A Voter List Update Model For The Indonesian Regional Election

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Marleni Makuta. Nur Mohamad Kasim, Lusiana Margareth Tijow

Postgraduate Program, Gorontalo State University
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Kota Gorontalo, 96128

This research sets a goal to build a voter list update model ideal for the next regional
general election. This was normative research using the statute approach, case approach,
and comparative approach. In the recommended model, we did not recommend any DPT
improvements. The voter list update model, besides sustainable data updates, was in the
form of predecessor model upgrade, in which, SIDALIH-based voter data were connected
to and integrated with the district/city General Election Committee (KPU), Department
of Population and Civil Registration, subdistricts, and sub-villages. Voter data updates
using the procedures as recommended are foreseeable to produce accurate voter data used
to prepare the simultaneous implementation of the 2024 national general election.

Keywords: Voter Data Update Model, Indonesian Regional Election, SIDALIH

INTRODUCTION Election Committee (PPK) and

Voter data updates are carried out the Polling Committee (PPS)1.”
based on both the laws and the General According to the KPU Regulation, a
Election Committee (KPU) regulation. voter data update constitutes a
KPU Regulation Number 2/2017 on synchronization process between voters
Data Updates and Voter List referred to in DP4 submitted by the local
Compilation, Chapter 1 Item 23 government and the last voter lists.
conveys: Law Number 1 of 2015 on the
“A voter data update is an Stipulation of Government Regulation in
activity to update Permanent Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2014 on the
Voter Lists (DPT) of a General Election of Governors, Regents, and
Election (Pemilu) or the last Mayors into Law in CHAPTER X
election by accounting for the declares that the rights to vote and be
List of Potential Electoral
voted are human rights that cannot be
Population (DP4) by
conducting a factual represented by anyone 2 . The
verification of voter data, which development of democratic ideas has an
is then deployed as a material impact on the interest of providing
to compile Provisional Voter everyone the protection of their right to
Lists (DPS) performed by the vote (universal suffrage). Bisariyadi
district/city KPU/KIP with defined the right to vote and be voted as
assistance from the Subdistrict

KPU Regulation Number 2/2017 on Voter List Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2014 on
Compilation p. 6. the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of into Law into Law, p. 48.
2015 on the Stipulation of Government

Volume 06, Nomor 1, Februari 2021 | 82

the basic right of citizens. Indonesia available. However, as suggested by
admits that the existence of the rights as evidence, in DP4 compared to the last
statutory right and regulates it in the law. voting data, there are still problems
The Constitutional Court, through found.
Decree Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 IT-based voter data updates
and Number 102/PUU-VII-2009, undertaken at the Gorontalo City KPU
describes suffrage as a constitutional level to the PPK level are carried out
right although it is not explicitly using the SIDALIH (Voter Data System)
mentioned in the 1945 Constitutional application. Besides, voter data updates
Law3. are also manually conducted by PPS
Referring to Bisariyadi, we come with the help of PPDP5.
to the conclusion that the right to vote PPS will update voter data by
must not be neglected, instead, it should matching and investigating voter lists
be provided a serious concern in both yielded from the synchronization of the
regional and general elections. The state KPU and the Ministry of Domestic
concern is manifested in a quality voter Affairs before the voter data are updated
data update, which is specified by the by PPK using SIDALIH by comparing
implementers, either the state KPU, the result of manual recapitulation by
Provincial KPU, district/city KPU, PPK, PPS with the voter data by PPDP. The
PPS, or Voter Data Update Officers process of voter data update in 2018 was
(PPDP). better than that in 2013 yet we found
The Commissioner of the state several issues, i.e.6:
KPU explained that a voter registration 1. Voters could be registered in
system was one of the imperative aspects some polling places (TPS) and
which ensured citizens’ right to vote in double data between sub-villages
general elections. The right to vote is a happened because of manual data
citizens’ basic right ensured by the 1945 compilation.
Constitutional Law and is one of the 2. DPS compilation was performed
human rights which must be protected. by rectifying voter data and
Accordingly, a voter registration system adjusting the data to that
should be made based on generated by PPS and PPDP
comprehensive, accurate, and updated which exerted electronic KTP.
principles 4 . Updates, in essence, will The problem appeared here, that
result in accurate data based on the data several population data

3 5
Jurnal Mahkamah Konstitusi Hak Pilih sebagai Interview with the Head of Sub-division of
hak Konstitusional, Hak Konstitusional Turunan, Program and Data Sirajuddin M. Tuli in pre-
ataukah Hak Tersirat?, by Bisariyadi, retrieved research in March 2019 in the Gorontalo City
July 2nd, 2020, p. 1. KPU.
Hasyim Asy’ari Arah Sistem Pendaftaran 6
Interview with the Commissioner of Gorontalo
Pemilih Indonesia Belajar dari Pengalaman City KPU, the Division of Program and Data
Menuju Perbaikan, Jurmal Pemilu dan Salihun Ino Ischak in April 2019 in the Gorontalo
Demokrasi February 2nd, 2012 Memperkuat City KPU.
Sistem Pemutakhiran Data Pemilih p. 1.

83 | JPs: Jurnal Riset dan Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

collections were not electronic objective to build an ideal voter data
KTP-based, breeding double update model for the next Indonesian
population data. regional election.
3. DPT compilation was
undertaken by announcing DPS METHODS
to acquire responses among the This was normative research using
community, Panwas, and a statute approach, case approach, and
General Election participants. comparative approach. Legal materials
Nevertheless, voter list checking used were collected from literature and
sheets displayed in sub-villages documents. The analysis technique used
were not responded to by the was legal argumentative. Problems at the
targets due to low community core of this research or data found in the
participation. Responding to this field or voter data update regulations
problem, online voter list would be observed by rendering legal
checking was greatly arguments to voter data update
recommended for undertaking a problems.
better and more quality voter data
Problematic data updates are not
A. Voter Data Update Model
only brought by problematic
Regulative voter data updates had
mechanisms but also problematic voter
been carried out since the 2018
requirements, e.g., “not being
Indonesian regional election. Data
mentally/mentally disturbed” and “not
collected from data update results in
being deprived of the right to vote based
2019 are presented in Table 1.
on a court decision which has permanent
legal force”. This research has an
Table 1. Voter Data Updates
No. Data Update Stages Pilwako 2018 2019 General Election
1 DP4 139,464 -
2 DPS 127,540 130,046
3 DPSHP - 128,688
4 DPT 127,280 127,981
5 DPTHP - 129,536
6 DPTHP 2 - 133,061
7 DPTHP 3 - 133,061
Source: Staff of the Program and Data Division of the Gorontalo City KPU

Here are the interpretations of Table 1. KPU was filed to the district/city
1. DP4 (List of Potential Population KPU through the SIDALIH
Voters for General Election) application. DP4 compared to the
In the 2018 Election, DP4 DPT of the latest General Election,
obtained from the Ministry of namely the 2017 Governor Election,
Domestic Affairs through the state would be voter data to be matched

Volume 06, Nomor 1, Februari 2021 | 84

and investigated. For the 2019 would be determined in DPSHP
General Election, the Gorontalo City plenary.
KPU did not conduct both matching 3. DPT (Permanent Voter Lists)
and investigation since as referred to The DPT determination
in the KPU Regulation Number mechanism in the 2019 General
11/2018 Article 57 Paragraph 1, the Election and the 2018 Election was
district/city KPU/KIP which identical in the form of the
implemented the 2018 Governor and community’s responses to the
Deputy Governor, Regent and DPSHP announcement which would
Deputy Regent, and/or Mayor and be improvements to DPT.
Deputy Mayor Election did not 4. DPTHP (Permanent Voter List
perform both matching and from the Result of Improvements)
investigation of voter lists from In the implementation of DPT
house to house7. DPS from the 2018 determination at the national level,
Election generated by PPDP who KPU RI received the General
matched and investigated using the Election participants’ responses.
DP4 mechanism was integrated with PKPU instructed that KPU was
DPT from the 2017 Election by required to receive the General
adding new voters and eliminating Election/election
voters who were not eligible based community/participants’ responses.
on the ten criteria (dead, double, The responses would be used to
underage, moved domicile, TNI, improve the following process and
POLRI, unknown, lost memory, determined in DPTHP. In the 2018
revoked right to vote, and not a local Election, the Gorontalo City KPU,
resident). In the 2019 General till DPT was determined, did not
Election, DPS was DPT from the receive any responses from Election
2018 Election added with new voters participants and/or Bawaslu.
from the Ministry of Domestic 5. DPTHP2 (Permanent Voter List
Affairs. from the Result of Improvements
2. DPSHP (Provisional Voters List 2)
from the Results of In the implementation of
Improvement) DPTHP determination at the national
The DPSHP determination level, KPU RI still received the
mechanism in the 2019 General General Election participants’
Election and the 2018 Election was responses. Accordingly, after
identical in the form of the DPTHP was determined, it still made
community’s responses to the result some improvements, which were
of the DPS announcement which determined in DPTHP2.

KPU Regulation Number 11/2018 on Domestic
Voter List Compilation in the General Election
Implementation p. 62.

85 | JPs: Jurnal Riset dan Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

6. DPTHP3 (Permanent Voter List election could be decided by at least two
from the Result of Improvements aspects, i.e.:
3) 1. Experienced voter data update
In the implementation of officers
DPTHP2 determination at the According to Amnstrong and
national level, KPU RI still received Baron, performance was to conduct a
the General Election participants’ task and outcome generated9. PPDP
responses. Accordingly, after performances largely determined the
DPTHP was determined, it still made quality of voter data in each election.
some improvements, which were As contended by Weriza, PPDP
determined in DPTHP3. performances could be pinpointed by
B. Recommended Update Model for several aspects, namely10:
the 2024 Indonesian Regional a. Responsiveness
Election Responsiveness in PPDP
Ramlan Surbakti viewed that if performances was the ability to
matching and investigation officers did recognize voters about to meet,
not signify work integrity, misconduct in compile work agenda to meet voters
the two processes might occur. from home to home, and prioritize
Misconducts in the General Election the service delivered to voters who
were regarded as malpractices which were easily found and able to fulfill
referred to process implementation administrative requirements.
violation, which was accidentally or However, PPDP responsiveness in
unconsciously performed because of the the mayor and deputy mayor election
factors of negligence, carelessness, in Gorontalo City had not been
inaccuracy, and fatigue by the aligned with Weriza’s argument.
organizers8 . We then argued that voter PPDP performances were considered
data update carried out by PPDP poor. Sirajuddin Tuli posited that
certainly had some errors. To avoid PPDP, in performing its tasks, did
errors in voter data updates, matching not demonstrate accountability, as
and investigation should be carried out indicated by its unresponsiveness to
by experienced update officers and voters encountered in the field 11 .
supported by adequate facilities and Sirajuddin added that some PPDP
infrastructures. even did not meet voters at their
Voter list updates foreseeable to be home directly in either the 2013 or
the model in the national regional head 2018 mayor election.

Ramlan Surbakti, 2014, Pelanggaran dan Pemilukada di Kota Padang Panjang by Weriza,
Kekerasan Pemilu dan Penyalahgunaan Uang Volume 20 December 2018.
dalam Proses Penyelenggaraan Pemilu, Paper, Ibid, p. 215.
Jakarta: Kemitraan, p. 2. Interview with the head of sub-division of
Jurnal Antropologi online at Program and Data of the Gorontalo City KPU,
http;//Jurnalantropologi.fisip.unand.ac.id/index. Sirajuddin Tuli on February 3rd, 2020 at 9.45 a.m.
php.jantro. Isu-isu Sosial Budaya Budaya Kerja WITA in the Gorontalo City KPU.
Petugas Pemutakhiran Data Pemilih dalam

Volume 06, Nomor 1, Februari 2021 | 86

b. Professionalism Sirajuddin confirmed that
Professionalism, by definition, matching and investigating voter
was a technical competence or skill data in Gorontalo City had been
as required. PPDP was required to cooperatively and carefully carried
act professionally in undertaking its out, but errors remained, e.g., in ID
task analogous with complexity in numbers and addresses 14 . Sofya
voter data update errors and to Abdullah conveyed that to
always keep updated with voter data circumvent errors made by matching
development by KPU and with the and investigation officers because of
technology used in its task exhaustion, data updated should be
implementation12. inputted and controlled by operators
c. Cooperativeness from the sub-villages. As such, after
The Commissioner of the manually matched and investigated,
Gorontalo City KPU, the Division of data were re-checked through the
Program and Data, Sofya Abdullah system connected in sub-villages,
concluded that matching and KPU, and Disdukcapil15.
investigation were directly 2. Supporting facilities and
coordinated by the Gorontalo City infrastructures
KPU, with the assistance of PPK and As declared by Sofya
PPS. KPU, PPK, PPS, and PPDP Abdullah, related to facilities and
should create good cooperation as infrastructures, the Gorontalo City
with the absence of such KPU had made some optimizations
cooperation, the quality of voter data yet we still found weaknesses, such
would become poor. Evidently, as as no computer facilities in sub-
clarified by Sirajuddin Tuli, several villages16. Voter data updates using
voters had not equipped themselves the SIDALIH application should be
with a clear identity for the 2018 sustained by not only professional
mayor election. 3,077 voters were workers but also sufficient facilities
registered by the Gorontalo City and infrastructures. Sirajuddin Tuli
KPU but did not have citizenship elucidated that facility and
data in the Gorontalo City infrastructure fulfillment would
Disdukcapil13. surely ease the voter data update

Jurnal Antropologi online at and Data, Sofya Abdullah on February 4th, 2020
http;//Jurnalantropologi.fisip.unand.ac.id/index. in the Gorontalo City KPU at 9.25 a.m. WITA.
php.jantro. Isu-isu Sosial Budaya Budaya Kerja Interview with The Commissioner of the
Petugas Pemutakhiran Data Pemilih dalam Gorontalo City KPU, the Division of Program
Pemilukada di Kota Padang Panjang by Weriza, and Data, Sofya Abdullah on February 4th, 2020
Volume 20 December 2018. Op.cit, p. 216. in the Gorontalo City KPU at 9.40 a.m. WITA.
13 16
Interview with the head of sub-division of Interview with The Commissioner of the
Program and Data of the Gorontalo City KPU, Gorontalo City KPU, the Division of Program
Sirajuddin Tuli on February 3rd, 2020 at 9.50 a.m. and Data, Sofya Abdullah on February 4th, 2020
WITA in the Gorontalo City KPU. in the Gorontalo City KPU at 9.52 a.m. WITA.
Interview with The Commissioner of the
Gorontalo City KPU, the Division of Program

87 | JPs: Jurnal Riset dan Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

process, accounting for the provision output of matching and investigation
of the system connecting KPU and submissions should be well
Disdukcapil.17. documented by the system available
With respect to regulations, of sub-villages. Also, the system
voter data updates had been should be operated by offices, which
performed commensurate with KPU were in this case, PPS in sub-
Regulation Number 2/2017 as had villages.
been referred to. The implementation As an anticipatory act as
of voter data updates had been IT- regards voter data updates in the
based, yet the system was not implementation of the 2024
connected to the system existing in Indonesian regional election at the
sub-villages, starting from DP4 data national level, we recommend an
to the final output of voter data innovative voter data update model,
update submissions. DP4 to the final as indicated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Recommended Voter Data Update Model Chart for the 2021
Indonesian Regional Election
In the recommended model, commitment and responsibility of
we did not mention DPT the district/city KPU and the General
improvements. Voter data updates Election or district/city Election
were integrated through the Supervisory Agency. The
application conferred by the responsibility was realized in the
Gorontalo government and form of commitment and integrity of
SIDALIH. Voter data updates using PPDP, PPS, PPK, and the General
the chart as recommended would Election and Election Supervisory
breed accurate voter data for the Committee at the subdistrict or sub-
implementation of the 2024 Election. village level.
Accurate and quality voter data
updates were determined by the

Interview with the head of sub-division of Sirajuddin Tuli on February 3rd, 2020 at 9.57 a.m.
Program and Data of the Gorontalo City KPU, WITA in the Gorontalo City KPU.

Volume 06, Nomor 1, Februari 2021 | 88

CONCLUSION General Election Commission
The recommended voter data Regulation Number 2/2017 on
update models for the 2024 General Voter Data Updates for the
Governor and Deputy Governor,
Election were a sustainable data update
Regent and Deputy Regent, and/or
and an upgraded model, in which Mayor and Deputy Mayor
SIDALIH-based voter data were Election.
connected to the district/city KPU,
Disdukcapil, subdistricts, and sub- Law of the Republic of Indonesia
villages. Voter data updates should be Number 1 of 2015 on the
Stipulation of Government
sustainably carried out and referred to
Regulation in Lieu of Law Number
the data from Disdukcapil which in 1 of 2014 on the Election of
updating, used IT collaborated with Governors, Regents, and Mayors
SIDALIH and SIAK, allowing data into Law.
changes in sub-villages directly linked to
and acknowledged by the district/city Surbakti, R., et al., 2014, Integritas
Pemilu 2014: Kajian
KPU, Disdukcapil, subdistrict
Pelanggaran, Kekerasan, dan
governments, sub-villages. To this Penyalahgunaan Uang pada
extent, the SIDALIH application was Pemilu 2014, edited by
only available in Disdukcapil, whereas Supriyanto, Didik, and Ramlan
subdistrict and sub-village governments Surbakti, Kemitraan bagi
and KPU only acquired voter data from Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan.
Weriza, Asrinaldi, Arief, E., 2019,
Budaya Kerja Petugas
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in the Implementation of General

89 | JPs: Jurnal Riset dan Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

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