Fighting With Depression

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Fighting with Depression

A few days back I visited an academy where aspirant students were

preparing for CSS competitive examination. One teacher was teaching
English grammar, and other Current Affairs and in charge of the academy
teaching the art of preparations for Successful interviews. Everyone is
pleased to see these jubilant candidates. Fast forward to yesterday, I
watched a news item where a CSS officer died under uncertain
circumstances, most likely due to Depression. His name was Bilal Pasha,
He came from a very humble background and worked very hard to achieve
this milestone dream of millions of Candidates. Against all odds, Bilal
secured the 47th rank in the highly competitive Civil Service of Pakistan
examination. He was a beacon of Hope for others. In his last posting, he
was working as the Cantonment Board's Chief Executive Officer. I have
been associated with the Cantonment Board for a few years and have an
idea about its working mechanism. The Officer was also a very active
member of Social media platforms, especially Instagram, and had over 36k
followers. This incident is not new and we keep reading about these sad
episodes. How come one gets Depression or frustration even at a dream
job where all basic necessities including good salary, accommodation,
Conveyance, Social status, and certain administrative/Executive powers
are available? Here one comes to the conclusion that it's the mind or brain
that controls or manages our all actions and thoughts. The urge to
influence/dominate or get more never finishes. One has to differentiate
between a successful and a satisfied life. One should make efforts for a
better living and should not be obsessed with it and over-ambitious. Being
over-ambitious causes anxiety and depression and can ultimately lead to
extreme actions. A few months ago we also heard the case of the death
under uncertain circumstances of a landlord at Lahore who owned a
Cricket team as well.

Striking a balance between your means and living standards is necessary.

In this post certain guidelines will be shared which are easy to understand
and can be implemented:-

Follow a simple way of life, Too much presence on Social media as written
in my Social media optimization (SMO) blog also disturbs your personal
and family life.

A balance has to be kept in all activities.

Give some time to yourself for contemplation and self-actualization.

Manage your budget within your means, don't get loans to follow Social
status race.

Spend time in prayers as per your religious beliefs.

Follow a simple living style.

Never be brand-conscious, wear neat, clean, and well-stitched clothes.

Have meet up with real friends to share your thoughts and problems
instead of living in the virtual and digital world.

Avoid temptation and strike a steadiness in your actions.

Do not take things too seriously, The beauty of time is, that it never stops.
Read Good Books, watch movies, have a regular walk and do physical

Learn to smile and ignore things you can not do much about.

Help the poor without discrimination.

Help the community in simple and easy-to-do manners.

Never overstretch yourself.

Try completing your office job at the work location, so that you are relaxed
and fresh at home.

Take proper rest, have a balanced diet, avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol.

Set goals which can be achieved and be content with what you have.

Never look down upon anyone or get jealous of the sudden wealth or fame
of others.

Share your issues with your close friends.

Express your feelings by writing.

Do the work and activities by which you feel joyful and accomplished.

Count small blessings like your family, health, Friends, and colleagues.

Happy Living

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