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Matter And Its states

Matter is anything which has mass, occupies space and can be felt by our one or more
sense organs. For example- Air and Water; Hydrogen and Oxygen; Sugar and Sand;
Silver and Steel; Iron and Wood; Ice and Alcohol; Milk and Oil; Carbon dioxide and
Steam; Carbon and Sulphur; Rocks and Minerals etc. These are different kinds of
matter which has mass, volume and occupy space. They exist in the form of solid,
liquid, gas and plasma.

In other words, it is that substance which occupies space has definite mass, can exert
pressure; can produce physical resistance, and also whose existence can be realised
by our sense organs.

Types of matter
The matter has divided into two categories on the basis of composition:

1. Physical Composition
2. Chemical Composition

Physical Composition
In this composition matter is totally depends on intermolecular forces existing among
their molecules. Matter is divided into three group on the basis of physical
composition- solid, liquid and gas.

In this type, matter has definite shape and fixed volume because their
intermolecular forces of attractions among molecules of substance are stronger than
forces of separation and hence molecules of substance are compressed in dense form.
For example- table, book, stone pieces etc.


In this type, matter has definite volume but indefinite shape like water,
milk, oil, wine etc because their intermolecular forces of attraction among the molecules
are only slightly greater than the corresponding forces of separation and hence the
molecules of liquid are less densely compressed and are freely move inside the


In this type, substance or matter has indefinite or uncertain shape

and size (volume) like air, H2, N2, O2 etc because their intermolecular forces of attraction
are weaker than corresponding forces of attraction. Gas particles have a great deal of
space between them and have high kinetic energy. When a gas is put under pressure
by reducing the volume of the container, the space between particles is reduced, and
the pressure exerted by their collisions increases. If the volume of the container is held
constant, but the temperature of the gas increases, then the pressure will also increase.

Chemical Composition
The matter is divided into three groups- elements, compound and mixture.

It is that fundamental substance or matter which cannot be decomposed or
disintegrated into two or more different components which have different properties or
characteristics by any physical or chemical process. On the basis of electronic
configuration, an element is that substance or matter whose atoms have same nuclear
charges. It is of two types- Metal and Non-metal. Metals are usually good conductors of
electricity and heat and mostly found in solid states which are malleable and ductile
whereas non-metal are bad conductors of electricity and heat, and these are brittle.

It is that substance which is formed by the chemical combination of two more elements
composed in a definite ratio, and also the physical and chemical properties of the
formed compound are different from that of its constituents or components elements.
For example- Water is formed from hydrogen and Oxygen.

It is substance or matter which is formed by two or more pure elements by the means of
only a physical combination without definite proportion. For example- air, brass
(Copper+ Zinc) etc.

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