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Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are used in Building Services in various areas.

Some of the more common uses are:

← Copper coil in Indirect Hot Water Cylinder.

← Finned pipe e.g. Fin and Tube air heating or cooling coil.
← Plate heat exchanger for heating Hot Water Service (HWS) or hot
water for heating.
← Tube bundle inside a Storage Calorifier
← Tube bundle inside a Non-Storage Calorifier e.g. a Shell & Tube Heat

Much of the basic conduction and convection theory finds its greatest application
in the heat exchanger.
Whenever it is necessary to transfer energy from one fluid to another some form of
heat exchanger is used.

Heat Exchangers can be defined as either; In-Line or Cross-flow.

Flow is along the same axis in the in-line heat exchanger but the two fluids may
flow in the same direction (Parallel Flow) or opposite direction (Counter Flow).
The Cross Flow exchanger is one in which the two fluid streams flow at right

The diagram below shows direction of flow for four types of heat exchanger.

Parallel Flow In-Line Counter Flow In-Line

Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger

Cross Flow Heat Exchanger

Cross Flow Heat Exchanger
Types of Heat Exchanger

Shell and Tube type

The shell side is shown as silver coloured flanges, the tube side being red.
The shell side usually contains the process fluid and the tube side water from the
town mains or a cooling tower, or an ethylene glycol solution from a chiller unit.
Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers are particularly useful in bad water environments
caused by pollution or from the chemicals used to counter it. They can also be used
to overcome the corrosive nature of some synthetic oils and refrigerants.
Plate type

The heat transfer surface consists of a number of thin corrugated plates pressed out
of a high grade metal.
The most common plate material is stainless steel.
Plate and frame heat exchangers were first used in the food and dairy industries,
where the ability to access plate surfaces for cleaning is imperative.
The heat transfer surface consists of a number of thin corrugated plates pressed out
of a high grade metal.
The pressed pattern on each plate surface induces turbulence and minimises
stagnant areas and fouling.

The diagram below shows a honeycomb arrangement of heat exchanger plates.

The pressed pattern on each plate surface induces turbulence and minimises
stagnant areas and fouling.
Unlike shell and tube heat exchangers, which can be custom-built to meet almost
any capacity and operating conditions, the plates for plate and frame heat
exchangers are mass-produced using expensive dies and presses. Therefore, all
plate and frame heat exchangers are made with what may appear to be a limited
range of plate designs.

The inlet and outlet connections in the plate heat exchangers shown above are
axially in line. This means that they can be installed directly in pipework without
any change of direction. Each fluid stream flows in series through alternate plates.
As a consequence, the plate spacing is larger and internal velocities are higher than
is normally the case with this type of heat exchanger, thus rendering them less
prone to fouling.

The units sown above feature stainless steel AISI 304 / 316 plates and EPDM
(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer sometimes called Ethylene Propylene

gaskets. The gaskets are arranged so that the two media are directed into the
alternate channels created by the plates. A double seal arrangement around the two
ports ensures that if fluid leaks it passes through the interspace direct into the
atmosphere, avoiding cross contamination.

The plate pack consists of a number of herringbone patterned, pressed heat transfer
plates. These are assembled in an inverse formation to create two sets of parallel
channels, one for each liquid. Since the herringbone patterns point in opposite
directions a large number of points of support are achieved, creating a lattice in
each channel. This provides a high level of turbulence, which in turn leads to an
elevated rate of heat transfer.
Plate Heat exchangers have the following uses; heating and cooling for the
brewing, food, dairy, pharmaceutical and power generation industries; heat
recovery for the chemical, pharmaceutical, power generation and paper & pulp

In Line Plate Heat Exchanger

In Line Plate Heat Exchangers have been designed as a low-cost alternative to shell
and tube types.
They consist of numerous 316 stainless steel heat transfer plates, two outer covers
and four connections copper vacuum-brazed together to form an integral unit.


Gasket properties have a critical bearing on the capabilities of a plate and frame
heat exchanger, in terms of its tolerance to temperature and pressure.
Gaskets are commonly made of:
Nitrile rubber.
EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer).

Plate type for Hot Water Heating

The plate heat exchanger shown below is used to generate hot water cutting out
storage altogether.
This reduces the risk of the legionella bacteria.
Also the Hot Water system can be easily pressurised from the supply mains water

The packaged Hot Water heat exchanger shown above is fitted with primary
pumps and a 4-port motorised primary control valve together with a built in
bypass. The control box is fitted with a PID temperature controller.

Combined type
The unit shown above is a semi-instantaneous hot water system comprising a
DHW instantaneous compact plate heat exchanger with a combined storage vessel.
This hot water heater has been designed to enable a reduction in the necessary
boiler power rating and storage volume without a corresponding decrease in the
amount of hot water capable of being delivered.
The Hot Water Storage Cylinder is sized to deliver small Hot Water flows in the
When a larger amount of Hot Water is required then the Plate Heat Exchanger can
deliver the appropriate amount instantaneously.
The Secondary Return Water is heated by the Plate Heat Exchanger where it passes
into the Storage Cylinder until it is required.
Another way to operate this system is to reduce boiler power and make the Hot
Water Cylinder large enough to cope with a significant portion of the Hot Water
The storage vessel shown above would have to be capable of being pressurised so
that enough pressure is available at outlets.

Heat Exchangers
Capacity ratio C;
If Mh Ch > Mc Cc then C = McCc
C = Capacity Ratio
Mc = Mass flow rate of cold fluid (kg/s)
Mh = Mass flow rate of hot fluid (kg/s)
Cc = Heat capacity of cold fluid (kJ/kg K)
Ch = Heat capacity of hot fluid (kJ/kg K)

or, If Mh Ch < Mc Cc then C = MhCh


tco - tci
Effectiveness; E = when Mh Ch > Mc Cc
thi - tci
E = Effectiveness of heat exchanger
tco = Temperature of cold fluid at outlet (oC)
tci = Temperature of cold fluid at inlet (oC)
thi = Temperature of hot fluid at inlet (oC)

thi - tho
or – Effectiveness; E = when Mh Ch < Mc Cc
thi - tci
E = Effectiveness of heat exchanger
thi = Temperature of hot fluid at inlet (oC)
tho = Temperature of hot fluid at outlet (oC)
tci = Temperature of cold fluid at inlet (oC)
Energy balance:

Energy in = Energy out

Heat in = Heat out.
Heat in hot fluid = Heat in cold fluid.

m hot x Cp x t = m cold x Cp x t

m hot = Mass flow rate of hot fluid (kg/s)
m cold = Mass flow rate of cold fluid (kg/s)
Cp = Specific Heat Capacity of fluid (kJ/kg K)
t = Temperature difference between inlet and outlet of each fluid see diagram below ( oC).

t hi t hi
Hot fluid t hot
t co
t cold t ho
Cold fluid
t ci
t ci
Counter flow heat exchanger

The heat flow through the heat exchanger is;

Heat output = U overall . A . t = m hot or cold x Cphot or cold x t hot or cold

Heat Output = Heat transferred to fluid (kW)
U overall = Overall heat transfer coefficient of heat transfer surfaces (kW/m2 oC)
t = Temperature difference between inlet and outlet of each fluid see diagram below ( oC).
m hot = Mass flow rate of hot fluid (kg/s)
m cold = Mass flow rate of cold fluid (kg/s)
Cp = Specific Heat Capacity of fluid (kJ/kg K)

Also, Surface area of heat exchanger is found by rearranging the above formula;

A = Heat output / U overall . t

A = Surface area of heat exchanger (m2)
Heat Output = Heat transferred to fluid (kW)
U overall = Overall heat transfer coefficient of heat transfer surfaces (kW/m2 oC)
From following formulae;

U overall  1 / h hot + 1 / h cold

U overall  1 / h hot + 1 / h cold )
h hot = Heat transfer coefficient by convection between tube wall and hot fluid (kW/m2 oC)
h cold = Heat transfer coefficient by convection between tube wall and cold fluid (kW/m 2 oC)
t = Log mean temperature difference (LMTD) from following formula and diagram;

o - i
t =
loge o

t hi
Hot fluid
t co
t ho
Cold fluid
t ci
Counter flow heat exchanger

Example 1

Mineral oil is to be cooled in a counter-flow heat exchanger.

The oil flow rate is 0.32 kg/s and it is to be cooled from 140oC to 60oC.
Cooling water at 20oC is used and the flow rate is 0.75kg/s.
The convection coefficient between oil and the tube wall is 0.22 kW/m 2K
and between the tube wall and the cooling water 0.37 kW/m2K.
(a) the capacity ratio
(b) the effectiveness
(c) the area of the heat exchanger surface
Cooling water heat capacity = 4.187 kJ/kgK
Mineral oil heat capacity = 5.80 kJ/kgK


t hi =140oC
Hot fluid
t co= ? oC t ho = 60oC
Cold fluid o
t ci = 20oC
Counter flow heat exchanger

For hot stream (Oil) = Mh . C h = 0.32 x 5.8 = 1.856

For cold stream (Water) = Mc . C c = 0.75 x 4.187 = 3.14

So M h . C h < Mc . C c MhCh
C =
(a) Capacity ratio C = 1.856 / 3.14 = 0.592

Also; thi - tho

E =
thi - tci

(b) E = 80 / 120 = 0.666

(c) A = Heat output / U overall . t

m hot x Cp x t = m cold x Cp x t

0.32 x 5.80 x 80 = 0.75 x 4.187 x (tco – 20)

148.48 = 3.140 (tco – 20)
(tco – 20) = 148.48 / 3.140
(tco – 20) = 47.29
tco = 47.29 + 20
tco = 67.3 oC

t hi =140oC
Hot fluid
t co= 67.3 oC t ho = 60oC
Cold fluid o
t ci = 20oC
Counter flow heat exchanger

From above diagram;  o = 60 – 20 = 40 degC

 i = 140 – 67.3 = 72.7 degC

The log mean temperature difference LMTD ( t) is;

o - i
t =
loge o

t = (  o -  i / log e ( o /  i

t = ( 40 - 72.7 ) / log e ( / 

t = ( - 32.7 ) / log e (

t = - 32.7 / - 0.598

t = 54.7 deg C.
U overall  1 / h hot + 1 / h cold )

U overall  1 / 0.22 +1 / 0.37 )

U overall  4.545 + 2.703 )

U overall  7.248
U overall  kW/m2 oC
A = Heat output / U overall . t
A = 148.48 / 0.138 x 54.7
A = 19.67 m2.
Example 2

Calculate the capacity ratio, the effectiveness and the area of the heat exchanger
shown below.
0.4 kg/s of Mains water

10oC Unknown temperature

0.3 kg/s of Oil
50oC 100oC

Counter Flow In-Line

Heat Exchanger

The convection coefficient between the tube wall and the oil is 0.35 kW/m 2degC.
The convection coefficient between the tube wall and the water is 0.25 kW/m 2degC.
The specific heat capacity for oil is 2.2 kJ/kgdegC.
The specific heat capacity for water is 4.2 kJ/kgdegC


? oC Oil

Mains water

Counter flow heat exchanger


For hot stream (Oil) = Mh . C h = 0.3 x 2.2 = 0.66

For cold stream (Water) = Mc . C c = 0.4 x 4.2 = 1.68

So M h . C h < Mc . C c

Therefore….. Capacity ratio C = Mh . C h / Mc . C c

Capacity ratio C = 0.66 / 1.68 = 0.393

Energy balance:

Energy in = Energy out

min x Cp x t = mout x Cp x t

0.3 x 2.2 x (100 – 50) = 0.4 x 4.2 x ( t c o - 10)

33 kW = 1.68 (t c o - 10)

33 / 1.68 = (t c o - 10)

19.6 = t c o - 10

t co = 19.6 - - 10

t co = 19.6 + 10

t co = 29.6 oC

Because M h . C h < Mc . C c

the Effectiveness E = (t h in - t h out ) / (t h in - t c in )

E = ( 100 – 50) / ( 100 – 10)

E = 50 / 90

E = 0.556
The log mean temperature difference LMTD is;

T = (  o -  i / log e ( o /  i

T = ( 40 - 70.4 ) / log e ( / 

T = ( - 30.4 ) / log e (

T = - 30.4 / - 0.565

T = 53.3 deg C.

The heat flow through the heat exchanger  is;

 = U overall x A x T

U overall 1 / h hot + 1 / h cold

U overall = Overall heat transfer coefficient (kW/m2 oC)
H hot and h cold = Heat transfer coefficient by convection between tube wall and
fluid (kW/m2 oC)

U overall 1 / 0.35 + 1 / 0.25

U overall 2.86 + 4.00

U overall 6.86

U overall  1 / 6.86

U overall  0.146 kW/m2 oC

 = U overall x A x T
A =  / U overall x T
A =  / 0.146 x 

A = 

A = 4.24 m2.

How much 25mm dia. steel tube is this?

For BS1387 black iron tube OD is 33.8mm
Circumference is  x 0.0338 = 0.106 m
Length = 4.24 / 0.106 = 40 metres



70.4 degC Oil

29.6 oC 50oC
Mains water  o = 40 degC

Counter flow heat exchanger

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