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NICE Evidence Search Student Champion final report template

1. University and School: Medway School of Pharmacy, Kent.

2. 2014 -15 Academic Year:
3. (a) How many sessions did you facilitate / co-facilitate on Evidence Search? 1
(b) Date/s of sessions? 13/10/2014
(c) Names of all co-facilitators:- Alphonsus Adigwe-Ndudi and Zerlish Khokar
(d) Approximately how many students attended your sessions? 19

4. Which year groups were your sessions for? 3rd Year (Pharmacy students)

5. What aspects of your sessions do you think worked particularly well?

The group scenario sessions worked particularly well during the feedback sessions.

5.1. Give some specific examples of the techniques that you used in your sessions e.g.
the use of worksheets, quizzes, discussion in small groups, search demonstrations
by the participants etc.

Prior to the session, we created a power point slide that contained definitions such
as guidance, cks and pathway. We also had the opportunity to go through 3 short
questions before giving out a worksheet with 2 case scenarios (chicken pox and
pancreatic cancer). The worksheet had some blank pages to enable the 3rd years to
jot down notes from the session.

6. What aspects of your sessions do you think worked less well?

The introductory session worked less well may be due to nervousness but as the
session progressed we gained confidence.

7. What is your critical assessment of the relevance of Evidence Search to you / students
in your department?
Evidence Search is important to me as a pharmacy student and wannabe pharmacist
because as a medical professional (PHARMACIST) you are required to keep up to
date with the latest news and how it impacts your patient. This enables continuous
professional development.

7.1. Please give specific examples of where your search results were particularly useful.
Email your completed report to: with the Your
Name & the name of your department and university in the subject field / title.
My search results were particularly useful whilst searching for the best way to
manage an immunocompromised patient with chicken pox. The result from the
Clinical Knowledge Summary was detailed and also contains information on how to
symptomatically treat an immunocompromised person with chickenpox. The basis
for recommendation of OTC medications such as calamine lotion which I will find
useful in the community pharmacy during pre-registration placement.

7.2. Please give an example of where your results were not so useful.

Not Applicable

8. How do you think the student champion scheme could be improved in the future?

Time management during the workshop and creating a video tutorial about what
NICE Evidence Search. The video tutorial may also contain example scenarios.

9. What’s your top tip for future student champions?

This program is very helpful and gives you an opportunity to work as a team and
build your communication skills.

10. What do you think you have gained from being a student champion?

How to organize a workshop, communication skills and how the NICE Evidence
Search works.

11. Additional comments

Are you happy for an anonymised version of your report to be shared with your University?
YES, NO please circle your response.

Email your completed report to: with the Your

Name & the name of your department and university in the subject field / title.

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