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A. Watch the video entitled “The Unique Story of Ruth and Boaz”.

Give the concise

summary of the story and write your reaction by answering the questions below.

The story of Ruth and Boaz is told in the Old Testament book of Ruth. Here is a brief summary:

Ruth was a Moabite woman who married a man from Bethlehem named Mahlon. After Mahlon
and his brother died, Ruth's mother-in-law, Naomi, urged Ruth and her other daughter-in-law,
Orpah, to return to their families in Moab. Orpah left, but Ruth decided to stay with Naomi and
travel with her back to Bethlehem.

In Bethlehem, Ruth began to glean in the fields to provide for herself and Naomi. She happened
to be gleaning in the field of Boaz, a wealthy landowner who was also a relative of Naomi's
husband. Boaz was impressed by Ruth's hard work and kindness to Naomi, and he allowed her to
glean in his fields and provided extra grain for her.

Naomi realized that Boaz was a potential husband for Ruth, so she instructed Ruth to go to Boaz
at night, uncover his feet while he was sleeping, and lie down. Boaz woke up and was surprised
to find Ruth there, but he praised her for her loyalty to Naomi and agreed to marry her.

Boaz redeemed Naomi's land and married Ruth. They had a son named Obed, who became the
grandfather of King David.

The story of Ruth and Boaz is often seen as a story of loyalty, kindness, and redemption.

1. How does the Love Story of Ruth and Boaz models in building our own marriages?
Ruth and Boaz's love story offers a number of insightful insights that may be used to create solid
and enduring relationships. Ultimately, the love tale of Ruth and Boaz is a lovely illustration of
how fidelity, compassion, and loyalty may result in a solid and long-lasting union.
2. In Ephesians 5:22-33: The Church is called the Bride of Christ and Christ is declared the Head
of the Church, His Bride. As individual believers and as the Church we have an intimate
relationship with Christ. This is a relationship that is closer than an earthly husband and wife
relationship. Give two important ways by which we become the bride of Christ.
A. Faith in Jesus

B. Living a Life of Obedience

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