Lowellcourier 1873 01 Roll13a 0005

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of the oldest offloeM of the 9 reneb army,

A Oar* t* P«Mto. OM
Iff 5*r= ass- ae 55=
§9t suu.
A I'

» '"
4kl9f]i8 ^Mc^tncf* %UKmtx%. BaitroaOi^ JKftuaL
g«i CoiL
8lt^ %mli jtflg ^ mnrien having received hlA commiaalon aa aab- UAwf h Barabaa, laabar dsalsrt, Datt'oa
lleatenant Id 180ft, Just In time to take •tr«et, hav«Ja«tr«o«lva4lofM.O. Parklaa slot
6fto0)i iitftfnticf. fnsttratwre
trav«rac*nia- '1
iTv-A Brat alBaa boaao in a desirable A
aTKAMt-.lt-. nAll. WorvHKt«r and Naabtra Knilroiul.
norj in tke clooo.
On and Hfter Nov. J). Ix:.', Pas-
part in the later baiilss of the firi>t em- of those celebrated planed liilnKlet manalteolured
pire. C
He.wasinthe Russian campaign by J. ra^e, esq.. Writ Ctiarletton, Vermont. ON HAND. N UT10B.-.0a BBd after Kondar. antambnf
I may b« found at th.
^alro'af71 >rl4i?rtraot
a BOW oaa.

TO I«BT«-HoBse Mo.
XaqalraofO.BNELL. aeplldtl
238 I.awrono«' alreot,
Paaaengers booked to ami fruinany rullwsy sta-
tion or seaport lo Oreat HrilMin, Ireluud, Nor-
Woii hMKK
senger Trains will run as loiiows
and at Waterloo, lie served iu Algeria, We would advlte all pertont viIdk •binclri to Fire Insurance Agency sloiiersoinoe, over the Merohants Bank,
anplicailun msy b. made for putting
ta Bervieo
Botare of BeslvitatlaB. T3SOB MAUH.— A Sae building lot on Wasb- •oatafiilng seven rooms. Apply tP C. B. way, Sweden, Deumaik, (ieruittuy, tirauo, Hol-
land. Itelglum, and tlje United tiiates,
at 0.10 and
(i.roton I'assiingor )
II l.'i h. m., 4 16
and was second In command of the army examlse ttinae planed ones and read onr oiroa- igtOBitrant naar Hale street. Inquire ol RICUaoaD.
The suBMriber has reeeived and ready lo dr- pliM-.orauyoiberbusiiii'ss eounuoted wUh the Pain's fUrnace-heat withlu uie uulver*.
tfocMdIw r..bln fare from New York lo l,ONDf>N, LIV- l.i'uve Nakiii'A at * 10 a. 111., 12 m,, and 5 p.m.
Tlu H*raldef Ittalth, as usutl, liM
sent Into Italy la 1849. In 1861 ne was oulare, belore buyioK rouch sawed ones, a* they iver
•1 Central atrooC, B*«aa 1. Fire, Lift k Accident (jod's brettih upon the flame doth blow BIRBBNAM, it^MMdles-x ttroct^decdtf i.KT —A good tenement ol seven rooms, ERPOOL, <H,A.«>GOW, si.d 'KKIlY B«»» and I i/i-uve lilloiuM Ji;>c'no.v ut d C'0,t> 0.1 i. IK. U I

•ome good reading matter upon topica made marshal, aud subsequently was are admitted to be the very beit, both for beauty
.--—'-' ,. ,

Hound companies aitPT the Boston Are.

seplldtf S«»t. Lowell Water Works. Ai>d nil mv heart In angul.b sbirori
And tr< inblcs at Ihe llery plow; .B BAIiR.—Tbroogood two-storv hoaaoa, TO
with hard and solt water, at No, 3tf Waluut
BTB. iLXCurslon tickets. «liO.
DIATE, BBS.. hiKt^ltAtiK, BUU,
and 6 bO p. m.
All througli trains connect al (irolon Junetloi

rtiaUng to health. It is pabllabed by

m'uister of war and governor of the and durability that have ever been oOVred to the
Prince \tf\P*i iai. Prussia has lost Gen- publlo. Lackawanna Coal IVmoerton Mutual, Lawrenoe, Mass, Bangor
ol Uauiior, Maine, Capital iaoO.OUO. Insurance- iigency N oriCK. And yet I whisper: As jod wllll
hutbust Are aund still.
FS also aoma vcy daalrable balldlag a iou.
street. In(|uir« on the premisea. dacSldU'
A DOMESTIC In.currenoy
with .iloiiy Itrouk Itsllruud'irHin,-,
H orcester
lose connec

BUOWN, LIBBY k CO., And lu Parlies S4'ndlng for tbeIr lrlen<1s in Ihe Old tluns are uisu lubile nl wilb iruius foi
Wood * Holbrook. New York, aod cosU ROOM<t TO 1.RT.— Several
but tl M) p«r aDuuin, or 92.00 with a
eral llildens «*ia, who directed the bom- Proprletort and Manufaoturc:!
bardment of Strasburg In the late war.
The most distin<{ult«bed clergyman de-
Planinc Uuohinea,
of the Shingle

Lowell, llafi.
from tbn DvlaifPtre and.IiudsonjCaual Company.


D. K.
I U K,
ALLACK, Agent.
•S Conlral ^troet, ..ovrrll, Mitss.
The r .gu'ar nnnutil meellpg of Ihe stockhold-
ers ol the klercliart.i Nalional Bank In l.owrll.
lur the choice oil iln-otors aud for the
lion Ml any liuxinesAlist msy lp|{ai|y oemo bo-
He ooBKi, and lays ay heart, all
On the hard unvll, minded so.
Into Uls own Ulr sh'tpe to beot It
Lowell, Oct. 2S, 1872.

BALR.—Two oottafes and- land.
^ Cbaries strJet,'wrth icbo'leet of
stable on C. Coburn, No. 12 Museum Uulldlng.
In Musejm HuildiM^ to rent. It
I.BT. — A genteel tent ment honso on BL.ES3IN!}.
Country can purcliHse tickets at low.-st ruti x.
Kor furlhi-r particulars spply tu Hie Agents.,
HEN1>KK.S0^ imoniKKK, ' UowiluK tii.eu,
N. Y., or tu Owen McNamaru or KilusidM.eu-
iiii'l tiie
liruugh llcliets for Nr<v York by Sound 01

ItuutiK vau Lk' had .it tin- tl<-kec' uttioe 11

York, bpringfteld At
^^vP ioo'
ceased during the year is the Uev. Fred- all kinds of
INSUSANOE BBOEEB, ALL OLD AND RKUABLK C0MHANI18 lure the larrt Ins Hill L>e held at the banking
rooms on Tuesday, Jaouary U, at 10 o'clock(a.m.
With bis great hammer, blow on blow;
Ai>d yet I whl.per As Ood wlH I
qolro ofULIVBB LORD, *« Merrimack sUoet.
TOCentraUlile lli-ghls. rosre;i»lon given a>
ban. 'U Ourti't'i '.r> I I. Lowell. JinMawlvH l.o\^c!i, aJdii st-4ti r<iuui> uuit cau be se
cured iiy the s(o:tuters City of lloclou und City o'
r -^ rrrRUyTANBTnnr makes OMwvnKalranft
Books. erick Denison Maurice, a man of great AUNMcpiierleTurkUk Batlka, declOKd J.M. l'Kllt*;K, Jb, Cashi

hs«vlest blows hold once. Atply THUj. hLLIUI, ^8 Central l«s>KrOI.K A'M» BAI.TI- Neu York. iid c^jkpclk (Uiea::>c l>y sopplylDB iBa blood Kldl
»1mtkrme4l« mud Bitfrni-mmt €'»ml mt And Ills stilt.
a Hteam
to II.
VkriitiHas Eve and Christmas Day Is
l.ntiellectual power, whose influence was Vor Ladles and Qentlcnipa, 410 Merrimack
!<*« Mt»m€dl erteet. 40 Ceulrml Mi. ITtlUST HATItlVAI. RA!«K OF
•AL.K.— Half
aod in good running
Interest In
order, sad
stre<-t. ^nov6Jtl MOKK AM> v\

blKAMKIlIP M.nK.— ftleain-

AKIIlA'li lO.V, U. Kur liirllirr jisrticalars at to cocu.ctivns a'itt N'ATTltE's OwH ViTALiznfa jMnrr—nuKf.
perhaps not second to that of sny cler- •treet. Ilcaltk and rrlt-e«bmrnt to mlud «^d^ ^ I.OW- lie tukes
heart and beats It
my soHened — House, NECESSITY. other rou'ls, see b- en's l'«iuUni:er Uuide.
the Ulie which KJward Everett Hale gyman in Enj^land. Another great loss body. "The greatest remedial agrnt of modern
.jT.**.- •

Wood sawed and>pllt to order. Insurance In European and American Compa-

KM., 31A8S. It,, spurss lly off St

He I urns It o'vt
erery blow;
«•' <
and bests It,
doing a prosperoas busTneja st rrovldeoce fl. I.
Partfelilirs oYa. A. /fcWErT, of farla and
TO I.KT. bars, and two store-
houses, occupied ty thelate Joslali 8aartelle,
ships (tl his line suH from ei U I
Central Wharf, bo»iun,hKM I

,ut -'.iio WKKKLY

C.a. lUUNKU.Hupt,
raMtion.— Besnre yon ri't PeravlaB St/nn.
iaui^lilcia free. J. P. UINSMORE, VnstUiiat.
gives lo bis late.st voluiae. It i^ a col- o the Christian pulpit and Cbristlau medical tolenoe," says frof. Uno. T. Klliot, Hlocklmliler'' o tills hank are lieribr coiltod «'
Jewett. Lowell, M»»a. / Jyi'7/dtl School street. bAML'KL HORN, Adm "Will S«'P'- 1. i'*7l.
No. :<i Dey Bt., New York. •

nies at equitable rates. novSldtf ihtt ti.eii auiiu li iiiei'img lur ilie clmice of li|. And lets it cool, and makes It glow; 4- dif p. m., lor NuuFuLK and ttwiiMmv.. &4..1 Dra^jUUccDcraUr.
And yet I whisper As Uod will BOVV."'
lection of ton Christmas stories, some of
which have been published before. Be-
literature was the death of the Uev. Bellevue Medleal Colle e. New York.
Norman Mot^eod. The Kigbt Uev. C. II.

IF Toil want to get a trunk to stand travelling

Orders louy be
vidcrc, at DodKe, Sherburne
ie't at U Davidson
A Co.'s
street, Ilel-
Qraln Kir-
Geo. W. Oobarn & Son,
reclurs, anal lor the traii>uc'iou of any other
buolnexM thH' mty le.allv ro<iie belurc il. will be
lield It' tlif buiikinit rooms ou luesiay, J iD. II,
1^ Aud lu His mighty bund hold still.
: I

IJIOR f Ai*: A Btore and Htook,
Of rarnltore, Upholstery .nd Carpet-
To Possession given Immediately. A
new modem siyle cutluge house, nesr Paw.
BLACK8T0NB Ciipt.rro.
II. lliilletf,
c "^U.VCUU^
on and ufter

5ION0AY, DKC.tf, IM'^fassen-

1 /

lerrut, lli^liop of Edinburgh; ttie Ulght vator, Western Avrnue. should I murntur? for the sorrow ing- •nenoallent buslne.s sisud of
scventsen WILI.IaM LAVVKr,NCE, " Wm. A. Ilailitt.
log Mr. Hale's, the stories are of course
iDterestlog, aud well worth a rcadiuK-
Uev. T. V. Sharp, ex-bishop of St.^A^aph, and hard usage, get one of those oanvaaor duck
Wale«; the Very Uev. James A* Jere- tmnks.madeby MolIoy.IS Market street. IIU \VC«»TEICN AVUNUi:. NO. •* NKRMITII BLOCK. [
\Wi\i, ut lu o'o UC4 a m.

(JKO. B. Al.LKN'. Cashier.
18, \i(lt. <tec.:«dtd
Thus only lunger- lived would be;
Us end may come, and will tomorrow.
When UoJ has done Ills work In me.
v«u«> Baironage. For lurther
outre oTrICUAUD^ON.
ii Cbarleotown street, Boston.
particulars in
deca ^w
lunket Itridge, West Uracul. Apply to UKO. W.

COUURN, So. It Nesmilth Block . .octlBdtf
Ot'O. AI'I'Ol.O
Cupt. Wliislow L.)vi|nnd.
WILLIAM t;itANK...<;ai't. t-oluoiou llow.s.
gtr truiiis will luii
For Miincbester, Nashua, Lowell aad Itostijn,
TO I.F.T.— Ten horse power and two rooms
The author does not
ing to the pulpit, but preaches
coufloc his preach-
a sermon
mie, dean of Lincoln, are among the high Hinrs are all eastom made.
ufUcials of the Eugiish church deceased.
Not many disiingui>hed foreign schol-

Thcre/lt no better plaoo Hi Lioweii to buy a car

pet.chi^mberset, stove orany klndofbuusekeep
OJ l» LMmci.l.
annual meiting of ihe 'tookholders ol
Bo I say, trusting A s Ood will
And, trusting

to tbe end, bold

my profit purely,

FOB AI.B.—The Middles*! House,
ou bnlldlngs, and about one acre and aqusr-
t«r of land at Middlesex Village two miles from
stable 40x70, ou Western
tiack. Kuqutre of
Avenue, on Railroad
WILLIAM KKNNKL»Y..CHpt. Ileury 1>. losler.
Frrinht iu.
BO poiata orawportarltF aver airatliero. and Ulcliin i 1. by rivtr or rail; and t.y lie Vir-<
via i.o»<'>i,at 0,7 -to aud l'j.)&a.m.,:iV) (Kjt
warded from Norlulk to I'et r^urK uuil ».16( K A press) p.iu. huuiiay!* ut (l.l&u, tn,
Kur Litwreucc, lyu.'ut 3.:iouud lu.lA a. lu-, und

t^ LXJNG- m
Id every story he writes; yet the eernaon ars and literary men whose names are lySdtf BERNARn RILET *. CO. fonnccticut .Mutual Life Ink. Co. How to obtain Insurance stand the
lliii II ink lor the .l.o
Ion of 1> rectors and the kindles, lor \ Kliiia and leu [lessee Air Line, to nII puiiit^ in :i.'-tt ft ni.
Ing goods than at UfI^ltt* Wbltakcr, 113 and M lliut will liuuKuiliun of any oiher business that a>av legfl Afll'Jllon's glowing, flcry dirsod; Lowell Post Office. Terms essy. Inquire of J. ^O LET.—On Walker street, The "Domestic" is increasing Its sates and Virginia Tei.bessee, Aliibiuia and UeoruU; unl Kur I'orttimouth at 7.30 ji. m., and ^J3i p. m.
U so cleverly woven
tive that the reader has uo Idea he
In with the narra-
Is be-
well kuuwu iu tiie United States have
ended their work since this year began.
Market itr ct.
FRANKLIN GOAL, A8SKTS OVKK f.lS.noO 000. test of a severe Are is
property holders
thu great qucslhin for
Kxperl' nci; Is here, as else-
ly eoiue btfore such meeting, will be held at the
bauklD^' room, ol said Bank, on Tuesday. Jsna-
ury 2 lh7:i, at U \ o'olock a.m.
And all his hesviest blows are
Iiifliuied tiy a Master hand;
bo I say, praising As Uod

Will t
C. ABBOTT, esq., Tyler's Blook, Ceutral Street,
Lowell. )yl2de<>dtr
^ with be
facturlng purposes.
and abundance of carriage
well adaufd lor (Dayv-
J. F.
a- good Stable,


gaining public favor much fister thsn any ma- over the heiboard snd Kouuulie Kailruad lo ull
cl^lne ever belore pres'-nted to the publlo It Is points In Norih und South 4'sriilliis; b> llie Itul-
pronounced by tb>- most compet. Dt Judges of the limore and (Ihiu itdilrouU to Wbshintjlon und all
1-or huucouk, ul 7.J0 a. dl7>ud 3.U p. ui, (Tin
k\»r buncO(A Valley Railroad at .1.-U p. m.
The best known of them all was Charles Now opening an Inroice^l three (>ly Scotch 1,

OB dlseiuns ars not

ing preached to as he reads.
volume is a ucat one, with illustrations
Lever, the mirthful novelist. Alfred carpeting at 63 cents per yard (worth 7»),a grand
Uenry Forrester, better known by bis thing ^r chambers and halU, at W. T. Bradley's
fh)a Lyken'< Valley;
where, the b<'st teacher. Tlioie eoiiipunies thut
have suceessiully survived the gteut .Iombus at n .,
*'"'^'::*!-"**^'''AM3, Cashier.
Dec 17, \t^.-i. ^m
And kope In II im, aud suffer still.
—Jutiui Btum. FA BALES.
new modern two story bouse,
Lowell, Oct. U, 1872.

TO BE I.ET Oai L.KA8K.—The

septldtf capacity aud mechanism ol Sewing Machines a* plaees Wfst.
decidedly superior to any machine heretofore hrouitli rates given to Houth and W^sl.

*.iiO aud(t.OO(lCxpri'SS)a. m., 12 00 m., 23b
tl/* tMiile
devvlnpnivut, in their dwaHOBt that »t
a::<l sticirt
tlie luiiK* is iiisldlnns, decaltful, and Sfl

W and
buiU*^ several lots Kf ery machine warranted satla- Fine passenver aooominoilations.
i\. il. Fire Ins. Co. - $275,000 Portland, Chicago aud Hoston, have shown their
AMKAIT NATIUNal, »aKH. with 10,000 leet of land on Walker sUeet; 12 land owned by tbe beira of
Call and examine at Fare, including berths aud nieals -to Nor/olk,
uutl 6,b0(k:x.) P- ni. &un4uys at 4.00 p, m. Lj iu r«ui iiaturs, tui it has rssrshod aa I
by Darley, and is published by Roberu nom de plume, "Alfred Crowqulil," was a new rdoms, 23 Market street. soundness, These very losses have. In one sense JErKtcaL bouse lota oonUloIng about 10,000 feet of land
ot the lute
Charles T. Appleton, Keq.. deaensed, situated on
fsction rusranteed.
CRITCHETT'S Sewinc Machine Corner, No. 123 tll^— time 48 hours; to Ualllmure, gift— time t»

b<>pvU«s rtage.
versaiilu writer of light literature and a CT* Yet, with this peenllarity in I
Brothers, and sold by Cosgeshall k t>on. from the Delaware and Hudson] Canal .Co, added to tbelrttrength, by enabling them to so On Tuesdiiy the twenty-first day of Jsnuury ontbesaaaa stroet; 2 loU on Mount Vernoif tne southerly side of Pond street, and east of the Central street, eorner of Qorham street. hours. At !0 20 and lo.ru a. m., and 3.06, i.M, and tf.00 it la sess o iuibly and pruperlj attaadsd IB^
clever artist. Albany Fonblauque was Simpson * Co., 41 Centril street, have the nexi, at hall past three o'clock lu tbe afternooa, street; t loU en WaUon street; and 1 on Butur Concord river, are offered on. lease or leases for N.B. Work furnished to pnrehasera 11 de- For farther information apply to ''

Tkt Ftrftct Ltft is a collection of

twelve discourses delivered by William
years ago renowned as a writer of politi- largost and best selected stock of onromoa and
cal editorials for the London Examiner, picture (Tames to be found In Lowell. Jan20daw
Also the best qualities of

Antliracllo and Bituminous Coals, Heriilen of neriden, TOHH..

enlarge their buislness, and scatter their risks,
as to.greativ Increase their ass> ts. If the princi-
ple that a wide diffusion ol risks as compared
the stuckliolders will meet In their Bankin*
Koonis to eleci Directors aod for the transaotloa
01 such uthir business as may legally and prop-
G UOD VrOBI» laldatraot.
Ptleeo low, tcrma aaay. Enquire at 127 Mar-
tat atroot. UwoU. „, ^
a term of years. The acveral lots are eligibly
situated lor building purposes, cither lor resldeo.
oes or mechanical purposes.
sired, at good prievs.
fcbisw reb27dawlyehaepl8
K. BAMFBOnr, ABent,
Central Wharf. Boston
p. tu. iiuudays 7.^0 ii. m.

U.K. «;iIAMBEilLIN. Supt.
Concord, N. H., Uee. W), 1K71. |an17<Jlf
irrsss msy be sOsctuallji arrastad In thof '
lly of cases. This Ikct occurs
general obaerration and szpsrisDce.
in^ To srrest the eibting Irrltadea 9t
Ellery CbanniDg, D. D., during the last which he edited before Forster. Lud- •260,OCO *L with assets Is an element cf strength, then the erly come before them. FOR TUB 4«er72tld P. F. LITCHFIELD. Application may be made to passages and tha lungs, spsadlly and
The old sund, 14 Middle sueet, kept ty D. Kit- for manufacturing or domestlo purposes, JOU N H. BL'TTRICK, CasMi r. PATCH. ^TEEMAOBS (•oncurd and (lareinoai Railroad.
ten years of the author's life. As stal-
wlg Feurbacb, a German philosopher; aprl7dtf E. B. seat and cause of cough, is aa Inportaat
Charles Auguste-Vervler, a Flemish lit- redge h Son, Is the place to get custom made For sal* by
companies that doJ the largest business in the Lowell, Dec, ai, U7!t. diJanS
FOB BALB.-A oonntry fesldenee
fine eit- Open to.Clareinout. toward rolkf and curs In ths Ant
ed Id the preface of the book, they are teratfur; lierr' FrledrichGersUeker, a Boota and Shot*.
not essays for the learned nor a theolog- German novelist, and Cumle Alexander

WatloMai t;«a«« rot.

No. • Thornitlfcc street. naMhilUnofN. Y. - $400,000
largest space are the soundest. Believing this
4^ be true, we ask our pair jus to nota the prer-
ent condlilon of the following great companies
ri-^lil-: ANHVAf. MKKTIIVMiif the Uwell
X. Dlspciisur) will be he d at the rooius of the
Lowell lustiiiitliiii for S^viOtS, 'Thursday. Jsn.
PAIN KILLER - aated Canaan, M. H.,on one

two ohurehes, two stores and post ol&oe: one

aUle Irom tbe Northern Railroad, cutse bv an
New k^ngland, where there are
aataat atroet# la
of pleas-


('ars over these roads mn In con-
with ears over the Co.tcord,
??ne<;l ion
the remedy 4
JC^ But while
another principle uql

ical treatise ; but are calls to the people Vrzez iziecki, a Polish historian aud ar-
locmuiilete tha rure. It mtart i

Among the topics c iffiu O iH, were severally

Just received by French k Puffer, US and 116
men ofdlstlnc-
reprerenied by u<, premising thut the assets V, i8~:{, at tt x'clncK ti. ra., for the cliol.t; of offl-
lers fur the eii8uiiii( \v tr, and the transaction of
Aoadeaay, and oontainmg twelve acres of choice
land, with a two story owelilng house; two
WAMTKn.— A good forger. One who on
use a trip-hammer aod do good hand
N:isliiiu .ind Worcester, NasliUB and Lowell, lios-
tuti mill l.uwi'll, Mauuhester and Lawr<iic<', Con-
exert and Impurt nourishing, b laHeg, and i
"come np
of the discourses
we note "The Bellgl-
uou IU Ltjeir own countries and more or
Oeatralstreet,anotberlnvolce of National Coffee
Pots. For sale cheap. mylOdawtf
Alanson Nichols, have been greatly increased rerenily, by an Im
mense business consequent on the Boston lire.
any other buslnesH that may Irxaiiy ooiiMt befuie
this meuiiu;;.
VTecanoonfldently reoommend
barua and sbsds attached, and is very oommodi-
tbe Paln*Kll. oas for ooarders. Wilt l>e sold immeoiately.
cord aud l'<>".'smuiith. Boston ai>d Maine, and
Kxsex iCai' va<t>- ii> loiiows:
•uins liitlueiirs
ihroiiKhnut ttia wlioU system.
LunK disease poisons (lia drrafartiofi. w^
the Quids of tlie riitira orKanlkm, and npidly
less known to the learned of other na- \

Insurance olTected at lowest rates In these oom- L\UK1NMAKTIN, Sec'y. Prioe aauOO. For particulars addrea. J. O. West Fitei burg. Mass,

mm 1.1 live (Murein'MiUu-iMii.ii «l fl .55 a.m., and

ler.^Toronlo Baptist. dec?!l'tlw « HO •lines the constitution. It thus rauuiias »< rtataia.
ooa PriDciple in Human Nature," "The liuns. Adolph Guersult and Theophile Mason k Hamlin Cabinet Organ is acknowl- panlei w bich are souad and reliable, or in any Lowell, Ice 'iO, ^ti7i. WmiOLi. Canaan, N. H «le«$dtf p. iiillslMiruii UriilKe at

a. ut., live of extmordiiinry efficacy (o r ssehsod MUavatba

OKALKS tha aaost effeetual remedy we know of III., -tl 1^.00

Uoiversal Father." "JehUS Christ the Gauiler were Freucb journalists, the lat- edged the best toned and best made reed organ IN
other company that Is Is desired.
It Is
wonnda, kc.—St. Johns yews


WANT KB.- An Atnerican girl to do bcuse WEEKLY aud '^.10 m., for (Concord. aJranccd stages of cousumptiau.

Broiber, Friend and Saviour," and "The

tttr having a repuialiuu that extended be- Aetna of Hartford. aches, pains, flesh work lu a small family. None need apply Leave loncord for Ni-wpor. snd Ilillsborougb,

Charcb Univertal." These give some member of the Frincb Academy who
in the world. Simpson a Co., Agents, 41 Cent-
yond his own cuuniry. M. Babluet was ral street. "
Qive us a call.
insurance. i:q.
We advUs that every family should have iO Offer tor lease on tcmu ot fifteen years,
wlibont recommendations. Good aaves gIv. n:
$4 per week. Apply at comer of Uiidge and
linuKe iU.40u. in., uuda.iOp. u.
Idea of the scope of the work, and, with demonstrated according to his knowl- A si>eoialty oi Lraoies' Meek Ties is made b) Coal, Wood. Cement. (JEO. W. COBIRIV k 801^. Assets Nov. 1, $5,500,000 effectual and speedy a Paln-KlUer.— .<<mA«r«f, If.
l>ourih streets, Ceutrslville. dec7dtr

Bradford for Kuttoo and New London PULMONIC BALSAM
FIVE WANTEO.- A practical workman compe-
the other subjecu treated of, make a vol- edge of science that a ttlegrapbic com-
ne that can be perused with great
munication between the continents was
Mrs. M. W. Adams, No. «S Merrimack street,
where the largest and most varied stock In tlie Jjime, &c.
jr». 9 JTetmtlk BImrk. Hunt & Elliott, B. OatetU.
Our own ezperlenee la that a bottle oTPaia- for baslncsB purposes,
tent to set up and put in operation a
tern of Rpglisb worsted machinery fur makint


New^irl, for H< ulli
uiid llillsboro' liriilxe
ULd Kast WushiUKton,
Aiwerth aud Gruntli.ni.
tor Antrim, Brnnlugto
posjessea this tars enmbinatkm. . Prepasad eulMy
from vep?tnble*ubstancBS, with tiielr 1

impotibible. Nulh withstanding this MAIWACHVBKTTS STATK AOlCNcT Hartford of llurtford. Kl.ler Is the best physlelan a traveUer oaa have.
•m BMattaofc aad MArBot af reeU yarn. Apply by let:«r, stating qualiflcatlonsaud UMi. B. TODD. 8upt. ran be taken at any a
ci*T can be found, ran^^ng in prices from 33 centfc
liial properties, it
From the high regard in which Oluuaer he was a learned and respected Bltwato
profit. or TUB —Hamilton Spectator. expectations. EITUKR WAY. Concord. N. If.. Doc, Ih72. deciH'7ldtl der all rirrnmstanres witb pvrfeet salMy
to (2.60, lan3dtl iBumedlaloly sear tMo Kerrt> J.W.BOYNTON, (never belore applied t« tewing maohlw ea),
CtaaDDlng Is held by the Uultarlans, it Is satan. HBiTKRN ATRlfVE, Assets Nov. 1, $2,350,000 For both Internal or external application have
aaaek atroot depot. dec1«ll2w Hartford, Ct.
Passengers landed and enbaiked at CCNAUD Ifortlirra Rnl|roiid~
(CT" While it promptly and efhctuaJly
tition of the alr-puasap* and tha lungs, aodjafldly

There remain two or three names Inaportant (o Ovriters of Ilorscs. found it of great value.— CArto. Bra.
presumable that the sentlm'>nts of theie
dUcoursea may be taken as the senti-
worthy to be l 'Utluued, but ditUcult to
classify. Chief of ibem is Joseph Maz-
ment, In the main, of that denomination zlni, itie apostle of Italian unity aud uui-
In large cities and towns where horses
kept up to hay and during the year, a
change o( feed is necessary to I revent disease.


PhCBnix of Hartford.
Proacrtit Itot. Busk BwUdlmc.
A medicine no family should be wlthoat.—Jfon*
(real 7Vaa«o>*<j>l.
Could hardly keep house without It.— i7d. Voice.
*The lots wUl be leaaedJtseparaUly or
BBBber aa desired.
in an
HARNESS discards entirely the use of cams and cogs, there
by avoiding friction and noise, and chailen^ea
tbe world for durability, ease ol moti«iB,
reliability, aad strength and beaaty
Passengers booke I rum or to London, Rrhtol,

Londonoerry, tilasgow,or Deny, fur %»o lur-

On and after Monday, D c. II
Sri^' tl>72,l'as>cnger Iruius 1 lit run us for
rciievea rooKh, it renders them farthar sasistaaeo
ty proiDOting a free diM-harp of their aeeomnkitsd
niurus, and at tha same UoM impaitt atrsogtA and
vigor to the whole system.
Hold by all DrugKisU and AaBthssarha thiaaigkast
a*s» CJentral Htreet. Tkii a Great Opportnaity ol stitcn. Call and examine £1 and upwards
Drafts for on THE BANK lows:-^
upon the subjects considered; and hence vertial republicanism, a man of peculiar
is valuable as expressing to some ex- genius
tent the UniUrian creed— If it proper
and the noblest aims, but always
an uucompromlsln:; agitator. Foutnler
Tbt best horse men and veterinary aurgeons In
the oonntry agree that carrots for once a day
during the lall and winter purify the blood, give
ABBETTBover $3,240,eOO Assets Nov. 1, $1,550,000 I/OWELL, MASS.
Bhonld be kept In every bonae. In readlaeaa for
an Idea attaoka of sickness.— Ckrif. Preu.
No article ever obtained such unboanded popB>

For teraasand particulars apply to H. L. WIL-

CenUal aueet, wliere plans may be

Ol Central
them at

For C.bIn Pagstge apply at tbe C*b-a Office. M)
State street, and lor eleersge I'as-Mg<- u'l the
SteeVage Office, tl> stst'> stieet. Bunion.
Uuve Concord
iS* n. m.,
at 10 40* s. m. (express);
1 27* p. m. and 8 55*
m. Tor White Klver Junction, connecliis
with trains for Wells Klver, Ht. Johnsbury, Bar-
New England
by all

deile's In medlolnoi. deelAlawtf


is ,

de Saint Arnaut was a Frenchman who the hair a floe glossy appearance, and keep the lirlty.— Sotesi Observer. odMtf JaMKS ALKXAN i>KR, ton, Newport, Wllloughby and Maicog Lakes,
to ase that term In connection with the achieved a more than national reputation Issucsjoiuthfe, endowment. pUin-ll'e, and all Assets of ourleaijing companies after paylBff Slansteud, Kath, Littleton. Lancaster. Also witb
horse in a healthy condition. ocSdif
other classes of policies at equitable rates. National of llartford. / TSosuin losses, One of the most reliable speoiflcs of tbe age.—
F»B aALK — In Middlesex Villag>< a oot- HYDK. AGEKT.
dtj«nl'73 tieneral AK'ft-
Hurlln^ion, Ht. Albans
tpelier, Hurllngl
tritlns for Moutj)elier,
denomination. The book is published lor his skill as a chess-player; but he
D. M. Proscott * G*.
Coal. W(Kid. Lime, Londnn AaanrHoce rorporaiion, out Aorth State. „ boase and
___ able; 4 acre of choice land.
•a-vj ieyTiiBB r.iBB," Rouse's I'omt, Moulreol, Ogdc nsburg and th CELEBRATED MEDIGINEI.
by Roberts Brother8,and sold by Cogges- was also an instructive writer on politi- Cbltdnn's Endowment policies Issued from the
$025,000 Its power wonderful and uneqaalled In ro- well stoeked with fVait; only three mlontcs walk West.
hall A Son.
cal topics ot the higher class and a suc- Plain and Ornamental Plasterers, Stucco- Work
ri, Whiteners and Colorcrs, have removed to
Hair, Oement, Plaster, age of one year.
Assets Nov. 1, KslublUhod
xrta, $16,220,000 gold.
CO., ll
-vlng the most severe pilu^— Burlington Senti- froaa
the depot the above oulldlngs are in good
repalr:la good bargain will be given and a good
WANTlsr). ap'H/tawM
DAILY BETWEEN For Bristol at .IZTp.m. Tbe Itte Dr. Hooke was the Inventor of
•Or on arrival of i^ulns from Boston, Worces- speclHc roeilicinei. which attained a wide

cessful otHclal in places of responsibility. The rales of Ihe "Security" on the non-partiol- ol London, $12,000,000 goU. tut.
JLfO'wellA !New Yorii. tion in his own eztenslvepraotlee.aad wWak th«
Mtdxtal Electricity Is, according to Its Lady Shailesbury, wife of the Earl of
title pace, "a manual for students," by Shaftesbury, is worthy of honor for her
1*1 Central street, Convers' Building.
•nt««ent to til part* of the country.
mhlS SAWEIVWOOD, SMITH'S COAL, patingplan are cheaper than those of any other
company without exception, and those wbo avail Ins. Co. of No. America
Genu AN A. N£W YORK.
I An Indispensable
—If. T. Jixamintr. ^
article In the medicine cheat.
Alao for sale, a large double bouse and stable,
w;t'i abont 7000 feet ol land, situated on Adams
APPLY TO The Floreivce Unsazpassed facllltlpsforspeady,
ter, I'ortsmuuth, rorltiiAil,
Leave r'\<r Junction for Concord,
Munclii stcr, Nashua, Lowell, Boston, Worcester
at tl.50 a. m.. (Monday excepted) 6.45 a. m.,
public will be glad to know ean still be oMaiBod.
ftorapnunded by the same hands whieh fWmtohod
Dr. Hooke's presrrlptlons during bis ilfbj
Prof. William White of the New Yoik
cheerful and seM-sacriflcing pariiclpatlou
with her noble hus.ja.id in the great lac-
au., AC themselves of these rates will have tbe advantage
of Philadelphia. KprrnLK. new yokk, It will recommend Itself to all who use It.—
atreet. The sonth part of the house is occupied
by WillUun FUke st present. D. 0. BROWN,
safe and reliable traasportation art
•Horded shippc rs of freljiht at the 12.26 p. m.«tid5.30p.m.,(exprei'S>. Among the more popular of these I
fecial Nottcfs. of the security oflered by the large accumulation $500,000. Enterprtte. tTlilH truin Is run tlirouL'h to Boston on .Sun* mention the tollowingf
Medical College lor Women. Tb« ap- tory reformatory work, more uselul than ftiorgia
Also for sale, a honso on Gates street oonUln- North and Kaiit by the cxistint;
32 Middle st.. near let Nat'l Bank. of funds of this old Company, amounting to over AMERICAN, PHILADELFUIA, I4 txtenslvely used and sought after as a really tag twelve rooms, with U,000 feet of land. This derijOllw IffVrrrss Blrret. Expreaa Fralcht ArranKement
day. Leaves iirlstol for Concord at 7 SO a. ro.
GKO. E.TODD, Supt. DB. nooHE'a PVUHoaic
plication ot electricity as a remedial popular. Lord Shaftesbury once public- u^uaatBr\ r. The "Security" has distributed over Assets Nov. 1, $3,400,000 $800,000. iai very desirable place, being convenient to
j>. $.3,V!SO,000. useful medicine,— Joarno/, St. John, N. B. between Lowell, Nashua and Intermedlatepolnts Concord, N. H., Drc. 187». decir71dtf
agent in various diseases is especially ly stated that belore he engaged in that T£ACnEB OF MINUINIU AMU Cri<TI- Franklia k l/ackawaiia C«als §70 000 in death claims to tbe heirs of deceased CONNECTICUT HARTFORD, No medicine has acquired such a reputation sohoola,
church aad depot.
and New York via the "Neptune Line."
treated of. aud practical suggestions
poUbic struggle be set before his youDi; VATIOn or THK VOICl::. policy holders through its Lowell Agency.
It has re^ mietlt.— Newport D'l^ Xews. For aale— Houses In various parts of the iSoarH. BxPBXsa Kkbioiit Tkainh leave UiwRLLand
frniiugham and Lowell R. R. AND
This tjough Mixture fbr tbe eare Bt f?OrjHi
COL'iillS of every des^lption, baa ok>
latl 71 prices varying Irom $1200 to $4000. NA8H0A daily via Htony Brook, Worcester and
wife tne sacriUces of political ambition SP 66 CHKSTMUT STBBKT. OOSdtl
of Philadelphia. NARKA<iANHETT. PROVIDBNCP. One of the most useful medldnes; have used
olty at
Would also call attention to those having real es- ittined a hiiih reputation for saeeess, baaed apes
and directions given for applying it by which it in/oived, and not until she gave Fra*lklin $y 0,000. tate to dispose of to tbe fact that I still continue FIRMT ct-A^a JfOAKUinO HOlToK. Naahua. and Providence and Wurees'er Kallroad
sonnecvlng directly at I'|{ovii)k.:4('k with the
(^n tnst niter Monr'ny, December 0, \i7i. incontestihle evidence. Experiaaea has pr*wad
and dispensed it for the past twenty yeara.— Mrs. Clapp has taken a new house .on Mer. train" «ill U mvc Mid<1|«se3C striel Depot, Low-
it to hi' an efficient Kemedv in ail Lang Olaaaaaa,
the electro-magnetic machine orgalvanic her hearty a id intbu8lastic concurrence
battery. 8. R. WelU, New York, pt»b- did be becln the work.
two ago the
telegraph announced the
Uuyi^r. are ciulluned to avoid the numerous
coun'erfeits and Imititlous ollered for sale.
York & Edwards Assets Nov. 1, ,.
$3,200,000 (3U0,00U.

FIRST National, worcbbtkh

Jlev. Wm. Ward, team.
Tae most valuable medicine now la ase.—
to aell for other parties on reasonable lerma,
aklag BO obargea nnleas a sale Is effeeted. Par
tionlar attention paid to collecting rents of real
rimack street, bear Cubot. Just UnUlied, und
every part arranged with niudern couveniences.
water on every floor.snd ul o a bulbing room, Ao^
splendid, staunch and capacious steamers,
Sltctra. Gaietea, Metis, Thetis, and norit,
ol 1600 tons each, bnllt expressly for this line,
ell, r SO a. ni and li.35, 5 45 atd
.South hriiinliixliiiin.
IS p. m.for
fiio 7-SO trjin connect'
at s^o. KrsmipghHin wKh B. at A K. K. foi .
as Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma,
ver, linopInK Coui;li, iioarsness, Ae.
Indumniation, promutes Kzpectoratloa, aUav*

Ilsbes the book, and Coggesball A Son New osUte. landing at their eommodlour. centrally located, Woreester. (•prinLlltld, Albany sndthe Weft
death of the Vlscnunless Bt.aconsfleld, Joha nmwcau's
ttons. Tork,
A ents for the Unlttd States. Griscom and List of FIRE innVRAIkCE COSIPABIIEMi $17S,006.
7%iin. Organ.
It is really a valuable medicine, and used by
71 SomaMr street, oppo.lie Souta Common.
and board at
to receive applicants lor
KM Merrimack street.
na2tfd:<n entirely covered PiKh27NuuTii Uivkk,N, York. Also |i r ^ew Yoilc by rsll. Thi Vi.'iStrsIn Coughs, heals Ulcerations, soothes the IrrltBtad
Phroat and Lungs, and thus by re m a yto g erbtd
eliit. wife of Benjamin Disraeli, whose great

all of Vkblch have met. their Boatom lossoo Niagara of New York. NU LOSSKS IN BOStOX. manv physicians.— Boston Traveler.
Time consumed In tranaporttnt; guoc' 1 between
named and New York, wenty-fout
onutctt at >o. )-ruiiiinKhi>m lor Providence, ictinn, restores these parti to health aad tMr
DU Servant OCrl oj the Period Is a sev- talent for aOairs was siugula.iy devoted BAtCHKLOU'S OAIB DTK. nWB SAAsM BV OABU ABO polBtsatiovc I'twiucliet, TiMinton, N w Uidford Worcester

enty-five paper-covered volume

to the advancement of the fortunes ot This splendid Hair Dye
world. The only true sDd
perfect D>c.
the best In the
wlttaoataftectlDB Iheir <lna»elal ataad*
Ids. and have larco aurplus lis addition Assets Nov. 1, $1,300,000
We always keep It where we can patour hand*
on It In tbe dark, If ^eed be.— Aev. C. HiObeura,
B 1.0DUlIfU,
Pleasant room* and good board may be bad st
-p lUKlleid, Alf>AO> and New Yo»k. The 64
(rain connects ut So. IriiiiilnBhiim lor I'rovi
i ,
aaturnl function. It is t;ood in lieverlsh BaMta;
Sowel Complaints and Restlessaass,
her distinguished husbAid. SOUTH and Wkht promptly forw c^ed. li'nc-, rnwtucket »ud Taunton; also for New
giving an account —
a fictitious one of in this hast^ enumeration doubtless
and instantaneous; no disappoloi-
less, reliaole to ilitir capital, to meet fu ture oontlpgeMics. ritizena Mntnal, Orlghton, Haan. Burwuth. As Ls LawtODi Real Estate Agents Rlchard.on's new block, corner <'t Howard and
Middlesex stnets. AppljMo C. R CaMPBKLU. fl^Rates always as Low as by any other line. York vli fjfiore lino. Tlie a.i6 train Is a mixed *

coarse of the trials of Mr. and Mr.n. we ha .re omitted some names entitled to
ment; no r'dicnious tlnta or unpleasant odur.
Kennedies the ill elTeou of bad dyes and washes. $129.0(0. companies Insure dwellings an
Tliese One of the few articles that are Jost what tbey " ATXB. MASS. 6th door Irom the corner on Middlesex street. Mark goods" Fia Neptune Line." trHln, snd i-to|is at nil siallo..s between Luweli REMEDY FOR THE ASTHMA.
olaim to b«.— Brunnvicl: TXe^rapA. decll dliair All freight for points sonth ot New York should an<l 8o. Krumiii^hum. The Asthma caused by spnsmodle aoBtna
contents only outside of buslnessoentres. DIvl Is
Honeydew with their servants and remembrance, but we have endeavored Produces immediately a superb black or natural
brown, rod ietvps the hair clean, soil and beau- Commerce of Albany. deodJ 60 per cent In Citlxeas' Compsny. A TWO-8TOBT HOUSE WITH L. 6 FIN- Wears Longer, be eoBSigned to eare of IMA AC ODBLL, Agent, T«>.*n- leave -o. Frsmin^hiim for Lowell at on ol tlie bronchial tubes, or bv aa lala-
bonskerping generally. The story is to recall the chief of those whose names tUul. The cenuinc, six«ed W. A. Baieheiirr PheniX of New York.
nitfdlfHex Mntnal, Concord, Maaa.
In my mountain travels no medicine is
— Jler.
of (O
on high
lahed roomt,good cellar, superb loeation FIBBT
ClUtWa I.O»«IIta * BOABD- ner 37 North Blver. New York.
For farther Information sppiy toC.F.. PAIQB,
7 00, 7 5.5 ami 10.90 u m., snd 4 "A and (kW p.
The 7 lU tia'n l« n mixed train sud slops at si
m on of moous, extending throegb tha
will be recalled in every review of the Soldbr all DrnggUU. CiiAtl. KArOUKL,<JU, universal application as Paln-KUIer. Jf.
land sarrottnded by flne rook maple shade and
INO HOU8K. ramiOcations of the lungs, s, thereby rcBderlag ran.
Agent, Lowell. Mass.; A. IIOLKK, Agent, l.aw-
rather enterwilning, and Is perhaps c-di- year uow.closing. Prop.,N Y. sep30dawlyrsp(smi',ny IIN QUANTITIES TO SUIT, BY Incorporated 1853. Assets Nov. 1, $500,000 The best Mutual Oompanv in Massachusetts
cash A.seis $2M,00J. Dividends of ffve year
H. Ilixbf, Burmah. omaaioatal trcea; good barn, 28a30; piggery and Mr. n. Abbott, having iea*ed the rew bouse In
Block, No. a:i:i Merrimack street. Is
aevea acres of good land #ell ienced by a'One Gladwin'sreceive applications lor rooms »Uh or
Does Better Work, roBoe:
A.C. MUNBOK,UeueralAgent.V\-orces-
an r? hit
siHtlon-' liclween .s.i. I'mo.lnKlii.m iinil l.owell
riie 7 55 tisin is sii i xprei-s train, uml cauP' ct.
[liration difflcnlt and oppressive.'
relieves the spasmodic contraction of
This r«Bady
f^ing to sldgle people, married folkn waU aaA wood— fcaes ; ToHoty ol fTatt; vUurcU,
only | ready to . I 1
wlih tiuli>« Iro n Wtircesler, Muii.fliM, Paw-
lirrng experienced and thoroughly Anrthing and Everything.
Capital $1,000,000
IHilicles. 00 per cent.
QBORO* H.Kl^LIOTT Perry X>a.v is Jk> Son* all* frost sahool, store, poaSoSce aad with >ut hoard. It Is pl< asantly located with all
Easier to OperatCy
luck'-t anl rroviil'-nee, roiinrctinir st l.owrt
loosens the mucus, and renders expeetacBtiaa
I'Asy and free. It cures CaTABBH, OOITBa,
Andall Inflammatory diseaser are best cured by
aad S aaUes ftaaa Ayer. All for the low price of modern improvemenis, bath loom, water, Ac. Ai4 is h;iIi ir.iins lor tlie noit". The 10 S') train cou- Sckofitla, and all humors of the blood, by atlaa.
North British and Mercantile m
learaed the trials and Incidents it de-
The New York Are department costs
Published by J. S. Rtdfleld, New f l.OOO.tXX) a year. B[NII[IUDODUrF. of London.
mar.TO'TIdaw MANF'd AND PROP'S aiMO, one.barr flash. As tbe owner has other
baslBeoa.thia property most be sold at onco.
Pnil parucalara at thla oBee.
de< '^:< dtf


BONDS. nt els wiilMrains in
A biiiv i.nil llie West.
• iih triiiiit
Wrrcisler, Hprluglleid.
Tlie 4.35 i rain connect.
Irom \Vorce,.ier, Al> Anv, HprinK-
ulating the liver, skin and kidneys, to empal aU
Ihe Impurities of the blood fTom tha svstea. Th»

York, and sold by Coggesball A Son. A tunnel 3000 feet long Is to be put HamiEtmelis, Oompound German of Erie, Penn.
^1 IB
OF 34 ACRES JTounlr. Qi'ldand tlio W.-cl; iiUo from .New York via
The (J.:iO p. ui. tritln is an express
(treat value of this remedy, for tne AathMB WBB
Urst accidentally discovered by Dr. Hooka Ib hla

Tlu Nuriktrn. RouU is a guide book of through the Andes at a

ht^lght ot 15,000 COHJTKBt JH OODM' 0Mdi $13,500,000 Ill 8TCAM0RE ST., CINCINNATI, O. of land well leaoed; wood enough for home oec: TElir PER CENT. II^TEUEST. -prirgiield.
ir iKhl with pii-'enj^er car at, adit d, cjuue'-tinsr
own case, and Irom Its use be waa
feet above the sea. Or, Wltelt nasci Olntmont. Capital.
$200,000 Assets Nov. 1, will keep S oowa and a borae the year round ForiVi*.— A roll of Rills. Owner e*n have by wUh iKoio' irom I'nviJence, faw ucke , Isun
''•'I'tly cored of thlsalUtctlve disease.

:i77 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, CANADA. caliingonJ. A. WUKBLBR, 174 Merrlmsek Sold on InstalmenU and work furnished If de-
good yoang orchard; oottase house with L. 7
the route trom Boston to .the White
Mountains and Canada tia Lowell and
Concord. The various places of interest
The name B'^ston is said to be
"Botolph's town," named
a con-
traction of
Which Is also the best authenticated remelv lor
many afBictlons of Man and Beast, sueii as
from the monk St. Botolph.
Ourns.cuts. scalift, Orokea lireast, lumbago, veg-
etable and innect poihons, bolls, tumors, telons.
Alps of Erie, Penn. Queen of Liverpool.
LIFE wwm coMrm. OF MAINE.
rooms paiatrd and papered; dry cellar;
Inn nearly new; never falling well ot water;
flae location; « mile from sofiool and 2 uiles
IroniAyer; good road and exoellent neighbor-
build street. dec30d:il1T sired.
maefpal and Interest
pnM by the ^tate
lor, N<w lliilfiiril.Kiill Itiver and Newport; iiUo
rouiiccts with trAia leaving Woicesier at 4.3U p.
riiroueh of Lading at Bo«tnn rates
recent spavin, riagbane, scratches, ohaflog ol ^ l^otels. N. W. 8T0RER. Agent, Treaaarcr In Aew Twrik City. given lor Wmtern Kreiih'. Al<c Tickets lor IS eompounded from the best blood pmwttftmg
an4 the towns along the line are deUlled, A^ccent law in Calfornla gives the fe- hood. Prlee$l«00, 4eaah. sjle lor uli polniH Wi *l ui llils "(11 !e. remedies known to aaaa.
harness, galls, sores, hi'morrholds, carbuncles, pianos. Capital, $250,000 AsseU Nov. 1, $10,000,000 Organised In 1M0.
ABB£s LAWTOW, —ALSO— K. J. CltU.^sMAN. G u'l Agent,
H H^ some of the more noted lake resorts male teachers salaries equal to those re- Ac. Price SO eta. aad fl |>or Hoz. ®ratn, iflour, »t. Is. XJECUABOB corrEB nolJBB BB MEBBIHACK BTBKBT. 22 Ceulriil strC't, LoHell. a positive remedy for all thoae Mood
It is
males in similar positions. ATIR. MABB. RBVIVBD, SCHOOL HOUSE 2BOND3 cases whiob are or may be traaamltted (iTMa
lo New England described. Published ceived by •I "
Henry Cbockeb, President, BTJA8.TRYON, II.A. nr/)f>D, 8ui>t,,Htchburg.
rent to child, such as ticaort;i.A, Salt ^
by Ta'-ntor Brothers, New Yoik. A special train with ICO tons of tea
aboard left ^au Francisco on the 3rd
Bold byl>rugglsts and Groeers everywhere.

WEKKS * POTTEli, Goncral Acents, PIANO FORTES. Alemannia of Cleveland, 0.

Boyal^of Liverpool. W. H. IIoLUSTBB, 'Secretary. F on SAX.E.
JBU All who wish
VaadfS Market at.
Brat-class board and well
Lowell, l>ec. 10. 1»72.

noHton, Lowell and NnHtina, Htonr

sri-iiiLiN, with which tbe larger part nftteagai
munlty are infected, iteives Rheaaaatlaa, llaB
Dec and was expected to reach New marts BOSTON. MA8K. dlv^sp Asa V. HIM, agentfor Ix>well n.nd vicinity for "^^^ $250,000 -ATV4 MAKKKT STRBET.
uruuued rooma will flad thla a desirable resort.
vousBcss, Ulcers, I'imples, Blotehaa aad flkfta
Tke Cloaivf Year.
Hailett * Cumstoo's (flnn est ibllshed in 1837) Capital, . Terms very liberal. Reserved rooms for lodging. ABB lirook, I.Hwrcnce nnd l^nlem Ulneasesfteiierally, It cures tamoro aad MsB*
York In ten dajs and Liverpool in twcn-
V £rrom the Boston Advertiser. ty-one da's. A Card to the Ladies
celei>rafe<l Piaoo Kories, Payments may be
made by in<-ta<lments or otherwise. Warrants
Assete Nov. 17 $13,000,000 ASSETS OYER $6yaOO,00«. JanlldlylISm
Wheoler A Wiltaon's BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS RailroHda. duhir dwelling uf the Breast and Reek. l|y B
continual use ol this Remedy, leeblemen,WBIMS
and ohjldrcu are made s.rong and ro baatt
In reviewing the events of the year the
fact t« brouglit vividly to recolleutiuii
that the worid hoa ioMt a large Dumber of
The new Kuasian turret war-ship Peter
the Great cau make a seveuteen-Oays
voya;;e at a hi^ih rate ol speed in any klno
niven for a terra of yeirs.
Koooi Mo.
seii2»t «m
4, Savings Baak Building, Shattnck

A. V. n ILL. Teac her of Musle. .

of Hartford, Conn.

$500,000 Imperial of London.

Purely MutuaL <irain, Meu.1, Klour.
BARGAINS Tre«tit H«Me«
Moivlasaek Btreet Iiavrel 1 , Mnsa ,
nold, F|r«o or,Taz.
R. R. 78,
For BoNTii.v 7 00,
trains leave
Middlesex street

depot), *7 ao, l» 30 a. m., 'U U, :i 16, *,5 30,

Monday, Dec.

f^rencli ILiiniment*
Its great or noted inc-n, alihou|;h It la
trobHb»« that fewer
of superior fame
of weather.
pounds each.
Its projoctiies wei^h 70O

GOLDEN. PILL. OUickeriiifiT & Hons* AsseU Nov. 1, $10,000,000

r»U€tet JTmrnUrteitrnkle^

HAY, etc.
honso, having been refitted and newly
tamlsbed, is r^bommended to the public. Kligi'
ble to trains north and aonth, and centrally locat-
]M. OOLT^KH sfc CO.,
•tu 15 p.m.
For NAHiiuAand
a. ni., 1 00, .1 :iu, A 00, *\ 45 p. in.
Uppkr R *ii.poAr»a,
This Liniment is an Infallable Reaedy la
S 00,


Bve deparitd during the peiiod, than iu One town In Conniclicut with 027 In- Infallible In correcting irregoUritlPS and re-
PIANOS Fairfield County of Conn. LOCAL BOARD OP DIRBCT0K8, ed to business sections of the oitv. Good stable Bankerst 90 8tntp Bt.. Ilowt n. For WlhTo.M, N 00 a. m., 1 uo and 6 00 p, m.
Throat, Croup, Pain In tbe Side aad Baiak; T
malism, chrouioaod acute. Swelled La^ aad
Kor AYKK Jl>N<TTIO!i, 7U0, 11 45 a.m., 4 45 and Joints, .Swelled Breasts, and Serofhioaa IvaB
ciCfcoref several precedlu;; years. Our habitants ha* two representatives In the mi'Vlns ebstructlons of the mo«tlily perio'ls. La-
LOWELL, MASS. and barber shop eonneeted. Horse eara and
dles Id poor heal'li, either marrltii or single, suf- haokafromalldepoU. Terms $2.00 j>er daj. febZeodly )5 20 p.m. fumors. in cures Spiaal OBasBla^lB
and the city of Bridgeport Ingsand
own country has
many whose names were known and
buffered tha loss of
with 20,000 InhabiiaiitK, has one. The
fering Irom any oi the complaints peculiar to fe-
males, will And the Duponcu's (iolden Pills In-
llave Taken <be First
CompotltloB i»
Premium Over all Capital, $200,000 Travellers and life Accident Each member [holding a polloy for $10,00$ RUFUS ROGERS, Three good new 2 -story
Lowell Mareh
SO. 1871
H. DCRGIN, Jr., Propyl.

For Lawkkmck *7 30, 10 .10 a. m,, S 46 and 6 15 Stid Neck. Horeness of tbe Plesb aad BtUMBaBf
p. m.
the Joinis, Bruises, Calloutes.Hpralaa, Oaatra^
spected tbrouubujt Its borders. The
deaths of Wiliiain li. Seward, Horace
Greeley and Edwin Fu rest have uccur-
people of the latter place want the con-
stitution chanseil.
valuable, viz general dcbllltv, htadjche, fant-

ness, mental depressirn, pain In the back, ami

limbs, pain in the loins, t>earing-(1own pains, pnl America, German- imerican tf New Y«rks
Assets July 1,
MJrmvR^jrcB vo.
N. IMKRCK, J K., Cashier MercbaatB Natloaal
epvidlyr BO. 9* MABHBT BTBBBT; houses, pleasantly located in as
good a neighborhood as there is

2tih)ing iHail)inef(*
OffuiT & WhiTaker,
For Sm.i.m, •7 30 R. m., *12 45 and 'S 50 p. m,
•(.>r on arrival ef triiins irom iNushua.
{Connects wilh 4 p. ni. train from lioeton.
Jf^l lie trains for .stoiiv Brook Koad for Nash-
ted ainews, Cuts, Burns and 8kta DIaaaaai. It
will cure tbe Headache of whatever forB latai
minutes il UbcraUy applied and well tabBad iB
A Sin Francisco man has discovered Dilation of the heart, retained, eacessive. Irregu-
f«d so recently that we have not ceased
to tpeaK of them almoat daily. The
that it Is the
titi decomposition,
oxygen caus-
In the air that
and that by putting a
lar or painful menntruatlon, rush of blood to the
head, dizziness, dimness of slsht, f«tlgue on any
slight exertion, and iiarticularly that mot't an
England Capital, $1,000,000
mar4dtt chnovM
J. U.SAWYKR, Superintendent AppletOBHaa-
ufacturing Co.
PIIINKAS WHITING, Belting MaauflMtBrar.
„ ^^
in Lowell, and within one min-
»IlNG>-£:ft.t!$ SEWING MACHINES. Having enlarged their store, to mefl, the de
ua uod all upper RuUrouiis leave Middlesex street
Depot only.
Tbe above, with all tbe rest of tba lataBt.
Hooke's celebrated fkniUy medlelaes, aaaf bB
ound always on band at
United biates Senate has lost two of Its lluhted candle in a cotQu with a corpse, noying weakening ailment, so common smoni.' AND MATIUKWC. l*KATT,ofM.O. Pratt k CO., utes' walk of the Horse Rail- Ov«r 700,000 ffold! mands ol their inoreaalng trade, are noa r(S<:y From BosToii, 7 00, f* 00, 10 00 a, m., 1> m,,, ISO
ittmbers, Garrett Davis of Kentucky and the oxygen is burned and the corpse Is females, both married and single, the lenoorrhoe.
Lancashire of England. L. C. UNE'S,
Peter G. Van Winkle of WcHt VlrKinia. as neatly preserved as If embalmed.
or whites. Females in every period of li<e will
And Uuponoo's Pills a remedy to aid nature In France.
tftoctrus. Wamesit MUls.
ADDISON PUTN AM, olPataaai • BoB.Clotli.
Stiles, Rogers & Oo. road. They will be sold cheap.
For the HOLIDAYS I •10 dowB, and $10 a month until paid for, will bny
to Inrnlsh
From Nahiiua,
4 00, 6 00, fiOO.
7 00, 9 00, U 45 a.m., 6 00, 6 45,
No. 79 Merrmaok Stfe«U
The army has lost one of its most ac- Prof. West, who recently murdered and the discharge of its functions, Capital, $10,000,000 Inquire of a WHBBELEB k WILSON Machine, and tu HO p, in.
XTHA From WiLTo.f, »oi), OO a. m., anj) 4 15 Also all sorts of Fancy G«eda, TaOal 8«iB
oomplished, distinguished and popular
heroes, Mtlor-General George G. Meade
skinned a negro In Delaware, Is sAld to
be a life long villain, having been a liar oet21
sp deof1S<n
E SAMuVi. K. 8TOTT, Bnpt. KltaOB'a MIIU.
WM.U. KISKB, ofFlska k Bpaoldlng, papar ' DKALBBSjlN ^
p. III.
Ji HCTioif,

)6 30, ROD a. m., 13 45

Pcrtomery, ftc, Ac., sueb aa are to bB KaaadB
a well regulated apothecary atore.
cieoce, oae of Its chief ornaments, Pro-
fessor Samuel Fluley Breeze Morse; po
in youth, a seducer and deserter of bis
cousin In early manhood, and a swindler
COIVniTJIPTIOni CAR BIB CCBEU. THESE STANDARD INSTRUMENTS National of Philadelphia. b H£E S £ hangtniri and painting.


-^^ n^
ROB'T. H. BUTCH BB.Bupt. AmMloaa Bolt Co.
. _ A. BAOHELDER & CO.. A preaent that is useful and durable is always
SEwiNa Maohois Bazaab.
p. m.
From LAWRKiicK,8 30
6 4o p. m.
a. m.,12 66, *II0and645
B^Prcscriptions oarefaliy eompoaadod.
lad! dtf

lltlcal philosophy, one of Its wiset expo- O.U.LATHAM, o( Woods, Bborwood * 100 MEBBUCACK TBEBT.I.OWBI.I..
In later years, ending his career, It Is BCHENCK'S PULMONIC STRUP, are now offered at Reduoel Rates on the From the Varona Dalrv, NfW York, this day re-
GRUNy desirable. One of those LATEST Hora»« From bALKM, 7 00, *I0 .10 a m., and 6 00 p. m.
$500,000 tLOlR, FEED, ftcy

nents, Trofessoi Francis Lieber; tchoi- sen KNCK'.S 8EAWKKD TON IC, Capital, ceived. Also some new Tnrldsh Prnnes at the GEO, W. HABRIS, Loo« Baraaai aad Maaklaa tNorthejn Depot.
hoped, with a murder which Will put an SCHKNCK'8 MANDKAKE PILLS, Up one Fllfht. tConneota with 7 00 a. m. ezpresa train fTom
•rship, one of lis truest devotees, Pro- ONE-PRICE SYSTEM. store of J. A J. M. PEARSON.Baak^lock, Bliat- Mannrsrturer. _ ,._
fessor James Iladley; Journalism, James
end to him.
The widow of Avery^ D. Putnam, who
Are the only medicines that will cure Pulmona-
ry Consumption.

Gloucester of Mass.
tuck street. ^_ J.W.ABBOrr, Wool Manulaotaraf, Qraalta- a
BROADWAT. dtf llM[I*R,OVEr> We claim onra best for the fbllowlng reaaons,
which we stand ready to prove to aU that will
•Connects with .Stony Brook Road for Fitch-
Gordon Bennett; the profession of liter-
atare, several noted names, T. Buch- was killed on a street car In New York a
Sometlmi s medicines that will stop a eou;
will often occasion the death of the patient. It
4r 1 , OOO GROCERIES ana t;oaniry rroouce, at tb
lowest ItvInK prices.
omoBB*. have removed to thalr'.tpaoloailttore,
give us a call
They are not io complicated that they
L0UN8E8, TABLES, CHAIRS, burg, Woroeiier, New York SMd the West,
A theatre train will leave Boston tor L.owpll
and Nashua on Wednesdays at 11 16 p. m.

anew Reld, George Catlin, Fanny Fern,

Bdwatd A. Pollard rnd George P. Put-
year ago last nprlng, by William Foster,
because he resented an insult to a lady
looks up the liver, stops the oiroulstion of tl|o
blood, hemorrhage follows, and In fact, clogglog or THE8K ,
Capital, • $100,000
J.N. MARSHALL, Presldint,
J. H. 8AWTKB, Vloe ProildoBt, Preaeati Bat* Baak BaUBIac, SINGER'S require a mechanic to keep them In order, as
they hiive 20 less parts than tbe sioiplest ma- JOHN B. WINSLOW, 8npt„ Boston.
Bottled by tbe oelebrated boose of

nam; and the musical world, tlie venera- friend, has been awarded $r>000 damages
the action of the very organs that caused the G. II
J. N. PIERCK. JR., 8eo»y and Treaa. iVo. 30 l»Ca,i*lzet atreet chine in Ihe market, therefore 20 less times liable
Oarpets, Mattresses, Foal hers, D-C.25. 1H72. Ianl'72dtf JOHN W. BRIDSES ft SOWS, LOMOM.
standard Piano-Fortes ts CBHTRAL STBEST. to gel out of order,
ble and honored Lowell Mason. The
names we have enumerated make a link
from the company. The Jury and coun-
sel took thu ground that the company la
Liver complaint and dyspepsia are the causes
of twe-tlilrds of the eases of eonsnmptlon.
Risks taken at rqultablo rates. ILossei prompt-
Comer Race and Ford Stroets.
Tbey Invite their friends and the public to giv
GEO. E,IMNKUAM,M.D. Medical Bxamtaor
Curtiss C. Gardiner, Special Agent, tl 0«B»*
SEWING MACHINES Seoond, I bey are the stlUest ruBBlBg, having
tbe silent feed. _
whoso brand
unsurpassed bv that Of aa7
EugUnd, at wbolesalB, b
#blch cannot be contemplated wltbont a
profound sense ol loss. It Is natural sult, and that if the conductor and drl
Maoy are now complaining with dull pain In the
bound to proU'Ct its passengers Ironi In-
side, the bowels sometimes costive and some
times too loose.tongue eoated pain In the shoulit-
Have been made and sold


since 1823, ly adjusted.
then a call

A^tAAlf street, Boston
VIRGIL O. BARNARD » '• • Blook,Jf^V^^"**
« ftw doors west of their old atand.

express their obllgaUonafbr* he Ub-

is the most usefUl article that can be presented lly
and tbey will last a liletlme. They are
Machine in the world.
Third, Thev have tbe largest sales of any fam*

Bonrth. Tbey are the highest apeeded. Partlea Oil Cloth, Window Shades, IHE iMT nm IF miu \ Frm-ets C7. 0«v4«, Bete *Bge» •

ver had removed Foster, as they ought, •r blade, feeling sometimes very rertless, and at Agoau. 0«o« «roi M AppletOB The Arm 07 Comaereia aavaN.
that It should appear not easily separa-
ble, because we do not yet recognize ful-
ly Uie worth and probable achievements
when he began to abuse the pacsengers,
the murder would have been prevented.
otber ilBiaa drowsy the food iliat la tak..u lira
heavily on the stomach, accompanied by acidity
and belehlngof the w.nd. Thise symptoms us-

Have been awarded t9 onr Virm Tork & Edwards. Bahrels Winter Apples. Pataa« » Bob»i olothUf «•«.
«ral patronage heretofore given them, and trmtt
rOB SAI.B. desirable for every lady wanu one.
•dvertlstac other maohlnef aa higher apeeded,
ake a (hue sUtemsnt. ^ ^
rifth, Tbey will do a larger range of work than
aav other machine.
ncMKhfnl rilniate, Free nomca. Good
Marketa. novlMeodSm B08T0W. pii>.

of the younger men who, emaiou* of

ually originate from s disordered couditlon ol
of the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so af-
IO APPi:.KToi« ni,ohK,
Baldwins, Qreenlngs, RnsseU, Korthern Spy*
Tolman SweeU, lor sale by
gpltaonborga, Ws-ilVMKCARD. that In their new quarters, with Ineieated IhelU.
A genteel cottage honse on Sixth, They will do heavier work thaa aay
other Kamily Machine.
TRK moit-fUERlff PACIFie RAII..-
CITT Ct.AIW^. ,.
In Committbb on Acooviri^
tbeir accomplishments, are now hut Ihe Epizootic In tke Ndrsery. fected, il ther take one or two heavy colds, ani These Pianos are regarded and universal- Loring street. Jan. 10th, Mn.
stragglliK iQi-*' notice, and to whom W the cough in these cases be duddenly stot'ped, ly ooneeded to be
CO., J. hulness, they may rcoelve the eontlaaed
Seventh, Tbey have the beat ititeh aad ten- ROAD ofl'crs lor sale Its lAMda Ordered, that hereafter the BHIa of fba
In Central
MABCVAOTUBBB OV ties for sion.
•iKl Western Minneawta, embracing: 1. ers ol the Public Schools, daqr antWBd. bB
their coautrymen will in due time render Dear IJue.— The horses Is all got the the Inngs, liver, and stomaoh cloi;, and remsin
epigramic very badly. Ui boys had eo torpid and Inactive, and before \he patient is Tho Btaadard laatrnmonto ot the World
derX Ii*wollt Maaa. dawt dolStfcbJanin 127 MartotstVeet.Lowan.
A neat, low priced and well Eighth, They have the glass ftoot, with which'
RANGES, MIRRORS. CROCKERY, TIN Thebcstof Wheat Land; 2. Kxeellent Timber presented to the Auditor sev«B mya MfBra tRay
^ i«irard of honor not less sincere acid aware of bis situation, the lungs arc a mass of JoiACLthsLn lK.onaa-11* (tak «M oastoaiero aad (he pnbUo gea- tbe natural eye ean see to galde the work, being

.favors of are payable.

PATTERNS are given to pay for them by tbe month, so that much easier than with a steel one.

respectful than that behtowcd ou those much fun the other day ! Little Frank's and death Is the Inevitable
sores, and aleerated, and are so pronounced by all the great artists.
located cottage. for the mill, the farm and the fire 3. Rich Prai- 2nd. 1 hat all Pauper Bills he praaeated IB tfea

Ninth, 1 hey do not oil their work.

who ale no more with us. hobby-horse had glue runnin' ont of his MAHUFACT^niBRB' BDPPUBa, PAtStERB everybody can afford to have one. AND GLASS WARE. rie pnsturaxe and natural meadow, w.itercd by Auditor on or before the 2Htb dav of eaall gMatb.
A genteel

rean't- Tenth. They do not have boles to thread in

so we knew he had it, and we took

. „
Bobenck's Pulmonic Syrup !• an expectorant
Dr. Frani LI'st says: "I consider the Chlclc- cottage house on Tbe only aathorlaed aganoy for Lowell aad ad That another bills be made np ta
Daring the past year one
kinc, Carl XV, of Sweden, has passed him
reignlfie nose,
Into the bath-room and got some of
which does not oonuin any opium, nor an>thing erlng I'lano superior ui any made In Kurope or
calculated to check a cough suddenly. Amerlda. a id am fully convinced that they are

ABD T nrB ABD I<BT I.IVB. Grove street.

oinity Is at
their sbnttles, as all other Look Stltoh Maohlnes
clear lakes and mnning streams— In a healthful
climate, irAere Fei'cr and Ague is unknoum,
the Inst dsy of the month, and that, daljr
fled, they be presented to the AadltorBB BT ba
CaartloHoda, Eleventh, They will ase Ltnea aad all klada of in fact everything In the hon«ekeeplng;ilne
i^f^y, and of others of royal line the ma's fine
teweis and wrapped Ins legs up Sohenok's Seaweed Tonic dissolves the food, Justly entlUcdto the Vtrst Prise MORTON'S 60LD PENS & PENCILS ni... Oluo,
Sal Soda. threads and sllka.
And <3rnin ean be shipped hence by lake to mar- fore the 111 st day of .the following aaath, aad ba
Princess Augusta of
French Due d'Anmale
water, and burned sulphur match-
hla throat, and swinged his
mixes witb the gastric Juice of the stomaoh, di-
gests easily, nourishes the system, ani creates a ClkteliorlnB
When the
lloa<i* Mammoth MaHW- A LEOAL BLANKS,
RobW Goods,

Varnishes, BrfmsTone. I>odgro 'Sc Sherburne A Yalnahle wood and timber The above afe fools, far suehmtdemtin, rmOur
IhanfaUmoies and sophistriss.
as reasanabia terms as oan b« found els ket a. cheaply as from Kustirn Iowa or Cenirst payable on the tenth.
Illinois. Cars now rnn through these Landi All bills presented for paraaeni BBatt
Irom i.Hke Superior to Ihikota, Price o» land whstthe article or articles wer* tar, ai
and the son of
nay be mentioned. Ju«rez, the able mane off, andcome the paint off his legs, and
ealthy eirculatlon of the blood.
bowels are costive, skin sallow, and the patient
otaab, ^•""•.J
eto. HARRIS MILLS. farm in Pelham. lie Oe Wing^s^ close to track ilOO to t'*-00 per acre; farther for labor, where It waa perftirao^
unstuck, and Frank Is oi a bllioas habit, Sehonok's Mandrake more than one-fliUd larger than any otber.
PiUs neddlnc Hway Ncven Wears' Credl»| dAtes.
and sacaclons president of the Mexican the glue all
d'ed in offlce* and the South can't ride bUn any more. Wasn't It Joily ? are required. m
J. H.
.... n
Piano ForUt Manulactory in the world, and i»,\
Whit«, Manilla and Straw Fspei* POTATO, WHEAT AND CORN STARCH,
Broadwair ,••••• ZiOWoM« Having completed their ^levator and MUl on An excellent milk and veg e- Oaution to the Public Tike eelOBrated Eaat India
Wiirranteo deed-i;
# -'.50 to itKiO,
Nortii. rn Piicillo T-30 I terns charged to dill^reat i .
repabllc, These Medicines are prepared by Dr. In every respect, the most compUte as regards Wettam Avenue, would retpeetfhUy aaBOanee omiy to be fouitd iterei bonds, now selling at par, received tor land at be matle out on ««p<ira(« bills.
American repabllc of Peru lost Its chiei 1 h 'n the mwches put
us In mind ol bav-
so we coaxed Sister
Boheak A Son, Northeast corner of Slatb and machinery aud ihe fadlltles lor doing the very
Messrs. C. A sons have, TWINE. SPERM, WHALE. LARD, OoZSdtt
BLBAOBED to thocltlaent of Lowell aad vIelBlty that they table farm in Pelham. 74 Merrimack St., Parties InVrant of WHBBLBR k WIL80NV $ 1 . 10. No other unoccupied Lands present such All bills not presented and
III He over till lh<' sueoeedlac OMBta.
owglstrate, Jose Baits. Of men. distin- in' a Boston ftre, Areh streets, Philadelphia, Penn., and for sale t>estclsssof work.
TALIiOW. OMVE. CASTOR, Maohlne are eantloaed againat pnrehalng then adTiintiiyes lo settlers.
by George C. Goodwin A Co., 88 Hanover street, business In arorendyta We have a aaleBdM IM of Propertyof fbr lalo, 33 jr 89 Jttmrkei street. NUI>liII'.llM under the Nrw Law (Miirch, BKNJAMIN PATCH,
galtbed In the political affairs of foreign Sadie to give lite
her box of Swiss boasea sinoe ilie estsbl/Kliment of their
parU the elty of agenu that advertlae to sell all maohflies, as Je23d«m

atlons to be Ircladed In the obituary you bought irora Uilp; and let her rip.
and we set 'em Boatos, and .lohn F. Henry, 8 College Place,
Mew York. WholeuUe AgenU.
18^1 mide and sold 41,<00 Pianos, aod thes*
standsrd iBsiruire'i's a-e now offered at redud d ILLUmNATINO AND LDBRICATmO OILS. several valaablo Broparties M
iBvestmaat, Ao., Aasrolf. Mmss, tbey BMike a apeolalty ot one hot nae different
onea to blind tbe nihUo aad oatoh their prey rMAlf PAIR I
1872) gel. ,00 acres KKKK, near tho railtoad, by
one «nd two years nvi'lenoe.
At the Booms of the MerchanU' National Store Qrain *«. IV>r IWU doaoripUoaa eall at offloe.
H' TnAm>»p<»nTATi«»M at RFi»rrEi» JULIAN TALBOT,
g«eord of the year are Sir Henry L. Bui- up and touched 'em off,
like blares, and we
Fo - s .le by Druggists generally.
a«g£Odeodawl ' m so
raieson th.- "Ooo-Prlce Bystem," free fiom all
diseounts aftdcomrflli-sioiis; lliey are, beyond all
Bank. Merrimack Street^
and Flour; UAL B8TATB.
mktl with, while we sell But one kind, and that la Ibe
WoBLD.RBBOVBaD WHBBLBR A WILSON'S A Mew and Splendid Stock of RATKM furnished fVom all prinei|.ai points aiX)NZOF.CA»»WieiJL !
war. elder bro.^her of Lytton Bulwer. The town went
sis's dolls In for dead
refuiaUon, the vKiir bkht and vKHV ouaAPasr H. 0. OHUHOff S, SALEM LEAD CO.'S PURE VBITE LEAD
BOW lathe SowlBB Maohiae. Kast to purchasers of K»llroa<l L.aiids. aud to The Aodltor'aOdtoB Ilia OHjl
better known as Loid Dolling and Bul-
wer. one of the most accomplished and bodl8,.and then
Ihrowed some of
saved the arms and legs
Kirst-Claas Planus now offered.

N«. 23 Ceatral. Cm. Middle St.

N08. 91 &; 03 Market St.
gi«arlF Oppoalto Ooatral ^^vaot AUo to ORIBD CORN AND FEED.
Uaaa ta ra«la«ar rmmr praporty.

have aaeqaalM BdUties fbr selling real esUte

We 8ln1iertafteT0.
4^ We keep on hand a good snpply of theOILS
REAL HAIR GOODS, Settlers on eovernment llomcste .d«.
chasers, their wives and children earned
Pur- Building. OfBeehoara f^aai • la IBA«aitl
from a to 5 o'dook p. at.
_ ..-
, ....
in the service ol for trofys. But you bet we got scared waok, tivm •' OpoB each basinets day of »* UOrrnN AND 8ILB8 In the market, with froa owfT Ihe Northern Pxcltlc Itullroad. Now
and trusted dipiunats at Brivato sal*, aari we aake on obargo nnlesa a Jatt reeeived at
Knglsnd; JohanO Rudolph Tf>oryecke, when the flames went so high, so LO WB I. I.
Lowell. Sept. 1. 1871 dif to M, and from a to 4, and
*• Tuoaday aad Satar They would be pleastd «» have thote la waat
aaM la aBbetaa.* W. BHOOBB. ANELATTACHMBBI8 (hr tbe Wheeler k WU- Is the t'me for ,*<ettit'rs and Colonies to get Rail.
road iandi and l^overument llomateads close to
City of Lowell, Janatry t, lS7t.
^^, ol d»t«w-M«W.»
ionBaohlnes. Aduna' PeraTian Hair Store
A WIIbob's Ma- Mn,
Holland, whom a Brlt- turned on the hose, and that fool Jim Biar4 Cloeod SaUrday p. '

prime minister of Aay avenlngs from 7 1» *• the track. ....
let the water run all over the OOIsI.B«B. THFOBTBD AOJOlkmO T0WH8. FUNRRAL AND FURNISHINO UNDRRTAKBB N. B.— Parties having Wheeler
me mad Pamphlet oontalnlngr f^" Informa-
complimented We call
once by BialQ especial attentloa to oar lor
tsb statesman
Qaartors eomiaanoc tha Satarday ot ~TH0WAi H. BLLIOTT. ohlnes will reoeive iastruetlOB in their nke, St. Alse, a wall selected stool
map nud copy ol New lloaacslead Law, Y|-|OitCUAnTN XATIOMAM.
saylac he "Was too g^eat a man for so floor and down
the kitchen on the
Mua. BsUbllshed
MEAL, OATS, CORN, LAY, Ac. Warerooais 19 Preaoott •t»*^i. ^oaee
COrriNS,^ CAR.

of eharge, and w« hope aU will avaU themsalvee
isADiiM^ FrRNiiininio «o<>i>m.

Count Uegnenl)erg Dux, cook'a bead, and she thought the pipea iWMerTlmaoli
Yarmoiitli Oloo,ter«4
street, Ix>well.
robraanr. ^^r* A««wata»*Bav«as1i«'.. Foarth street, Ceatralvllle.
BBT8,R0BR« BBd everythlag MBBMted with of
thu opportunity. LANI)"l»F.P*1tTMi«NT. KORTIIERN PACIF-
•sa I a country ;

presldentof the Bavarian ministry; the had busted, and run for
a man to fix *em, Upright Pianos 1*5. TlveVage annual day and attendaiido,
''»•>«»••:?: 7'"
oa head, and pt
^. y. McCONNELL, Agent.
gir-PLAABB TAKE NOTIOR.-^nr smsll ey IC lUll.llOAl), ST. VA.Vt..MlSrt..
Safety DopositY«a|t
arl of Lonsdale, a leading English pol- so «a caugM ns In there,
-Ion, and John run home, but I got a thrashing.
and the boys
Heptomber 2nd and
nlag. »n>'
Whiolf are, In every paritonlar, th#Bnest Instrn- anS 4 evenings per week. ^•^•J*^1T^ZL^
Tfie l»th school
«»»"• Potted Sovem Salmon and Potted Lobfter.
O. H. MOULTON, Pbbbidbnt. '
Qlve them a call befbre parehuing
WhHe we are gratefht for past patronac*, ««
WINTER CANDIES the baslaess always ftiriiUhed
the ahortost notioe, day or night. All orders
left at either warerooau or the hoaae^wUIhe
IhbUda^ peases allow aa to sell oar goods nearer the cost
than any similar store in the sity of Lowell.
NKW YORK. The rtrant donrtiMilrt) Ire havtaf aiMM
lUelan of a former genera
menu of their ci»"s m^nutactured, and seoond
lor tbe commercial or «'•*» '"M^k?^' J. N. PTKBCE, Jb., CA«nBB. ptoaapUy atteaded to. aptwdtf mr?OI\V*'**woowlyr ^^ 'niecare ouMIBob vaults and MMVa BfB
once premier muchr cause I had on thick time attenUon and poraonal appiV MKB RIMACK STUKBT, ;

Sansfleld Macdonald. of didn't hurt only to the Uraod Flauo, lor which they are a (time not llmltod.) or by tho quartor la *bo oom-
Mclf A^B BROS.. • • * MarrlmAck St **'* tnat that by striot All UBda, ftaah taday, at QTIMPSON'S rAtKai ••
TUftT RKCKIVICI». dep'isli or vain !%'««. we woBld aBBl%JM]l.
Oaurio. Several dlstiognlsbed mili- clothes. Our Frank Is In panU. He went good siibstltuir. . _ mon aad higher branches. a->»tt „_^. aatlon tobnataeas, and with car IhalUtloa Br -r B. OUBBIBB. (Bear tbe eorner ot John Street.,) t-niion of tha vabtte to the
tary and naval coamandera have fallen, In last Sunday. I v'e got a new girl. 1 ttbaikioartkbs rowL Kvery Flaoo warraatod for flv« yoara. Gradnatlac oonrse to grntlemoa #40 rpHB CfMby %in^ handling gralB, and by eonCaaoA tair ^aaUaf, rABB * BAIUBVS, .
DMr wi Cate Spriift. MR". M. W, ADAMH. A A>«B VAKIBTV OV Meielian's Nsfhmitl Raak, wl
oniOKERIMM * •OH*. Undertalser «

any more, or I " < ladles fW At ''irpct nitr, €Di^y oettdtr cure against Ire or burvHaa,
asoog them Sir Thomas John Coch- don't like Jennie Bird
•• ••
toiaerltaBd seonra iU eontlnaaaoo; ao faiat
guess she don't like me any more, caaae i\ B. l«tH atroot. Umw T*rk. Pkrtlal eoanoa ^ ^•*'*'x!S
V argaaaaorfafct el W| Marrlaaak atreet. Adapted fbr large or pr gatea.
saaall doors,
It Is
* W. I.ANOA.KT <;»M anH 4 irc«(»n\if<l Tm Sft> H-Ing but a 1« a year •xmr* m
B Admiral of tbe Fleet,
German Study Lamps ror Ml* v«7 ««»W. • l mm tai praaoaaead by eanentera and pthera aathe best amo
rihs, O. C. ,
•Idem aid T^rchei •IM WaalalaBt*m, BM<«m. OommoB and B Igher braaohoa, P«r flO <
wUI bo tparod to give every BO.n PBB8OOTT ST., (Hoaae l« A8H Bt.) any having any (tl el Af
Admiral Sir Jam^s Scott, K. C
B., and when 1 give ber a bandftal of peanoti »he CaidUfi, ataiast,
Bvenlng sohool, oom. " " ••
Amerlottn Btms Band. SprlMlB aae. It baoaapMt, stjaph ooBatrMlad, S.' PArF.%'*TOCK, OLD %l greatly reduced prieea. Please eall aad Kmiv wish kept accB'e f
All throwed 'em In my face, and I expect ovT dawtmf aottfaMatafat oat of older, doAto^Bd «aa Daalera Ib all klada of had at mj Ibae daHBg ll
BIr Oeoige Pollock of England.

Jim Biain told Ilea about me. I'd lick AT All ittM OB band direct from tha iBiporW Alio Boma aarpaU lUghtlr
tiNPM*^ '
»Bal«r te Ca«lmB, OaakaU. B**^ bBaatataarrMaMMkalM. Itaaa^OB^at
bB aat at aarrMaltad tMrioa., {t Mhof*^
at examine before pnrahaaingalaewlMffe.
OBO. • BBTAJnts*.. •««..„
won bteheet «uh prloa will he
wbo honor and I aam ar HU iBltfit
thifT were veterana •*"•*• wUhtai •BiABaal. I

rreMB * rtaftav, Mb«. UB am4 IIB r«B«

btm, only bU father keepa a candy atore, HOW BAVOBfliU, Tata Ohapal RDI ••'•*'**•*' all lota, at »t Mtddla jtreet
•dvaaeenwat In tha daaperau
•ad I get All the c^ndy I want for nothln*.
c. comvmjr ft e:*m.
•Ml OaNi.wSi
AT KJTTRKi>aB*B, laaallalMBMbt ik.alA.'. fe^&^~ tfatatr**..
war. Jaaa Baptists
TaiUftat. Marshal of TnuM*
ter, dlid M tlM Bf« ofSS. H« was on*
Seoa- Tovr •Cecttonato brother,
r. S.—PlMM bring m* a goAt.
Datloa liml
JAMM K.JM»T. rrlMlitl.

^ .I

,k ^^':^l^::^.::^-g^.
r-.'^ J .

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