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Normal Labour


1. Define labour (1 marks)

Regular painful contraction associated with progressive cervical effacement and dilatation and
descend of fetal presenting part

2. Define Stages of labour (3 marks)

a. First stage
Onset of labour- regular uterine contraction until complete cervical dilatation/10cm
b. Second stage
Full dilatation of cervix until delivery of the baby
c. Third stage
Immediately after delivery of baby until delivery of placenta and membrane.

3. Mechanism of labour (3 marks)

a. Descent
b. Flexion
c. Internal rotation
d. Extension
e. Restitution
f. External rotation

4. Steps for active 3rd stage management (1 ½ marks)

a. Administration of uterotonic drugs (oxytocin/syntometrine)
b. Clamping and cutting of umbilical cord
c. Controlled cord traction until placenta delivered

5. Components of Partogram (1 ½ marks)

a. Fetal condition
b. Maternal condition
c. Labour progress

1. True vs False labour. In true labours the followings are true:

a. The contractions are irregular and vary in frequency and duration FALSE
b. Contraction cause cervix to dilate and efface TRUE
c. Contration felt in lower back and radiate to abdomen TRUE
d. Contraction increasing in intensity and duration TRUE
e. In cephalic presentation, the fetal head usually will not engaged FALSE

2. Stages of labour
a. First stage is divided into active and latent phase TRUE
b. Amniotomy is have no benefit in active phase of labour FALSE
c. Second stage begins when cervix dilatation at 4cm FALSE
d. Second stage begins after delivery of baby FALSE
e. Third stage completed after delivery of placenta and membrane TRUE

3. Bishop score
a. Bishop score is used to determine the stage of labour FALSE
b. Bishop score is important for selected patient to undergo induction of labour TRUE
c. A bishop score of 4 is considered as favorable cervix FALSE
d. Bishop score include cervix effacement, dilation, station and presentation FALSE
e. Total score for bishop score is 15 FALSE

4. Active 3rd stage management includes

a. Use of instrumental delivery FALSE
b. Administration of uterotonic drugs TRUE
c. Delayed cord clamping TRUE
d. Controlled cord traction until delivery of placenta TRUE
e. Continuous epidural until placenta delivered FALSE

5. Partogram includes
a. Fetal heart rate TRUE
b. Hourly time contraction FALSE
c. Size of caput FALSE
d. Grade of moulding TRUE
e. Cervical dilatation TRUE

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