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2021 February / March 62

Measure the height of left end and right end from the bench.

If two values are equal, the metre rule is horizontal.

98 – 2 = 96 cm

It can decide the appropriate values of d and t.

d / cm

0.28 50


30 cm


30 / 0.46 = 65.2 cm s 20

0.46 / s

0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1/T ( 1/s )

It reduces the effect of reaction time error. / Uncertainty is smaller.

Repeat each reading and calculate the average value.

23 oC
Fig. 2.1

Stir water before reading. / Line of sight is perpendicular to the scale.

s oC oC

Temperature change of cup A during 180 s = 87.5 – 77.0 = 10.5 oC

Temperature change of cup B during 180 s = 88.0 – 80.5 = 7.5 oC

DT for B is smaller.

So, B is more effective in reducing the cooling rate.

0.058 oC / s

Repeat cup A experiment without lid.

Calculate the cooling rate and compare with xA.

Same volume of water

Same initial temperature / Same size of cup / same room temperature

0.18 3.7 11.1 20.6
6.67 20
4.17 20
RL decreases as VL decreases.


RR values are nearly equal. / as RR values are the same within the limits of experimental accuracy.

Obtain more values and plot a graph of RL Vs VL.

Extend line to RL axis and read the intercept.

Factor - height of the ramp

Additional apparatus - metre rule, stopwatch

Ramp is set up as shown in figure.


blocks ramp

Measure the height of the ramp and length of the ramp.

Release the ball without pushing and start the stopwatch.

When the ball reaches the bottom of the ramp, stop the stopwatch.

Experiment is repeated for different heights.

To get the more reliable value, repeat each trial and take the average value.

At least 5 sets of data must be taken.

Controlled variable - diameter of ball, mass of ball, material of ball, length of ramp

height of ramp ( cm ) length of ramp ( cm ) time taken ( s ) vav ( cm/s )

[ Total = 7 ]

Plot vav against height graph.

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