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Exponential sliding mode controller for a nonlinear

musculoskeletal human arm model

Zahra Jafari Shahbazzadeh, Fatemeh Fotouhi Ardakani, Ramin Vatankhah
School of Mechanical Engineering
Shiraz University
Shiraz, Iran

Abstract—The movement of a human arm is simulated by prior knowledge of robot dynamics [5]. Plooij et al. studied
controlling the musculoskeletal nonlinear model of the arm in feedforward controlled rest-to-rest motions of robotics arms
this work. In many incidents of spinal cord damage due to car and perform analytical and numerical studies [6].
accident, the functionality of hands is disturbed while the hand
The sliding mode control (SMC) approach has heretofore
muscles are intact and healthy. In another words, hands don’t
been used for many dynamic control systems due to its
receive proper motion signals from brain. In this study a
nonlinear controller is developed to produce a replacement
simplicity, suitable transient performance and quick response.
motion signal for the missed original signal. Derived equations For example, Corradini et al. suggested a control approach for
are forced to satisfy the gravity forces and the arm’s six muscles robotic manipulators based on a discrete-time SMC which has
performance. This model is designed to satisfy the main two goals received much less coverage in the literature with respect to
of “regulation” and “tracking” and at the same time reduce the continuous time sliding-mode strategies [7]. Sharifi et al.
“chattering” of the system. obtained the optimal performance of planar human-like
musculoskeletal arm movement employing an optimal control
Keywords—human arm model; muscle model; sliding mode
policy [8]. One major bug of using SMC in practical
control; Lyapunov function
applications is the chattering. Chattering causes several
I. INTRODUCTION damages to the mechanical components. Different methods
Research on patients having injuries to the spinal cord were proposed to minimize chattering such as by replacing the
shows that the electrical signals between the brain and sign function with saturation [9] or a continuous hyperbolic
muscles have prevented and causes paralysis below the level tangent function [10], using Quasi-SMC [11] and fuzzy
of injury. By using electrical currents we can active the mathematics [12]. For example, Ngo et al. proposed the
peripheral nerves of disable limbs that this technique is called combination of a sliding mode control algorithm and fuzzy
Functional Electrical Simulation (FES). The amount of logic developing for robot manipulator’s trajectory [12]. For
electrical current becomes important because by intelligent uncertain nonlinear perturbed underactuated systems,
selection, patients can perform desired task in the best way Moussaoui et al. considered a fuzzy approximation-based
[1]. Therefore, for regulating this amount we need suitable adaptive sliding-mode control scheme [13].
controllers that lead us to the desired goal. In this investigation, to assist physically disabled people
Several linear and nonlinear control strategies have been with debility in arm and forearm limbs, we have developed an
proposed for dynamic model of arm’s movement. Tahara et al. exponential sliding mode controller to provide movement
[2,3] studied the arm’s sensory-motor control and modeled the assistance in shoulder, elbow, and forearm joint movements.
nonlinear muscle dynamics with the two degrees of freedom We consider a nonlinear human arm model with six muscles
(DOF) arm model. Vatankhah et al. proposed an adaptive which is simulated with two links. One of the excellences of
optimal neuro-fuzzy controller for multi-input multi-output this controller is that it is robust to the change in parameters of
muscloskeletal human arm model with six muscles [4]. model. In addition, the arm is tracking any path that we
Atawnih et al. proposed a redundant arm torque controller for consider for arm’s mobility.
reaching, guaranteeing desired completion time and accuracy
requirements without the need for trajectory planning and

978-1-5090-5454-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

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II. HUMAN ARM MODEL  j1 (θ1 , θ 2 ) j (θ , θ ) 
2 1 2
We modeled a human arm that consists of two links in J Lθ =   (4)
 j 3 (θ1 , θ 2 ) j (θ , θ ) 
4 1 2 
vertical plane which the gravitational effects are involved. The
first link is upper arm and the second one contains forearm where
j1 (θ1 , θ 2 ) = − L2 sin(θ1 + θ 2 ) − L1 sin(θ1 )
and hand. This model has two rotational joints representing
the shoulder (i=1) and elbow (i=2) joints. Fig. 1 shows a j2 (θ1 , θ 2 ) = − L2 sin(θ1 + θ 2 )
schematic of the human arm model in two dimensions, where j3 (θ1 , θ 2 ) = − L2 cos(θ1 + θ 2 ) − L1 cos(θ1 )
the variables and the arm parameters are indicated. j4 (θ1 , θ 2 )= − L2 cos(θ1 + θ 2 )

The lengths of the muscles are described as the distances

between the connection points to the muscles. They can be
expressed as follows
q = [q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 , q 5 , q 6 ] (5)

where all qj; j=1,2,…,6 are functions of a1 and b1. [4]

In which qjs are the function of θ s . By taking the time
derivative of the above equation, the rate of change in
muscles' lengths can be obtained
Fig. 1. The model of considered human arm in vertical plane [4] q =W θ (6)
Suppose that all muscles in arm skeletal remain straight Where W is the Jacobian matrix for the muscle contractile
during the arm movement and also the displacement of the velocity with respect to the joints angular velocities.
center of gravity of the muscles is neglected during T

contraction because its effect on arm movements is not  − a1 a 2 0 0 − a 51 a 61 

W =   (7)
significant. The forward kinematics of model obtain as  0 0 − a 3 a 4 − a 52 a 62 
 x   L1 cos θ 1 + L 2 cos(θ 1 + θ 2 )  (1) Then using the principle of virtual work, the resultant of
X = =  moments of the muscle forces can be calculated as follows
   1 L sin θ 1 + L 2 sin( θ 1 + θ 2 ) 
Where L1 and L2 are the lengths of the first and the second τ = −W T F (8)
links, respectively, θ1 is the angle of the first link with respect
to the X axis and θ2 is the angle of the second link with respect F is the tensile force vector of the muscles and τ is the
to the first link. Also by inverse kinematics we have effective moment vector.
θ 1   f 1 ( x , y )  The dynamical governing equation of motion of the
θ  =  f ( x , y )  (2) system can be formulated using the Lagrangian method. We
 2  2 
write the equations of motion in the compact form
−1 −1 M (θ )θ + C (θ ,θ)θ + G = τ (9)
f1 ( x , y ) = tg ( y x ) + π 2 sgn( y )(1 + sgn( x )) − cos (( r 2 + L12 − L22 ) 2 L1r )

f 2 ( x , y ) = π − cos
(( r 2 + L12 − L22 ) 2 L1r ) In which the mass inertia (M), viscosity (C) and gravity (G)
matrices of the above equation are defined as follows
and the linear velocity of the ending point is related to the  M11 M12 
angular velocities of the links as follows M = M ;
 21 M 22 
X = J Lθ θ (3)

where θ is the angular velocity and J is the Jacobian matrix

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M 11 =
m 1 L1
m 2 L2
+ m 2 L1
+ m 2 L1 L 2 c o s θ 2
a. Simple Sliding Mode Control (SSMC)
3 3 As we know, the dynamic behavior of this model
M 12 = M 21 =
m L
m L L cos θ 2 (10) expressed by the well-known rigid body dynamic equation as
3 2 2 2 2 1 2 (9). So, we have
1 2
θ = M −1 (τ − C θ − G )
M 22 = m L
3 2 2 (16)
 • 1 •

 − m 2 L 1 L 2 θ 2 s in θ 2 − m 2 L 1 L 2 θ 2 s in θ 2 
2 As M is a symmetrical and positive definite, M-1 always
C =   (11)
 1 m L L θ s in θ

0  exists. First we have to choose the sliding or switching surface
 2 
2 1 2 2 2
S as a function of the tracking error. The tracking error for
G 1  each joint is defined as below
G =  
G 2 
e = θ − θd (17)
L1 (12)
G 1 = m 1g s in θ 1 + m 2 g L 1 s in θ 1 + G 2
In which θd is the desired trajectory for joints and S is the
G 2 = m 2g s i n (θ 1 + θ 2 ) sliding surface of the DOFs. The sliding surface is defined as
It is obvious that the skeletal muscle behavior contained by S = λe + e (18)
strong nonlinearity. Here, we used a common Hill force–
velocity relationship for the skeletal muscle. In this model, the Last equation is a first order differential equation. It states
damping effect of the contractile element of the muscle is that if we reach to the sliding surface, the both tracking error
considered. This force–velocity model which is expressed as a and its derivative will converge to zero. This convergence rate
simple hyperbolic equation is known as [14] relates directly to the value of λ. We considered the common
Lyapunov candidate for this model
(f i + a )(li + b ) = b (f 0i + a ) (13)
V = ST S (19)
Where f is the output tensile force of the muscle, l is the 2
contractile velocity of the muscle f0 is the maximum isometric We know that this function satisfies the first condition of
tensile force of the muscle which function of the length, a and the Lyapunov function (continuity and being non-negative).
b are the constants of heat and energy liberation, respectively. For investigating the second condition, we have to calculate
l0 is the free length of the muscles. It is just depend on its the first derivation of V
natural properties. We set α (α = f 0 α ) as the control input V = S T S (20)
to the muscles. Considering the intrinsic damping of the
muscle (c0 > 0), the dynamics equation of the muscle model If we choose S as below where k is positive, V will be
used in this work is [15] negative definite, so the system will become stable [16]
f (α , l ) = p {α i − (α i c + c )l }
i i i i i 0i i S = −k sgn(S ) (21)
 0.25
 0.9l if li ≥ 0
0.9l 0i  0i (15) where "sgn" is the sign function. Considering S as (21)
pi = , c =
0.9l 0i + | li |  2.25 guarantees reaching to the surface. However due to the
if li < 0
 0.9l 0i discontinuity of sign function, the system is passing through
the surface permanently, so we have high control activity,
We know c is always positive and 0 < p < 1. As we see
called “chattering”. This phenomenon can be reduced by using
this force decreases gradually as the contractile velocity of the
a continuous function instead of sign, such as saturation.
muscle become larger.
However, by using this substitute, our purpose is to remain
III. THE CONTROL SCHEME within a boundary layer. Size of this layer is directly depend
In this section, first we represent the theoretical structure on the value of Φ . In this way, we can almost control
of the simple sliding mode and also the exponential sliding chattering level, however, it has a negative effect on the
mode control for the general dynamics of rigid systems. tracking performance of the system.

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b. Exponential Sliding Mode Control (ESMC)
With the aid of a new approach of choosing k we can
control the tracking error as well as preventing the chattering TABLE I. CONTROL RULES OF FESMC

occurrence. We can select k by an exponential procedure [16]

S = −k (S )sat(S ) (22)

where k(S) is [17]

k (S ) = diag ( Pi
) The input linguistic variables of these rules are e and e , the
δ 0i + (1 − δ 0i )e −α |S |
i i
characters NN, N, Z, P, PP denote negative large, negative,
where 0 < δ 0i < 1; α i > 0 and Pi > 0
zero, positive, positive large, and for the output linguistic
c. Stability analyze variable, λ , the characters P, PP, PPP denote positive small,
To prove stability, we reformulate the time derivative of positive medium, positive large, respectively. Triangular
the Lyapunov function membership functions shown in figure 3~5 are used for error
S and output. The figures of e is similar to error. Also, the
V = −S T sat( ) K (S) (24)
φ ranges of linguistic variables are shown in figures.
It is obvious that the term S T sat (S φ ) is always positive.
Therefore, the derivative of Lyapunov function candidate is
always decreasing so that it ensures the stability of the system
with the proposed exponential reaching law.
d. Fuzzy controller for adjusting λ
Fig. 3. The input membership function for e1
The strictly positive constant λ should be tuned in each time
step in order to have an excellent performance such as smaller
settling time and lower overshoot. The complete block
diagram of the fuzzy exponential sliding mode control
(FESMC) system is represented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 4. The input membership function for e2

Fig. 5 The output membership function for λ

The control gains were found by trial and error for
exponential SMC. The initial conditions are considered to be
Fig 2. Block diagram of the FESMC system
pi/10 for θ1 and pi/6 for θ2 with no initial velocities and the
Fuzzy controller is applied to the ESMC system for online desired values are pi/6 and pi/3 for θ1 and θ2, respectively. K is
selected as diag [200 200] in exponential SMC. Finally,
tuning of positive constant λ , in which the inference engine is
simulation results of the closed-loop system in which the
minimum Mamdani implication and center average
controller is the exponential sliding mode are obtained as
defuzzifier. The fuzzy rules are shown in table I.

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sliding mode controller is proposed for control purposes.
Computer simulations illustrate the effectiveness and good
performance of the proposed nonlinear controller in both set-
point control and trajectory tracking goals.
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