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Marfasran Hendrizan

Visiting Researcher/BRIN Indonesia

Nantes, 12 December 2023
• Introduction
• Research Area
• Methods
• Indonesian Throughflow and Hydroclimate variability during the
last deglaciation – the past 25,000 years
• Current and future projects – the past 50,000 years (Sejour
Scientifique de Haut Niveau (SSHN) and Marie Curie Post doc
project, Nantes Univ. project 2023
• Conclusion


~15000 people (Researcher + Administrator)
Pusat Riset Iklim dan Atmosfer

Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, responsible for Research Focus
research, assesment, inovation and application related to
Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. Climate Sciences

Paleoclimate and Paleo environment, land-sea-air interaction,

climate dynamics, climate change, urban and
Atmospheric Sciences Agricultural climate model, and climate prediction.
Atmospheric dynamics, Atmospheric physics,
Atmospheric chemistry, Ozon and Air quality, Hydrometeorology,
Atmospheric modeling, Vertical coupling and interaction lower
and upper atmosphere
Application of Atmospheric and Climate

Application for agriculture, climate change strategy,

Observation technology for Climate and Atmosphere hydrometeorology disaster, coastal management, marine
fisheries, renewable energy, etc
Observation technology based on insitu measurement,
Radar, Lidar, satellite, drone, airbone etc. Integrated monitoring

Why do we need paleoclimate and paleoceanography?

IPCC, 2021
Archive and Proxy

Rudiman, 2010 7
Thermohaline Circulation

Indonesian Throughflow

Research Area

Gordon, 2005

Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
• Major source of heat and freshwater

• Location of deep convection and heavy rainfall

• SST changes in the IPWP: changes of Hadley

Circulation, Walker Circulation, uptake heat in
thermocline depth trough Indonesian

Hadley Circulation

Walker Circulation Periodicity: 2-7 years

Indonesian Throughflow Intensity in past, present, and future

Gordon, 2005 Modification Hendrizan et al.,2017; 2023, Peng et al 2023

Weakening of Gulf Stream

Impact of Indonesian Throughflow slowdown

Wang, 2019

Piecuch and Beal, 2023 14

El Nino El Nino 2004 Seasonal La Nina (2010)

Indonesian Throughflow

Gordon et al., 2019; Sprintall et al., 2019

Impact on the Indian Ocean during boreal winter monsoon



Gordon, 2005
How did the ITF fluctuate during Sunda Shelf low sea level rise?

17 Sathiamurthy and Voris, 2006

Past sea level reconstruction and future predictions :
Red: RCP 8.5
Blue: RCP 2.6


Fleming et al., 1998

• Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; ~18 to 14.7 thousand years ago (ka)

• Younger Dryas cooling (YD; 12.9 to 11.7 ka).

What happened to ITF during YD and HS?

Hydrology changes in the Tropics during HS1 and YD

Lo et al., 2014 19
Simulated precipitation anomalies across tropical domain

ITCZ southward

ITCZ southward

Du et al., 2023 20

Foraminifera and marine sediment

• Single-celled marine plankton that live in the open ocean

• Forams have inhabited the Earth’s oceans since at least
the Cambrian (>500 million years ago)
• Shell compose of calcite (CaCO3) Schmiedl, 2019

d18O and Mg/Ca Foraminifera

Mg/Ca=0.38(±0.02) exp 0.09(±0.03)T

Salinity, temperature, ice volume (sea level)

X Ray Fluorescence
Wavelength => characteristic elements
Intensity => magnitude elements Log (Zr/Rb): current strength
Zr => heavy mineral
Rb => light mineral

Log (Ti/Al): sediment transport

Al => transported seaward in fine grained
Ti => deposited close to river mouth

Log (K/Ti) and Log (K/Al): erosion

K => common in illite clay
Ti,Al => common in kaolinite clay from areas intense tropical weathering

Log (K/Rb): chemical weathering

smaller radius and greater bonding force of K than Rb
Research question: Indonesian
Throughflow and Hydroclimate
variability during the last

Makassar Strait

• The main branch of ITF constitutes

around 80% of water transfer.
• It varies in width from 100 to 200 km
and is ~600 km in length.
• It formed in the middle Eocene,
when rifting and seafloor spreading
was initiated.

Brackenridge et al., 2020 26

Bathymetry and Sediment Deposit of Makassar Strait

Brackenridge et al., 2020

Research Sites


Shallow Seismic (Subbottom Profile)

Kuhnt dkk., 2011 28

~ 100cm/ka

Hendrizan et al., 2017

How was the ITF intensity during Northern Hemisphere cooling?

Hendrizan et al., 2017

• Increased precipitation
during the Bølling-
Allerød (B/A) and early
• Warmer (~1.5°C) and
more saline surface
waters (reduction 0.4‰)
of the Indonesian
Throughflow (ITF)
surface waters during
the Younger Dryas (YD)

Hendrizan et al., 2017

Summary SO217-18517
• Slowdown of the ITF during the YD
• Decrease winnowing as evidence of
weakening thermocline ITF flow (XRF data)
• Warmer and more saline surface waters of
the ITF (Foraminifera data)
Hypothesis: Forcing of the ITF slowdown
during the YD was weakening of AMOC

=> more information needed: Lack of the ITF

intensity during the Heinrich Stadials?
Age Model SO217-18522

~ 40cm/ka

Relationship between terrestrial transport and ITF intensity

=> XRF data

Reduced terrestrial transport from Borneo

Reduced ITF intensity during HS’s and YD

Hendrizan et al., 2023 35

Composite Temperature and Salinity

Warmer and more saline surface

waters of the Indonesian
Throughflow (ITF) during the YD
and HS’s
Southward Shift of the ITCZ: Increase seasonality in
Borneo/Kalimantan during HS1 and YD

A decrease of δ13CFA and C4 biomass (herb pollen): intensified tropical forest

Seasonality can increase when dry seasons or dry years during El Niño years

increased seasonality could be related to diferences in local insolation at latitudes

3°N and 3°S

Hendrizan et al., 2023 37

Summary SO217-18522
• Slowdown of the ITF during the YD and the
• Dryer climate in the northeastern Borneo
• Warmer and saline water during the ITF
slowdown =>foraminifera
• Increase seasonality in Borneo/Kalimantan
during HS1 and YD due to shifted of the

Ongoing project
Age Model TR1926B

~ 15cm/ka

Sejour Scientifique de Haut Niveau (SSHN) and visiting

professorship program, Nantes Univ. project 2023 39
G. ruber sensu lato (s.l)

G. ruber sensu stricto (s.s)

River runoff signal in site TR1926b SST variability in the Makassar Strait
~ 1°C

Summary TR1926B
• Warming surface water in the site area
during the HS1 and YD
• Record Nd/Ca and Mn/Ca foraminifera
and XRF reflect river runoff proxy over the
last 25,000 kyr
• TR1926B SST record => 1°C warmer
compare to others in the Makassar Strait
more information needed: Lack of salinity
record during the HS1and YD?
Need additional radiocarbon dating in the
last deglaciation period

• XRF records, sortable silt data and increased sedimentation rates: decreased
winnowing =>Slowdown of the ITF during HS1 and YD.
• Hypothesis => Decline in ITF intensity: slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the HS1 and YD.
• Weakening of the tropical convection => a southward shift of ITCZ => agree
with previous records and simulated precipitation during HS1 and YD
• the main forcing of the ITF weakening during the period of AMOC slowdown
particularly during the HS1 and the YD => open question
• Links between weakening of the ITF, southward shift of the ITCZ, and
ENSO/IOD changes in the tropical area since the last 25 kyr => need further
• Hopefully => I can come back to LPG NEXT YEAR


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