Ch. 15 Test 3..

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Class: Pre-Medical (P-II) Test: 3rd Chap# 15 Subject: Biology Name:

1. Mark the Correct Option.
1) Urea is the detoxify form of ammonia which can be retained more in the body & eliminated with ………
quantity of water as compared to ammonia:
1 2 3 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 10 10 10
2) The outer reddish part of the kidney is called:
(A) Medulla (B) Hilum (C) Cortex (D) Pyramids
3) Urine is temporarily stored in the ………. Part of the human urinary system:
(A) Ureter (B) Gall bladder (C) Urinary bladder (D) Pelvis
4) The emptying of urinary bladder is called:
(A) Excretion (B) Secretion (C) Micturition (D) A & B
5) The tubular epithelium secretes substances to the lumen:
(A) Cl (B) Mg (C) H (D) None of these
6) Juxtamedullary nephrons are used for the production of:
(A) Dilute urine (B) Concentrated urine (C) Excessive urine (D) None of these
7) Descending loop of Henle is impermeable for:
(A) Ions (Na, K, Cl) (B) Water (C) All Useful Materials (D) A & B
8) Mammalian kidney including human is adopted to conserve water by reabsorption?
(A) 99.9% (B) 99.5% (C) 20% (D) 1%
9) The interstitial fluid of kidney is gradually concentrated from cortical to medullary part due to:
(A) Ammonia (B) Urea (C) Counter current multiplier (D) B & C
10) ADH hormone is released by the:
(A) Posterior PL (B) Adrenal cortex (C) Collecting duct (D) Ascending limb/thick loop
11) Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of:
(A) Nucleic acid (B) Hemoglobin (C) Creatine (D) Amino Acids
12) Among vertebrate’s Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous waste of birds and:
(A) Amphibians (B) Reptiles (C) Mammals (D) Fishes
13) ADH acts to transport water actively back to the kidney from:
(A) Loop of Henle (B) PCT (C) DCT (D) Ascending limb/thick loop
14) Protein maintaining the osmotic balance of blood:
(A) Prothrombin (B) Albumin (C) Fibrinogen (D) A & C
15) Which one of the following is more toxic nitrogenous waste?
(A)Urea (B) Ammonia (C) Uric acid (D) Hypoxanthine
2. Attempt any Six (06) Short Questions:
1) What are the main characteristics of advance kidneys?
2) What is ornithine cycle/ urea cycle?
3) What is nephron? Name its types.
4) Differentiate between cortical & juxtamedullary nephron/
5) Differentiate between peritubular capillaries & vasa recta.
6) Differentiate between afferent & efferent arterioles.
7) Why filtration occurs in glomerular part of the nephron?
8) What is glomerular filtrate? What does it contain?
9) Why all kind useful materials are reabsorbed through proximal convoluted tubules?
10) Why the concertation of interstitial fluid is gradually increases from cortical to medullary region?
11) What is counter current multiplier?
12) What is the role of aldosterone & ADH?
13) How kidney act as an osmoregulatory organ?
3. Attempt any one (01) Long Question.
i) Write a brief note on liver as a homeostatic organ.
ii) Define urinary system. Explain human urinary system with labelled diagram.
iii) What is nephron? Explain its structure and function (Urine formation).

Sir Israr Khattak

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