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Hints & Solutions


1. Ans. B.
When two bodies are rubbed off against each other, they acquire
charges. In this case of a glass rod being rubbed off against a silk
cloth; the glass rod will acquire positive charge as it will lose some its
electron while the silk cloth will get negatively charged for accepting
the electrons.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
2. Ans. C.
Friction is a phenomenon which resists motion when an object is
rubbed against another. Rolling friction is between two objects where
one or both of the surface is circular, with only a point in contact.
Rolling friction is less than sliding friction.
So rolling friction should be much smaller than the static friction of
Option C is the answer.
3. Ans. C.
Sound is a mechanical wave, it may be defined as a disturbance
which travels through a material medium due to repeated periodic
vibrations of the particles of the medium about their mean position,
the disturbance is transferred from one particle to the adjoining
particle, without any net movement of the medium.
4. Ans. C.
Force may bring change in the shape of an object. Although it might
not always affect the change in the shape of the object. The change
in the shape of the object may occur if the force acting on the object
is of greater magnitude.
Apart from this a force may bring some or all of these affect
mentioned in the question.
Hence option C is the correct answer.
5. Ans. C.
Given, m = 50g
The velocity of the ball at time zero is 80 ms -1. It decelerates due to
the friction offered by the floor and comes to rest after 8 seconds.

We know,
Force = mass × acceleration

The frictional force due to the floor on the rolling ball,

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

6. Ans. B.
From the slope of distance-time graph given, we get the speed of the
object. Clearly, the slope of B is the lowest and the slope of C is the
greatest. So, we can say that the car B is the slowest and thus it will
cover the least distance in the given interval of time.
Thus option B is the correct answer.
7. Ans. D.
The intermolecular forces of attraction that hold the water molecules
together are stronger than the forces that hold the alcohol particles
together. Hence, more energy is required to break these
intermolecular forces of attraction of water particles than that of
alcohol. This gives water a higher boiling point as more heat energy
will be used than that for alcohol.
Water changes into solid state at a temperature of 273.15 K and turns
into vapour at 373.15 K.
8. Ans. B.
• Semiconductors are materials which have a conductivity between
conductors (generally metals) and nonconductors or insulators
(such as most ceramics).
• Semiconductors can be pure elements, such as silicon or
germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide or cadmium
• Germanium is neither a good conductor of electricity nor an
insulator. It is a semiconductor.
Option B is correct.
9. Ans. D.
The visible beam of headlights in fog is caused by the Tyndall effect .
The water droplets scatter the light, making the headlight beams
visible. It is often seen from the dust in the air when sunlight comes
in through a window. This effect is easily observed when a fine beam
of light enter a room through a small hole.
Option D is correct.
10. Ans. D.
Filtration is a physical, biological or chemical operation that separates
solid matter and fluid from a mixture with a filter medium that has a
complex structure through which only the fluid can pass. Solid

particles that cannot pass through the filter medium are described as
oversize and the fluid that passes through is called the filtrate.
11. Ans. B.
Coal is a solid fuel cannot be stored or transported easily and is
extremely polluting.
Natural gas is easy to store and transport through pipes and does not
cause any pollution.
Petroleum being liquid fuel is easy to store and transport and is
moderately polluting.
12. Ans. A.
Gaps are left in between logs of wood placed in chullhas to allow free
movement of air which helps in combustion.
13. Ans. A.
As oil and gas are lighter than water and do not mix it, the layer
containing petroleum oil and gas it above that or water. Thus, X is
water, Y is crude oil and Z is natural gas.
14. Ans. A.
Decomposers are those micro-organisms that convert the dead plants
& animals to humus. They are very important part of the food chain.
15. Ans. A.
In humans, implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the
embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. In humans, implantation
of a fertilized ovum is most likely to occur around nine days after
ovulation, this can range between six and 12 days.
16. Ans. A.
Endemic species are those plants and animals that exist only in one
geographical region. Species can be endemic to large or small areas
of the world.
17. Ans. A.
Hepatitis B infection is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The
virus is passed from person to person through blood, semen or other
body fluids.
18. Ans. A.
Weeds are the unwanted plants that grow along with the main plants
and compete with water, minerals, nutrients etc. Examples:
- Xanthium and Quack grass etc. Weedicides are the chemicals that
help in killing the weeds which act like manure, e.g. is 2,4-D.
19. Ans. D.
The genetic material of Prokaryotes lies naked in a cytoplasmic region
which is known as the Nucleoid. Prokaryotes lack a well defined

nucleus and other membrane bound organelles. Hence, all of the
above are absent in Prokaryotes.
20. Ans. D.
Species can be described as a group of closely related organisms
that are similar to each other and are usually capable of interbreeding
and producing fertile offspring.


21. Ans. D.
Area of rectangle = length × breadth
= 4ab × 6ab
= 24a2b2
Hence, D is the correct answer.
22. Ans. A.
Area of a circle = πr2
Circumference of a circle = 2πr

= 2ax : 1
Hence, A is the correct answer.
23. Ans. C.
5.05 × 106 = 5.05 × 1000000 = 5050000
24. Ans. A.
(i) Since in the given histogram in the slot 2-3 there are 11 students,
therefore there are 11 users whose watch time on YouTube is
between 2-3 hours.
(ii) The said difference =25 – 4 = 21
Hence, Option A is correct.
25. Ans. C.
Let’s consider each statement one by one.
Option a: 13 = 1. This option is true.
Option b: (-1)3 = -1. This option is true.
Option c: This option is true.
Option d: This option is false.

Thus, logically only (c) is the correct answer.

26. Ans. B.
Radius of cap (r) = 7 cm, Height of cap (h) = 24 cm

Slant height of the cone

Area of sheet required to make a cap = CSA of cone = πrl

= × 7 × 25 = 550 𝑐𝑚2
∴ Area of sheet required to make 10 caps = 10 × 550 = 5500 cm2
27. Ans. A.
Given rational numbers: 4/5 and 2
Let us make the denominators same,

The numbers between 4/5 and 2 are

are the numbers between 4/5 and 2.

Hence, A is the correct answer.

28. Ans. B.
Students going to school by Cycle=20% of 3600

=720 students
29. Ans. B.

⇒ 2x – 1 = -3
⇒ 2x = -3 + 1 = -2
⇒ x = -1
30. Ans. A.
List price of refrigerator = Rs.9700
VAT = 6%
Vat = 6% of 9700 =

Total amount one has to pay = Rs. (9700 + 582) = Rs. 10282
31. Ans. A.
For the population at the end of year 2020, we can use the formula
for compound interest.
Number of years = 2000 – 1997 = 3
Rate = 5%
P = 20,000

= 23153 (Approx)
Hence, A is the correct answer.
32. Ans. C.
Option A: In square opposite sides are equal and diagonals bisect
each other.
Option B: Rectangle is a parallelogram whose opposite sides are equal
and the diagonals bisect each other.
Option C: In isosceles trapezium the base angles are equal and so
the right and left sides are also equal but diagonals does not bisect
each other.
Option D: In kite, opposite sides are not equal.
Hence, C is the correct answer.
33. Ans. A.
We know that the diagonals of a rhombus bisect at 90°.
So, y = 90°
x + 40° + 90° = 180° [Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°]
x + 130° = 180°
x = 50°
y – x = 90° - 50°
= 40°
Hence, A is the correct answer.
34. Ans. B.
Let the number of boys be 4x and number of girls be 3x.

According to the question,
⇒ 7x=49
⇒ x =7
So, the number of girls = 21
And number of boys = 28
35. Ans. C.

⇒ x2 + y2 = –xy ⇒ x2 + y2 + xy = 0
x3 – y3 = (x – y) (x2 + y2 + xy) (By identity)
⇒ x3 – y3 = (x – y) (0)

36. Ans. D.
Abscissa –x co-ordinate
Ordinate-y co-ordinate
Both co-ordinates have different signs in the II and IV quadrants
37. Ans. D.
Perpendicular distance from x-axis = y co-ordinate. It may lie on
either side of the negative x axis.
∴ The y co-ordinate may be either 5 or –5
38. Ans. B.

= 3 + 0.2 + 0.4 =
39. Ans. A.
To find the value of P(2), replace ‘x’ by 2 in P(x).
⇒ P(2) = (2)3 – 4(2)2 + 9
= 8 – 16 + 9
Hence, Option A is correct.
40. Ans. A.
By remainder theorem, we know that if a polynomial p(x) with degree
greater than 1 is divided by linear polynomial (x – a) then the
remainder is p(a).
Here, p(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 – 17x + 32 is divided by (x – 2)
∴ remainder = p(2)
⇒ Remainder = 2(2)3 – 3(2)2 – 17(2) + 32
= 16 – 12 – 34 + 32
Hence, Option A is correct.


41. Ans. D.
This is an analogy question which shows us the relationship between
two things. Here, the relationship is x : . The first number is x
and the second is Hence, the answer is = 51.
42. Ans. A.
It can be observed from both the dice and if 2, 3, 5 and 6 adjacent
to 1, then the number opposite to 1 should be 4. Hence the correct
answer is option A.
43. Ans. B.
The word asked to write code for contains all the letters given in the
code thus, only find the correct match of the letters. It is A=D, T= W,
I- L, U=X, D=G, E=H.
44. Ans. D.
This is an analogy question which shows us the relationship between
two things. Here, ornithology is the study of birds. Similarly, botany
is the study of plants.
45. Ans. A.
The middle letters are static, so concentrate on the first and third
letters. The series involves an alphabetical order with a reversal of
the letters. The first letters are in alphabetical order: F, G, H, I , J.
The second and fourth segments are reversals of the first and third
segments. The missing segment begins with a new letter.
46. Ans. B.
As is clear from the diagram below, C lies to the East of A.

47. Ans. B.
As Deepak is Amit’s brother. Deepak is grandson of Ramesh
therefore, Amit is also grandson of Ramesh.

48. Ans. D.
Only 3 0s are not immediately followed by 3 i.e. the very next numb
er is NOT 3 but preceded by 2, i.e. the number just before 0 must b
e 2.
49. Ans. A.
Except listening, all other require physical movement.
50. Ans. B.
Sheetal is 10th from left and Hina is 9th from Right. If they
interchanged their positioned Sheetal become 15th from left. So,
Sheetal has gained its position from left.
15th Positions + 8th positions = Total girls
Total Girls = 23.



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