GRADE 12 - Intro To Philo - PETA Rubrics - Philosophical Paper

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Sto. Niño Academy of Bamban, Inc.

Rizal Ave., San Nicolas, Bamban, Tarlac

Contact Numbers: 0948-353-8816 / 0956-690-5740


Grade Level : 12
Subject Title : Philosophy of the Human Person

Performance Task

GOAL: To create a Philosophical paper by analyzing the feature novels of Paulo Coelho’s “The
Alchemist” or Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie.”

ROLE: The learner creates a Philosophical paper using the method of making an analytical paper of
Paulo Coelho “The Alchemist” or Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie.” The learner’s analytical
paper of the chosen book must be done by utilizing any philosophical concept and perspective and their
respective philosopher.

AUDIENCE: The target audience are the Grade 12 learners of Santo Nino Academy.

SITUATION: The learner develops how to identify key points and gain deep understanding of text
materials by utilizing a philosopher concept and perspective.

Philosophical Paper
To analyze something is to ask what that something means. A philosophical paper answers
how the chosen topic does what it does or why it is as it is. Therefore, a philosophical
paper’s main point or thesis statement for a chosen topic should be answering a HOW or
WHY question.

Making analysis of the chosen topic for your philosophical paper means you will need to
present some type of argument, or claim, about what you are analyzing.
A Philosophical paper is not a summary. In literature a philosophical paper usually
concentrates on how the piece was written – for example how certain themes present
themselves in a story. It is presenting a thesis statement by utilizing philosophical concepts
and thought.

Philosophical Paper Table of Contents:

 Introduction
 Body (Story and Characters)
 Philosophical analysis
 Summary
 Conclusion/ Reflection


Rubric for Essay Paper

Criteria 1 2 3 4
(Fair) (Good) (Very Good) (Excellent)
The paper is The paper is The paper is focused,
The paper poorly focused on topic focused on the purposeful, and reflects
Focus/ Main addresses topic and
Point and includes few topic and includes clear insight and ideas
includes irrelevant loosely related relevant ideas
ideas ideas
Persuasively supports
Supports main Supports main main point with well-
Provides little or no point with some point with developed philosophical
Use of Philosophical
philosophical underdeveloped developed reasons and/or examples
Concepts/ Support
(25%) support for the main philosophical philosophical
point reasons and/or reasons and/or
examples examples
Organization & Effectively organizes ideas
Format Little or no Some organization Organizes ideas to to build a logical, coherent
organization of of ideas to build an build an argument argument
ideas to build an argument
Effective and creative use
Little or no use of of elements of style to
Language Use, Style elements of style Some use of Appropriate use of
& Conventions enhance meaning
elements of style elements of style
Many errors in
grammar, Contains frequent Uses correct Uses correct grammar,
(Sentence structure, spelling, punctuation
word choice, spelling, and errors in grammar, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, spelling, and and punctuation throughout with very few
grammar, spelling,
punctuation) makes reader’s punctuation with few errors errors

experimentation Distinctive
No experimentation Very little with language and experimentation with
Originality (15%) language and usage to
nor enhancement of experimentation to usage to enhance
concepts enhance concepts concepts enhance concepts
(Expression of the
theme in a Applies higher order
creative way) No adherence to the Does not exhibit Applies basic
theme creativity creative skills to thinking and creative skills
relay ideas to relay complex ideas

1. Follow the provided table of Contents in writing your philosophical paper.
Philosophical Paper Table of Contents:
• Introduction
• Body (Story and Characters)
• Philosophical analysis
• Summary
• Conclusion/ Reflection
2. The paper will be scored according to the rubric stated above.
3. The contents of the paper must be in Times New Roman Font style and 12 font size.
4. Submission of paper must be in printed form, in a short bond paper.
5. The paper must not exceed 5 pages.
6. Deadline of submission is on December 19, 2023.

by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher OIC- Office of the Principal

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