Chapter 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

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8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Chapter 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

8.0 Introduction

8.1 Similitude and Physical Models

8.2 Dimensional Analysis

8.3 Normalization of Equations


- learn how to begin to interpret fluid flows

- introduce concept of model study for the analysis of the flow phenomena that could not be

solved by analytical (theoretical) methods

- introduce laws of similitude which provide a basis for interpretation of model results

- study dimensional analysis to derive equations expressing a physical relationship between


Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

8.0 Introduction

Why we need to model the real system?

Most real fluid flows are complex and can be solved only approximately by analytical


Real System
Set of assumptions

Conceptual Model  Simplified version of real system

Field Study Physical Modeling Mathematical Model

(Scaled and simplified [Governing equations

version of prototype) + Boundary (initial) conditions]

Analytical solution Numerical solution (model)


Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

▪ Three dilemmas in planning a set of physical experiments or numerical experiments

1) Number of possible and relevant variables or physical parameters in real system is huge and

so the potential number of experiments is beyond our resources.

2) Many real flow situations are either too large or far too small for convenient experiment at

their true size.

→ When testing the real thing (prototype) is not feasible, a physical model (scaled version of

the prototype) can be constructed and the performance of the prototype simulated in the

physical model.

3) The solutions produced by numerical simulations must be verified or numerical models

calibrated by use of physical models or measurements in the prototype.

▪ Model study

Physical models have been used for over a hundred years.

Models began to be used to study flow phenomena that could not be solved by analytical

(theoretical) methods.


Civil and environmental engineering: models of hydraulic structures,

river sections, estuaries and coastal bays and seas

Mechanical engineering: models of pumps and turbine,


Naval architect: ship models

Aeronautical engineering: model test in wind tunnels

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

▪ Justification for models

1) Economics: A model, being small compared to the prototype, costs little.

2) Practicability: In a model, environmental and flow conditions can be rigorously


▪ Laws of similitude

- provide a basis for interpretation of physical and numerical model results and crafting both

physical and numerical experiments

▪ Dimensional analysis

- derive equations expressing a physical relationship between quantities

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

8.1 Similitude and Physical Models

Similitude of flow phenomena not only occurs between a prototype and it modelbut also may

exist between various natural phenomena.

There are three basic types of similitude; all three must be obtained if complete similarity is

to exist between fluid phenomena.

Geometrical similarity

Kinematic similarity

Dynamic similarity

1) Geometrical similarity

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

~ Flow field and boundary geometry of model and of the prototype have the same shape.

→ The ratios between corresponding lengths in model and prototype are the same.

[Cf] Distorted model

~ not geometrically similar (lr > d r )

~ The flows are not similar and the models have to be calibrated and adjusted to make them

perform properly.

~ used models of rivers, harbor, estuary

~ Numerical models are usually used in their place.

For the characteristic lengths we have

d p lp
r = = lr
d m lm

• Area

2 2
Ap  d p   l p 
= =   
Am  d m   lm 

• Volume

3 3
Vol p  d p   l p 
= =   
Volm  d m   lm 

2) Kinematic similarity

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

In addition to the flowfields having the same shape, the ratios of corresponding velocities and

accelerations must be the same through the flow.

→ Flows with geometrically similar streamlines are kinematically similar.

 
V1 p V2 p
 = 
V1m V2 m
 
a3 p a 4 p
 = 
a3 m a 4 m

3) Dynamic similarity

In order to maintain the geometric and kinematic similarity between flowfields, the forces

acting on corresponding fluid masses must be related by ratios similar to those for kinematic


Consider gravity, viscous and pressure forces, and apply Newton’s 2nd law
   
F1 p F2 p F3 p M p a4 p

= = =  (8.2)
F1m F2 m F3m M m a4 m

Define inertia force as the product of the mass and the acceleration
 
FI = M a

4) Complete similarity

~ requires simultaneous satisfaction of geometric, kinematic, and dynamic similarity.

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

→ Kinematically similar flows must be geometrically similar.

→ If the mass distributions in flows are similar, then kinematic similarity (density ratio for

the corresponding fluid mass are the same) guarantees complete similarity from Eq. (8.2).

From Fig. 8.1, it is apparent that

   
F1 p + F2 p + F3 p =
M p a4 p (a)

   
F1m + F2 m + F3m =
M m a4 m (b)

If the ratios between three of the four corresponding terms in Eq.(a) and Eq.(b) are the same,

the ratio between the corresponding fourth terms be the same as that the other three. Thus,

one of the ratio of Eq.(8.2) is redundant. If the first force ratio is eliminated,

 
M p a4 p M m a4 m
 =  (8.3)
F2 p F2 m
 
M p a4 p M m a4 m
 =  (8.4)
F3 p F3m

▪ The scalar magnitude of forces affecting a flow field

Pressure force: (∆ p) A =
Fp = ∆ pl 2

V 2 
Inertia force: = =
FI M a ρl  =  ρV l
2 2

 l 

Gravity force: = =
FG M g ρ l3g

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

 dv  V 
Viscosity force: =FV µ=
 dy  A µ=
  l µV l

  l

Elasticity force: F=
E = E l2

Surface tension: FT = σ l

Here l and V are characteristic length and velocity for the system.

[Re] Other forces

Coriolis force of rotating system → Rossby number

Buoyant forces in stratified flow → Richardson number

Forces in an oscillating flow → Strouhal number

▪ Dynamic similarity

To obtain dynamic similarity between two flowfields when all these forces act, all

corresponding force ratios must be the same in model and prototype.

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

 FI   FI   ρV 2   ρV 2 
=  =   =    (8.5)
 p
p  m  ∆p  p  ∆p m

Define Euler number, Eu = V
2 ∆p

Eu p = Eum

 FI   FI   ρV l   ρV l 
(ii) =  =   =   
 FV  p  FV m  µ  p  µ  m (8.6)

Define Reynolds number, Re =

Re p = Rem → Reynolds law

F  F  V 2  V 2 
(iii) =
 =
 =  
 FG  p  FG m  g l p  g l m (8.7)

Define Froude number, Fr =

Frp = Frm → Froude law

 FI   FI   ρV 2   ρV 2 
(iv) =  =   =   
 E  p  E m  E  p  E m

ρV 2
Define Cauchy number, Ca =

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Ca p = Cam

[Cf] Define Mach number, =
Ma =
E ρ

Ma p = Mam

 FI   FI   ρ lV 2   ρ lV 2 
(v) =  =   =   
 T  p  T m  σ  p  σ m

ρ lV 2
Define Weber number, We =

We p = Wem

Only four of these equations are independent. → One equation is redundant according to the

argument leading to Eq. (8.3) & (8.4). → If four equations are simultaneously satisfied, then

dynamic similarity will be ensured and fifth equation will be satisfied.

In most engineering problems (real world), some of the forces above (1) may not act, (2) may

be of negligible magnitude, or (3) may oppose other forces in such a way that the effect of

both is reduced.

→ In the problem of similitude a good understanding of fluid phenomena is necessary to

determine how the problem may be simplified by the elimination of the irrelevant, negligible,

or compensating forces.

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

1. Reynolds similarity

~ Flows in pipe, viscosity-dominant flow

For low-speed submerged body problem, there are no surface tension phenomena, negligible

compressibility effects, and gravity does not affect the flowfield.

→ Three of four equations are not relevant to the problem.

→ Dynamic similarity is obtained between model and prototype when the Reynolds numbers

(ratio of inertia to viscous forces) are the same.

V l  V l 
 =  =
Re =
Re   (8.6)
 ν p  ν m
p m

[Re] Reynolds similarity

Ratio of any corresponding forces will be the same.

Consider Drag force, D = C ρ V l

2 2

D D
  = 
 FI  p  FI m

 D   D 
 2 2 
= 2 2 
 ρ V l  p  ρ V l m

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

For flow of incompressible fluids through closed passages

Geometric similarity:

(d2 d1 ) p = ( d 2 d1 ) m

 l   l 
  = 
 d1  p  d1  m

Assume roughness pattern is similar, surface tension and elastic effect are nonexistent.

Gravity does not affect the flow fields

Accordingly dynamic similarity results when Reynolds similarity, Eq. (8.6) is satisfied.

Re p = Rem

Eq. (8.5) is satisfied automatically.

 FI   FI   p1 − p2   p1 − p2 
  =   →  2 
 2  (8.5)
 FP  p  FP m  ρ V  p  ρ V m

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

◈ Reynolds similarity

① Velocity:

 R ep 
R e p = R em =
 1=
, R er 1
 R em 

 Vd   Vd  Vm ν m 1 ν d
  =   → = =m ⋅ p
 ν  p  ν m Vp ν p d m ν p dm

Vm  d m 
If ν m =ν p → = 
V p  d p 

② Discharge: Q = VA

2 2
Qm  d m  Vm  dm  ν m 1 ν m dm
= =    =
 dp  ν p m ν p dp
Qp d
  Vp
d p

③ Time:

Tm Vm lm 1 lm 1 d m ν p  lm 
= = = =  
Tp lp l p Vm l p ν m d p ν m  l p 
Vp Vp νp

④ Force:

m l T ) (ρ l l T )
2 3 2
 µm   ρ p 
= =
m m m m m m m
   
Fp (m l T ) ( ρ l l T )
p p
p p p
p  p   ρm 

⑤ Pressure:

Pm  µm   ρ p   l p 
2 2

=    
Pp  µ p   ρ m   lm 

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

[IP 8.1] Water flows in a 75 mm horizontal pipeline at a mean velocity of 3 m/s.

Prototype: Water 0 C

µp =1.781 × 10−3 Pa ⋅ s

ρ p = 99.8 kg/m3

1.781× 10−3
vp = 1.78 × 10−6 m 2 /s

d p 75mm,=
V p 3m/s, =
∆p 14 kPa,=l p 10 m

Model: Gasoline 20 C

µm =×
2.9 10−4 Pa ⋅ s (Table A 2.1)

ρ m =0.68 × 998.8 =679.2 kg/m3

vm 4.27 × 10−7 m 2 /s

d m = 25 mm

[Sol] Use Reynolds similarity; Re p = Re m

Vm vm  d m  4.27 × 10−7  25 
= =   = /   0.753
V p v p  d p  1.78 × 10−6  75 

= = 2.26 m/s
Vm 0.753(3)

Eu p = Eum

 ∆p   ∆p 
 2  = 2 
 eV  p  eV m

14 ∆pm
[998.8 × (3) ] [679.2 × (2.26) 2 ]

∴∆pm = 5.4 kPa

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

2. Froude similarity

~ Open channel flow, free surface flow, gravity-dominant flow.

For flow field about an object moving on the surface of a liquid such as ship model (William

Froude, 1870)

~ Compressibility and surface tension may be ignored.

~ Frictional effects are assumed to be ignored.

 V   V 
Frp  g l=
 =
Frm  gl  (8.7)
 p  m

Vm g m lm
Vp g p lp

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

[Re] Combined action of gravity and viscosity

For ship hulls, the contribution of wave pattern and frictional action to the drag are the same


→ Frictional effects cannot be ignored.

→ This problem requires both Froude similarity and Reynolds similarity.

 v   v  Vm g l
Frp =Frm =  =  → = m m (a)
 g l  p  g l m Vp g p lp

ν l
R e p = R em =   =   → m = m p
Vl Vl V
 ν  p  ν m V p ν p lm

Combine (a) and (b)

0.5 1.5
g m lm ν m l p ν  g m   lm 
= → m =
g p l p ν p lm ν p  g p   l p 

This requires

(a) A liquid of appropriate viscosity must be found for the model test.

(b) If same liquid is used, then model is as large as prototype.

For g m = g p

1.5 1.5
ν m  lm   lm 
=   → ν= νp l 
ν p  lp  m
 p

lm 1 ν
If = → νm =
l p 10 31.6

Water: µ=
1.0 × 10−3 Pa ⋅ s
Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Hydrogen: µ=
0.21 × 10−4 Pa ⋅ s

~ Choose only one equation → Reynolds or Froude

~ Correction (correcting for scale effect) is necessary.

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

◈ Froude law

① Velocity

Vm g m lm
Vp g p lp

② Time T =

Tm lm V p lm g p lp g p lm
= = =
Tp l p Vm l p g m lm gm l p

③ Discharge Q = vA

2 2 0.5 2.5
Qm Vm  lm  g m lm  l m   g m   l m 
= =   =      
Q p Vp  l p  g p lp  lp   g p   lp 

④ Force

Fm  ρ m   lm 

=  
Fp  ρ p   l p 

⑤ Pressure

Pm  ρ m   lm 
=  
Pp  ρ p   l p 

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

[IP 8.2] Ship model (Free surface flow)

l p = 120 m , lm = 3 m , V p = 56 km h Dm = 9 N

Find model velocity and prototype drag.


Use Froude similarity

 V   V 
 gl  = gl  (8.7)
 p  m

lm 3 1
r = =
l p 120 40

( g l )m 56 × 103  3 

=Vm V= =   2.46 m s
( g l)p 3600  120 

• Drag force ratio

 D   D 
 ρ V 2 l2  =  ρ V 2 l2  (8.15)
 p  m

(ρ V 2 l2 )p 2
 56 × 103 3600   120 

Dp =
Dm =
9×  ×  = 575.8 kN
( ρ V 2 l 2 )m  2.46   3 

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

3. Mach similarity

Similitude in compressible fluid flow

~ gas, air

~ Gravity and surface tension are ignored.

~ Combined action of resistance and elasticity (compressibility)

Vp ν p lm
R e p = R em → = (a)
Vm ν m lp

= =  V= V 
Ma Ma     (8.8)
 a  p  a m
p m

= =
where a sonic velocity

Vp ap
= (b)
Vm am

Combine (a) and (b)

lp  ν p   am 
=   
lm  ν m   a p 

→ gases of appropriate viscosity are available for the model test.

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

• Velocity

Vm am Em ρ p
= =
Vp a p E p ρm

• Time

Tm lm V p E p ρ m lm
= =
Tp l p Vm Em ρ p l p

• Discharge

2 2
Qm  lm  V p E p ρ m  lm 
= =   
Q p  l p  Vm Em ρ p  l p 

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

4. Euler Similarity

~ Modeling of prototype cavitation

~ For cavitation problem, vapor pressure must be included.

[Ex.1] Cavitating hydrofoil model in a water tunnel

Fig. 8.6 (a)

Here gravity, compressibility, and surface tension are neglected.

Dynamic similitude needs Reynolds similarity and Euler similarity.

em  =
V l  V l 
e p R=   
 ν  p  ν m

p −p  p −p 
p σ=
m  ρ V 2 =  ρ V 2 
0 v 0 v
 0 p  0 m

p0 − pv
σ = = cavitation number
ρV 2

p0 = absolute pressure

pv = vapor pressure

~ Virtually impossible to satisfy both equation.

~ Cavitation number must be the same in model and prototype.

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

[I.P.8.3] Model of hydraulic overflow structure → spillway model

Q p = 600 m3 s

lm 1
r =
l p 15


Since gravity is dominant, use Froude similarity.

0.5 2.5
Qm  g m   lm 
=   
Qp  g p   lp 

 lm 

600  
=Qm Q=
p 
 lp   15 

= 0.69
= m3 s 690 l/s

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

8.2 Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional analysis

~ mathematics of the dimensions of quantities

~ is closely related to laws of similitude

~ based on Fourier′s principle of dimensional homogeneity (1882)

→ An equation expressing a physical relationship between quantities must be dimensionally


→ The dimensions of each side of equation must be the same.

~ cannot produce analytical solutions to physical problems.

~ powerful tool in formulating problems which defy analytical solution and must be solved


~ It points the way toward a maximum of information from a minimum of experiment by

the formation of dimensionless groups, some of which are identical with the force ratios

developed with the laws of similitude.

▪ Four basic dimension

~ directly relevant to fluid mechanics

~ independent fundamental dimensions

length, L

mass, M or force, F

time, t

thermodynamic temperature T

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Newton′s 2nd law

= =
F M a
~ There are only independent fundamental dimensions.

(1) Rayleigh method

Suppose that power, P , derived from hydraulic turbine is dependent on Q , γ , ET

Suppose that the relation between these four variables is unknown but it is known that these

are the only variables involved in the problem.

P = f ( Q , γ , ET ) (a)

Q = flow rate

γ = specific weight of the fluid

ET = unit mechanical energy by unit weight of fluid (Fluid system → turbine)

Principle of dimensional homogeneity

→ Quantities involved cannot be added or subtracted since their dimensions are different.

Eq. (a) should be a combination of products of power of the quantities.

P = C Q a γ b ETc (b)

where C = dimensionless constant ~ cannot be obtained by dimensional methods

a, b, c = unknown exponents

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Eq. (b) can be written dimensionally as

( Dimensions of P ) = ( Dimensions of Q ) ( Dimensions of γ ) ( Dimensions of ET )

a b c

a b
ML2  L3   M 
=    2 2  ( L )c (c)
 t  Lt 

Using the principle of dimensional homogeneity, the exponent of each of the fundamental

dimensions is the same on each side of the equation.

M : 1= b

L : 2 = 3a − 2b + c

t : − 3 =−a − 2b

Solving for a, b, and c yields

a 1,=
b 1,=
c 1

Resubstituting these values Eq. (b) gives

P = C Q γ ET (d)

C = dimensionless constant that can be obtained from

① a physical analysis of the problem

② an experimental measurement of P, Q, γ , ET

Rayleigh method ~ early development of a dimensional analysis

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

(2) Buckingham theorem

~ generalized method to find useful dimensionless groups of variables to describe process (E.

Buckingham, 1915)

▪ Buckingham′s Π - theorem

1. n variables are functions of each other

→ Then k equations of their exponents ( a, b, c, ) can be written.

k = largest number of variables among n variables which cannot be combined into a
dimensionless group


Drag force D ~ f ( l , V , ρ , µ , g ) on ship

2. In most cases, k is equal to the number m of independent dimensions (M, L, t)

k ≤m

3. Application of dimensional analysis allows expression of the functional relationship in

terms of ( n − k ) distinct dimensionless groups.

[Ex] n = 6, k = m = 3 → n − k = 3 groups

π1 =
ρ l2V 2

π= R=
2 e

3 F=

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

[Ex] Drag on a ship

f ( D, l , ρ , µ , V , g ) = 0

Three basic variables = repeating variables

V , l, ρ
  
t , L, M

Other variables D, µ , g appear only in the unique group describing the ratio of inertia force

to force related to the variable.

• Procedure:

1. Find the largest number of variables which do not form a dimensionless Π - group.

For drag problem, No. of independent dimensions is m = 3 and V , ρ and l cannot be

formed into a Π - group, so k= m= 3

2. Determine the number of Π - groups to be formed: n= 6, k= m= 3

∴ No. of Π - group = n − k =3

3. Combine sequentially the variables that cannot be formed into a dimensionless group, with

each of the remaining variables to form the requisite Π - groups.

Π1 =f1 ( D, ρ , V , l )

Π 2 =f 2 ( µ , ρ , V , l )

Π 3 =f 3 ( g , ρ , V , l )

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

4. Determine the detailed form of the dimensionless groups using principle of

dimensional homogeneity.

i) Π1

Π1 =D a ρ b V c l d (a)

Since Π1 is dimensionless, writing Eq. (a) dimensionally

a b c
 ML   M   L 
M L t =  2   3    ( L)
0 0 0 d
 t  L  t 

The following equations in the exponents of the dimensions are obtained

M : 0= a + b

L : 0 = a − 3b + c + d

t : 0=−2 a − c

Solving these equations in terms of a gives

−a , c =
−2 a , d =
−2 a
 D 
= ρ V l
Π1 D = a
 ρ l2 V 2 
−a −2 a −2 a

 

The exponent may be taken as any convenient number other than zero.

If a = 1, then

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Π1 = (c)
ρ l2V 2

ii) Π2

Π 2 =µ a ρ b V c l d

a b c
M  M  L
M L t =    3    ( L)
0 0 0 d

 Lt   L   t 

M : 0= a + b

L : 0 =−a − 3b + c + d

t : 0 =−a − c

Solving these equations in terms of a gives

−a , c =
−a , d =
 µ 
=Π2 µ =
ρ V l  ρ lV 
a −a −a −a

 

If a = -1, then

V lρ
= = Re (d)

iii) Π3

Π 3 =g a l b ρ c V d

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

a c d
L M  L
M L t =  2  Lb  3   
0 0 0

t  L  t 

M : 0=c

L : 0 = a + b − 3c + d

t : 0=
−2a − d

Solving these equations in terms of a gives

b = a , c = 0, d = −2a

 gl  −2 a
=Π3 g =
l V  2
a a
V 

If a = -1/2, then

= 3 = Fr

Combining these three equations gives

 D 
f ′  2 2 , Re, Fr  = 0
ρl V 

= f ′′ ( Re, Fr )
ρ l2 V 2

Dimensional analysis

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

~ no clue to the functional relationship among D ρ l 2 V 2 , Re and Fr

~ arrange the numerous original variables into a relation between a smaller number of

dimensionless groups of variables.

~ indicate how test results should be processed for concise presentation

[Problem 8.48] Head loss in a pipe flow

f ( hL , D, l , ρ , µ , V , g ) = 0

Repeating variables: l , ρ, V

Π1 =f1 ( hL , l , ρ , V )

Π 2 =f1 ( D, l , ρ , V )

Π 3 =f3 ( µ , l , ρ , V )

Π 4 =f 4 ( g , l , ρ , V )

(i) Π1 =hL l
a b
ρcV d
c d
M  L
M L t =L L  3  
0 0 0 a b

L  t 

M : 0=c

L : 0 = a + b − 3c + d

t : 0 = −d b = −a

h 
∴ Π1 = L 
 l 

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

If a = 1 : Π1 = L

(ii) Π 2 =D l
a b
ρcV d
c d
M  L
M L t =L L  3  
0 0 0 a b

L  t 

M : 0=c ①

L : 0 = a + b − 3c + d ②

t : 0 = −d ③

② : 0= a + b b = −a
∴ Π 2 = 
 l 

If a = 1 : Π2 =

(iii) Π 3 =µ l ρcV d
a b

a c d
 M  bM   L
M L t =
0 0 0
 L  3  
 LT  L  t 

M : 0= a + c ① → c=
d → c=

L : 0 =−a + b − 3c + d ②

t : 0 =−a − d → d = −a ③

② d + b − 3d + d =0b=
d → b=

∴ Π 3 =µ al − a ρ − a V − a
Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

l ρV
If a = −1 ∴ Π
= = Re

(iv) Π 4 =g l
a b
ρcV d
a c d
L M  L
M L t =  2  Lb  3   
0 0 0

t  L  t 

M : 0=c ①

L : 0 = a + b − 3c + d ②

t : 0=
−2a − d ③

③ d = −2a

② 0 = a + b − 0 − 2a → b =

 gl  −2 a
=Π4 g =
l V a a
 2
V 

1 V
If a = − : Π
= 4 = Fr
2 gl

h l 
f  L , , Re, Fr  = 0
 l D 

hL  l 
= f ′  , Re, Fr 
l D 

Ch. 8 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis

Homework Assignment # 8

Due: 1 week from today

Prob. 8.6

Prob. 8.10

Prob. 8.14

Prob. 8.20

Prob. 8.24

Prob. 8.30

Prob. 8.56

Prob. 8.59


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