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Traits List
Full List of Normal Traits
- 02 Expert Mental, 1 47 - 48 Insightful Mental, 11
- 04 Proficient Combat, 1 49 - 50 Inspirational Mental, 12
- 06 Physical, 1 51 - 52 Intimidating Physical, 7
- 08 Combat, 2 53 - 54 Jumper Physical, 8
- 10 Combat, 3 55 - 56 Linguist Mental, 13
- 12 Fighter Combat, 4 57 - 58 Marksman Combat, 9
- 14 Combat, 5 59 - 60 Martial Artist Combat, 10
- 16 Mental, 2 61 - 62 Mechanical Genius Mental, 14
- 18 Mental, 3 63 - 64 Medical Expert Mental, 15
- 20 Specialist Mental, 4 65 - 66 Negotiator Mental, 16
- 22 Nerves Physical, 2 67 - 68 Opportunist Combat, 11
- 24 Physical, 3 69 - 70 Perceptive Mental, 17
- 26 Mental, 5 71 - 72 Quick Shot Combat, 12
- 28 Combat, 6 73 - 74 Resolute Physical, 9
- 30 Expert Mental, 6 75 - 76 Rouser Combat, 13
- 32 Physical, 4 77 - 78 Sense Trouble Physical, 10
- 34 Mental, 7 79 - 80 Skulduggery Physical, 11
- 36 Mental, 8 81 - 82 Sneaky Physical, 12
(must be specified 83 - 84 Strategic Combat, 14
by discipline) 85 - 86 Streetwise Mental, 18
- 38 Mental, 9 87 - 88 Strong Physical, 13
- 40 Mental, 10 89 - 90 Studious Mental, 19
- 42 of Foot Physical, 5 91 - 92 Survivalist Mental, 20
- 44 Weapons Combat, 7 93 - 94 Tough Physical, 14
Expert 95 - 96 Vehicle Master Physical, 15
- 46 Physical, 6 97 - 98 Vigilant Combat, 15
Infiltrator Combat, 8 99 - 00

Special Traits (Cyber/Xeno) Special Traits (Psionic/Xeno)

1. Absorption Nodes 1. Beastspeaker 6. Lucky
2. Augmented Reflexes 2. Bioforce 7. Mimicry
3. Cloaking Field 3. Camouflage 8. Pyroforce
4. Cyber-Arms/Strong Arms 4. Cyroforce 9. Telekinesis
5. Cyber-Eyes/Keen Eyes 5. Electroforce 10. Telepathy
6. Cyber-Legs/Strong Legs
7. Cyber-Brain Implant/ Eidetic Memory
8. Enviro-Immunity Jedi Force Traits
9. Extra Limbs
10. Hidden/Retractable Weapon 1. Force Sensitive
11. Hover 2. Force Wielder
12. Regeneration Systems/Focused Healing 3. Force Master
13. Speed Boost 4. One With The Force
14. Subsurface Armor
15. Subsurface Scanner/Advanced Senses
traits List
Physical Traits
traits list

1. Athletic: Gain Advantage when Testing for long jumps,

swimming, climbing, maintaining balance, tumbling, etc.
2. Cool Nerves: Add 2 more empty slots to your Soak
track to prevent Stressed.
3. Dark-sight: You do not suffer Disadvantage in low-
light conditions or for having your sight impaired.
4. Diehard: When damage would reduce you to 0 Hit
Points, it instead reduces you to 2 Hit Points. You can do
this once per day.
5. Indefatigable: Add 2 more empty slots to your Soak
track to prevent Fatigue.
6. Intimidating: Impose Disadvantage on an opponent.
They must make a normal Save Test in order to resist
7. Jumper: You can jump easily twice as high or as far
as average. In combat, you gain a bonus Action that can
be used only for movement, but if you move twice in one
turn your next Test is at Disadvantage.
8. Fleet of Foot: Your speed increases from 25 feet to 30
feet. In combat, you gain a bonus Action that can be used
only for movement, but if you move twice in one turn
your next Test is at Disadvantage.
9. Resolute: You gain Advantage on all Save Tests.
10. Sense Trouble: No Disadvantage if surprised.
11. Skulduggery: Gain Advantage when Testing for
picking pockets and locks, performing sleight of hand,
concealing small objects, getting lost in a crowd, or other
low-level grift.
12. Sneaky: You gain Advantage when Testing to hide or
sneak around without others noticing you.
13. Strong: You gain Advantage when Testing to do
something with brute force.

14. Tough: You gain 2 additional Hit Points.
15. Vehicle Master: Any Tests while driving a specific
vehicle type are done with Advantage. Choose a non-
Starship type such as Skimmerbikes, Sledcars, or Haulers.

traits list
Combat Traits
1. Armor Proficient: You are trained in using Armors.
You gain a suit of Light Armor and can use it to Soak
damage instead of HP. You must “learn” this Trait a
second time to be trained in Heavy Armor.
2. Barfighter: You can select Improvised Weapons as a
Weapon Group to be proficient; when fighting with any
Improvised Weapon, you get one extra Action each turn.
3. Berserker: When attacking with a Melee Weapon,
you can choose to attack with Disadvantage. If you do
and succeed, you deal 3 damage instead of 1.
4. Born Fighter: When combat starts, before initiative is
rolled, you may immediately take 1 Turn (2 Actions.)
5. Brawler: If you are fighting Unarmed, you Evade with
2d6 (instead of 1d6.)
6. Defender: When an adjacent ally is hit, before Evade
Tests are made, you may choose to have that attack hit
you instead.
7. Heavy Weapons Expert: As one Attack action, you
may attack with a Heavy Ranged Weapon to hit one
target, and if successful, the two targets nearest to your
initial target (ally or enemy) receives the same damage
minus 1 (minimum of 1).
8. Infiltrator: Gain Advantage on Tests to locate, disarm,
and detect ambushes and traps. You also gain Advantage
on Save Tests to avoid traps.
9. Marksman: When using the Focus Action, your next
attack with a Ranged Weapon is successful on a Test of 3,
4, 5, or 6.
10. Martial Artist: You can select Unarmed as a Weapon
Group to be proficient, with a martial arts style as your
Mastered Weapon. You ignore penalties for unarmed

11. Opportunist: If an enemy within range fails to hit
with an attack against you, you may immediately make
an attack with Disadvantage against that enemy.
12. Quick Shot: When fighting with a Light Ranged
traits list

Weapon, you get one extra Action each turn.

13. Rouser: As an Action during combat, rally an ally
and galvanize their strength. Restore 2 HP to your nearest
ally (or choose one if they are all equidistant) or restore
1 HP to up to three allies in Close range. You must Test to
be able to rally a second time during the same battle, and
Test with Disadvantage for a third or more.
14. Strategic: Forfeit any Attack actions on your turn
as you study your opponent’s moves. After, you can
Test with 3d6 when taking Evade actions against this
opponent. This benefit lasts until you take damage from
this opponent, at which point you can try again. You only
have one Strategic defense active against one target at
one time.
15. Vigilant: You gain Advantage on Initiative Tests.

Mental Traits
1. Animal Expert: Test with Advantage when interacting
with small critters or beasts of burden. Animal companions
do not enter combat unless trained, and you must spend an
Action to command an animal to use its actions in battle.
2. Bureaucratic: Gain Advantage when Testing to uncover
information or navigate within “the System.”
3. Charmer: Gain Advantage for Tests of persuasion,
flattery, or appealing to a target’s better nature. Useful
for turning negative reactions to mild, or from mild to
4. Computer Specialist: Gain Advantage when per-
forming data retrieval, using imaging systems, or with
encryption/ decryption. This includes hacking cybernetic
and AI systems or robotic constructs. If your Test is
successful, these targets must make a Save Test or lose all
Actions until they make a successful Save Test at the start
of their turn (in which they can act again). If they succeed,

they lose one Action the next time they would act.
5. Deceiver: Test with Advantage when attempting to
bluff, con, impersonate someone, or mislead a target.
6. Demolitions Expert: Test with Advantage when

traits list
identifying, placing, or defusing explosives.
7. Disciplined: You can resist temptation and also
overcome feelings of panic or loss of resolve. Test with
Advantage on Save tests of this sort, including to resist
Charmers and Deceivers.
8. Educated: You gain Advantage when checking to
see if you know specific information. If you don’t know
something, you do know the best place to find it. Must
specify an Educational field/ subject, below. You can
choose this Trait again for additional fields/subjects.
9. Engineer: When you are maintaining, managing, or
repairing Structure to a starship, you gain Advantage
when needed. Once per day, you can make a Test with
Advantage. If successful, you can restore 1 Structure
point if outside a dock or spaceport.
10. Etiquette: You have a calculating under­ standing
that comes from your experiences of high society. You
can Test to turn a target from unfriendly to helpful, or
likewise to uncover helpful rumors or information to
help your current situation.
11. Inspirational: Others gravitate to your presence. As
a Action, target an ally who can Test as if using Focus on
their next action.
12. Insightful: You gain Advantage when Testing to tell
whether someone is truthful or lying, or to discern your
target’s emotional state.
13. Mechanical Genius: When you are maintaining,
managing, or repairing equipment, you gain Advantage.
Once per day, you can make a Test with Advantage. If
successful, you can restore 1 Depletion point to any object.
14. Linguist: You have a gift for languages. You know
several of the most common languages and can Test with
Advantage to decipher those unfamiliar to you. Test with
Disadvantage to crack ancient or esoteric ones.
15. Negotiator: Gain Advantage when bargaining.

Useful in both political and economic situations.
16. Streetwise: You have an instinctive under­standing
that comes from your experiences of underworld
elements. You can Test to recall or to uncover helpful
traits list

rumors or information from “alternative sources” that

helps your current situation. This includes black market
information and resources.
17. Medical Expert: As an Action, you can Test with
Advantage to heal a creature other than yourself. If the
Test is successful, the target creature is healed for 2 Hit
Points or 1 Soak. This Trait can also be used to cure poison,
disease, and other physical ailments, within reason.
18. Perceptive: You gain Advantage when Testing to gain
information about your surroundings or find things that
may be hidden.
19. Studious: As the Focus action for Tests with a mental
Trait, you succeed on a roll of 4, 5, or 6 if you have spent
time in intense concentration or study. The GM will tell
you how much time is needed to concentrate (one action,
one turn, one scene, etc.), or if you benefit from having
studied something in the past.
20. Survivalist: You gain Advantage when Testing to
forage for food or water, seek or create shelter, or track a
creature or animal in the wilderness. While outside, you
can also locate true north without Testing.

Educational Fields/Subjects
1. Anthropology & Cultures 9. Mathematics
2. Astronomy & Star Systems 10. Medicine / Biology
3. Botany 11. Physics / Kinetics
4. Chemistry 12. Psychology
5. Ecology / Environmental 13. Systems Design
Science 14. Virology /
6. Geology Geningeering
7. History 15. Zoology
8. Industrial Design / Architecture

Special Traits (Cyber/Xeno)
These special traits can be taken by Cybes, Droids,

traits list
or Xeno heritages. They can be “flavored” to represent
cybernetic enhancements or other machinery replacing
organic parts (Cybes), specialized or advanced built-in
systems (Droids), or purely organic special powers (Xeno
heritages.) A character can only have 2 of the following

1. Absorption Nodes: Choose one form of energy (fire,

electricity, light, etc.). When struck by that type of attack,
you may make a Save Test. Success means that you suffer
no damage from the attack and regain 1 HP. You may only
Save against one attack per round.
2. Augmented Reflexes: Re-Test (with Disadvantage)
when you fail an Evade Test.
3, Cloaking Field: All Tests to locate you when you are
hidden are at Disadvantage.
4. Cyber-Arms/Strong Arms: When you are Testing to
lift, carry, or budge something, you gain Advantage. Treat
Light Melee and Unarmed attacks as Heavy Melee for
purposes of damage.
5. Cyber-Eyes/Keen Eyes: Re-Test (with Disadvantage)
when you fail a perception-related Test.
6. Cyber-Legs/Strong Legs: Gain Advantage on any
Test related to jumping, running, or moving around.
7. Cybernetic Brain Implant/Eidetic Memory: When
you fail a Test to see if you know something, re-Test (with
Disadvantage). You also have a computer access link and
remote control, where available.
8. Enviro-Immunity: Select one environmental
concern, and you disregard it. Choose from: Breathing
(incl. amphibious activity), Pressure, Vacuum, Poisons,
Heat, Cold.
9. Extra Limbs: You are trained or otherwise adept
in the use of your extra arms (or tentacles, or prehensile

tail, or whatever), allowing you to do one extra Attack or
appropriate action at Disadvantage per turn.
10. Hidden/Retractable Weapon: As an Action,
deploy a cybernetic weapon (or extend natural weaponry,
traits list

for Xeno.) Select either Light Melee or Light Ranged for

this weapon. You gain Advantage on the first attack in
a battle with this weapon, if you do not have Mastery in
this type. If you already have Mastery, you gain an extra
Action in the round it’s first used in a battle.
11. Hover: You can float on a magnetic repulsion field
(or use natural wings, for Xeno.) Ignore difficult terrain
and you cannot fall prone.
12. Regeneration Systems/Focused Healing: As an
Action, recover 2 HP or 1 Soak. You must wait two rounds
before using this Trait again. You can recover HP/Soak
twice as quickly.
13. Speed Boost: Any turn in which you move, you
also count as having taken the Evade Action.
14. Subsurface Armor: Gain +2 Hit Points. If you
have the Diehard Trait, you can use it one additional time
per day.
15. Subsurface Scanner/Advanced Senses: Allows
for a Perception test to “see” motion, energy signatures,
and other common targets within Close and Near zones.

Special Traits (Psionic/Xeno)
These special Traits represent psionic talent or a

traits list
similarly supernormal ability. AIs, Droids, Cybes, or
Holograms cannot take these abilities. When you choose a
Trait with powers listed under it, you gain that discipline
and all the powers; however, each time you use a power,
you must make a successful Test or the Action is wasted. You
can choose a Mastery in any one power in the category, in
which you Test with Advantage (or at 2D6, if normally at
Disadvantage) but are restricted to the single power.

1. Beastspeaker: You are able to communicate with

animals. This form of communication is primitive and very
2. Bioforce: You can unlock the innate powers of the
physical form. Powers include:
• Bio-Organic Shock: Make an Attack to deal damage at
Close Range. Treat damage as if Heavy Ranged (+1 total
• Enhance: If successful you gain Advantage on your
next Test. By Testing with Disadvantage, you can grant
this to an Ally.
• Fast: If successful, you gain two additional Actions this
turn. At the end of these two Actions, you lose 2 Hit
• Heal: If successful, restore 2 HP to one target. If you
Test with Disadvantage and are successful, you can
restore 4 HP to one target.
3. Camouflage: Your body channels or bends light to
allow you to blend against surroundings in a kind of natural
invisibility. Until you attack or harm someone, you remain
unseen. Any roll to find you has Disadvantage. If you are
invisible and attack, your attack gains Advantage.
4. Cyroforce: You can use the power of the mind to

unlock chilling powers. Powers include:
• Chill: Make an Attack. If successful, the target takes
damage as normal, and Disadvantage on their next
traits list

• Coldsnap: Make an Attack. If successful everything

within Close range (5 feet) of the target also suffers
1 damage.
• Freeze: You may cause one inanimate object that is
about half your size or smaller to shatter and break
• Glacial Speeds: You cause one target to lose an Action
on their next Turn.
5. Electroforce: Your body channels and emits
shocking amounts of electricity. Powers include:
• Feedback: Make a Test while touching a computer
system. If successful, you have shut down that
system. Some systems may recover after two turns,
or twenty seconds.
• Natural ECM: Make a Test to consciously scramble
nearby scanners. If successful, any subsequent
Test to find you electronically has Disadvantage.
If this impacts your next action or attack, you gain
• Recharge: You can Test to use this power instead of
Mechanics to restore depletion to battery-powered
or chargeable devices.
• Static Shock: Make an Attack Test in reaction to
someone touching your skin. This does not count as
an action on your turn.
6. Lucky: Make a Test in reaction to any failed Test. If
successful, use these results instead, effectively allowing
a re-roll. You may only use this Trait once per session.
7. Mimicry: You can alter your body in one or more of
the following ways.
• Facechanger: As an Action, you completely alter

your appearance to that of another person. Normal
clothing cannot be duplicated. Make a Test to deceive
or pass yourself off as someone else.
• Animal Morph: You change your form into that of an

traits list
animal roughly the same size as you are. You may
gain Advantages as if you possess Traits relevant to
the new form, as determined by the GM, but you also
have limitations and cannot verbally communicate.
8. Pyroforce: You can use the power of the mind to
unlock fiery powers.
• Burn: Make an Attack to deal damage at Close Range.
Treat damage as if Heavy Ranged (+1 total damage.)
• Ignite: Make a Test with Disadvantage. If successful,
you can cause any object roughly your size or
smaller to burst into flames. Anyone who touches
these flames suffers 2 damage for the round. To
put out the flames, they must successfully Test with
• Extinguish: You cause any flame or heat- based
action to cool and cease.
• Conflagration: Make a Test, with Disadvantage.
Everything within arms’ reach (or one zone) of you
takes 3 Damage. You take 1 Damage.
9. Telekinesis: This ability focuses on using the power
of the mind to move things, often at damaging or high
• Blast: Test to deal damage at Close or Near zones.
This Test is subject to all the rules of an attack. You
may Test with Disadvantage to deal a minimum 3
damage instead.
• Hurl: As an action you may move any object weighing
as much as you without Testing. To hurl it violently,
you must make a successful Test. To hurl any object
heavier than you, you must make a successful Test
with Disadvantage.
• Shatter: Test with Disadvantage. If you are successful,

all enemies you can see take damage.
• Shield: Test. If successful, you may Evade with 2d6 until
the start of your next turn. If you choose to Test with
Disadvantage and are successful, you Evade with 3d6
traits list

on your next turn.

10. Telepathy: You can use the power of the mind to
influence emotions, feelings, and thoughts.
• Communicate: You may communicate mentally via
distances to any being you are aware of. If the being is
within sight, this does not require a Test. If the being
is not within sight, you must make a successful Test.
If they are not on the same planet, you must make a
successful Test with Disadvantage.
• Quell: Test to quell the negative emotions in a target.
If successful, you gain Advantage on your next roll
against that Target.
• Timeview: Test. If successful, gain one detail about the
history of an object or location you can touch or see.
• Unmake: You may Test with Disadvantage. If you are
successful, one enemy suffers Disadvantage on all
Tests until the start of your next turn.

Jedi Force Traits
The following Traits belong only to those wishing

traits list
to become a Jedi. Each Trait represents one tier on a
pathway to higher mastery. Characters begin with the
Force Sensitive Trait and may add the next highest Trait
if they have available choices at character creation or
when using experience points to level up. It is possible
to choose related Special Traits in addition to these (such
as having “Telekinetic” as a discreet Trait, representing
extra training spent to specialize in this aspect), but they
also must be chosen as separate Traits during character
creation or by leveling up.
When leveling up, this presumes you are an apprentice
under a Master’s regular teaching; without a Master, you
cannot gain the next higher tier nor add related Special
When you choose a
Force Trait Progression Force Trait, you gain that
skill and all the powers
• Force Sensitive listed; however, each time
• Force Wielder you use a power, you must
• Force Master make a successful Test or
the Action is wasted. You
• One With The Force
can attempt to use a power
listed under a higher-tier
Force discipline that you do not know, or attempt a power
not listed under your skill, only at the GM’s discretion.
Such attempts are tested with Disadvantage and suffer
the loss of 1 Hit Point regardless of success or failure.
1. Force Sensitive: You have a natural connection the
energy of the universe that binds everything together.
Whether unconsciously or merely rudimentarily, you
have you have an extrasensory awareness about the
world and can move among its energy.
• Battle Reflexes: As an action, place yourself in a
meditative state. For the next three actions, your Test is
successful on a roll of 4, 5, or 6.

• Force Push: Make a Ranged Attack, sending a wave
of Force outward into Close and Nearby zones (25-feet,)
forcing opponents to make a Save Test or be pushed back
one zone.
traits list

• Jump: As a Move action, leap upwards and/or across

as if you had taken two Move actions.
• Sense Emotions: As an action, you can mentally
sense the presence of lifeforms within Close and Near
zones. Test to be able to gain specific information about
the targets.
2. Force Wielder: Your connection to the Force is
stronger, through practiced experience if not talent, and
you can focus your mind and understand balance within
the universe.
• Burst of Speed: As a Move action, your speed
increases from 25 feet to 30 feet, and you are considered
having taken the Evade action, Testing with 2d6, for the
next attack action against you.
• Force Move: As an action, move any (non-character)
object weighing as much as you without Testing. To hurl
it violently, you must make a successful Test. To hurl any
object heavier than you, you must make a successful Test
with Disadvantage. (See: Telekinesis)
• Force Sense: Test. If successful, gain one detail about
the possible future of an object or location close to you,
physically or emotionally. Visions may come unbidden.
Whenever you roll a “1” on a dice during a Test, you
may lose one Hit Point to set that dice to a “6,” allowing a
success. (Precognition)
• Read Minds: Communicate mentally over distances
to anyone you are aware of. If the target is in sight, this does
not require a Test. If not within sight, make a successful
Test. If not on the same planet, make a successful Test
with Disadvantage, and the target only “hears” thoughts
and “feels” emotions. (See: Telepathy)
3. Force Master: You are attuned to the Force in a
deep way that allows you to abide in its truth, wisdom
and harmony. You are now able to train an apprentice.

during this evasion, a successful Evade Test redirects
the attack randomly around you and you suffer no
damage. You can redirect the attack to a specific location
but must forfeit your first action on your next turn.

traits list
• Force Stasis: As an Attack action, mentally grip a
Close or Near target, raising them off the ground, negating
their Move actions. If you choose, the target must make
a Save Test or suffer 1 point of damage. The target is
released at the start of your next turn unless you forfeit
an action to maintain the stasis (which allows another
Save Test) or you are made to lose concentration.
• Mind Trick: Test to make a verbal suggestion that
mentally influences your target to adopt a singular
thought or action. A “Weak-minded” individual does not
get a Save Test in response. The suggestion automatically
fails if it is too extreme or too complex as to be outside
their conception.
4. One With The Force: Your attunement has
developed to make you an essential part of nature of the
• Force Bond: Create a powerful connection between
yourself and another, provided they have the Force
Sensitive Trait or a higher tier of Force. You can verbally
communicate with your bond as if you are in Close range,
regardless of actual distance. You can also sense remotely
through each other’s senses and can pass small (Light,
I) objects between you. If the bond was made with an
unwilling target, the target may perform a Save Test to
resist any bond actions.
• Force Healing: As an action, restore up to 4 Hit Points
(or 2 Soak) to yourself or to another. You can heal up to
four targets if you restore 1 Hit Point to each (no Soak
healing in this case.)
• Force Projection: Spend 1 Hit Point to create an
illusory doppelgänger of yourself that can be transmitted
over distances. Sustaining the illusion over a period of
time or over great distances suffers the loss of additional
HP, as determined by the GM. The illusion can perform

physical actions and has 5 Hit Points of its own (and no
Soak conditions.) At zero HP, the illusion is dispelled.
• Force Spirits: Communicate with those who have
also become One with the Force, even those no longer
traits list

living. Test to ask for specific information or to commune

with specific beings. With this discipline, you can also
preserve your consciousness at the time of your death,
but can only appear to those who are Force Wielders or

Beware the Dark Side

When your use of the Force results from anger, fear,
or malice, or if it causes undue pain, suffering, or loss,
then you are in danger of losing balance and succumbing
to the dark side of the Force.
Keep track of such actions by tallying them as “dark
side points.” The GM must inform you if you are at risk
of receiving a dark side point, and you have an option
of changing your mind and trying a different tactic.
Alternatively, you can give in to the temptation of power
that the dark side promises, and willingly take a dark side
point in order to re-roll a failed Test.
When you get a dark side point, roll 2d6 and look for
the highest number. If the highest number is less than
your number of dark side points, you have turned to the
dark side and risk losing your character entirely.
If you have 1 to 5 dark side points (6 dark side points
indicates you have “fallen to the dark side” already),
he may attempt to atone. You must strictly abide by
the tenets of the Jedi code, such as being good in word
and action, while actively working to prevent evil from
occurring. It’s a very serious process — you must make
a point of being clearly good in all actions. By atoning
for two adventures (or 14 days in “game time,”) you may
remove one dark side point.

Trades / Professions

traits list
Trade / Professions: You have knowledge and expertise in
the area of your Trade (or perhaps it was a former Trade, or
a family Trade) and gain Advantage in situations you can
put your experience to use. `

1. Artist, or Writer
2. Bounty Hunter
3. Business person, or Accountant
4. Criminal, Smuggler, or Black Marketeer
5. Diplomat
6. Homesteader, or Living Off the Grid
7. Independently Wealthy, or Heir to Fortune
8. Journalist
9. Law, or Law Enforcement
10. Merchant, Profiteer, or Business person
11. Military, Rank Soldier, or Trooper
12. Miner, or Mechanic
13. Missionary, or Chaplain
14. Performer, or Celebrity
15. Politician, or Public Relations
16. Ranger, or Field Explorer
17. Royalty, or Royal in Exile
18. Scientist, or Field Researcher
19. Ship-born, or Crew Lifer
20. Software Programming

Drives / Beliefs
Explorers all have a driving principle, a simple statement
traits list

used as their guiding force. Choose from the list of Drives

below and write down a statement of Belief that encapsulates
your approach. Atonement might inspire “I’ll always find a
peaceful solution,” where Entrepreneurial prompts “Credits
can buy happiness.” They are all open to interpretation.
Both Hotshot and Pursued might lead to “I let my blaster do
the talking,” for example.
1. Altruism
2. Atonement
3. Avenger
4. Civilizer
5. Chronicler
6. Comradeship Political Drives
7. Derring-Do The following sets of beliefs
8. Entrepreneurial each form two sides of a
9. Exploration dichotomy. Choose one
10. Faith or the other if selecting a
11. Family Tradition political drive, or use in
12. Footloose combination with other
13. Hotshot drives. Even if it’s not
14. Justice Seeker central to your beliefs, it
15. Martyr Complex
won’t be long before you
may be asked to choose a
16. Nowhere Else to Go
side . . .
17. Professionalism
• Pro-System Autonomy
18. Programming
vs. Pro-Galaxy Republic
19. Pursued
• Transhumanist
20. Role Model
21. Self-Improvement
vs. Trad-humanist
22. Scientific Inquiry (Luddite)
23. Something to Prove
24. Tech Hound
25. Thrill-Seeker

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