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OF UPSCRecruits:

A few days back I had a cursory glance of what it appeared to me like

a “sympathy(might be renewed , I am sure) - portrayed in a clinical fashion for
the cause (?) of {suppressed Steel Frame} by {political ill-logic, no-sense}”
in a Telugu leading daily(on 21st, Oct. 2007) as part of its ‘Dussehra’ gift in the
form of career encouragement to many a ‘Soft’ giant dreamers; certainly, I
wouldn’t hesitate to say that they (SOFTWARE CAREER DREAMS) aren’t day
dreams! But I don’t know what it’s true intention was, but a bit surprised to see
the timing of the article….., at a time when a few successful enthusiasts,
numbered less than 10,000 of the nation for the year2007 were getting ready to
take on what a very few genuinely healthy newspapers like The Hindu have
depicted it as Mother of All Examinations through which country’s policy
makers, decision makers, sometimes…..otherwise-caretakers of governance by
ordinance are recruited through three phases by central recruitment agency
which was established by an act of parliament decades ago. The article
categorically tried to label government’s permanent executives on par with
swinging executives whose hard work would generally be overshadowed under
the illuminated ‘glass with care’ roofs, whose work is assessed on a daily basis
and whose market value news in the recent economic quarters are enriched with
latest media experience.

Note: If we are to take pay-packages alone....they would be

around...Rs.26,400/- p.m. ...for a GOI Secretary, i.e., a CS or DG rank official in
a state...if we take emoluments, maintenance of bungalows, vehicle charges,
security etc,...they would mount to Rs. 1,50,000/- p.m. And for instance, if we
take bungalow accorded to COLLECTOR, IAS( seniority of max. 9-10 yrs.),
COMMISSIONER Of POLICE, IPS( Rank of Addl. IG / Super time pay scale-
DIG), his Deputy CP, IPS and Muncipal Administration COMMISSIONER, IAS(
seniority of max. 6-7 yrs.) of Visakhapatnam(B-Class City according to GOI, soon
it's going to be B1 Class) alone, they would be around Rs. 30,000/-p.m. for
rental charges and garden maintenance only! Are you sure you want to
proceed...... or go to Home :-) here itself? REQUIRES REFERENCE AND

Its lead essay said that cream of the society is being housed these days
in MNCs regardless of their stature in fortune500 or a place in Forbes magazine
list, with the prime focus being on earning much more than a under secretary/
DG rank official in GOI machinery and maintained that they aren’t even in a
mood to switch over to what the daily wanted to mirror the civil wing as passed
away glorious administrative and police set up. But unsurprisingly statistics have
been presenting a different picture as many IITians, management graduates
from IIMs started pouring down straight into the Indian Civil Services making
entry much complex for other stream’s creamy layers. Therefore if it were the
‘hard’ cream that’s entering into the IITs, IIMs and institutions alike and if it is to
be believed, then certainly DoPT, MHA, MEA shall have exclusive rights to claim
that they’ve been the trend setters for whatever growth this nation has absorbed
over decades. Initiating land reforms, setting up R and D institutes and their
credible management, creating civil, human rights commissions, public
grievances cell, authoring and encouraging economic reforms, establishing
boards for railway, telecom, postal services, IT, SEZs, maintaining electoral rolls
and powering smooth electioneering……these were a few among many ideas that
blossomed from smarter brains of our civil servants, of whom many had
pioneered the above sutras after getting elevated to viceroys and governors after
their superannuation of the service and after their contribution on the field was
over with some dignity. It is in this context, I, as a civil services aspirant, as well
as a person who seek to gun down unnecessary and unwarranted remarks for the
pitfalls in the entire system (which generally require broader view and immediate
sweeping changes of the mindsets as a whole) of humanity and its existence ever
since its evolution, have come in to defend civil servants unconditionally!

Not only the article’s view but also even a common man nowadays
seems to have had an immediately impossible question to answer even by the
revered brand of GOI, if not by the common man himself, upon watching
political ideologies which have turned into idiotic theories such as………review
of reservations as ‘just’ business, rendering disrespect to the House in the form of
demanding money only to ask questions, enhancing unexplainable time-frames
for commissions such as Liberhan’s, nullifying premier investigating agencies
such as CBI when the agency puts any stand firm in regard to political big fishes,
NOT disclosing any of the reports submitted by country’s premier vigilance
commission and putting down recommendations that ranged from disciplinary
actions to modifications for betterment of administration, defying even Prime
minister’s speech without any respect whatsoever in every possible form in the
august house; list is infinite and space is infinitesimally small! This gets me to a
gentleman’s erstwhile theory- Politician-Administrator nexus which retrograde
any nation and will only increment people’s apathy rather than improving living
standards thus literally losing common man’s confidence! Of course there are
many angles of observation for inspecting ground realities of an IAS/IPS
(Generalist Services) and are more at advantage which are somehow technical
and somehow manual !

The rules of constitution that had empowered All India Services to be

the watchdog of both legislative and executive setups made it clear that upon only
such grounds of breach of constitutional Settings, and if they are properly billed
and well versed, shall the president of India terminate their service upon the
union’s advice. In today’s world of agony and instability in all forms including
economy, particularly in the nations tagged as developing and still learning basics
to walk in the route map followed by US, UK, JAPAN and FRANCE it is not in the
mind of our political affairs to consider such things even if a AIS volunteers to
breach the code of conduct...
TO BE CONTINUED......meanwhile if any budding UPSC aspirant gazes this
inform me of probable theories or laws or flaws that may be useful....

And my dear CS aspirants, All the very best for 'our' 'Exams'......

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