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Deceleration Chamber

Input Data
Q(hourly Peak Flow rate) = 850 m3/hr
Assume Retention Time = 60 sec
Volume = Q/RT = (850/3600)/60 = 14.17 m3
Take Depth = 2m
and Length = 2*Width
Volume = Depth*Width*Length
Width = 1.88 m
Take Width = 2 m
so, Length = 4 m
Actual RT = (2*2*4)/(850/3600) = 67.76 Sec

Approach Channel
Q = 850 m3/hr
Take velocity = 1.2 m/s (0.6 - 1.5 m/s)
Cross Section area of the channel = Q/V = 0.2 m2
take width = 2*depth
so, depth = 0.31m
Take depth = 0.3 m
and Width = 0.6 m
Actual velocity = Q/Area = (850/3600)/(0.3*0.6) = 1.31 m/s
According to Manning Equation to calculate channel slope: (Write the equation)
v: velocity
n: manning roughness coefficient
R: hydraulic radius
S: channel slope
n= 0.013 and R= 0.15
S= 0.00365m
To calculate min flow rate: (write the equation)
n=0.013 a=0.061249 r=0.076165 S= 0.00365
Qmin = 184 m3/s
So, depth at min Flow = Q/(width*velocity) = 0.06m
let depth=0.1 m
So min velocity = Q/Area = (184/3600)/(0.1*0.6) = 0.85 m/s

Mechanical Coarse Screen

Q = 850 m3/hr
Let clear width between 2 adjacent bars = 1.5 cm
Let width of the bar = 0.6 cm
We will use two mechanical screens ( n=2)
Assume velocity through screen (V2) = 0.9 m/s (V2<1.5 m/s)
And Inclination of the screen θ = 80 to the horizontal (60-80).
and depth pf water before screen(d) = 0.3 m
1- Net cross section area of screen = Q/V2 = (850/3600)/0.9 = 0.26 m2
2- Total no. of openings = total clear width / width between 2 bars =
[0.26/(0.3/sin 80)]/[1.5*0.01]= 56.9 opening
Take no. of openings = 56 each screen has 28 opening
No. of bars = 28 + 1 = 29 bars.
Total screen width = no. of openings x width of opening + no. of bars x width of
= 28*1.5*0.01+(28+1)*0.6*0.01=.594 m
take screen width = 0.6 m
Velocity of water befor screen(V1) = Q/nBd= (850/3600)/(2*0.6*0.3)=0.66 m/s
Cleanhead Loss = 1.4(V22-V12)/(2g) = 1.4*(0.9*0.9-0.66*0.66)/(2*9.81) = 0.026 m

Manual Screen
Q = 850/2=425 m3/hr
Let clear width between 2 adjacent bars = 2 cm
Let width of the bar = 1 cm
We will use two mechanical screens ( n=1)
Assume velocity through screen (V2) = 0.7 m/s (V2<1.5 m/s)
And Inclination of the screen θ = 80 to the horizontal (60-80).
and depth pf water before screen(d) = 0.3 m
1- Net cross section area of screen = Q/V2 = (425/3600)/0.7 = 0.17 m2
2- Total no. of openings = total clear width / width between 2 bars =
[0.17/(0.3/sin 80)]/[2*0.01]= 27.9 opening
Take no. of openings = 33
No. of bars = 33 + 1 = 34 bars.
Total screen width = no. of openings x width of opening + no. of bars x width of
= 33*2*0.01+(33+1)*1*0.01=1 m
Velocity of water befor screen(V1) = Q/nBd= (425/3600)/(1*1*0.3)=0.39 m/s (V1>0.3)
Cleanhead Loss = 1.4(V22-V12)/(2g) = 1.4*(0.7*0.7-0.39*0.39)/(2*9.81) = 0.0.02 m

Aerated Grit Removal

Q= 850 m3/hr
Assume RT = 5 min (RT=2-5 min)
Required Volume = Q*RT= (850/3600)*(5*60)=70.8 m3
Number of units = 2
Assume depth = 2.5m (2---5 m)
Assume Length = 7.5 m (7.5---20 m)
So, Width = (70.8/2)/(2*7.5) = 1.89 m
Take Width = 2.5 m (2.5---7 m)
Actual Volume = (2.5*7.5*2.5)*2 = 93.75 m3
So, Actual RT = (93.75)/(850/3600) = 397 sec = 6.62 min
Rate of air required = 0.5m3/min/L(m) (0.2-----0.5m3/min)
So, The Total air for one unit = 0.5*7.5*60=225 m3/hr
Total air for the two = 450 m3/hr
Let the Compressor capacity = 500 m3/hr
Take Main header diameter = 100 mm
So, The velocity in main header =( 4Q/3.14D2) = 17.69 m/s Acceptable
Take Pipe diameter of each room = 75 mm
The velocity in the pipe = 15.73 m/s
Take diffuser diameter = 18 mm
velocity = 22.75 m/s

Mechanical Fine Screen

Q = 850 m3/hr
Let clear width between 2 adjacent bars = 0.6 cm
Let width of the bar = 0.6 cm
We will use two mechanical screens ( n=2)
Assume velocity through screen (V2) = 1.075 m/s (V2<1.5 m/s)
And Inclination of the screen θ = 80 to the horizontal (60-80).
and depth pf water before screen(d) = 0.3 m
1- Net cross section area of screen = Q/V2 = (850/3600)/1.075= 0.22 m2
2- Total no. of openings = total clear width / width between 2 bars =
[0.22/(0.3/sin 80)]/[0.6*0.01]= 120.365 opening
Take no. of openings = 122 each screen has 61 opening
No. of bars = 61 + 1 = 62 bars.
Total screen width = no. of openings x width of opening + no. of bars x width of
= 62*0.6*0.01+(61+1)*0.6*0.01=.74 m
Velocity of water befor screen(V1) = Q/nBd= (850/3600)/(2*0.74*0.3)=0.53 m/s
Cleanhead Loss = 1.4(V22-V12)/(2g) = 1.4*(1.075*1.075-0.53*0.53)/(2*9.81) = 0.06 m

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