
hazard jobs. Devices include disposable earplugs, permanent re-usable earplug, and headbands
with rubber inserts and ear protectors. Hearing protection requirement, which will be confirmed
later, is as follow.

Sound Level Hearing Protection Requirement

Below 85 dB (A) No protection required

85 ~ 89 dB (A) Continuous) Required for work in area that may last more than 4 hours a day.

90 dB (A) (Continuous) Required for all personnel in area

90 dB (A) (Intermittent) Required for person using equipment that creates the excessive noise

2.3Fire protection
All employee will be shown where fire extinguishers are and how to use them. The flammable shall be
in properly labeled containers. Accumulation of trash, oily rags, combustible materials and similar fire
hazards of any nature will not be permitted. All welding and cutting torches must be equipped with flame
valve. All alleyways, driveways, roads, stairway, ladder and transformers shall be kept clear of hazardous
material and equipment. Refueling of petrol and diesel equipment shall be done only in prescribed areas
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

with approved equipment

Fire protection equipment and maintenance

a) Initial inspection.
All fire protection equipment including fire engine car shall be checked before moving into site.
The safety engineer will provide control numbers and will keep record. All fire extinguishers must
carry valid sticker (fire extinguisher record) which will be supplied by manufacturer or authorized
refill agency.

b) Maintenance and periodical inspection.

All fire extinguishers shall be checked every month and confirmed on each sticker. The safety
engineer will check this sticker every three month and record will be kept. Any extinguisher once
used and refilled will be inspected by safety engineer same as initial inspection.

2.4Excavation and trench

Excavations such as ditches, trenches or holes shall be sloped sufficiently to prevent cave-in or slide. If
sloping is impractical, shoring shall be used. Worker removing shoring after completion of work shall not
in the bottom of the excavation. Shoring shall be removed in a manner to prevent cave-in on worker.

Barricades, handrails, signals or other appropriate warning devices to protect worker from any hazardous
operation or excavation shall be provided. Open trenches, excavations, etc. shall be covered when handrails
or barricades do not provide adequate protection. Grade lines, ropes, chains, and other tripping hazards
be sufficiently marked to be clearly visible in the day or night.

2.5Concrete forms and shoring

Form work and shoring shall be designed, erected, supported, braced and maintained so that it will safely
support all vertical and lateral loads that may be imposed upon it during placement of concrete. Stripped
forms and shoring shall be removed and stockpiled promptly after stripping. Protruding nails, wire ties, and
other form accessories not necessary to subsequent work shall be pulled and cut or other means taken to
eliminate the hazard. Imposition of any construction loads on the partially completed structure shall not be
permitted unless such loading has been considered in the design and approved by the Engineer.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

2.6Welding and cutting

Welding or cutting torches and hoses shall not be connected to cylinders when stored in any enclosure or
building. When work is shut down and hoses are disconnected, all valves at the gas and oxygen cylinders
must be closed.
Gas and oxygen cylinders shall be handled with care, properly supported in an upright position away from
any source of heat or flames and securely tied-off. All cylinders not in use shall have the protective valve
in place, shall be vertically secured, and be stored outside the work area. Oxygen cylinders in storage and
in use shall be separated from gas cylinders by a fire retardant partition or a minimum distance of 6 meters.

When gas and oxygen cylinders are lifted by hoisting equipment a basket cradle or similar handling device
shall be used. When oxygen or gas cylinders are transported, protective valve caps shall be in place and
valves shall be closed. Special care (use of welding blankets) shall be taken during overhead cutting and
welding operations to safeguard the worker and prevent falling sparks from starting a fire or causing
Warning signs shall be posted around and at each level below the area of overhead welding or burning
operation. Fire extinguishers will be ready and available, and the plant approved fire hoses must be
to firewater hydrants ready for use.

 Oxygen cylinders and equipment shall be kept free from oil or grease
 Gas and oxygen cylinders shall not be taken into confined spaces
 Gas and oxygen cylinders shall be provided with turn-off wrench during use
 Must check that regulator is well fitted to cylinder
 Do not use matches or cigarettes to light a torch
 Do not use compressed gas to clean your clothing, blow out cinch anchor holes or clean your
working area
 Gas cylinders shall be handled with care and shall not be dropped

2.7Handling of chemicals

There may not be any specific chemicals to be handled by HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture and
subcontractors but in case of handling maximum care shall be exercised and material safety data sheet
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

(MSDS) shall be maintained by safety engineer with a copy.

Before handling any chemicals, it is essential to know its properties and follow the proper precaution and
procedure. All chemicals shall be stored in appropriate containers with proper labels. Hazardous chemicals
must be effectively isolated to avoid contamination. Incompatible materials must not be stored in the same
area. All employee must be aware that many of these chemicals are potential fire, explosion hazards or

2.8 Material safety data sheet (MSDS)

When any hazardous substance is procured, used, stored, or disposed, MADS for the substances shall be
available. Supplier shall provide MSDS. Information contained in the MSDS shall be incorporated in the
hazard analyses for the activities in which the material will be used and will be followed in the use,
and disposal of the material and the selection of hazard control and emergency response measures. All
employee using, storing, or disposing of hazardous substances shall receive training in the information
contained in the MSDS for the substance and any general occupational health and safety instruction
understanding this instruction.

2.9 First aid

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture and subcontractors will provide their own first aid facilities.
The paramedical facilities for first aid purposes, supplied and maintained on the construction site, will be
equipped and maintained to the standards required by applicable legislation. Subcontractor on
the construction site must have at least one member of his employee full qualified as a first aid helper. This
person must be present on the site at all times the subcontractor has employee working on the site. In the
event that immediately medical aid is required, call the First Aid Center and indicate clearly location and
nature of accident and protect the injured against any further injury. No person without First Aid Training
shall treat the injured person.

2.10 Alcohol or controlled drugs

Alcoholic drinks or controlled drugs are prohibited at all times. Anyone found under the influence of, or in
possession of, alcohol or drugs will be immediately removed from the site and refused future access.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

2.11 Smoking

Smoking is not permitted except in specified areas and also smoking inside vehicles on the site is not
permitted. Strike anywhere matches and lighters are not allowed in the plant. Cigarette butts should be
discarded only in proper receptacles.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Ⅲ. Implementation of project work in an operational aerodrome

1 General
HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will submit the HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture’s
SMS plan for all vehicles and personnel, which will affect the safe operation for aircraft during
before the start of construction activities

This SMS plan and procedure will be examined and approved by discretion of Civil Aviation Authority of
Bangladesh (CAAB) or authority in charge. The pre-construction conference also will be held with Airport
Manager to get advice on any issues associated with the evacuation plan and procedure to safe area in case
Emergency situation.

2. Implementation Procedure
The daily SMS implementation procedure of HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture, including
training is as below.

Daily Basis SMS Training



Cleaning, preventing FOD


a) Daily basis SMS training

Before starting work, daily basis SMS training (Task specific talks) will be executed. Safety
engineer will train all personnel about the designated access road, working area, including
evacuation plan to safe area in case of emergency situation. The objective of training is explained
in detail as below.
Only authorized personnel are allowed inside the premises, HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Venture will take a proper approval from the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB).
Construction zone and access and haul routes will be confirmed daily. This is critical in
consideration of night working condition. Working area and access and haul routes constantly
changing to minimize FOD. Therefore, before start of work HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint
Venture will train workgroup thoroughly.

◈Daily basis SMS training aims to check

 Designated access road
 Construction Zone (Night work, daytime work area will be delineated separately)
 Emergency contact number with Construction Manager
 Evacuation plan to safe area in case of emergency
 Personal protective equipment (PPE)

b) Mobilization
Mobilization of equipment and employee deployment will be executed as per construction
manager’ direction. The access road to construction site and construction zone will be discussed
advance and approved before starting work by Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)
for a safe aircraft operation.

c) Construction
HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will delineate the limits of construction zone(night work
and day work separately), aircraft operations areas, taxiways and parking aprons, etc. with cones,
lighted barricades or other low profile devices spaced properly apart as approved by the Civil
Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) to preclude inadvertent entry into these locations by
The access and haul routes will be marked with cones, barricade including signage to ensure
control of construction traffic. HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will submit for approval
any additions or changes to the barricade plan in advance prior to commencing work at the site.

d) Cleaning, preventing FOD(Foreign object damage)

Foreign object debris (FOD) at airports includes any object found in an inappropriate location that
can damage equipment or injure aircraft or airport personnel. The resulting damage is estimated to
cost the aerospace industry $4 billion a year. In considering of this fact, HALLA–MIR AKHTER
Joint Venture will carefully clean the area where construction activities were implemented after
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

finishing the work.

◈Cleaning of FOD by means of

 Automatic tire washer

 Dump truck trap
 Bobcat

 Automatic tire washer  Dump truck trap  Bobcat

e) Demobilization
Demobilization of equipment and employee deployment will be executed as per construction
manager’ direction. The demobilization route will be discussed in advance and approved before
starting work by Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) for a safe aircraft operation.

3. Special Case in Implementation of SMS

3.1 Equipment malfunction

In case that the night construction activities, that are related to runway asphalt overlay and extension, are
delayed due to equipment malfunction such as asphalt finisher, tire or tandem roller. The prompt
procedure is critical, to secure the safe operation of aircraft in the daytime and to finish the paving work in
slope as per ICAO Annex 14 related regulations.

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will take evacuation procedure to secure the safe operation and
mitigate an equipment malfunction impact as below.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

◈ Evacuation procedure

Notification to Airport Manager

Arrange for Trailer, Crane

- Call Trailer and Crane Operator (or)

- Call Heavy Equipment Rental Company


◈ Mitigation method

a) Sufficient inspection and weekly basis checkup before work

b) Set up emergency contacts
- Trailer and crane operator or heavy equipment rental company for a prompt evacuation
c) Prepare backup equipment for pavement work

3.2 Daily work finishing

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will pay acute attention to daily work finishing. In particular to
secure the safe aircraft operation during pavement overlay and extension activities, after finishing
night work for pavement, rapid heavy equipment evacuation and obstacles such as excavated soil,
concrete pipe, any material used for construction activities within the Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ)will be
promptly moved outside safety area

◈ Mitigation method

a) Excavated soil : After finishing work, excavated soil will be transferred to outside Obstacle Free
Zone(OFZ) and leveled not to disturb the aircraft operation

b) Equipment : Refer to the “Section 2 Equipment” in this chapter

Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

3.3Aircraft runway excursion

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will abide by ICAO Annex 14to mitigate the damage of
aircraft by four runway construction phases, in case of aircraft runway excursion during the landing or
taking off.



(Plan Layout)

Section1 (Transverse Joint) and Section2 (Longitudinal Joint)

Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Longitudinal and transverse slope will be approved by Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) as
per the ICAO and related regulations before construction activities.

◈ Related regulation
 ICAO Annex 14, clause 3.4.7
Longitudinal slopes of a runway end safety area
 ICAO Annex 14, clause 3.4.8
Transverse slopes of a runway end safety area


1 Site clearance and excavation


2 Embankment


After daily work finish, temporary backfill adjacent runway will be executed with the slope that will be
approved by Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)as per the ICAO and related regulations
before starting aircraft operation
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

3 Aggregate sub base and base spreading


4 HMA base and surface course

3.4 Fence, cone and barricade

Restricted areas shall be fenced with material of frangible and mounted as low as possible at all times as
the ICAO Annex 14 Clause 8.7 “Sitting and construction of equipment and installations on operation
areas”, because it is regarded as an obstacle.

If temporary fences or gates are needed, these gates will remain closed and locked or secured by a guard.
HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture is responsible for delineating the limits of the work areas, air
operations areas, taxiways and aircraft parking aprons, etc. with cones, lighted barricades. Access and haul
routes shall be marked with cones, barricades and traffic control devices including signage to ensure
of construction traffic.

HALLA–MIR AKHTER Joint Venture will submit for approval, to the Civil Aviation Authority of
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Bangladesh (CAAB), any additions or changes to the barricade plan in advance prior to commence
construction work at the site. The equipment and personnel are not permitted within any air operations
without approval of Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB).

3.5Imported Material Management

Imported material will be stockpiled in an area where not to disturb the operation of aircraft with approval
from the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB). No material will be stockpiled within the
Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ).

Imported material will be properly covered during delivery not to impose FOD as low as possible.

When supplier delivery imported material inside airport for the first time, safety engineer of HALLA–MIR
AKHTER Joint Venture will guide the access and haul routes. In particular during the night work, all
routes will be clearly delineated.
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

Ⅵ. Impact of the changes on safety after completion of the project

Item Before improvement After improvement

Code number 1 3
Code Letter C D

◈Main changes after completion of the project

 Critical Zone
 Obstacle Free Zone
 NAVAIDs : Non-instrument Runway → Instrument Runway

1. Critical zone
The Critical Zone is a designated area of an airport that all aircraft must remain clear of when one or more
Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) are in use. These areas are used to protect against signal interference or
attenuation that may lead to navigational errors, or worse.

The critical area is the sensitive area. Aircraft and vehicles are not allowed in this area when low visibility
procedures are in force, since aircraft auto land during this time and therefore the accuracy of the guidance
signals provided by the ILS is absolutely critical.

After completion of the project, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) shall set a new Critical
Zone as per the improved airport code and establish a revised SMS procedures accordingly.

2. Obstacle free zone

The obstacle-free zone (OFZ) is a 3D volume of airspace above the established airport elevation which
protects for the transition of aircraft to and from the runway. The Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) clearing
standard precludes taxiing and parked airplanes and object penetrations, except for frangible navigation aid
(NAVAID). It is centered above the runway and the extended runway centerline and is intended to provide
clearance protection for aircraft landing or taking off from the runway and for missed approaches.

After completion of the project, the code number of Cox’s Bazar Airport will become 3 from 1. This will
extend Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ). Within Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) any fixed obstacle other than a
low-mass and frangible mounted one is only allowed for air navigation purposes. Civil Aviation Authority
of Bangladesh (CAAB) needs to set a new SMS procedure as per the extend Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ).
Strengthening of Existing Runway and Taxiway at
Osmani International Airport, Sylhet)

The project will improve Cox’s Bazar Airport from Non-instrumented runway to instrumented runway.
Therefore, electronic NAVAIDs will need carefully attention from Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
(CAAB). In particular, any material or vehicle parking near electronic NAVAIDs require special
consideration since they may interfere with signals essential to air navigation.

Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) will need to identify the Critical Zone associated with
NAVAID and describe how it will be protected. Where applicable, the operational Critical Zone of
NAVAIDs shall be graphically delineated on the project drawings.

Particular attention shall be given to stockpiling material, as well as to movement and parking of
that may interfere with line of sight from the Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) or with electronic
emissions. Interference from construction equipment and activities may require NAVAID shutdown or
adjustment of instrument approach minimums for low visibility operations. This condition requires that a
NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) be filed.

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