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9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

Managerial Communication Question Answer 2021

By Avanindra Rai - March 17, 2021

the glossary is the list of

technical terms used in the report

social media audiences differ from those of traditional media because

none of these

which of these reports involves the checking of a piece of equipment

a presenter can reach to large or specific group of viewers of remote locations through


conflict is

all of these

using communication skills effectively will help you to

all of these

What is the term for the set of behaviours and tasks member of the group is expected because he
or she is a member of the group

Group roles

In presentation the ideas can be presented in the order


In a group discussion we should be

1. Assertive
2. Dominatic
3. Subjective
4. Callous 1/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

Formal reports are not classified into





Reports include breakdown of machinery





A letter of application email message ideally should be addressed to

A specific individual

The hr department

Whom it may concern

The company

Unsolicited email advertising is known as


Junk ads 2/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester


None of these


Which of these should be avoided in pre listening analysis

Mental disciplines





A __ report must contain rational information





As the definition of social media develops, what is one underlying element

The intersection btwn technology, social interaction and sharing information

Microsoft is the primary developer

Use of the various elements is free

All of the above 3/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

In which of these does the listener pick up special features of the speech

Listening in conversational interaction

Listening to structured talks


Team listening

Which of the following will most likely be emphasized by an instrumental communicators


Message content

Body language


Use narrative style of presentation with anecdotes if the

Group is small and informal

Group is small and formal

Group is big ang knowledgeable

Group is large and informal 4/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

The following room create for dealing with touch violation

assuming the first touch violation is accidental

Including complete information about your references on a resume

Is optional, since a list of references can typically be provided after a successful interview

Which statement is correct in case of presentation

Synchronise your speech and visuals

Rohan is sending a resume 2 and Advertising

I would appreciate an opportunity

If you are Speaking with someone has a hearing impairment what should you do

Make sure you face them when you are talking

Definition of social media develops what is one underlined element

The interaction between Technology social interaction and sharing information

In block text format you do not ___ each paragraph


The most important reason for teens to utilise agenda and minutes is that

Participants know what is expected of them and can track 5/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

According to berne we cannot directly ego States but we can observe

Life position

A good business letter is simple and Straightforward without being


Which of these are vital for any organisation

Group discussions

The following are valid conclusions based on research gestures and cultures

Illustrators come naturally two individuals from all cultures

Form letters are also known as

Persuasive sales letters

Which of the following is not one of the reasons frequently

Assuming that others use similar reasonings processes

Which of these is not mentioned in progress report

Right choice of instruments

Achieving good cross cultural relations is hampered peoples perception 6/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester


Dash is an extra item offered to the consumer usually in exchange for some proof


Which of the following is not one of the reason that language frequently causes miscommunication
during international business situations

Meanings conveyed through body language

Which of these types of listening is followed by skill release Ness

Evaluative listening

Which of these is not a quality of good debator

Interrupting their opponent’s speech

Which of these should the listener be able to make connections between different segments

Listening to structured talks

Which of the following most likely to be emphasized by an instrumental communication


The central appeal in a persuasive letter

All of these

The minutes books are the ___ book of the company


It is this strategy of winning against other party

Win-Win approach of negotiation 7/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

What is the last rule of thumb when creating an effective presentation

Minimise text on slides

What needs to be complete in order to have effective communication

Both sending and receiving of the message

Using your whole body to communicate is called what

Body language

Stories can be used by Business leaders

All of these

This is the most complex type of transaction


The following is a chatbot platform


What is the term for the set of behaviours and task number of the group is expected phone
because he or she is a member of the group

Group roles

The following is the best tool to communicate new information about the organisation whether it is
about product or services


Social media audiences differ from those traditional media

Traditional media audiences consume material created for them 8/26
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Why should you keep text to a minimum on slides

Show the focus is on you as the speaker

What is meant by voting by poll

Where each shareholder or their proxies present at the meeting

A resume summarises information related to job’s requirements the application letter

Interpret the resume in terms of employer benefits

Guidelines for effective meetings include

Limiting length and frequency

Good business letters are characterized by following personal quality of the writer


When speaking on the phone what type of communication is being used

Verbal and tone of voice

What is the following linguistic characteristics also apply to nonverbal communication

None of these

Report provides rational findings


What percentage of shareholders is needed to pass special resolution

Not less than 75% 9/26
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___ refers to the repeating sequences of transactions that leads to a result subconsciously

ans- Game analysis

Which of these is not a part of a report

Gender report writer

The correct use of open body language in a restaurant includes

Open gestures towards sitting and menu items

When companies try to create viral videos aur make grassroots blogs the practice is called


__ is authentic direct reality-based fact seeking and problem solving

Adult Ego state

One of the best ways to show customers you are listening is

Appropriate eye contact

It is formal and impersonal

Report writing

Social media platform has maximum users


The time frame for the desired impact that the covering letter must meet is

Less than 1 minute 10/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

————The concept of “urban legends” (a story that appears mysteriously and spreads
spontaneously in various forms and is usually false posted on the Internet) and Internet scams are
a real problem for some businesses. Gerber Baby Foods was flooded with 1 million letters and
80,000 phone calls from parents responding to an e-mail about a phony class-action lawsuit.
Another urban legend about Costa Rican flesh-eating bacteria that affected banana shipments cost
that industry more than $30 million. Procter & Gamble had to deal with claims that its Febreeze
product contained Agent Orange, a dangerous chemical. Many companies choose to ignore these
myths created by angry customers or rabble-rousers, but experts believe this is the worst possible
action to take. Companies should instead do everything possible to reassure its customers.

-Refer to Urban Legends. __, or personality-, psychology-, and experience-based differences,

determine how consumers respond to Internet scams.

ans- Perceptual filters

-Refer to Urban Legends. Top managers who encouraged subordinates to do everything in their
power to assure customers that Internet myths about their companies were false engaged in __.

ans- downward communication

-Email users who received the e-mail about P&G Febreeze would have used —— to understand


-The angry P&G consumer who started the rumor about Febreeze would have used __ to create
the initial e-mail message.

Ans- encoding

-Refer to Urban Legends. Many urban legends are transmitted through the Internet, which could
be described as a(n) __.

ans- communication medium

-“script” in transactional analysis is developed during

ans- early childhood

-information and analytical reports are 11/26
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ans- transformational

-annual reports of all public and private companies must have

ans- CSR

-Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process?

ans- confidence

-_______ Report provides rational findings

ans-Interpretative reports/recommendation

-Automated mailing list administrators that allow for easy subscription, subscription cancellation,
and sending of e-mails to subscribers on the list are called

ans- Listservs.

-What should never be discussed on social media?

1. (Workplace politics
2. Clients in the facility
3. How you feel about management
4. How much you dislike your job)

ans- All of the above

-____ is a monitor of a group discussion.

ans- A moderator

-in which of these the listener puts himself in place of the speaker

ans- empathatic

-Which of these qualities are important in a group discussion?

ans-Emotional stability 12/26
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-The conclusion or ending paragraph should bring the communication to a polite and _____ close


-If you assume that every member of a society or subculture has the same characteristics or
traits, you are guilty of ________.


-A well organised talk is a ____ talk


-Who makes sure the meeting is functioning correctly?


-In social media, what type of marketing has become important for advertisers?

ans- Word-of-mouth, or buzz marketing.

-you can set the list of dos and don’ts by using


-_______ was one of the first uses of the Internet and is still the most popular use, accounting for
most of the traffic on the Internet.

ans- E-Mail.

-Which of these is not a type of listening?

Explanation: Listening can be of six types- superficial listening, appreciative listening, focused
listening, evaluative listening, attentive listening and empathetic listening.

ans-(none) 13/26
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-Which of these are vital for any organisation?

ans-Group discussions

-Your relationship partner is under a lot of stress lately, and his/her outbursts of anger are
beginning to trouble you greatly. Which of the following are ways to manage the anger of your

ans- all of the above.

(a. validate your partner

1. be asymmetrical
2. probe
3. all of the above)

-As the definition of social media develops, what is one underlying element?

ans- The intersection between technology, social interaction, and sharing information

-To communicate competently with nonverbal communication

ans- all of the above.

( a. observe multiple nonverbal cues before drawing any conclusions about a person’s

1. try to match nonverbal and verbal communication to avoid mixed messages

2. monitor your own nonverbal communication
3. all of the above)

-An employer is likely to interpret a writing style or punctuation error on your résumé or letter of
application as an indication that

ans- all of above

(- You pay little attention to detail and do your work hastily 14/26
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– You have shortcomings in basic education

– You lack pride and respect)

-when working to create and maintain a favorable relationship with a receiver a sender should

ans-positive wording

-What is the last Rule of Thumb when creating an effective presentation?

ans-Keep it simple

-___ was one of the most visited websites in India and Brazil in 2008


-it is the strategy to winning against other party

ans- win-win negotiation

-using communication skills effectively will help you

ans- all of above

-____ refers to give some recognition to others

ans- stroking

-The terms of reference for producing a specific report are given by the:


-what percentage of shareholders is needed to pass special resolution

ans-atleast 75%

-the formal greeting with which a business letter is called 15/26
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-Nonverbal and verbal communication are interconnected in which of the following ways?

ans- all of the above.

-stories can be used by business leaders

ans- all of above

-how can a person correctly communicate

ans- all of above

-The central appeal in a persuasive letter

ans-emphasizes on how the reader will benefit from the request

-Including complete information about your references on a resume…

ans- Is optional, since a list of references can typically be provided after a successful interview

(A)-analysis of self awareness is primary concern of transactional analysis

(R)-according to self awareness self can be described in terms of image which includes both
concious and unconcious

ans- both a and r is true and r is the correct explanation of a

-Which of these reports is written before starting a new project? 16/26
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ans-Feasibility report

-Blogs or weblogs are

ans- Web pages of short, frequently updated postings by an individual that are arranged

-Which of these reports provide information without any evaluation?

ans- Informational

-What are the two parts to communication?

and- When someone says something, and the other person has understood

-highlight your qualities

ans- job application

-Verbal communication refers

ans- when someone is talking and other is listening

-which of the given statement is true about ego states

ans- all of above

-the résumé summarizes information refers to a jobs requirements, application letter is

ans- interprets an employer in terms of benifits

Check if you have stressed this in the covering letter

Select one:

1. knowledge and skills over degress and qualications <<

2. Degrees and qualications over knowledge and skills
3. Qualications over Skills
4. Degrees over skills 17/26
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You and your partner have had a heated disagreement. Emotions are raw, and feelings have been
hurt. You approach your partner after a

brief silence: “I’m sorry I attacked you like that. I got angry and said things I didn’t mean.” This is
an example of the collaborating tactic called

Select one:

1. Expanding the pie

2. Confrontation
3. Smoothing <<
4. Integration

Which of the following is a tactic of avoiding conict?

Select one:

1. Stonewalling <<
2. Autonomy
3. Competing
4. Compromising

Which of these is not used to organise a seminar?

Select one:

1. Exchange of ideas
2. Recommendations <<
3. Oral reports
4. Written reports

Posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are examples of ________.

Select one:

1. Paralanguage
2. Oculesics
3. Kinesic behavior <<
4. Proxemics

Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural
communication barriers?

Select one: 18/26
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1. Observe culture dierences and etiquette

2. Be alert to cultural dierences in customs and behavior
3. Use commonly accepted business jargons <<
4. Listen for understanding. Not agreement

A sure sign of ethnocentrism in a business deal would be which of the following assumptions by an
American banker?

Select one:

1. Japanese products usually have equal or better quality than American products.
2. Foreign currency trading can be a good investment even if you do not buy the U.S. Dollar.
3. The U.S. Dollar is the best most stable currency in the world and any other currency carries a
higher risk. <<
4. The euro dollar currency has an equal likelihood of returning a reasonable rate depending on
market conditions, just as the U.S.


Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers than with
the good of the rm.

Select one:

1. Formality
2. Informality
3. Individualism <<
4. Collectivism

Decisions passed by shareholders are known as:

Select one:

1. Articles
2. Memorandums
3. Resolutions <<
4. Provisions

Information in the ………. should be organized.

Select one:

1. Notices
2. Presentation <<
3. Memo
4. Circular 19/26
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_________ is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting.

Select one:

1. Invitation
2. Agenda <<
3. Minutes
4. Resolution

What can happen when employees are NOT involved in decision-making during a meeting?

Select one:

1. Most employees have little interest in being part of a decision in meetings.

2. The employee will perform as expected regardless of whether he/she was involved in the
3. The employee is less likely to follow-up on tasks. <<
4. The employee is more likely to follow-up on tasks.

Curriculum vitae is a ____ word.

Select one:

1. Indian
2. German
3. Latin <<
4. French

The lack of pitch variation and unpromosing body language makes ….

Select one:

1. Cool zone speaker

2. Hot zone speaker
3. Dull zone speaker <<
4. Boring zone speaker

Which of the following is not one of the seven dimensions of cultural values that help us
understand how cultures dier from each other?

Select one:

1. Materialism versus concern for others

2. Internal locus versus external locus <<
3. High-context versus low-context
4. Formality versus informality 20/26
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Groups which are formed as the consequence of organisational structure and work division are
known as:

Select one:

1. Informal groups
2. Operational groups
3. formal groups <<
4. Target groups

Which of these letters are in response to an advertisement?

Select one:

1. Letters of enquiry
2. Solicited letters <<
3. Letters of complaint
4. Unsolicited letters

When is the worst time to break into a discussion?

Select one:

1. When one person is talking

2. When there is less time left
3. When two or three people are talking simultaneously <<
4. When everyone is silent

Where is the name and address mentioned in a Job- Description CV?

Select one:

1. Top left corner <<

2. Top right corner
3. Bottom right corner
4. Bottom left corner

Which of the following is not an easy to read font?

Select one:

1. Times New Roman

2. Calibri
3. Arial
4. Sego Script << 21/26
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In a group discussion, the discussion must be directed to its ___________

Select one:

1. Opponents
2. Competitors
3. Final conclusion
4. Logical conclusion <<

Which of these must not be mentioned in your CV?

Select one:

1. How you helped your previous employer

2. Special recognitions
3. Salary you are looking for <<
4. Out of turn promotions

Which of these is not an ingredient of the speech process?

Select one:

1. Audience
2. Feedback
3. Message
4. Reading comprehension <<

___________ is the compliant part of the personality that conforms to the wishes and demands of
parental gures.

Select one:

1. Critical parent
2. Antideterministic
3. Adaptive child <<
4. Redecision school

To whom should a presentation be aimed?

Select one:

1. The highest authority in the room, regardless of where they are

2. The people in the closest rows
3. Your best friend in the room
4. The entire audience << 22/26
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Synchronising your speech with …………. is crucial in presentation.

Select one:

1. Notes
2. Visual aids <<
3. Gestures
4. Actions

In Johari window, ________ is known to others and self; whereas, ________ is unknown to self
but known to others.

Select one:

1. Hidden; unknown
2. Blind; open
3. Open; blind <<
4. Open; unknown

When presenting, your pose should be:

Select one:

1. Condent and relaxed <<

2. Shy
3. Nervous and angry
4. Annoyed

___________ is an ego state, producing an unexpected response

Select one:

1. Ulterior transaction
2. Crossed transaction <<
3. Angular transaction
4. Parallel transaction

Negotiating the price of a car, you are probably using a ________ bargaining strategy.

Select one:

1. Simulated
2. Distributive <<
3. Closed
4. Open 23/26
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the ____ of business letter is called layout

all of these

A __ written by feeling in a blank form


The considerable variation between Americans and Chinese in the use of silence is an impact of


Cross training cultural training program might include which of the following

All of these

Classifying content in social media happens through an activity such as


Which of these is not a type of text for reading?

Reference material

Body of the letter is divided into

Three parts

Which of the following is not true about monochronic cultures

People change plan frequently

In third party negotiations a third-party with authority to dictate and agreement is known as


The following is the best tool to communicate new information about the organisation 24/26
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In Win-Win approach it is __ versus __ that brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue


Refers to giving some recognition to others


It discusses in a small group or original Research


Which of the following is suggested way of improving cross Cultural Relation


Key barrier to good relation is


In an office and employee communicates horizontally with his


Why is an agenda important

And shows important topics are covered

When speaking on the phone you need to ensure that you do not

Breach confidentiality

Combination of assumption about oneself and another person is called

Ans- Life positions 25/26
9/23/21, 12:51 AM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

Eric Berne developed

Ans- The concept and paradigms of transactional analysis in the late 1950s

___ refers to the repeating sequences of transactions that leads to a result subconsciously

ans- Game analysis

Avanindra Rai 26/26
1 Report Includes breakdown of Machinery Trouble
2 It discusses in a small group on original research seminar
3 Which of this report raised annually Confidential
4 why are these rules about how to communicate it is to make sure every
one understand each
5 In presentation, the idea can be presented in the order Chrinological,Sequencial,a
ny sensible order
6 In third party negotiation, a third part with the authority to arbitrator
dictate an agrement known as
7 which of the following statement is true of the use of You should focus eye
presentation visuals contact on the visual so
your audience will do like
8 The following in the best tool to communicate new News letter
information about the organization whether it is about the
product or service
9 which of these should be avoided in pre listening analysis Prejudices
10 which of these arevital for any organization Group discussion
11 according to berne, we cannot directly observe the ego states Life Position
but we can observe_____ which help in infering which states
is operating in an
12 This is the best approach in negotiation win win approach
13 combination of assumptions about one self and anotther
person is called
14 when should never be discussed on social media all of the All of the above
above (Workplace politics,clients
in the facility, how you
feel about management)
15 it is the stratgey of winning against other party win win approach of
16 which of these reports contains information of a route nature Periodic report
17 a male friend asked for advice on how he should dress to give
a speech to a professionally engineering organization, annual
awards banquet to be held in a Down town hotel, which of
the following would be your best suggestion
18 which of these qualities are important in a group discussion Emotional stability
19 a cross training cultural training program might include which Communication
of the following Technique,Busness
20 using your whole body to communicate is called what Body Language
21 you can set the list of do's and don't by using Bullets
22 the group discussion evaluate the candiate ability to confer with others on a
given subject
23 minutes books are the ____ books of the company Statutory
24 the gfollowing may become failure in business Chatbox
communication as it helps in interacting with the applicant
and employees through automation
25 Blogs or web pages are web pages of
short,frequently updated
postings by an individual
that are arranged
26 which of these are not type of lsitening None of these
27 talkings comes under which tyoe of communication Verbal
28 the style adopted for a small but a knowledgeables bussiness Narrative Style
29 this is the most complex type of transaction Ulterior
30 a key barrier to good cross cultural relations is the assumption Ethnocentrism
that the ways of ones culture ar the best ways of doing things
31 how can a person correctly communicate Speaking, Text
32 which of these must never be a basis for a technical replies Personal prejudices
33 the term of refernce for producing a specific report are given Organization
by the
34 the mailing app commonly use in business are Gmail
35 ___ is a monitor of a group discussion moderator
36 the envelope indicated that this was ____but in fact there An enclosure
was only a letter inside
37 formal reports are not classified into ___ Oral
38 which of these report is written before starting new projects A feasibility report
39 what is the term used to describe the emotions or feeling in Tone
your voice
40 why is an agenda is improtant ensures important topics
are covered
41 messages that are sent by sub ordinates to supervisor Upwards Communication
42 the considerable variations between american and chinese in para language
the use of silence during meeting is an aspect of____
43 which of these should be avoided to effective listening
44 which of the social media platform that has maximum users Facebook
45 which is not the quality of a good presentor All of the above
46 it is formal, detached, and impersonal Report writing
47 your relationship partner in under a lot of stress lately and All of the above
hlpless, and burst of anger are begins to troule you greatly,
which of the following are waste manages the anger of your
48 which of the folowing is not true about mono chronic cultures People change plan
49 these are used as visual aids in the presentation
50 a resume summaries information related to a jobs interprets the resume in
requiement the application letter terms of employer
51 jena is a new college a one page format Is
typically recommended
for both documents
52 including complete information about your references on a
53 in resentation the ideas can be presened in the order All
54 the concept of urban legends a stories
55 eric berne developed he concept and paradigms
of transactional analysis in
the late 1950s
56 information and analytical reports are transformational
57 which of the given statement is not true about transactional
58 which of these is not mentioned a progress report Amout of work left
59 before the meeting is concluded there must be a Summary
60 in developing the plan for a persusive message try to predict the reader's
61 the most important reason for a team to utilize agenda and participants know what is
minutes is that expected of them and can
track, follow up, and
ensure implementation of
decisions made in
previous meetings.
62 automated mailing list administrator that allow for easy Listservs
subscription,subcription cancellation,and sending of emails to
subscribers on the list are called
63 what needs to be complete in order to have effective Both the sending and
communication receiving of the message
64 what is communication without words Non- verbal
65 form letters are also known as persuasive sales letters
66 the applications that are used for video conferencing Hangout,skype,facetime
67 which of these is not a quality of a good debate interrupting their
opponent's speech
68 stories can be used by business leaders effective ways
69 annual report of all public and private companies must have CEO's Speech
70 what are two parts of commmunications When someone says
something, and other
person has understood
71 ___ report must contain natural information Formal Report
72 Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving Focus on the
cross-cultural relations? individual,Develop cultural
sensitivity,Participate in
diversity Training
74 which of these is based on effective listening Note Talking
75 the central appeal in a persuasive letter Emphasizes how the
Reader will benefit from
the Request
76 Disseminating news about the organisation to the Organisational
stakeholders, media etc is communication
77 what percentage pf share holder is needed to pass social Not less then 75%
78 use narrative style of presentation with anecdotes if the Group is small and
79 the latest section in the corporate reports is the inclusion of Audit Report
80 Disseminating news about the organisation to the Organisational
stakeholders, media etc is communication
81 An employer is likely to interpret a writing style or You pay little attention to
punctuation error on your résumé or letter of application as detail and do your work
an indication that.. hastily,You have
shortcomings in basic
education,You lack pride
and respect
82 When you are talking directly to a person and you can see Face to Face
them, This is called communication
83 A____report may be written by filling in a Blank form Non Formal
84 Which of these is not a type of text for reading?? Chats
85 What is verbal communication When someone is talking
and someone else is
86 Using communication skills effectively will help you to All of the above
87 Social network sites use which media for communication All of the above
88 Which of these is not a type of listening Musical listening
89 Facial Expressions,Posture and eye contact all are skills in Non verbal
91 As per the research, on LinkedIn you may have how many 1
posts per day
92 The 5 W's and 1 H stand for: Who, What,When,
Where,Why, how
93 If you are speaking with someone who has a hearing Make sure you face them
impairment, what should you do? when you are talking
94 Which of the following statement is true for an oral report? Lacks authenticity
95 What are the two channels of communication Formal and Informal
96 As per the research, on Instagram you may have how many 1 or 2
posts per day?
97 When employees are encouraged to voice their opinion and Upward Communication
share their views it is called:
98 Most of our waking time goes in … Hearing
99 If you mention your Achievements, Honours, Awards etc in It gives a positive
your CV impression of our
personality and your
candidature becomes
100 The assumptions of Transactional Analysis are All of these
101 Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a making a sweeping glance
presentation involves of audience from left to
the right and front to back
of the room
102 The first objective in a group discussion is to catch the group's
103 Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes Age of chairman
104 Professionally written Job Application Increase chances that
Recruiter will open your
resume to read
105 The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best peers
when he/she is with …
106 A well drafted professional resume can All of these
107 Transactions in Transactional Analysis means Interpersonal interactions
between ego states of
parent, adult and child
108 What percentage of a person's communication is of non- 93
verbal nature
109 In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are Indented
110 A written statement that you prepare specially for a person or Memo
committee in order to give them information about a
particular matter, it is called a:
111 Good listeners concentrate on: the speakers main thought
112 In a complete-block style, all parts of the letter, except the Left margin
printed letter head, are aligned with the:
113 Which report presents facts pertinent to an issue or a Informative
114 As per the research, on Facebook you may have how many 1
posts per day?
115 Which of these is not an element of non-verbal written words
116 Giving non-verbal messages is … spontaneous
117 What forms the basis of non-verbal communication? Body language nd
expression without words
118 When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is Verbal and body language
being used?
119 Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors. Upward communication
120 Kinesics includes … All of these
121 A letter can be Perosnal & amp; Business
122 which report is prepared on a single or special occasion Special report
123 A written draft that has a stamp of authority and has to be order
accepted is a:
124 Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of Emotional
the speaker o
125 Feed back to the communication sent can be Can be oral,written or
126 As per the research, on Twitter you may have how many 15
tweets per day?
127 ______________ helps the reader to search and locate List of References
relevant information in the original source
128 A Good Resume prominently shows All of these
129 In business communication, it is useful to have … All of these
130 To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is necessary
131 The official record of the meeting is called … minutes
132 Subject Line of an email sent to a recruiter for a position, Position applied for
should cover
133 Assuming that you wanted to start a good working Use nonverbal
relationship with a person from a high-context culture, which communication channels
of the following would be an e to get your message
across and use body
language extensively to
134 To whom should a presentation be aimed? The entire audience
135 It is a long-term process, not a one-time event. Negotiation
136 The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to confer with others
137 What sort of Words or language should be used in a Job Positive words and
Application progressive language
138 Which of the following is not a characteristic of con Independent parties
139 Conflict is All of these
140 A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a specific
person shares factual information with an audience
141 Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for Use commonly accepted
overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers? business jargons
142 The participants of a board meeting are… members and directors
143 A cross training cultural training program might include which All of the above.
of the following?
144 The negotiation process has three stages. Which one of the Strategy confirmation
following is NOT a stage?
145 In the group discussion, it is most important to … improve your argument
146 The photograph on your Resume should be Coloured professional
photograph in formal
dress like business suit
and tie
147 Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving All of thes
cross-cultural relations?
148 Distributive bargaining involves: Limited amount of
resources and a short
149 When someone writes rude complaint letter you must: Reply calmly
150 The communication that is meant for all employees across Management
various levels of business units/department is called: Communication
151 Which step in the listening process involves focusing on a selecting
particular sound or message
152 If someone has a trouble speaking, for example had a stroke, Allow them time to
what should you do? answer
153 Which report is to be prepared and presented according to Statutory Report
the form and procedure laid down by law?
154 The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the: Main Body
155 What are the number of components of Communication? 6
156 A writer must not convey information with ___________ Randomness
157 A business letter is written to achieve goals like: All of these
158 Corporate communication is considered successful when it: provokes changes in
knowledge, attitude and
behaviour of employees
159 The interpretation of non-verbal communication, may differ culture
due to difference in…
160 Listening,like speaking,reading and writing is a…. skill
161 Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills fakeness
162 ___________ refers to the awareness of the sound of another Hearing
person talking, without really processing what is being said
163 Non-verbal communication involves … . all the above
164 Positive signals are body signals that make you look relaxed
165 Ria was very upset on receiving a complaint from customer Calm down and reply after
some time
166 While addressing the Job Application one should always Name, Designation,
mention Company Name and
Address of the addressee
167 In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that We, problem
brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue
168 A press report refers to … reports in newspapers
169 To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it Dark text on a light
is preferable to use: background
170 All of the following are ways of improving Cross-cultural Focus on groups
relations except:
171 Members of a society who value ____________are more Individualism
concerned with their careers than with the good of the
172 To make a presentation effective,you should use: a simple and active form
of sentences
173 How a Recruiter can quickly get to know the purpose of mail / Through Subject Line
letter that you have send?
174 A Job Application is a One page Application for
Job along with resume
175 Members of a society who value ____________are more Individualism
concerned with their careers than with the good of the
176 Which of the below options is the name of the organization
177 Which of the following characteristics would likely be All of these
included in a training program that is designed to teach
individuals about diversity in organization?
178 The Objective Statement of your resume should be What is your aim of
corporate life and what
you want to achieve
during your professional
179 The major contribution of Transactional Analysis is based on All of these
published ‘psychological’ works of
180 Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict? Independent parties
181 The Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from Parents or Parent Ego State
parent figures are known as
182 Which of the below options is the first to be mentioned in a name of the organization
183 While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you Should mention both
should Professional and Academy
qualifications in order of
latest one of highest one
on top

184 During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the all the above
following parameters
185 Memo is derived from the latin word that means: memorare
186 A business letter is written to achieve goals lik e: All of the above
187 _____________ contains the date of submission, the name A forwarding letter
and designation of the writer and the name of the authority
188 As per the research, on Pinterest you may have how many 11
pins per day
189 Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Frustrated
Rita probably feels:
190 The following are valid conclusions,based on research,about Illustrator come natarally
gesture and culture to individuals from all
191 What makes discussion boards a vital form of mass Their format and
communication on the internet asynchronous nature.
192 interpretative reports are also known as Recommendation Report
193 web 2.0 refers to website that emphasize user-generated
content, ease of use,
participatory culture and
interoperability for end
194 As the defination of social media develops, what is the one The intersection btwn
underlying element technology, social
interaction and sharing
195 In which of these types of listening, does the listener feel
grateful Appreciative Listening
196 It gives a chance to all participnts to present their views and Discussion
defend their arguments
197 In ............ reports, line graph are used to show particular Annual
trends over a period of time
198 Which of these is not a part of a report Gender Report Writing
199 Which of the following are recommended during delivery of a Watch the audience for
presentation feedback and make
appropriate adjustments
in the length and content
of your speech
200 This is a medium for encapsulating and presenting the major Cover Letter
qualifications to capture reader's attention
201 According to Berne, we cannot directly observe the ego states Life Position
but we can observe ......... which helps in inferring which
states is operating in an individual
202 Which of these reports are written for recording information Routine Reports
203 The .......... of business letter is called layout All of these (body content,
204 Informational and analytical reports are Transformational
205 the glossary is the list of technical terms used in
the report
206 Which of the following statements is true of the use of Too many visuals can
presentation visuals overwhelm, bore abd tire
the audience
207 The latest setion in the corporate reports is the inclusion of Audit Report
208 Unsolicited email advertising is known as Spam
209 What is the term for the set of behaviours and task number of Group Roles
the group is expected perform because he or she is a member
of the group
210 .................. is the lat step of the listening process Responding
211 letters that please the reciever Good-News Letter
212 Which of these should the listener be able to make
connections between different segments Listening to structured
213 Which of the following is not one of the reason that language Assuming that others use
frequently causes miscommunication during international similar reasoning process
business situations
214 Which of these is usually written in a form of a memorandum Informal Reports
215 Who makes sure the meeting is functioning correctly? Chairperson
216 How many references are usually given in a resume 2
217 Which of the given statement are true about ego states All of these
218 Which of these should be avoided in pre listening analysis Prejudice
219 All

In presentation the ideas can be presented in the order

220 In social media, what type of marketing has become Word-of-mouth, or buzz
important for advertisers? marketing.
221 Which of these is based on effective listening Note Taking
222 A letter of application or application email message ideally A Specific Individual
should be addressed to
223 The terms of reference for producing a specific report are organization
given by the:
224 Which of the statement is correct hashtag symbol (#) is used All of these
in Twitter
225 a presenter can reach to large or specific group of viewers of webinar
remote locations through
226 In block text format you do not ___ each paragraph Indent
227 The following rules are appropriate for dealing with touch Assume a touch violation
violations is accidental when it first
occurs unless it is very
obviously purposeful. You
don't need to be
hypersensitive. Repeat
offenders require obvious
nonverbal rejection. There
is no need to apologize to
a touch violator for
addressing the violation.
They should apologize.
228 which of these is not a type of listening None of these (Other
options are appreciative,
superficial, focussed).
Listening can be of six
types- superficial listening,
appreciative listening,
focused listening,
evaluative listening,
attentive listening and
empathetic listening.
229 Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process? confidence
230 Classifying content in social media happens through an Tagging
activity such as
231 Rohan is sending a resume to an advertising agency that has I would appreciate an
advertised for a copywriter in his local newspaper. Which of opportunity
the following make the best closing sentence for the
application letter
232 which of these reports involves the checking of a piece of Inspection Report
equipment to see if it's still in working condition
233 Listening in conversational
In which of these does the listener pick up special features of interaction
the speech
234 Which of these reports contains information of a routine Periodic Reports
235 An impromptu speech demands the manager has
236 The conclusion or ending paragraph should bring the Businesslike
communication to a polite and _____ close
237 Which of these is not an advantage of a virtual team Conflict can be resolved
easily using face-to-face
238 A well organised talk is a ____ talk structured
1. Which of these types of listening is followed by skilled listeners?
Evaluative listening

2. Which of these reports provide information without any evaluation?

Informational reports

3. Social media audiences differ from those of traditional media because:

Traditional media audiences consume material created for them, whereas
social media audiences either dictate the type of product they want or bypass
traditional producers to find products more suitable to their particular needs or




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XA, M LAN GUAGE English v
Time Left 0:42:05
(Section: 2
Passage SectionB v Clear Response
The concept of “urb
an legend: . {a ste
mysteriously and SP ry [i

reads spontaneo):
IS Usually false Posted
on t} € Internet) and transfer cl inne
@ real problem In:
fo; SOMe DUSINESsSes Gar}
flooded with I] millio
n letters and 80.0%
Parents responcIdINg
to an e-mail ab OU
lawsuit. Another urba © commun ION
n fEgend about Coct Medium
s . tina
bacteria that affected banana Shipme
More than $30 million.
Proct, r& Gamble
claims that its Febreez tlonrneaiiiee
e product « onta
dangerous chemical,
Many COMpanies ci
= these Myths created
by angry custome:
5 but experts believe
this is the wi SU poss
ible action to take
Companies Should inst Valalanguage condui
ead do everytning possible t
its Customers to reass ure

AA Shaui ed ty Of UQN the Internet.

> yi Ole) deSCriO8d as a

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_ ae English v
© Time Left 0:42:07
QUESTION 69 of 70
2ctions - 2? Sections
Passage ~
Clear Response
|_| Mark for Review
The Concept of “Urb
an IcPGends” th (a sto; /
mysteriously and SPre
ads spontane,
dnd is usually false
Posted on the Interne: ohyvsical
SCAMS are a rea] Pr .
obl ery) for; HOlNMeE by
Foods was flooded WIth | million ler
Calls from parents
res PONAING to ; mye
class-action lawsuit,
Anothi urban len
Rican flesh-eating bact
e ‘ria that afte:

Cost that indust ry more


than $30 millio:

Nad to deal with Claim ee ; i.
Agent Orange, a dan
S that its Febreeze
| iL) I r “(J
© encoding
g TOUS CNemMmical. Ma)
choose to ignore these
myths ; reated
Of rabble-rousers, but :
experts Delieve this is
Possible action to take the worst :
. Companies should decoding
in id |
everything possible
tore -assure its Customers

) The angry P&G consumer wh

ow even astarted the rumo; about
have” uSeq_ =e eRatethe
initial e-mail

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1 TM,
XAM eSiince
English -

QUESTION 68 of 70
(Sections 2
Passage SectionB v
i The concept of “urban
legends" (a story ti
mysteri ously and “s Preads
iS uSua lly false post i

ed onthe In te TNE)
f f y | SLIM
and Int
a real problem fo, some
businesses Gar}
flooded with ] Millio
n letters and a Ol
Parents res sPONAING to ane Mall about
a pi ict
lawsuit. Anothe; ur
ban legend Bee tral
Costa | fles)
bacteria that affect :
ed banana shipment
More than $30 million.
Pr cter & ( MM oi{i
claims that its Febre
e £© product containe
d Age: [ inge.a
dangerous chemical. |
Man\ COoMpanies choo 4
i :
these myths created by angry customers
, o; adbdle-rouse
but experts believe
this jc the worst possible action
, Companies to take
Should instead go everythi @) gecoding
ng poss Ole TO reassure
its Customers.

: eMail users ano (6

elvedt: T=)939I] abou
t P&G's Febreeze

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Pounce English v
© Time Left 0:42:01
QUESTION 67 of 70
(Sear tione é
Passage v
lear Response
[] Mark for Review
The concept of “urban :
legends" (a story that
mysteriously and Ss |
Preads spontaneot):
and is usually false Po /in va
sted on the Interne: © downward MmMunicatio
SCaMS are a rea] Pr
oblem for sone | U
FOOdS was flooded WI
th I million lettey
Calls from parents rec PO
NdING CO; i) ,
class-action lawsuit. nOorizonta IMMuUNICAation 7
Anothe urban leqenc
Rican flesh- €ating bact it |
eria t} lat airecti

| Cost that industry more

th: IN $30 milli
Nad to deal With clai ab nese 7
ms th; wa a
Ipward YINMMUNICAation
Agent Orange, a Were chemical,
§ choose to ignore these my May Npanke ri
ths created by a aI
OF r
abble-rousers tome
but experts believe
th > IS The worst
Possible action to take C
ompanies should instead ac
Establishing a Grap
everything possible to
reassure its customers

1Op Managers who ENCOUlaAgeaa U

HOrdinates do to
c= yy ‘A their p| ower to PS
vel§ Sust2mers that In
AS ac duttrieir COmpani ternet
es were false engaged
in___ ‘J

Scanned by TapScanner

GUAGE Englishv
oO Time Left 0:42:12

if QUESTION 66 of 70
@ (Sections : 2) SectionaA
What is Verba! Comm v Clear Response
unic ation? | | Mark for Review


Neone Is talking and someone ae

else is listenin

WV hen mora th
| I I iT} ON€ person is talking

, VEDA! t
NISES TO SNOW you are listening like "Ul vt

2) —


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101 [MANAGERIAL Commu...

M LANC AGE English v |
oO Time Left 0:42-13

QUESTION 65 of 70
(Section<« ,
Interpretative repo SectionA v
rts are also known Clear Response


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jo gs. AL_ : =n al.

ua . \ ws COMMU...
rama ig =
es NGUs G English
© Time Left 0:42:14

; ¥
aON 64 of, 70
(Sections S$:- 2) 2)

. i
SectionAa v
ha ISA Monitor ofa Qro Clear Respons
up discus SION.
Mark for Review

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ape Oise: Vivo V/15Pro

~s Al Triple Camera

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Soca ss

SE English v =
oO Time Left 0:42:17

QUESTION 62 of 70
(Sections :2) Sectiona v
This is the best approa Clear Response
ch in negotiatic Ir)

rr) = dADDroa
t a

GQ approac I)

I= "1OSE approach

Scanned by TapScanner

GERIAL Commu...
English v
© Time Left 0:42:18

| Y QUESTION 61 of 70
(Sections - 2) Sectiona
_ As the definition of SOCi v
Clear Response
al Media deve lOops, what
underlying element Ine

© Their: tersection be
tween technology,
Naring social

SOft is the prim

ary developer,

‘Various element
s is free.

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7~ \ivo V1ISPro
>, © eH Al Triple Camera

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A\|l Triple Camera

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WIDE { } ’
<> Al Triple Camera

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© Time Left 0:42:24

e - QUESTION 57 of 70
(Sections:2) Sectiona v
It gives a chance to all pa Clear Response
rticipants to present t}
defend their arguments.

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v ~ Vivo V1SPro
~s Al Triple Camera

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= e~ Vivo V15SPro
worL@y Y ras iple Camera

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© Time Left 0:42:31

(Sections - 2) SectionaA v Clear

Ir relationship partner is under Response
a lot of stress
PUSANE! Outbursts Of anger
£47) ary

are lle to trout

greatly. Which of the foll
owing are ways to manz 2 the
of your partner? ange Validate your partner

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>. @} A\l Triple Camera

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. —
o « a
ae) MU...

enehy © Time Left 0:42:33.

a ta oa

a. N 51 of 70 (Sections : 2) SectionA ~ Clear R esponse M
. i pe ia a medium for encapsulating Vvie
and presenti: y the main:
e qualifications to Capture Bi “<2
reader's attentio;

Scanned by TapScanner
© Time Left 0:42:35
VESTIC ‘50 of 70
(Sections : 2?) SectiondA v Clear Response
FEONEING to Berne. we cannot a rectly
observe the ego-
Stat 2s but we can Observe
Ae which Nelps in INferring
MCN StS IS Operating in an indiviWig! :

) Personal ly

Life position

() Attitude

TamWart VA Nice VA l=) ne

aoe So Al Triple Came

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© Time Left 0:42:36 _

(Sections : 2) SectionA v Clear Response

WI ch of these reports are written
for recording in formation?

©) Informationa|

© Interpretative

© Routine

O Recommendation

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a a

ee x
me " 2

© Time Left 0:42:39

(Sections ; 2) SectionA v
Clear Response

©) Body

©) Content

@© Pattern

© All of these

B = |
— | rex

a] 2 ae C —1 = Nera

Al ‘iplie Came

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© Time Left 0:42:40 | —- -

(Sections : 2) SectionA v Clear Response
rmational and analytical
reports are

© Same

© Different

O Interchangeable

O Transformational!

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ape Ore: Vivo V15Pro
~2s Al Triple Camera

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— —

© Time Left 0:42:43

7” =

(Sections : 2) SectionA v Clear Response

Fthe following statements js
true of the use of
Ntation visuals?

O You should include on a visual

given point.

@ The most effective vi SU

al Combines many fo
and images.

Will do likewise.

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| a Tell- amera

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fSbctions - SectionAy Clear Response
called ANI
A Hi
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vel are
WW i i

HN “© Yes letters

nl ne Routine letters

© Invitation letters

@ Good-news letters

@& he Sinz VISPr )

oh yo uo =} er Taal ig
‘ i
on i Mal

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4 ni vl ij wrany Vere te ae
| Mi fea iy i

(Sections:2) | SectionA v
h > listener be able to make
erent segments of the speech?

_O Team listening

O Predicting

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(Sections : 2) SectionA v
___ book of the compan

© Subsidiary

os © } statutory

: -O Obligatory

O Secondary

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SectionA v Clear Response

© Informal reports

© Formal reports

2 - oO Professional! report

© Business r
eports .

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} is functioning correctly?

~ © Chairperson

© Secctary =

Pa te a f

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. © Minutes

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© Control others

© Argue with others

©) Lead others

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© Mainly there are three ego stat


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© Mental discipline

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Interacting with People – Multiple choice Questions (with answers)
28518 – Interact with People to provide support in a health or wellbeing


Segment 1 – What is communication? ............................................................................................... 2

Segment 2 – Ways to Communicate ................................................................................................... 4
Segment 3 – Verbal communication and Body Language .................................................................. 6
Segment 4 – Written Language........................................................................................................... 8
Segment 5 – Specialised Languages .................................................................................................. 10
Segment 6 – Importance of Listening ............................................................................................... 12
Segment 7 – Asking Questions.......................................................................................................... 14
Segment 8 – Language Difficulties .................................................................................................... 16
Segment 9 – Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 18
Segment 1 – What is communication?

1) How many ways are there to communicate?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

2) What is Verbal Communication?

a. Talking to someone
b. When someone is talking and someone else is listening
c. When more than one person is talking
d. Using verbal noises to show you are listening like “uh huh”
e. All the above

3) If someone has a trouble speaking, for example had a stroke, what should you do?
a. Guess what they are trying to say
b. Give them paper so they can write it down
c. Teach them sign language
d. Allow them time to answer
e. Use other forms of communication

4) If you are speaking with someone who has a hearing impairment, what should you do?
a. Make sure you face them when you are talking
b. You should not be speaking to them, this is disrespectful as they cannot hear you
c. Give them paper and pen and write to each other
d. You should learn sign language to communicate with them
e. Just mouth the words as it is easier for them to read your lips

5) What is communication without words?

a. There is no communication without words
b. Non-verbal communication
c. Telepathy
d. Sign language
e. Gestures

6) Which of the following is NOT a form of non-verbal communication?

a. Body language
b. Tone of voice
c. Written communication
d. Facial expressions
e. Telepathy
7) What are the two parts to communication?
a. There only needs to be one part, when someone says something
b. When someone says something, and the other person has understood
c. When someone says something, and the other person has replied
d. When someone says something while using non-verbal communication
e. There is four parts to communication

8) What needs to be complete for there to have been effective communication?

a. The persons sentence
b. The documentation
c. Both the sending and receiving of the message
d. The task that was asked of the person
e. An agreement

9) Scenario: You ask a co-worker if they can help you with a client, they cross their arms and
roll their eyes but do not say anything. Have they communicated?
a. No, at this stage it is one-way communication
b. No, when they answer you they will have communicated back, completing two-way
c. No, but they are being rude
d. Yes, they have used non-verbal communication
e. Sort of, you won’t really know until they answer though

10) Why are there rules about how to communicate?

a. There are no rules about how to communicate
b. Your workplace is just making sure it has full control over you
c. It is to make sure everyone understands each other
d. Your workplace is obliged to have a policy because of OSH
e. Some people are not very good at communicating
Segment 2 – Ways to Communicate

1) When you are talking directly to a person and you can see them, this is called what?
a. Verbal contact
b. Face to face communication
c. Talking
d. Interaction
e. Body language

2) How will you find out how you should answer the phone at your workplace?
a. You should not be answering the phone at your workplace
b. Listen to what the others say
c. Do what feels most comfortable
d. In the policies manual
e. There is no particular way to answer the phone as long as you are polite

3) When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used?

a. Verbal and tone of voice
b. Verbal and body language
c. Verbal
d. Nonverbal communication
e. Face to face

4) When speaking on the phone, you need to ensure you do not do what?
a. Break communication law
b. Break telephone contracts
c. Breach confidentiality
d. Hang up on someone
e. Speak any language other than English

5) Is text messaging an acceptable form of communication?

a. It is not formally classed as communication as communication involves talking
b. Yes, in certain circumstances
c. Yes, it should be the preferred choice when making arrangements
d. No, under no circumstances should you text for work reasons
e. Yes, also, by using emoji’s it can demonstrate the feelings you want to get across

6) Besides how to answer the phone, what else might be in the policy about communication?
a. Methods of communication are acceptable to use with a client
b. There are not really policies on communication
c. Why you should communicate
d. What not to say when communicating
e. All of the above
7) How can a person correctly communicate?
a. Speaking
b. Text message
c. Email
d. Phone
e. All of the above

8) Which of the following is NOT an instance to use text messaging or Email?

a. To change an appointment time
b. To swap a shift
c. A reminder for an appointment
d. To quickly give test results
e. To let a client know you are running late

9) Who can give out information on the phone?

a. The care giver
b. The manager
c. The nurse
d. All of the above
e. b and c

10) What should never be discussed on social media?

a. Workplace politics
b. Clients in the facility
c. How you feel about management
d. How much you dislike your job
e. All of the above
Segment 3 – Verbal communication and Body Language

1) How much of language is made up of non-verbal communication?

a. 10%
b. 38%
c. 52%
d. 76%
e. 93%

2) How many types of communication are there?

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
e. 10

3) How can people use verbal communication?

a. Verbal communication is any words used during face to face contact
b. Verbal communication can happen face to face, telephone, skype
c. Verbal communication is the use of words but not sounds
d. Verbal communication is any words either spoken or written but does not include
body language
e. Verbal communication is any words or sounds used during face to face contact

4) Which of the following is NOT a reason to use minimal encouragers (sounds that are not
a. Show you are listening
b. Encourage your client
c. So you don’t interrupt
d. Avoid answering a question
e. Show you understand

5) What is the term used to describe the emotion or feeling in your voice?
a. Affect
b. Verbal communication
c. Tone
d. Sarcasm
e. Sentiment

6) Using your whole body to communicate is called what?

a. Miming
b. Body language
c. Sign language
d. Exuberant communication
e. Full communication
7) If your cross your arms when talking to someone you are doing what?
a. Being very rude
b. Putting your body in a closed position
c. Putting your body in an open position
d. Putting your body in a defensive position
e. Showing that you are really listening

8) Waving is what type of communication?

a. Gestures
b. Body language
c. Sign language
d. Body position
e. Tactile signing

9) Facial expressions are a part of what?

a. Gestures
b. Sign language
c. Body language
d. Verbal communication
e. Non-effective communication

10) Sitting in a position where you are below a person, looking up is a sign of what?
a. You think they are more powerful than you
b. You think you should give them more power
c. You are weaker than the other person
d. You are showing respect to their Mana
e. You think you are more powerful than them
Segment 4 – Written Language

1) Which of the following is NOT an accepted form of written communication?

a. Policies
b. Emails
c. Text Messages
d. Notes
e. Anything written is written communication

2) When writing a formal letter, what do you need to begin with?

a. Date
b. Greeting
c. Address
d. Subject header
e. Signature

3) When writing a letter, what do you NOT have to help you get your message across?
a. Spell check
b. Emoji’s
c. Body language
d. Edit function
e. Facial expressions

4) When using electronic communication, which of the following is something you should NOT
a. Use jargon
b. Use text language
c. Give private information
d. Give important news
e. All of the above

5) Which of the following is a legal document?

a. Any emails with a client’s name
b. Any emails regardless of content
c. Policy manual
d. Client notes
e. Any written documentation

6) When writing clinical notes, you should only write what?

a. The cares you have done
b. Factual information
c. Your perspective of their overall health for the day
d. What the client has given permission for you to write
e. What needs to happen the following day
7) Notes should be written in what colour?
a. Blue or Black
b. Blue
c. Black
d. Red
e. Any colour is fine

8) Why are policies and procedures created?

a. So the staff are legally bound to behave in a certain way
b. So a health care worker can be disciplined if it is not done the way the manager
c. To give the golden standard to aim for with cares
d. To ensure everyone follows the same rules and guidelines
e. To give the general idea of how things should be done

9) How often are policies reviewed?

a. Every 6 months
b. Every year
c. Every 2 years
d. Every 5 years
e. Every time there is an incident

10) If you think a policy has become outdated, what should you do?
a. Change it
b. Talk to your manager
c. Nothing, it will be reviewed at some stage
d. Ignore it
e. Try the way you think it should be to prove your way is better
Segment 5 – Specialised Languages
1) How many languages are recognised as official languages of New Zealand?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

2) What is sign language?

a. Using your hands to make gestures that form words
b. Another name for lip reading
c. Written signs
d. Using a series of tapping to create words
e. Using facial gestures as a code

3) When using sign language, it is important to remember what?

a. To only use your left hand
b. The signs vary from country to country
c. To only use your right hand
d. To show no emotion on your face
e. Sign language should only be used in emergencies

4) Who uses tactile-signing?

a. People that have hearing impairment
b. People who are deaf
c. People who are blind
d. People who are deaf-blind
e. People who are hearing impaired and cannot use their hands

5) Which of the following is NOT a way of tactile signing?

a. Finger spelling
b. Hand-over-hand signing
c. Adapted written signs
d. On-body signing
e. Lip Reading

6) How do you need to stand for someone who is lip reading?

a. To the left of them
b. To the right of them
c. Looking up to them
d. Facing them
e. In front of them
7) How do you get the attention of someone who has hearing impairment?
a. Make a very loud noise
b. Wave at them
c. Touch them gently
d. Get close to their face
e. Clap

8) What is Braille?
a. A specific form of sign language
b. Raised dots to create characters and words for a person to feel and read
c. Fancy handwriting
d. Where a person puts their hand over someone else’s to feel the signs being gestured
e. Raised handwriting for a person to feel and read

9) How would you find out if a person had specific communication needs?
a. It will be in their care plan
b. The other health care assistants will tell you
c. You would figure it out as you try to interact with the person
d. The client will tell you
e. There will be a sign on their door
Segment 6 – Importance of Listening

1) What is listening well called?

a. Correct listening
b. Passive listening
c. Active listening
d. Total listening
e. Complete listening

2) Fill in the blank: Active listening involves listening and ________?

a. Action
b. Responding
c. Agreeing
d. Being active
e. Caring

3) How many types of active listening is there?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

4) Which type of listening is missing, empathetic listing, informational listening and?

a. Functional listening
b. Critical listening
c. Casual listening
d. Passive listening
e. Focused listening

5) If you are showing that you are interested in what a person is saying, then this shows what?
a. That you care
b. That you agree with them
c. That you are good at your job
d. You are encouraging them to talk more
e. That you think they are worthy of your time

6) What is a good way to continue the communication?

a. Make good eye contact
b. Active listening
c. Nod while they make a point
d. Ask questions
e. Do not interrupt
7) What is the term used when you are checking that you understand what has been
a. Paraphrasing
b. Reflecting Back
c. Active listening
d. a and b
e. b and c

8) What is the term used when you are listening to learn?

a. Critical listening
b. Informational listening
c. Focused listening
d. Empathetic listening
e. Learning listening
Segment 7 – Asking Questions

1) Why should you ask questions?

a. You shouldn’t, you should only respond if a person tells you something
b. To check you have understood something
c. It shows you are interested
d. a and b
e. b and c

2) What is an effective way to show that you are interested in what the person is saying?
a. Say “mmhmm” a lot
b. Nod your head
c. Use follow up questions
d. Let them talk about it for ages
e. Tell them what you know about the topic

3) How can you check you have understood what the person is saying?
a. Ask a few more questions
b. Use paraphrasing
c. Repeat back word for word
d. You will know if you don’t do what is required correctly
e. Get them to repeat what they have said

4) What is the difference between reflecting and paraphrasing?

a. Reflecting goes on to check how the person is feeling, not just checking you
b. Paraphrasing goes on to check how the person is feeling, not just checking you
c. Reflecting is when you repeat back word for word while paraphrasing means you
change it slightly
d. Paraphrasing is when you repeat back word for word while reflecting means you
change is slightly
e. They mean the same thing

5) How many forms do questions come in?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

6) Which style of question shows you are interested in what the person is saying?
a. Paraphrasing
b. Reflecting
c. Closed questions
d. Open questions
e. Descriptive questions
7) Which type of question is the following: Are you in pain?
a. Informative question
b. Open question
c. Closed question
d. Critical question
e. Observational question

8) When are closed questions helpful?

a. When you do not want the person to keep talking
b. When the client is short of breath
c. If they have a condition that makes it challenging to have a conversation
d. When you do not understand the conversation
e. Closed questions are never helpful

9) Which of the following is an example of an open question?

a. Do you want to go to the shops today?
b. Can you get yourself dressed?
c. Would you like to go to your room or the lounge?
d. How did you sleep last night?
e. Do you want the lamb or fish?

10) Which of these questions do you need to ask yourself before asking a question?
a. Is it an appropriate time to ask?
b. Is this an appropriate place to ask?
c. Would I feel comfortable to answer this question?
d. Will my knowing the answer benefit the client?
e. All of the above
Segment 8 – Language Difficulties

1) Which of the following is NOT an aspect of being able to speak professionally?

a. Polite tone of voice
b. Using more formal language
c. Open body language
d. Removing slang words
e. Using technical language

2) What is the name used to describe the body of terms used for a profession?
a. Jargon
b. Paraphrasing
c. Terminology
d. Lingo

3) Who should you not use terminology with?

a. People that do not understand
b. Clients with chronic illness
c. Families of clients
d. Health care assistants who have English as a second language
e. Managers

4) What is the term used to describe words or expressions used by a specific group of people?
a. Terminology
b. Jargon
c. Lingo
d. Paraphrasing
e. Reflection

5) What happens when you are using jargon or terminology with someone who doesn’t
understand it?
a. You are demonstrating you are smarter than them
b. You are excluding them
c. You are embarrassing them
d. You are causing miscommunication
e. You are helping them to learn through emersion

6) No matter who you are speaking to, you must always speak what?
a. The truth
b. With respect
c. English
d. With correct terminology
e. How you are most comfortable
7) For anyone that has trouble with communication, you need to ensure what?
a. You have an interpreter
b. You have paper and pen to write for them
c. You make extra time for their cares
d. You speak slowly and clearly
e. You only use simple words

8) When working with someone who has trouble speaking, it is helpful to do what?
a. Guess what they are trying to say
b. Speak for them
c. Give them more time to speak
d. Teach them another form of communication
e. All of the above
Segment 9 – Reporting

1) How many ways of reporting are there?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

2) How can a verbal report be done?

a. Face to Face or on the phone
b. Face to Face only
c. To a board or panel of people
d. At meetings
e. All reports should be written

3) Fill in the blank: Verbal reports can be about a clients cares, their health or _________?
a. Finances
b. Complaints
c. Concerns
d. The facility
e. Medicine

4) Who would you NOT give a verbal report to?

a. The family of the client
b. The manager of the facility
c. Other health care assistants
d. Health professions
e. Health and Disability Commission

5) Why do you need to give a verbal report?

a. Speed, convenience, saves having to write
b. Effective Communication, saves having to write, helps with remembering
c. Effective communication, speed, helps with remembering
d. Convenience, helps with remembering, Saves having to write
e. Saves having to write, Speed, Effective communication

6) Scenario: You are walking with a client and they faint and hit their head, what type of report
do you need to do?
a. You would give the person first aid then write an incident report
b. You would give the person first aid, verbally report to nurse and other assistants
that may be helping and write an incident report afterwards
c. You would be giving a verbal report to anyone who comes to help and to the nurse
d. You would be talking to people who come to help but this is not considered a report,
you would do an incident report later
e. You just need to give first aid in this instance, there are no reports required as long
as it is documented in the clients notes
7) Which one of the following is NOT a written report?
a. Emailing a health professional about a client
b. Writing up a clients’ daily notes
c. Writing up an incident report
d. Writing in a maintenance log
e. This are all written reports

8) How soon after an incident should you write a report?

a. Within 24 hours of the event
b. At the end of your shift
c. Within 5 hours of the event happening
d. As soon as practical after the event
e. You should start writing as things happen

9) Written reports ensure effective communication and are what?

a. Legally required
b. Highly recommended
c. Helpful for the future
d. Are required for incidents only
e. Are time consuming

10) When writing a report, what should you write?

a. Everything you can remember including the perceptions of any witnesses
b. Both factual information and subjective information
c. All the information needs to be factual
d. Anything the client says
e. Anything you think may be relevant
1 Report Includes breakdown of Machinery Trouble
2 It discusses in a small group on original research seminar
3 Which of this report raised annually Confidential
4 why are these rules about how to communicate it is to make sure every
one understand each
5 In presentation, the idea can be presented in the order Chrinological,Sequencial,a
ny sensible order
6 In third party negotiation, a third part with the authority to arbitrator
dictate an agrement known as
7 which of the following statement is true of the use of You should focus eye
presentation visuals contact on the visual so
your audience will do like
8 The following in the best tool to communicate new News letter
information about the organization whether it is about the
product or service
9 which of these should be avoided in pre listening analysis Prejudices
10 which of these arevital for any organization Group discussion
11 according to berne, we cannot directly observe the ego states Life Position
but we can observe which help in infering which states
is operating in an
12 This is the best approach in negotiation win win approach
13 combination of assumptions about one self and anotther
person is called
14 when should never be discussed on social media all of the All of the above
above (Workplace politics,clients
in the facility, how you
feel about management)
15 it is the stratgey of winning against other party win win approach of
16 which of these reports contains information of a route nature Periodic report
17 a male friend asked for advice on how he should dress to give
a speech to a professionally engineering organization, annual
awards banquet to be held in a Down town hotel, which of
the following would be your best suggestion
18 which of these qualities are important in a group discussion Emotional stability
19 a cross training cultural training program might include which Communication
of the following Technique,Busness
20 using your whole body to communicate is called what Body Language
21 you can set the list of do's and don't by using Bullets
22 the group discussion evaluate the candiate ability to confer with others on a
given subject
23 minutes books are the books of the company Statutory
24 the gfollowing may become failure in business Chatbox
communication as it helps in interacting with the applicant
and employees through automation
25 Blogs or web pages are web pages of
short,frequently updated
postings by an individual
that are arranged
26 which of these are not type of lsitening None of these
27 talkings comes under which tyoe of communication Verbal
28 the style adopted for a small but a knowledgeables bussiness Narrative Style
29 this is the most complex type of transaction Ulterior
30 a key barrier to good cross cultural relations is the assumption Ethnocentrism
that the ways of ones culture ar the best ways of doing things
31 how can a person correctly communicate Speaking, Text
32 which of these must never be a basis for a technical replies Personal prejudices
33 the term of refernce for producing a specific report are given Organization
by the
34 the mailing app commonly use in business are Gmail
35 is a monitor of a group discussion moderator
36 the envelope indicated that this was but in fact there An enclosure
was only a letter inside
37 formal reports are not classified into Oral
38 which of these report is written before starting new projects A feasibility report
39 what is the term used to describe the emotions or feeling in Tone
your voice
40 why is an agenda is improtant ensures important topics
are covered
41 messages that are sent by sub ordinates to supervisor Upwards Communication
42 the considerable variations between american and chinese in para language
the use of silence during meeting is an aspect of
43 which of these should be avoided to effective listening
44 which of the social media platform that has maximum users Facebook
45 which is not the quality of a good presentor All of the above
46 it is formal, detached, and impersonal Report writing
47 your relationship partner in under a lot of stress lately and All of the above
hlpless, and burst of anger are begins to troule you greatly,
which of the following are waste manages the anger of your
48 which of the folowing is not true about mono chronic cultures People change plan
49 these are used as visual aids in the presentation
50 a resume summaries information related to a jobs interprets the resume in
requiement the application letter terms of employer
51 jena is a new college a one page format Is
typically recommended
for both documents
52 including complete information about your references on a
53 in resentation the ideas can be presened in the order All
54 the concept of urban legends a stories
55 eric berne developed he concept and paradigms
of transactional analysis in
the late 1950s
56 information and analytical reports are transformational
57 which of the given statement is not true about transactional
58 which of these is not mentioned a progress report Amout of work left
59 before the meeting is concluded there must be a Summary
60 in developing the plan for a persusive message try to predict the reader's
61 the most important reason for a team to utilize agenda and participants know what is
minutes is that expected of them and can
track, follow up, and
ensure implementation of
decisions made in
previous meetings.
62 automated mailing list administrator that allow for easy Listservs
subscription,subcription cancellation,and sending of emails to
subscribers on the list are called
63 what needs to be complete in order to have effective Both the sending and
communication receiving of the message
64 what is communication without words Non- verbal
65 form letters are also known as persuasive sales letters
66 the applications that are used for video conferencing Hangout,skype,facetime
67 which of these is not a quality of a good debate interrupting their
opponent's speech
68 stories can be used by business leaders effective ways
69 annual report of all public and private companies must have CEO's Speech
70 what are two parts of commmunications When someone says
something, and other
person has understood
71 report must contain natural information Formal Report
72 Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving Focus on the
cross-cultural relations? individual,Develop cultural
sensitivity,Participate in
diversity Training
74 which of these is based on effective listening Note Talking
75 the central appeal in a persuasive letter Emphasizes how the
Reader will benefit from
the Request
76 Disseminating news about the organisation to the Organisational
stakeholders, media etc is communication
77 what percentage pf share holder is needed to pass social Not less then 75%
78 use narrative style of presentation with anecdotes if the Group is small and
79 the latest section in the corporate reports is the inclusion of Audit Report
80 Disseminating news about the organisation to the Organisational
stakeholders, media etc is communication
81 An employer is likely to interpret a writing style or You pay little attention to
punctuation error on your résumé or letter of application as detail and do your work
an indication that.. hastily,You have
shortcomings in basic
education,You lack pride
and respect
82 When you are talking directly to a person and you can see Face to Face
them, This is called communication
83 A report may be written by filling in a Blank form Non Formal
84 Which of these is not a type of text for reading?? Chats
85 What is verbal communication When someone is talking
and someone else is
86 Using communication skills effectively will help you to All of the above
87 Social network sites use which media for communication All of the above
88 Which of these is not a type of listening Musical listening
89 Facial Expressions,Posture and eye contact all are skills in Non verbal
91 As per the research, on LinkedIn you may have how many 1
posts per day
92 The 5 W's and 1 H stand for: Who, What,When,
Where,Why, how
93 If you are speaking with someone who has a hearing Make sure you face them
impairment, what should you do? when you are talking
94 Which of the following statement is true for an oral report? Lacks authenticity
95 What are the two channels of communication Formal and Informal
96 As per the research, on Instagram you may have how many 1 or 2
posts per day?
97 When employees are encouraged to voice their opinion and Upward Communication
share their views it is called:
98 Most of our waking time goes in … Hearing
99 If you mention your Achievements, Honours, Awards etc in It gives a positive
your CV impression of our
personality and your
candidature becomes
100 The assumptions of Transactional Analysis are All of these
101 Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a making a sweeping glance
presentation involves of audience from left to
the right and front to back
of the room
102 The first objective in a group discussion is to catch the group's
103 Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes Age of chairman
104 Professionally written Job Application Increase chances that
Recruiter will open your
resume to read
105 The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best peers
when he/she is with …
106 A well drafted professional resume can All of these
107 Transactions in Transactional Analysis means Interpersonal interactions
between ego states of
parent, adult and child
108 What percentage of a person's communication is of non- 93
verbal nature
109 In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are Indented
110 A written statement that you prepare specially for a person or Memo
committee in order to give them information about a
particular matter, it is called a:
111 Good listeners concentrate on: the speakers main thought
112 In a complete-block style, all parts of the letter, except the Left margin
printed letter head, are aligned with the:
113 Which report presents facts pertinent to an issue or a Informative
114 As per the research, on Facebook you may have how many 1
posts per day?
115 Which of these is not an element of non-verbal written words
116 Giving non-verbal messages is … spontaneous
117 What forms the basis of non-verbal communication? Body language nd
expression without words
118 When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is Verbal and body language
being used?
119 Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors. Upward communication
120 Kinesics includes … All of these
121 A letter can be Perosnal & amp; Business
122 which report is prepared on a single or special occasion Special report
123 A written draft that has a stamp of authority and has to be order
accepted is a:
124 Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of Emotional
the speaker o
125 Feed back to the communication sent can be Can be oral,written or
126 As per the research, on Twitter you may have how many 15
tweets per day?
127 helps the reader to search and locate List of References
relevant information in the original source
128 A Good Resume prominently shows All of these
129 In business communication, it is useful to have … All of these
130 To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is necessary
131 The official record of the meeting is called … minutes
132 Subject Line of an email sent to a recruiter for a position, Position applied for
should cover
133 Assuming that you wanted to start a good working Use nonverbal
relationship with a person from a high-context culture, which communication channels
of the following would be an e to get your message
across and use body
language extensively to
134 To whom should a presentation be aimed? The entire audience
135 It is a long-term process, not a one-time event. Negotiation
136 The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to confer with others
137 What sort of Words or language should be used in a Job Positive words and
Application progressive language
138 Which of the following is not a characteristic of con Independent parties
139 Conflict is All of these
140 A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a specific
person shares factual information with an audience
141 Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for Use commonly accepted
overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers? business jargons
142 The participants of a board meeting are… members and directors
143 A cross training cultural training program might include which All of the above.
of the following?
144 The negotiation process has three stages. Which one of the Strategy confirmation
following is NOT a stage?
145 In the group discussion, it is most important to … improve your argument
146 The photograph on your Resume should be Coloured professional
photograph in formal
dress like business suit
and tie
147 Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving All of thes
cross-cultural relations?
148 Distributive bargaining involves: Limited amount of
resources and a short
149 When someone writes rude complaint letter you must: Reply calmly
150 The communication that is meant for all employees across Management
various levels of business units/department is called: Communication
151 Which step in the listening process involves focusing on a selecting
particular sound or message
152 If someone has a trouble speaking, for example had a stroke, Allow them time to
what should you do? answer
153 Which report is to be prepared and presented according to Statutory Report
the form and procedure laid down by law?
154 The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the: Main Body
155 What are the number of components of Communication? 6
156 A writer must not convey information with Randomness
157 A business letter is written to achieve goals like: All of these
158 Corporate communication is considered successful when it: provokes changes in
knowledge, attitude and
behaviour of employees
159 The interpretation of non-verbal communication, may differ culture
due to difference in…
160 Listening,like speaking,reading and writing is a…. skill
161 Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills fakeness
162 refers to the awareness of the sound of another Hearing
person talking, without really processing what is being said
163 Non-verbal communication involves … . all the above
164 Positive signals are body signals that make you look relaxed
165 Ria was very upset on receiving a complaint from customer Calm down and reply after
some time
166 While addressing the Job Application one should always Name, Designation,
mention Company Name and
Address of the addressee
167 In win-win approach, it is Vs that We, problem
brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue
168 A press report refers to … reports in newspapers
169 To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it Dark text on a light
is preferable to use: background
170 All of the following are ways of improving Cross-cultural Focus on groups
relations except:
171 Members of a society who value are more Individualism
concerned with their careers than with the good of the
172 To make a presentation effective,you should use: a simple and active form
of sentences
173 How a Recruiter can quickly get to know the purpose of mail / Through Subject Line
letter that you have send?
174 A Job Application is a One page Application for
Job along with resume
175 Members of a society who value are more Individualism
concerned with their careers than with the good of the
176 Which of the below options is the name of the organization
177 Which of the following characteristics would likely be All of these
included in a training program that is designed to teach
individuals about diversity in organization?
178 The Objective Statement of your resume should be What is your aim of
corporate life and what
you want to achieve
during your professional
179 The major contribution of Transactional Analysis is based on All of these
published ‘psychological’ works of
180 Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict? Independent parties
181 The Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from Parents or Parent Ego State
parent figures are known as
182 Which of the below options is the first to be mentioned in a name of the organization
183 While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you Should mention both
should Professional and Academy
qualifications in order of
latest one of highest one
on top

184 During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the all the above
following parameters
185 Memo is derived from the latin word that means: memorare
186 A business letter is written to achieve goals lik e: All of the above
187 contains the date of submission, the name A forwarding letter
and designation of the writer and the name of the authority
188 As per the research, on Pinterest you may have how many 11
pins per day
189 Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Frustrated
Rita probably feels:
190 The following are valid conclusions,based on research,about Illustrator come natarally
gesture and culture to individuals from all
191 What makes discussion boards a vital form of mass Their format and
communication on the internet asynchronous nature.
192 interpretative reports are also known as Recommendation Report
193 web 2.0 refers to website that emphasize user-generated
content, ease of use,
participatory culture and
interoperability for end
194 As the defination of social media develops, what is the one The intersection btwn
underlying element technology, social
interaction and sharing
195 In which of these types of listening, does the listener feel
grateful Appreciative Listening
196 It gives a chance to all participnts to present their views and Discussion
defend their arguments
197 In ............. reports, line graph are used to show particular Annual
trends over a period of time
198 Which of these is not a part of a report Gender Report Writing
199 Which of the following are recommended during delivery of a Watch the audience for
presentation feedback and make
appropriate adjustments
in the length and content
of your speech
200 This is a medium for encapsulating and presenting the major Cover Letter
qualifications to capture reader's attention
201 According to Berne, we cannot directly observe the ego states Life Position
but we can observe.......... which helps in inferring which
states is operating in an individual
202 Which of these reports are written for recording information Routine Reports
203 The ........... of business letter is called layout All of these (body content,
204 Informational and analytical reports are Transformational
205 the glossary is the list of technical terms used in
the report
206 Which of the following statements is true of the use of Too many visuals can
presentation visuals overwhelm, bore abd tire
the audience
207 The latest setion in the corporate reports is the inclusion of Audit Report
208 Unsolicited email advertising is known as Spam
209 What is the term for the set of behaviours and task number of Group Roles
the group is expected perform because he or she is a member
of the group
210 .................. is the lat step of the listening process Responding
211 letters that please the reciever Good-News Letter
212 Which of these should the listener be able to make
connections between different segments Listening to structured
213 Which of the following is not one of the reason that language Assuming that others use
frequently causes miscommunication during international similar reasoning process
business situations
214 Which of these is usually written in a form of a memorandum Informal Reports
215 Who makes sure the meeting is functioning correctly? Chairperson
216 How many references are usually given in a resume 2
217 Which of the given statement are true about ego states All of these
218 Which of these should be avoided in pre listening analysis Prejudice
219 All

In presentation the ideas can be presented in the order

220 In social media, what type of marketing has become Word-of-mouth, or buzz
important for advertisers? marketing.
221 Which of these is based on effective listening Note Taking
222 A letter of application or application email message ideally A Specific Individual
should be addressed to
223 The terms of reference for producing a specific report are organization
given by the:
224 Which of the statement is correct hashtag symbol (#) is used All of these
in Twitter
225 a presenter can reach to large or specific group of viewers of webinar
remote locations through
226 In block text format you do not each paragraph Indent
227 The following rules are appropriate for dealing with touch Assume a touch violation
violations is accidental when it first
occurs unless it is very
obviously purposeful. You
don't need to be
hypersensitive. Repeat
offenders require obvious
nonverbal rejection. There
is no need to apologize to
a touch violator for
addressing the violation.
They should apologize.
228 which of these is not a type of listening None of these (Other
options are appreciative,
superficial, focussed).
Listening can be of six
types- superficial listening,
appreciative listening,
focused listening,
evaluative listening,
attentive listening and
empathetic listening.
229 Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process? confidence
230 Classifying content in social media happens through an Tagging
activity such as
231 Rohan is sending a resume to an advertising agency that has I would appreciate an
advertised for a copywriter in his local newspaper. Which of opportunity
the following make the best closing sentence for the
application letter
232 which of these reports involves the checking of a piece of Inspection Report
equipment to see if it's still in working condition
233 Listening in conversational
In which of these does the listener pick up special features of interaction
the speech
234 Which of these reports contains information of a routine Periodic Reports
235 An impromptu speech demands the manager has
236 The conclusion or ending paragraph should bring the Businesslike
communication to a polite and close
237 Which of these is not an advantage of a virtual team Conflict can be resolved
easily using face-to-face
238 A well organised talk is a talk Structured
1. Which of these types of listening is followed by skilled listeners?
Evaluative listening

2. Which of these reports provide information without any evaluation?

Informational reports

3. Social media audiences differ from those of traditional media because:

Traditional media audiences consume material created for them, whereas
social media audiences either dictate the type of product they want or bypass
traditional producers to find products more suitable to their particular needs or




1 This stage covers a substansive part of dynamic transaction interaction stage
2 This situation provide you with an opportunity to help another
person in defining achievable goals problem solving
3 Most intimate relationships are formed in___ form of dynamic
comminication dialogue
Goals of dynamic interactions are accomplished in
interaction stage
5 intervview situation that breaks a pre concieved line of
information or argument so that the other person gets
distracted creating stress
The word communication is derived from
Communication is a __ word
which of these is a main element of non-verbal communication The volume and posture of
the speaker
9 which of these is not an main element of non-verbal
communication name of the speaker
10 repeating, conflicting,
non-verbal and verbal communications are interconnected in complementing,
which of the following ways?? substituting, regulating and
kineses is a study of___ physical body movements
for communications
12 Name the term which describes an emotions or feelings in your
voice Tone
13 what type of communiction is noddling of the head right and
left gesture
which of these is not a form of non-verbal comunication
15 When you are pretend to listen without actually being invloved
on listening,it is called___ mock listening
16 Evaluative listening is successful when you__ all of the above
__ is the first step in the process of listening
Stop Talking
18 In listening the listener puts himself in the place of the speaker empathetic
In__ listening, the listener lack depth
20 if you are involved too much in your own thougts,it may results
in ___ Poor listening
21 The trait of ___ in you will enhance the process of listening empathy
22 when you are speaker you should ensure that the audience
finds your talk___ Valable,Interesting,clear
23 ___ is barrier in listening which occurs when the harsh
language of the speaker offends the listener Emotional Noise
A structural talk is a well___ talk

Listening and hearing refer to___ mental and

26 the listener feels grateful in____listening appreciative listening
27 ___ is not a step in the listening process misinterpreting
28 Maintaining eye
conatcs,noddling and
mentioned the behavior which is part of active listening
making eye contact,asking
for clarification
29 an average person spemds about__percentage of each day in
the activity of listening 65
30 as an empathetic listener, it s important that you consider the
message from the point of view of the audience
to a large extend,listening depends on a persons__
Desire to know
32 choose which of these factors is not a detrrent to the process
of listening?? confidence
name of the best option which is is based on effective listening
Note taking
34 which type of comunication acts like a 'safety valve' Upward communication
35 informal communication is also called Grapevine
36 Thoughts ,words and
communication is sunchronization of
37 external and internal
context refers to
38 when you transfer the ideas into a mesag,the prcess is called encoding
39 which medium is effective when we must send the message
which is formal Telephonic
when the reciever recieves the message, he/she
decodes it
41 Flows downward,flows
through many levels,helps
a downward communication
employes to know
important policies
the characteristic of a single-strand chains are
A tells B and so on
43 Mnager have open dor
informal communication can be made effectively if
44 A business letter should Generate ill-will
45 neither reply nor make a
as per the chinese proverb.while writing we should promise when angry or
46 keepingn the interests and
You centric approach means
needs of readers in mind
identify which of the following sentences show consideration you will achive success
and courtesy after completing the
which of the following statement is direct and concise
49 for wrting well in any language all of the above
which of the following are the forms of a business
the format/style used nowadays in business writing is
the complete-block style
Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of
the speaker
What sort of Words or language should be used in a Job Positive words and
Application progressive language

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