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Indonesia Traditional Music Instrument

The angklung was played to honor Dewi Sri, the goddess of fertility, so she would
bless their land and lives. The angklung also signaled the time for prayers, and was
said to have been played since the 7th century in the Kingdom of Sunda.

How to play
An angklung player holds the instrument in one hand and
shakes it with the other. A melody is performed by a group
of players shaking angklungs of different pitches. Each
performer can hold a maximum of two angklungs, one on
each hand.

Famous musicians
No particular artist/musician plays angklung but angklung is usually played as an
Angklung ensemble. It is a small group of musicians who play angklung bamboo
instruments. These instruments can also be a part of the other ensemble like the
pangkat kawayan.

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