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Mod 13 – Radar – Revision Questions – Part 1

1. Which type of radar works on a principle of stimulate and response?

a. A Weather RADAR
b. Doppler
c. ATC Transponder

2. Which of the following is not a form of RADAR wave transmission?

a. Pulsed

3. The High power RF pulses in a RADAR’s transmission are created by:

a. The Master Timing Unit
b. The modulator
c. The Transmitter Oscillator

4. The period of time that the transmitter is switched on during transmission is the
a. Pulse Width (TD)
b. Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF)
c. Pulse Recurrence Period (PRP)

5. Which part of the RADAR transmitter determines the PRF of the output?
a. The Magnetron
b. The Modulator
c. The Master Timing Unit

6. Calculate the PRP of a RADAR transmission if the PRF is 500 Pulses per second
a. 2 seconds
b. 2 x 10-6 seconds
c. 2 milliseconds

7. What is known as the ratio of TD to PRP?

a. The Peak Power (Pm)
b. Duty Cycle
c. Pulse Recurrence Frequency (PRF)

8. Which of the following is a formula to calculate the mean power of a transmitted RADAR pulse?
a. Pm = PA / (TD x PRF)
b. PA = Pm x Duty factor
c. P = V2 / R

9. If a RADAR transmits a peak power of 150 Watts with a pulse duration of 5 milliseconds at a PRF of 100 PPS,
the mean power is:
a. 75W
b. 75000W
c. 7.5W

10. If a RADAR uses a common aerial for the Transmitter and Receiver, the switch used to connect and
disconnect the transmitted and received pulses is called the:
a. Radar Switcher
b. Duplexer
c. Multiplexer
11. The speed of radio waves is:
a. 3 x 106 metres per second
b. 162,000 nautical miles per second
c. 6.18 x 10-6 metres per second

12. A transmitted radar pulse travels 2 nautical miles before being totally absorbed, how long did it take to
travel that distance?
a. 12.36 micro-seconds
b. 6.18 milli-seconds
c. 24.52 nano-seconds

13. Unwanted echoes that are displayed on the radar display are known as:
a. Rubbish
b. Target characteristics
c. Clutter

14. WRT Radar transmissions, if the peak power is increased by a factor of 16. The maximum range will be:
a. Increased by a factor of 4
b. Doubled
c. Halved

15. WRT Radar receivers, if its reception bandwidth is narrowed:

a. The sensitivity will increase
b. It will not pick up weak signals
c. The more noise it will pick up

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