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RajaRajeswari College of Engineering

Kumbalgodu, Bangalore-74



Assignment 2

1)Describe the issues in Knowledge representation

2)Convert the following statement into its equivalent Predicate logic form
i)Marcus was a man
ii)Marcus was a Pompeian
iii)All Pompeiians were Romans
iv)Caesar was a ruler
v)All Romans were either loyal to Caesar of hated him
vi)Everyone is loyal to someone
vii)People only try to assassinate rulers they are not loyal to
viii)Marcus tried to assassinate Caesar

3)Write the algorithm to unify(L1,L2).

4)Illustrate in detail about forward and backward reasoning with example

5)Discuss resolution in brief with an example.
6)What are Horn Clauses? Write a declarative and a procedural representation. List syntactic
difference between Logic and PROLOG.

7)Find the maximally general hypothesis and minimally specific hypothesis for the following
training examples, using candidate elimination algorithm

Example Sky Air Humidity Wind Water Fore Enjoy

Temp cast Sport
1 Sunny Warm Normal Strong Warm Same Yes
2 Sunny Warm High Strong Warm Same Yes
3 Rainy Cold High Strong Warm Chan No
4 Sunny Warm High Strong Cool Chan Yes

8)Derive Gradient descent rule

9)Discuss the perceptron training rule..

10)Construct decision tree using ID3 algorithm for the following data:
Day Outlook Temp Humidi Wind Decision
1 Sunny Hot High Weak Yes
2 Sunny Hot High Stron No
3 Overcast Hot High Weak Yes
4 Rain Mild High Weak No
5 Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes

11)Write Back Propagation algorithm

12)Give decision tree to represent the following Boolean functions:

i)A^ ⅂B ii)A v [B^C] iii)A XOR B iv)[A^B]v[C^D]

13)Discuss the perceptron training rule and delta rule that solves the learning problem of

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