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Practical technology from Lallemand Inc.

Dough A Guide to Reducing Agents

Cysteine is unique among the protein
amino acids because it has a sulfhydryl
group at the end of the molecule. Cysteine
R EDUCING AGENTS (like L-cysteine)
are a type of dough conditioner
used to reduce mix time and
improve extensibility. They are used in
bread to increase bakery throughput and
improve machinability, and improve loaf
volume. Frozen bread dough is a special
case where short mix time is especially
important because it helps improve yeast
is important to dough reduction chemistry to adjust for flour variation and in a num- Extensibility is important in other yeast
because it occurs in the gluten protein ber of other yeast and chemically leavened and chemically leavened applications
from flour, in the tripeptide glutathione applications. including pizza, tortillas, cookies, saltines,
from yeast, and in free amino acid form as and other crackers. Reducing agents
a synthetic reducing agent. FUNCTIONALITY decrease the elasticity that can cause
During mixing, the gluten in the flour is shrinkage or curling after these products
O stretched and pulled apart so that it can be are formed.
HSCH2CHCOH reformed during proofing and baking to
| provide the needed strength and structure. CHARACTERISTICS
Reducing agents act like mixing to Protein-based reducing agents include
reversibly break down gluten so that once cysteine, glutathione, and yeast. Cysteine
O O they have been used up the gluten reforms. is the most commonly used reducing agent
|| || This mechanism is the opposite of oxidiz- in bread. It is an amino acid that is usually
HSCH2CHC – NHCH2COH ing agents, which build up gluten. produced synthetically as L-cysteine hydro-
O NH Reducing and oxidizing agents can be chloride, is usually added at the mixer, and
|| | used separately, or a reducing agent can be acts quickly. Glutathione is a peptide that
HOCCHCH2CH2C used with a slow oxidizing agent (like contains cysteine but is not generally
| ||
NH2 O potassium bromate) to increase gluten available in its pure form. It functions simi-
Glutathione breakdown early in the process and gluten larly to L-cysteine but is potentially more
reformation later in the process. When effective because it can react more times.
The significance of cysteine’s sulfhydryl reducing agents are used with fast oxidiz- Yeast is a natural source of glutathione.
group is that two of them from different ing agents (like iodate or azodicar- Special nonleavening yeasts are used as
proteins can be oxidized to one molecule bonamide), they counteract each other. reducing agents in the same applications as
of cystine, with the creation of a disulfide Bread dough requires a combination L-cysteine.
bond between them. When gluten mole- of strength, extensibility, and tolerance Sulfites are commonly used reducing
cules become linked (oxidized) during that depends mostly on flour quality, water agents in cookies and crackers. Their
breadmaking, the dough strength increases absorption, and mixing conditions. Reduc- active ingredient is the bisulfite ion that is
but its extensibility decreases. During mix- ing agents are used especially with high- obtained from sulfur dioxide or from one of
ing, these linkages are broken mechanical- strength flour and high-speed processes to its salts, such as sodium bisulfite. Sulfites
ly to provide the extensibility needed for reduce mix time, lower energy input, Continued
moulding. The process is reversible, and
the gluten matrix reforms during the later
stages of proofing and baking.
L-cysteine 10–90 ppm Most-common reducing agent
Glutathione Not commercially available
Nonleavening yeast 0.05–1.0% Natural source of glutathione
The disulfide bonds in gluten that are Bisulfite 20–100 ppm May require finished product labeling
broken mechanically during mixing can Ascorbic acid 100–200 ppm For closed system continuous mix
also be broken chemically by a series of Sorbic and fumaric acids 10–90 ppm Limited use as reducing agent
reactions with cysteine or glutathione
Protease Not a true reducing agent
A Guide to
International Perspective: Reducing Agents (Continued)
destroy the vitamin thiamine, are inhibi-
Parts of the French baking industry have modernized rapidly since the 1970s, with tory to yeast, cause sensitivity reactions in
increased production of pan bread and frozen dough on high-speed lines with short some people, and require special label
processes. In response, French wheat growers and flour millers have selected wheat declarations if used in the U.S. at levels in
varieties for increased strength. But the increase in strength has come at the expense of the finished product above 10 parts per
extensibility and has made optimum mixing and moulding more difficult to achieve. million.
The problem of decreased extensibility is worsened by traditional product types and Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is used as a
legal restrictions. Baguettes must be long and regular in shape with well-defined top reducing agent only in certain closed con-
cuts. Croissants and brioches require thin dough laminations without tearing. For these tinuous mix applications. In the presence of
and other products, French regulations prohibit most reducing agents, including oxygen it functions as an oxidizing agent,
L-cysteine, sulfites, and sorbic acid. Techniques such as decreased dough temperature but in the absence of oxygen, as a reducing
and reduced proofing time help somewhat by slowing oxidation reactions but create agent. It can be used in coated form for
other problems. increased stability as a component of bread
Since 1990, French bakers have begun using increasing amounts of nonleavening improvers and dough conditioners.
yeast as a dough conditioner for high-strength/low-extensibility flour. The products
Other acids that have been suggested
have a high glutathione content so that they act as reducing agents and are permitted
as reducing agents, but are not commonly
under French regulations as “deactivated fermentative agents.” Versions are available
used, include sorbic acid and fumaric acid.
for artisanal and industrial applications and for a range of products including bread,
pastry, puff pastry, and retarded dough. The same products are used in other European They are part of a group of “activated
countries with similar flour/product/regulatory requirements and in the U.S. and double-bond compounds” and are more
Canada for bromate replacement and other applications. commonly used as preservatives. These
acids are inhibitory to yeast and less eco-
nomical than other synthetic reducing
Dough Reduction Chemistry (Continued) agents.
Proteases are used to decrease mix
known as disulfide interchange. The reac- glutathione molecules added and are re- time and increase elasticity but are not
tions are shown here, with R and R' repre- versible so that the degree of relaxation can reducing agents. They are natural enzymes
senting the two gluten molecules and with be controlled. The reaction is similar with that break down gluten irreversibly and
cysteine as the reducing agent: either cysteine or glutathione, except that must be used with careful attention to
with glutathione less is required. This is dose, time, and temperature to avoid over-
R–S–S–R' + cys–SH R–S–S–cys + R'–SH because an enzyme present in flour converts conversion.
R–S–S–cys + cys–SH cys–S–S–cys + R–SH glutathione disulfide into two glutathiones
with free SH groups that can participate in
These reactions reduce the number of further disulfide reactions. Because no anal-
cross-links between the gluten subunits ogous enzyme exists for cysteine sulfide,
proportional to the number of cysteine or each cysteine SH can be used only once.

Fermaid® Dough Relaxers


nonleavening yeast products that
reduce mix time and improve dough
extensibility. They are natural replace-
ments for L-cysteine hydrochloride, sulfites,
Finished volume is high and uniform, with
a fine, uniform internal structure. Using
Fermaid® dough relaxers to optimize mix
time minimizes the effect of flour changes,
improves machinability, and avoids both
Lallemand Baking Update is produced by
Lallemand Inc. to provide bakers with a
source of practical technology for solving
and other chemical reducing agents in “bucky,” undermixed doughs and sticky, problems. You can find the latest issues
breads, rolls, pizza, pretzels, tortillas, and overmixed doughs. online at
crackers. Fermaid® dough relaxers are Fermaid® dough relaxers are available If you have questions or comments,
please contact us at:
processed to maximize available gluta- in versions for a range of products and
thione—a naturally occurring yeast pep- applications. Those with lower glutathione LALLEMAND Inc.
1620 Préfontaine
tide that acts as a reducing agent. They levels are used at higher doses so that they Montréal, QC H1W 2N8 Canada
function similarly to L-cysteine but with also contribute flavor and crust color. tel: (800) 840-4047 (514) 522-2133
the added benefit of being label-friendly. Those with higher glutathione levels are email:
For breads and rolls, Fermaid® dough used at lower doses to provide dough relax-
relaxers can be used to reduce the mix ation without contributing taste or flavor. To the best of our knowledge, the information in
time required for high-strength flour or Formulations with other dough conditioner Lallemand Baking Update is true and accurate. How-
ever, any recommendations or suggestions are made
high water absorption. They give a dough ingredients are optimized for specific appli- without warranty or guarantee.
that is smoother and easier to handle at cations including pizza, pies, crackers, tor- © 2018 Lallemand Inc.
the moulder, with good flow in the pan. tillas, and wraps.

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