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PGDM (2022-24) Term – II


Business Analytics
Time: 90 Mints. Maximum Marks: 30 Weightage: 30%

(To be filled by the student)

Roll NO :…………………….

NAME : …………………………….

SECTION :………………………….

Signature of the Invigilator

Marks Awarded

Signature of Examiner with Date


1. Go through the case ‘The Indian Premier League: Gauging Player Performance’
2. Login into your moodle account and download the data file IPL Case Data.sav save it in the
3. Answer the questions below (handwritten) in the space provided using SPSS. Not necessary to
save or submit any output files.
4. For questions relevant to hypothesis testing assume 5% level of significance.
5. Use the available version of SPSS in your desktop.
6. Answer all questions and all FIVE questions carry equal marks.

PGDM (2022-24) Term-II: End Term Examination – Business Analytics

Question 1:

Find and report any outliers present in the variables ‘Salary’ and ‘Runs’.

Name of the Team Name of the Player Runs Salary

Also check for outliers within a team and report

Name of the Team Name of the Player Runs Salary

Check for normality of the variables ‘Salary’ and ‘Runs’

Variable Name of the test Hypothesis P value Decision



PGDM (2022-24) Term-II: End Term Examination – Business Analytics

Question 2
Team wise find the summary statistics (mean, median, sd, min/max and skewness) and interpret for
the variables salary, runs, average and strike rate.

PGDM (2022-24) Term-II: End Term Examination – Business Analytics

Question 3
Make three groups for the variable ‘runs’ and carryout analysis of variance test to verify whether the
mean salaries paid to three groups are equal or not. If necessary carryout posthoc test and interpret.


ANOVA table:


Posthoc test hypothesis and inference:

PGDM (2022-24) Term-II: End Term Examination – Business Analytics

Question 4
Build a simple liner regression model to predict the salary of the player using the runs scored as
independent variable. Clearly state the model with the relevant results stating the hypothesis and the
inferences. Also comment on percentage variation explained by runs scored.

PGDM (2022-24) Term-II: End Term Examination – Business Analytics

Question 5
Explore all the possible multiple regression models using the independent variables and suggest a
model to predict the salary offered to the player. Along with the model report and interpret the other
relevant findings.

PGDM (2022-24) Term-II: End Term Examination – Business Analytics

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