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Kingdom Hearts D20


"I can feel the power of my heart flowing through my veins!!"

- Riksas, Overdrive Knight

A warrior, like anyone, can rise from nothingness. Training and heart, these two
elements grant him powers beyond normal boundaries. A warrior with a blade, attached
to a strong heart, able to call upon its inner strength to prove his worthiness, to fight for
those things he truly believes are right. This and more describes an overdrive knight,
one who perfects both his heart and technique during the pass of the years, bonding with
people and showing them hope.
One great feature of the overdrive knight is its versatility. In melee combat, your drive
blade makes you roughly comparable at first to rogue, and your ability only improves
from there. You gain some minor spellcasting ability, mostly focusing on damage
dealing and cure spells. However, you'll start to truly shine when you learn to use the
key ability of this class: the Drive.
When you use a drive, you gain power in a specific area, increasing your melee ability,
spellcasting ability, or maybe both for a short time.
Your drive blade, spells, and drives themselves all become stronger as you level,
allowing you to assume one or two roles more exclusively once you reach higher levels.
Abilities: Charisma determines the power of your spellcasting ability, and also grants
your drives greater duration. For the melee aspect of your ability, Strength is very
important, especially since you doesn't have the training of a fighter or similar full-on
melee combatant. Dexterity will improve AC, which is otherwise limited to light armor,
and Constitution will give you more staying power.
Races: As becoming an overdrive knight is a matter of destiny, it comes as no surprise
that humans, being creatures of destiny and also belonging to no one culture or god, are
often the ones called to this path. Half-elves are also occasionally called as well, in
addition to their full-blooded elven parents. Half-orcs generally lack the incredible
strength of character to follow this path; however, the half-orc overdrive knight is
certainly a formidable opponent. In the end, however, the universe chooses who it will
and its decisions are often strange, thus, anyone from any race or culture may become
overdrive knights. Even overdrive knights from races generally considered paragons of
evil, such as the Drow, are not entirely unheard of.
Alignment: The Overdrive Knight is always a strong force for the good of everyone. He
loves helping people any way he can, as long as he can be sure that his aid won't go
toward something harmful. Thus, he can be of any nonevil alignment.
Starting Gold: 4d4x10 gp.
Starting Age: As Sorcerer.
Table: The Overdrive Knight Hit Die: d8
Level BAB FS RS WS Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Summon Drive Blade
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Weapon Focus (Drive Blade)
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Free Draw
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 +1 drive blade
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Improved Drive Blade, Overdrive:
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Drive blade enhancement +1
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Drive Points 2
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 +2 drive blade, Drive Boost: Courage
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Drive: Perception
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Drive Blade enhancement +2
11th +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 Greater Drive Blade, Drive Points 3
12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 +3 drive blade, Form Boost:
13th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Drive: Magna
14th +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 Drive Blade enhancement +3
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Drive Points 4
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 +4 drive blade, Form Boost: Magna
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Drive: Ulterior, Ulterior Drive Blade
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Drive Blade Enhancement +4
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Tireless Overdrive, Drive Points 5
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 +5 drive blade, Form
Boost: Ulterior

Level Spell Points/Day Maximum Spell Level Known

1 0* 1st
2 1 1st
3 2 1st
4 4 1st
5 5 2nd
6 8 2nd
7 13 2nd
8 16 2nd
9 21 3rd
10 28 3rd
11 33 3rd
12 40 3rd
13 45 4th
14 52 4th
15 61 4th
16 68 4th
17 75 5th
18 84 5th
19 91 5th
20 100 5th
*The overdrive knight gains no spell points from his class at 1st level. However, he
does add any bonus spell points he gains from a high Charisma score, his race, and feats
or other sources to his reserve. He can use these points (if any) to cast his spell.
Class Skills (4+Int mod, x4 at 1st level):class skills (and related modifier) are Balance,
Climb, Concentration (Con),Diplomacy(Cha), Escape Artist, Gather Information, Jump,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Spellcraft, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
Class Features
All the following are class features of the overdrive knight.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Overdrive knights are proficient with all simple
weapons, with their own drive blade, and with light armor. An OK can cast spells while
wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However,
like any other arcane spellcaster, an OK wearing medium or heavy armor or using a
shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic
component (most do). A multiclass OK still incurs the normal arcane spell failure
chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
Spell Points/Day: An overdrive knight’s ability to cast spells is limited by the spell
points he has available. His base daily allotment of spell points is given on Table: The
Overdrive Knight. In addition, he receives bonus spell points per day if he has a high
Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spell points). His race may
also provide bonus spell points per day, as may certain feats and items. A 1st-level
overdrive knight gains no spell points for his class level, but he gains bonus spell points
(if he is entitled to any), and can cast the spells he knows with those spell points.
When an overdrive knight gains a new level of spells, he automatically knows all the
spells for that level listed on the overdrive knight’s spell list. Essentially, his spell list is
the same as his spells known list. (Exception: The feats Expanded Knowledge and Epic
Expanded Knowledge do allow an OK to learn spells from the lists of other classes.) An
OK can cast any spell that has a spell point cost equal to or lower than his caster level.
The total number of spells an overdrive knight can cast in a day is limited only by his
daily spell points.
An overdrive knight simply knows his spells; they are ingrained in his mind. He does
not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though
he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent spell points.
The Difficulty Class for saving throws against a overdrive knight spell is 10 + the
spell’s level + the overdrive knight’s Charisma modifier.
Maximum Spell Level Known: An overdrive knight begins play with the ability to
learn 1st-level spells. As he attains higher levels, he may gain the ability to knight more
complex spells.
To learn or cast a spell, a overdrive knight must have a Charisma score of at least 10 +
the spell’s level.
Summon Drive Blade (Su): As a move action, a overdrive knight can call his drive
blade, which resides in its own plane of existence. This weapon, manifesting as a
physical blade, cosmetically resembles a longsword appropriate to the size of the
wielder. In all other aspects, the drive blade resembles a short sword. Overdrive knights
who are smaller or larger than Medium create drive blades appropriate for their size,
with a corresponding change to the blade’s damage. The wielder of a drive blade gains
the usual benefits to his attack and damage rolls from a high Strength bonus.
The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 12 hit points); however, an overdrive
knight can simply recreate another on his next move action. The moment he
relinquishes his grip on his blade, it dissipates and returns to his hand. At 4th level, the
drive blade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage
An overdrive knight can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat Expertise in
conjunction with the overdrive just as if it were a normal weapon. He can also choose
overdrive for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization.
Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a drive blade.
A drive blade improves as the character gains higher levels. At 4th level and every four
levels thereafter, the drive blade gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack
rolls and damage rolls (+2 at 8th level, +3 at 12th level, +4 at 16th level, and +5 at 20th
Even in places where magic effects do not normally function (such as within a
antimagic field), an overdrive knight can attempt to use the full power of his drive blade
by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the knight maintains the
enhancement bonus to his drive blade for a number of rounds equal to his class level
before he needs to make the save again. On an unsuccessful attempt, the drive blade
loses any enhancement bonuses or magic special abilities, though the blade itself
remains. As a move action on his turn, the OK can attempt a new Will save to reutilize
his drive blade while he remains within the magic negating effect.
Weapon Focus (drive blade): At 2nd level, the overdrive knight gains Weapon Focus
(drive blade) as a bonus feat.
Free Draw (Su): At 3rd level, an overdrive knight becomes able to materialize his drive
blade as a free action instead of a move action. He can make only one attempt to
materialize the drive blade per round, however.
Drive (Su): Beginning at 5th level, the overdrive knight starts to realize about his true
potential, and learns how to call up a greater power, the drive form. The only visible
change is that the OK’s clothes and material items change to a specific color scheme.
All these transformations last a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your OK level + your
Charisma modifier. You can prematurely end this duration, but you can only transform
into a given form once per encounter.
At the end of the drive, the overdrive knight loses the form modifiers and restrictions
and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or
run) for 1d4+4 rounds (unless he is a 17th-level knight, at which point this limitation no
longer applies; see below). He may not drive while wearing medium or heavy armor, or
while holding a shield.
To use any drive form, he must expend a predetermined number of drive points. At 5th
level he has 1 drive point per day. At 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th level he gains one
additional drive point.
As a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but only during his turn,
an overdrive knight can transform into one of the following forms (each earned at
different levels):
Courage (Red): An overdrive knight in courage form gains a +2 bonus to Strength and
Constitution, a 5 ft. bonus to his base land speed, and is treated as having the Two
Weapon Fighting feat. The increase in Constitution increases the overdrive knight’s hit
points by 1 point per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the drive when his
Constitution score drops back to normal (these extra hit points are not lost first the way
temporary hit points are). He gains a +2 bonus to Reflex Saves, as well as a +4
circumstance bonus to Jump and Tumble checks.
During this form his hands crackle with red lightning that reaches around his back,
leaving a trail of red sparks when he walks (cosmetic only). The OK cannot cast any
spells he knows or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger or
spell completion, nor he can use any Charisma or Intelligence-based skills or feats.
The courage form costs 1 drive point.
Perception (Blue): An overdrive knight in perception form gains a +2 bonus to
Charisma and Dexterity, and a 10 ft. bonus to his base land speed. He gains a +2 bonus
to Will Saves during this form. The increase in Charisma increases the overdrive
knight’s spell DC’s by 1 point, but these increase does not grants him any bonus spell
points. All spells cast during perception form are cast at +1 caster level. During this
form the knight gains a +4 bonus to Concentration and Spellcraft.
While in Perception form, the OK's feet seem to glide on ethereal blue flames, and two
faint glowing orbs orbit him and leave blue trails (cosmetic). He gains a magical missile
attack, which he can use a number of times per round equal to twice his normal number
of attacks. Every missile requires a ranged touch attack to hit, and deals 1d4+Cha mod
During this form the OK cannot make any physical attacks or use any Strength or
Constitution-based skills (besides Concentration). The knight hovers about 2 inches
from the ground, and moves at normal speed regardless of terrain. Finally, if the knight
falls i.e. jumping down from a high place he can ignore the first 10 feet of the fall,
gliding slightly in the air. The perception form costs 1 drive point.
Magna (Yellow): An overdrive knight in knight form gains a +2 bonus to Charisma and
Strength, and a 20 ft. bonus to his base land speed. He can fight as if having the Two-
Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Fighting feats. He gains a +2 bonus to
Fortitude saves during this form. The increase in Charisma increases the overdrive
knight’s spell DC’s by 1 point, but these increase does not grants him any bonus spell
points. When utilizing the full attack option, the knight can cast any one spell he knows
as a free action, but the point cost for that spell is increased by 2. The magna form costs
2 drive points.
Ulterior (Silver): A overdrive knight in ulterior form gains a +2 bonus to Charisma,
Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. His base speed increases by 30 feet. He gains a +2
bonus to all saving throws during this form. Your base attack bonus becomes equal to
your character level (which may grant additional attacks). He can fight as if having the
Greater and Improved Two Weapon Fighting feats. All spells cast during final form are
cast at +1 caster level. The OK hovers about 2 inches from the ground, and moves at
normal speed regardless of terrain. When utilizing the full attack option, the knight can
cast any one spell he knows as a free action, but the point cost for that spell is increased
by 2. Finally, if the knight falls he can ignore the first 10 feet of the fall, gliding slightly
in the air. The ulterior form costs 3 drive points.
Improved Drive Blade (Su): At 5th level, the overdrive knight gains an improved
drive blade to add to his arsenal. This one functions as his normal drive blade except
that it deals 1d8 damage (crit 19-20/x2). He can summon both drive blades (one in each
hand) when using the courage, magna and ulterior forms (this does not increases the
time needed for the transformation.
Drive Blade Enhancement (Su): At 6th level, an overdrive knight gains the ability to
enhance his drive blade. He can add any one of the weapon special abilities on the table
below that has an enhancement bonus value of +1.
At every four levels beyond 6th (10th, 14th, and 18th), the value of the enhancement an
overdrive knight can add to his weapon improves to +2, +3, and +4, respectively. An
OK can choose any combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the
total allowed by the knight’s level.
The weapon ability or abilities remain the same every time the knight materializes his
drive blade (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see below). The ability or abilities
apply to any form the drive blade takes, including the use of drives or drive blade
Weapon Special Ability Enhancement Bonus Value
Defending +1
Keen +1
Flaming/ Shocking/ Frost +1
Mighty cleaving +1
Spell Storing +1
Lucky* +1
Ghost Touch +1
Sundering +1
Vicious +1
Axiomatic +2
Collision* +2
Flaming/Shocking/Icy Burst +2
Holy +2
Wounding +2
Bodyfeeder* +3
Speed +3
Soulbreaker* +3
Brilliant Energy +4
Dancing+ +4
*From Expanded Psionics Handbook
+ When a drive blade is imbued with this power, it can leave
the overdrive knight’s hand without disappearing, but only
during the dance.

An overdrive knight can reassign the ability or abilities he has added to his drive blade.
To do so, he must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, the blade
materializes with the new ability or abilities selected by the OK.
When two-weapon fighting with two drive blades, both blades have an enhancement
bonus 1 lower than the knight would otherwise create with a single drive blade.
Form Boost: At 9th, 13th, 18th and 20th level the different forms gained through drive
increases their bonuses as following:
Courage (9th): +4 to Strength and Constitution, +4 to Reflex saves, gains improved
two-weapon fighting, speed +10 ft.
Perception (13th): +4 to Charisma and Dexterity, +4 to Will saves, +2 to caster level,
speed +15 ft.
Magna (18th): +4 to Strength and Charisma, +4 to Fortitude saves, +1 to caster level,
gains Greater Two Weapon Fighting, speed +25 ft.
Ulterior (20th): +4 to Strength and Charisma, +4 to saves, gains Perfect Two Weapon
Fighting, speed +40 ft.
Greater Drive Blade (Su): At 11th level, the overdrive gains a third drive blade to add
to his arsenal. This one functions as his previous drive blade, except that it deals 1d10
damage (crit 19-20/x2).
Tireless Overdrive: An overdrive knight of 17th level or higher no longer becomes
fatigued at the end of a drive.
Ulterior Drive blade (Su): At 17th level, the overdrive knight gains his final drive
blade. This one functions as his previous drive blade, except that it deals 2d6 damage
(crit 18-20/x2).
Code of Conduct: An overdrive knight must be of good alignment and loses all class
abilities if she ever willingly and knowingly commits an evil act.
Additionally, an overdrive knight’s code requires that he help those in need (provided
they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten

Associates: While he may adventure with characters of any good or neutral alignment, a
overdrive knight will never knowingly associate with evil characters, nor will he
continue an association with someone who consistently offends his moral code. An OK
may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are good.
An overdrive knight who ceases to be good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who
grossly violates the code of conduct loses all OK spells and abilities (including the
drives, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). He may not progress any
farther in levels as an OK. He regains his abilities and advancement potential if he
atones for his violations (see the atonement spell description), as appropriate.
Like a member of any other class, an overdrive knight may be a multiclass character,
but multiclass OKs face a special restriction. An OK who gains a level in any other
class may never again raise his overdrive knight level, though he retains all his knight
Cure Minor Wounds
Detect Secret Doors
Expeditious Retreat
Mage Armor
Orb of Cold, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Electricity, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Fire, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
True Strike
Cure Light Wounds
Gust of Wind
Mirror Image
Scorching Ray
Ice Knife (Complete Arcane)
Crackling Sphere (as flaming sphere, except it deals electricity damage)
Resist Energy
Cure Moderate Wounds
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser
Orb of Cold (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Electricity (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Fire (Complete Arcane)
Cure Serious Wounds
Dimensional Anchor
Dimension Door
Freedom of Movement
Call Lightning Storm
Cone of Cold
Flame Strike

Cure Critical Wounds
Chain Lightning
Polar Ray
Delayed Blast Fireball
Globe of Invulnerability

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does the Strong Jump feat allows fine creatures to reach 128ft before they need
to jump upwards to reach something?
A: No, it doesn´t. Currently reworking the feat, check later.
2. How much spell points costs to cast the spells?
A: As Unearthed Arcana states, 1 for 1st level spells, 3 for 2nd level spells, 5 for 3rd
level spells, 7 for 4th level spells and 9 for 5th level spells.
3. How many spells do they know? As a sorcerer or as a wizard?
A: They know all they spells, providing they can cast them, according to the table
provided. This in similar fashion to the warmage. This means that as long as they have
the charisma score and required level they can cast them.
4. While using the Mania feats, do they impede you from casting spells with other
denominators during this round or not at all?
A: The statement should be read: When you activate this feat, you cannot cast spells
with other descriptors during your drives.
5. Are all drive blades considered light?
A: Yes, they are. This shouldn´t mean so much trouble in game, since it´s common to
see a 17th level warrior-type holding a greasword one-handed thanks to several feats,
racial abilities and class abilities.
6. Does an improved drive blade start with the previous drive blade enhancement
A: Yes, it does. It also starts with the previously assigned enhancements. This is
because it behaves exactly as your previous drive blade.


When normally gaining an improved drive blade, it comes with whatever enhancements
your previous drive blade has. Normally your drive blade could be considered to
improve itself or grant you greater might. However, some people could find this a not so
appealing idea.

If your DM allows it, your newly gained drive blade could appear with different
enhancement bonus, to show the difference between your previous drive blade and your
newly gained drive vlade. Also all of your drive blades could be treated as different
weapons and having different enhancements, so work with your DM to do this (naming
each individual drive blade is an idea to facilitate this rule)
Other DM could require you to spend 8 hours of meditation before the newly gained
drive blade gains any enhancement bonus. This represents the ability of bonding
yourself to your newly gained weapon, so it can grant you its strength at the same time
you grant it your confidence.

Always remember that when dual wielding your drive blades, the enhancement bonus is
one lower for BOTH drive blades, so some enhancements could be unavailable. When
this happens, you could previously ask your DM to allow you to "swap" enhancements
only while dual-wielding.

Remember that what matters most is entertainment, so work with your DM or your
teammates to make sure this alternate rules don´t spoil the fun of the rest of the people.
Overdrive Knight Prestige Classes
Phantom Absentee
“I will not be held by this world´s boundaries...”
-Mashia, Phantom Absentee

There are persons everywhere that dream about freedom. But, most of these people feel that
this world imposese unfair limits. So, some of them seek to break those barriers, to become a
truly free spirit. So, they try to find the way to achieve this, and some of them discover how.

To qualify to become a phantom absentee, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral
Skills: Hide 11 ranks, Move Silently 11 ranks, Tumble 6 ranks
Feats: Run, Improved Initiative, Dodge
Special: Sneak Attack +3d6, Overdrive class feature
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The Phantom Absentee’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff(Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal
(Wis), Heal(Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Table: The Phantom Absentee
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Speed Ability
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +0 Drive: Phantom
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 +10 Shadow Speed
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 +10 Sneak Attack +1d6
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 +10 Swift Moves (move)
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 +20 Hide in Plain Sight, Form Boost: Phantom
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 +20 Sneak Attack +2d6
7 +5 +2 +5 +5 +20 Shadow Body
8 +6 +2 +6 +6 +30 Swift Moves (charge/attack/run)
9 +6 +3 +6 +6 +30 Sneak Attack +3d6
10 +7 +3 +7 +7 +30 Tireless Overdrive, Improved Form

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the phantom absentee prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Phantom Absentee do not gain new weapon or armor
proficiencies. All class abilities (except for Sneak Attack) work only while wearing light or no
Speed Bonus: Starting at 1st level, you gain a perfection bonus to your speed as shown in
Table: The Phantom Absentee. This only works while wearing light or no armor.
Drive: Your phantom absentee levels stack with any levels you have in another driving class
you had for determining number of drive points per day, duration of drives, if your current forms
receives a form boost but not for determining available drive forms. If you had more than one
overdriving class before entering this prestige, you must choose only one to determine durations
and forms available.
Also, at 1st level you gain a new form, as noted below:
Phantom (DarkBlue): During this shadowy transformation, you gain incredible agile and
shadowy movements. You gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity. Your base speed increases in +10 feet.
You gain a +2 bonus to Will Saves. During this form, shadows surround you, resulting in a 20%
miss chance to any attack made against you. Once during this transformation, you teleport
between two shadows as a immediate action. This shadows must be within 30 feet of each
other. This form costs 1 drive point.
Shadow Speed (Su): Once per day per phantom absentee level, and as a standard action, you
can act as if affected by a expeditious retreat spell with a caster level equal to your phantom
absentee level.This only works while wearing light or no armor.
Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt
increases by +1d6 every three levels(3rd,6th and 9th). If a phantom absentee gets a sneak
attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.
Swift Moves: At 4th level, you start blending your movements with your distraction methods.
You can ignore the penalties to Hide when moving up to your normal speed. Starting at 8th level
you ignore the penalties to Hide when charging, attacking or running. This only works while
wearing light or no armor.
Hide in Plain Sight: Starting at 5th level a phantom absentee can use the Hide skill even while
being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, a phantom absentee
can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot,
however, hide in her own shadow.This only works while wearing light or no armor.
Form Boost: At 5th level the phantom form gained through drive increases its bonuses as
Phantom (5th): +6 to Dexterity, +4 to Will saves, speed +20, 50% miss chance, you can use
dimension door as a swift action every 1d4 rounds.
Shadow Body (Su): Once per day per three phantom absentee levels you can become
ethereal, as per the ethereal jaunt spell with a caster level equal to half your phantom absentee
level.This only works while wearing light or no armor.
Tireless Overdrive: A phantom absentee of 10th level or higher no longer becomes fatigued at
the end of an overdrive.
Improved Form Boost:At 10th level the phantom form gained through drive increases its
bonuses. In order to gain these bonuses, you must pay an additional drive point. The newly
gained bonuses are as follow:
Phantom (5th): +8 to Dexterity, +4 to Will saves, speed +30, you act as if affected per the blink
spell, but you don´t suffer the normal spell drawbacks, also you act as if affected by a freedom
of movement spell.
Arc Enforcer
“Don´t worry, I´ll hit him. With a sword? No, with a bow!”
-Yumikron, Arc Enforcer
Most warriors tend to be really capable at fighting close in melee. But some of them learn that it
isn´t the only, and probably the best, way to fight in a tight situation. When precision and caution
are required, it is always a good thing to have an arc enforcer right next to you. These warriors
are always capable of fighting equally at distance and at melee.
To qualify to become an arc enforcer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Spot 4 ranks
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Spellcasting: Able to cast 1st level arcane spells
Special: Drive Blade class feature, Overdrive class feature
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills:The arc enforcer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb(Str),
Concentration (Con), Hide(Dex), Jump(Str), Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Listen(Wis), Move
Silently(Dex), Search(Int) and Spot(Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Table: The Arc Enforcer
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Ability Spells
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Summon Drive Bow, Overdrive:Precision
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Drive Bow enhancement +1 +1 existing level
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 +1 Drive Bow
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Scrimmage Bow, Channel Spell +1 existing level
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Drive Boost: Precision, Mighty Drive Bow
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Drive Bow enhancement +2 +1 existing level
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 +2 Drive Bow
8 +6 +2 +6 +2 Infinite Ammunition +1 existing level
9 +6 +3 +6 +3 Close Combat Shot
10 +7 +3 +7 +3 Drive Bow enhancement +3, Tireless Drive
+1 existing level
All of the following are Class Features of the arc enforcer prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Arc Enforcer gain only proficiency with their drive bow.
Summon Drive Bow: Upon entering this prestige class, you are granted a powerful gift: a drive
bow. This bow is identical in all ways to a longbow appropiate to your size (1d8/x3 for a medium
sized arc enforcer). Otherwise this drive bow behaves in a similar fashion to a drive blade, and
even benefits of feats such as Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization that are applied to
your drive blade. This bow strikes as a magic weapon when dealing with damage reduction.
At 3rd and 7th level the drive bow gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to +1 (at 3rd)
or +2 (at 7th). The bonus to attack granted by the overdrive knight levels stack with this, and
any enhancement bonus a drive blade you possess has, can be applied to this bow. Likewise,
these enhancement bonuses also improve your drive blade. In other words, they benefit both
your drive blade and drive bow.
Overdrive (Su): Your arc enforcer levels stack with any levels you have in another driving class
you had for determining number of drive points per day, duration of drives,and if your current
forms receives a form boost. However, you do not gain any other additional forms from this
bonus, or any additional bonus.
At 2nd level an arc enforcer gains a new overdrive that follows all normal drive rules. The
description is as follows:
Precision (Green): During this exceptionally agile transformation, you gain a +4 bonus to
Dexterity and a +2 bonus to Strength. Your speed is increased by 20 feet. You gain a +2 bonus
to Fortitude saving throws. During this form and when using the full attack option you can make
an additional attack with your bow at your highest base attack bonus, and starting at 7th level
you may make two additional attacks when using the full attack option. The range increment for
any ranged weapon you hold doubles, and every succesful attack gains a +1d4 precision
damage bonus (any creature normally immune to criticals is also immune to the additional
damage). You may not make any melee attacks or melee touch attacks during this form (with
the exception of the scrimmage bow, see below). This form costs 1 drive point to use.
Spells: At 2nd level and each even numbered level, the character gains new spells per day as if
he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige
class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained,
except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one
spellcasting class before becoming an arc enforcer, he must decide to which class he adds the
new level for purposes of determining spells per day.
Drive Bow Enhancement (Su): At 2nd level, an arc enforcer gains the ability to enhance his
drive bow. He can add any one of the weapon special abilities on the table below that has an
enhancement bonus value of +1.
At every four levels beyond 2nd (6th and 10th), the value of the enhancement an arc enforcer
can add to his weapon improves to +2 and +3, respectively. An arc enforcer can choose any
combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the total allowed by the enforcer’s
The weapon ability or abilities remain the same every time the master materializes his drive bow
(unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see below). The ability or abilities apply to any form
the overdrive takes, including the use of drives or overdrive upgrades.

Weapon Special Ability Enhancement Bonus Value

Merciful +1
Keen +1
Flaming/ Shocking/ Frost +1
Spell Storing +1
Bane +1
Vicious +1
Axiomatic +2
Anarchic +2
Flaming/Shocking/Icy Burst +2
Holy +2
Speed +3

An arc enforcer can reassign the ability or abilities he has added to his drive bow. To do so, he
must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, the blade materializes with the new
ability or abilities selected by the arc enforcer.
This bonus does not stack with the bonus granted to the drive blade (with the exception of the
scrimmage bow, see below.
Scrimmage Bow: To be able to defend yourself better, you have learned how to use effectively
use your bow as a melee weapon, and at the same time your drive bow adapts itself, creating a
slashing edge. You may strike with it in melee as if you were using your drive blade (amongs
other things, this means using the drive blade enhancements and drive blade damage and
critical ratings). This ability is always active when you are using your drive bow.
Channel Spell: Once per day per drive bow level, as a standard action, you may channel a
spell with a casting time of one standard action, through one shot from your drive bow. This
must be an area spell, and the spell is centered on where the arrow lands. You cast and fire the
arrow simultaneously.
Form Boost: At 4th level the precision form gained through drive increases its bonuses as
Precision (4th): +6 to Dexterity, +4 ro Strength, +4 to Fort saves, speed +30, precision damage
bonus +2d4.
Mighty Drive Bow: Your drive bow increases in Strength to help you in combat. Your
strengthened bow deals damage as if it were one category larger (for a medium sized character
it deals 2d6 damage), and you may apply your Strength modifier to damage (as if it were a
mighty composite longbow with a Str bonus equal to your Str bonus)
Infinite Ammunition(Su): You have learned, through many hazardous situations, that running
out of ammo is always a bad thing. Because of this, you have trained to learn a form to
overcome this risk. Starting at 8th level, every time you pull the string of your drive bow, an
energy arrow appears to be shot. This energy arrows appear as many times you pull the arrow
(this means you summon as many arrows as attacks you make during this round, even attacks
of opportunity) and dissappear after one round (except in the case of feats and abilities such as
Ranged Pin, during which the arrow remains for as long as it is needed).
Close Combat Shot: At 9th level, you can attack with your drive bow while in a threatened
square and not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Tireless Overdrive: An arc enforcer of 10th level or higher no longer becomes fatigued at the
end of an overdrive.

Multiclass note
An overdrive knight can freely multiclass with this class. Still he must meet the code of conduct
and alignment requirements to raise his overdrive master level.
Nova Arcanum
“If you allow me, I´ll demostrate you that my spell´s power is only compared to my heart and
-Senthilur, Nova Arcanum
Most overdrive knight tend to be both capable at fighting and casting spells, but some discover
the true power behind their spells. They find the power of the stars within them, the burning fire,
the everlasting light that will guide them to victory. That´s the truth of a nova arcanum.
To qualify to become a nova arcanum, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Concentration 12 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 12 ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks
Feats: Any one metamagic feat, Fire Mania
Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd level arcane spells
Special: Overdrive: Perception class feature
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The nova arcanum’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Concentration (Con), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), and
Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Drive Staff, Nova Aura
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Overdrive: Nova
3th +1 +1 +1 +3 Drive Staff +1
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Nova Light
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Form Boost: Perception, Drive Points:2
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Nova Vision
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Drive Staff +2
8th +4 +2 +3 +6 Form Boost: Nova
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Nova Shield, Facile Nova
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Tireless Overdrive, Drive Points:3
Level Max Level Spell Points
1 4 9
2 5 19
3 5 29
4 6 40
5 6 59
6 7 76
7 7 87
8 8 109
9 8 124
10 9 139

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the nova arcanum prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Nova Arcanum gain proficiency with their drive staff.
A nova arcanum can cast nova arcanum spells while wearing light armor without incurring the
normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a dark master
wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the
spell in question has a somatic component (most do). A multiclass nova arcanum still incurs the
normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
Drive Staff: Your newly gained arcane secrets let you gain a new weapon to your arsenal. This
weapons looks a lot like staff, and behaves exactly as a drive blade (as per the overdrive knight
class feature), except it deals 1d6/1d6 damage (crit x2). This staff can be used for the Craft
Staff feat.
At 3rd and 7th level the keyblade gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to +1 (at 3rd)
or +2 (at 7th). The bonus to attack granted by the overdrive knight levels stack with this, and
any enhancement bonus a drive blade you possess has, can be applied to this staff. Likewise,
these enhancement bonuses also improve your drive blade. In other words, they benefit both
your drive blade and drive staff.
Spells: A nova arcanum has the ability to cast some arcane spells of 4th level or higher. He
casts them just as a sorcerer does. His known spell lists is a combination of both his previous
spellcasting list and the nova arcanum list (at the bottom). He knows all his nova arcanum spell
list, and gain access to new spell levels as Table: Max Level and Spell Points states. A nova
arcanum´s caster level for both his nova arcanum spells and the spells he gains from his
previous arcane spellcasting class is determined by adding his nova arcanum level to his level
in another spellcasting class. If he had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a
nova arcanum, he must choose to which class to add his nova arcanum spellcaster level. So,
for example, an overdrive knight 10/nova arcanum 5 has a caster level of 15 for both classes.
The spell points granted from your previous arcane caster class and this class are all added
together in a single pool, which can be used for any of his nova arcanum spells or the other
spellcasting class spells.
Nova Arcanum bonus spell points are based on Charisma, and saving throws against these
spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + the dark master’s Charisma modifier. A nova arcanum
master has access to any spell on the list and can freely choose which to cast, without needing
to prepare them in advance. Essentially, his spell list is the same as his spells known list.
(Exception: The feats Expanded Knowledge and Epic Expanded Knowledge do allow a
darkblade master to learn spells from the lists of other classes.)
Drive (Su): When you enter this class, you must make a sacrifice in order to strengthen your
magic: you lose the ability to drive in any form that keeps you from casting spells. However, at
2nd level of this prestige, you gain a stronger form to drive which aids you with your spells.
At the end of the drive, the nova arcanum loses the form modifiers and restrictions and
becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for
1d4+4 rounds (unless he is a 10th-level master, at which point this limitation no longer applies;
see below). He may not turn into a drive form while wearing medium or heavy armor, or while
holding a shield. Any levels that previously granted him drive forms stack to determine how long
your overdrive lasts, but not for determining drive points or drive forms granted.
To use this forms, he must expend drive points. At 2nd level he has 1 drive point per day. At 5th
and 10th level he gains additional drive points
As a free action that does not provokes attacks of opportunity, but only during his turn, a nova
arcanum can transform into the following form:
Nova (Sky-Blue): During this beautifully bright transformation, you gain a +4 bonus to Charisma
and a +2 bonus to Dexterity. The increase in Charisma does not increase the spell points
availbable to the nova arcanum, but it raises the nova arcanum´s spell DC by +2. You gain a +2
bonus to Reflex saving throws. During this form your drive staff turns itself into a bright energy
surrounding your left or right arm (your choice). You lose your ability to enter physical combat,
but you gain the ability of a special light attack. You must make a succesful touch attack to use
this attack, and it deals 1d6/2 caster levels of non elemental damage. You can attack with this
light attack up to two times in a round (if your base attack bonus allows it) but no more, even if
your base attack allows it. You gain a fly speed of 50 (perfect), and whenever you are not flying
you are at least hovering 2 inches above the ground. Your caster level increases by +2. During
this form any spell you cast modified with metamagic is casted with no increased time, and any
metamagic costs 2 spell points less (to a minimum of 0). This form costs 2 drive points to use.
For feats that enhance or require in some way spellcasting (such as Fire Mania), Nova form
counts as Magna or Ulterior forms.
Nova Aura (Su): This is a physical manifestation of your strengthened magic. Your body sheds
a white and silver light at a radius of 5 feet/2 nova arcanum levels. This is always active, unless
you suppress it as a free action at the beginning of your turn.
Nova Light (Su): The light surrounding you strengthens itself, allowing you to better protect
yourself against your enemies. You gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to half your Nova
Arcanum level.
When you gain this ability, and during your nova drive form, you can shoot,as a standard action,
a special energy ray that deals 1d6/caster level (maximum 15d6) to a single target. This is
considered a spell with a level equal to your nova arcanum level. This is otherwise similar to an
eldritch blast.
Form Boost: At 5th and 8th level the different forms gained through drive increases their
bonuses as following:
Perception (5th): +4 to Charisma and Dexterity, +4 to Will saves, +2 to caster level, speed +15.
Nova (7th): +6 to Charisma. +4 to Dexterity, +4 to Reflex saves, caster level +3, fly speed 80.
Nova Vision (Ex): The light of the nova magic shines strongly in your eyes. You gain low-light
vision and darkvision up to 30 feet. If you already have low-light vision, you can see three times
the normal range, and if you had darkvision, you add an additional 30 feet to its range.
During your nova form you are constantly under the effects of a true seeing spell.
Nova Shield(Su): The light of the nova is infused deeply within you. Once per day,as an
immediate action, you create a light guard that functions exactly as a globe of invulnerability,
except it blocks spells and spell like abilities up to half your nova arcanum level. This can be
created even when it is not your turn.
If this is activated during your nova form, it blocks all spells and spell like abilities, but lasts only
one round. Also, when you gain this ability, your nova form grants you damage reduction
Facile Nova: You have become adept transforming into your nova form, so you can transform
into it more easily. Now your nova form costs only one drive point to be activated.
Tireless Overdrive: A nova arcanum of 10th level or higher no longer becomes fatigued at the
end of an overdrive.
Overdrive Knight and Nova Arcanum
An overdrive knight can freely multiclass with this class. Still he must meet the code of conduct
and alignment requirements to raise his overdrive master level.


Your spellcasting focus doesn´t longer impedes you from entering melee.
Prerequisites: Nova Form, Caster level 12th.
Benefit: You regain the ability to use forms that impede you from spellcasting.
Normal: You can´t use any spellcasting hindering forms when you enter the nova arcanum
Special: When driving into Courage form, your drive blade or drive staff gains the skillful special

Nova Arcanum Spells

Produce Flame
Feather Fall
Continual Flame
Protection from Arrows
Dispel Magic
Hallucinatory Terrain
Fire Shield
Nova Strike (new spell, see below)
Wall of Force
Mirage Arcana
Overland Flight
Prying Eyes
Fire Seeds
Antimagic Field
True Seeing
Wall of Iron
Dispel Magic, Greater
Nova Shower (new spell, see below)
Control Weather
Arcane Sight, Greater
Prismatic Spray
Mordenkainen´s Sword
Reverse Gravity
Prismatic Wall
Prying Eyes, Greater
Fire Storm
Mind Blank
Prismatic Sphere
Nova Rain (new spell, see below)
Time Stop

New Spells
Nova Rain
Evocation [Force, Light]
Level: Nova 9
Components: S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range:40 feet
Effect: 40 feet radius sphere centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text
Spell Resistance: No

While focusing on your staff, a rain of light beams fall around you, harming your enemies.
When you cast this spell, millions of light rays fall around you, covering a 40 feet radius sphere
centered on you. Every enemy in this area is striked by 1d4/level (max 25d4) light rays, each
dealing one point of damage, and becomes blinded for 5 rounds. A succesful Fortitude save
halves the total damage and ignores the blind effect.
Focus: Your drive Staff

Nova Shower
Evocation [Force, Light]
Level: Nova 6
Components: V,S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range:Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Area: 20 feet radius burst.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half; see text
Spell Resistance: No

While focusing on your staff, you summon a horde of light missiles that shower your enemies.
When you cast this spell, millions of light ray spring from your staff, striking enemies in the
determined area. This light rays deal 1d4/level damage (max 15d4) and becomes blinded for 3
rounds. A succesful Reflex save halves the damage and ignores the blinded effect.
Focus: Your drive Staff
Nova Strike
Evocation [Force,Light]
Level: Nova 4
Components: V,S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

While focusing on your staff, you call upon a shining beam that strikes an opponent with the
force of the nova.
When you cast this spell, a large energy ray fires from your staff to strike an opponent. You
must succeed at a ranged touch attack and, if succesful, deals 1d4/level (max 15d4) to the
target. This spell also dispels any darkness effect of 3rd level or lower that strikes in its path.
Focus: Your drive Staff

1. What would happen if I take this class after attaining Ulterior form?
A: Nothing special, really. If OM 17/ NA 3 you would be able to cast 5th level spells,
you would have perception,nova,magna and ulterior forms (and Courage if you took the
appropiate feat). Your BAB would be +13/+8/+3, you would have a +5 drive blade and
staff with +3 enhancement, and your base saves would be +6/+6/+13. Your total drive
points would be 5. You would gain the Nova Aura class feature, along with all the class
features an OM has. Also, you would merge both spell lists, so you would get to add a
couple of spells to your normal OM spells. Your drives last for a number of rounds
equal to 10+your Cha mod, etc etc. Nothing special, really.
Heart Blade
“Sword? This orb is all I need.”
- Soke, Heart Blade

When a Overdrive Knight’s heart has grown in such strength that it can fight for itself and finds a
reason to fight for itself, the drive blade becomes unneeded and the heart creates it’s own
weapon. The Drive Blade becomes a Drive Orb and the Overdrive Knight becomes a Heart
Blade, capable of manipulating the orb in incredible ways.

To qualify to become a Heart Blade, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any Good.
Skills: Concentration 11 ranks, Spellcraft 11 ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus (Drive Blade)
Special: At least one level as Overdrive Knight, Character must have strong heart and someone
to fight for.
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills:
The Heart Blade's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str),
Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Jump
(Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str),
Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2+Int modifier
Table: The Heart Blade
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +0 +2 +0 Drive Orb (Simple and Martial Melee),
Armor Dodge 1
2nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Drive Orb (Simple and Martial Ranged),
Shield Dodge 1,
3rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Drive Orb (Exotic Melee), Reflexive
Defense +1
4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Orb Cushioning
5th +5 +1 +4 +1 Drive Orb (Exotic Ranged), Armor Dodge
6th +6 +2 +5 +2 Reflexive Defense +2, Shield Dodge 2
7th +7 +2 +5 +2 Drive Orb (Two Weapons)
8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Drive Orb (Split Attacks)
9th +9 +3 +6 +3 Drive Orb (Elemental), Armor Dodge 3,
Reflexive Defense +3
10th +10 +3 +7 +3 Orb Explosion, Shield Dodge 3
Class Features
All the following are class features of the heart blade.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Weapon Proficiency is determined by the Heart Blade’s level
and Armor is same as Overdrive Knight.
Drive Orb(Su): The Drive Blade becomes the Drive Orb, a ball of energy that floats in front of
the Heart Blade’s heart. The orb’s color depends on the Heart Blade’s mood.
More importantly, the Drive Orb is the Heart Blade’s weapon. It can’t be removed from its spot
unless being wielded by the Heart Blade, and only disappears when the Heart Blade is dead.
The Drive Orb can take on any form as a free action at will. At each level it gains more forms.
Add levels of Heart Blade to Overdrive Knight levels for purposes of Drive Blade Enhancement.
The Heart Blade is proficient with the Drive Orb, regardless of the form it takes. The Drive Orb
weapons are sized appropriately to the Heart Blade.
Simple and Martial Melee: The Drive Orb can shift into any simple or martial melee weapon.
Simple and Martial Ranged: The Drive Orb can change into a ranged weapon, in which case it
produces it's own unlimited supply of ammunition, or into a thrown weapon, in which case a
piece of it separates into the hand of the Heart Blade, which can then be thrown as normal-- this
fragment is regrown instantly by the Drive Orb. In either case, the weapon is destroyed whether
it hits or misses.
Exotic Melee: The Drive Orb can shift into any exotic melee weapon.
Exotic Ranged: This is the same as Simple and Martial Ranged, but can produce exotic ranged
Two Weapons: The Drive Orb is capable of shaping two weapons, and reducing the penalties
for fighting with two weapons by 2, to a minimum of -0.
Split Attacks: As part of an attack action, the Drive orb is capable of making a single attack at
the Heart Blade's highest bonus to another target within range. This can be used, for example,
to make a single melee attack with a bastard sword against an adjacent opponent while making
a full attack action against another target with a longbow. This must be used to strike a different
target than the one subject to the original attack.
Elemental: Attacks with the Drive Orb deal +1d6 damage of a single element.
Orb Cushioning: The Heart Blade takes 2d6 less damage when falling as the Drive Orb
shapes itself to slow and cushion the fall.
Shield Dodge: Melee attacks with the Drive Orb bypass this many points of shield bonus to AC
as the Drive Orb shifts its own shape to curve around shields
Armor Dodge: Same as Shield Dodge but with armor bonuses
Reflexive Defense: The Drive Orb defends the Heart BLade against attacks. Add this as a
bonus to AC against attacks the Heart Blade is aware of.
Orb Explosion: Once per encounter, the Heart Blade may run an amazing amount of power
through the Drive Orb, morphing its body to strike all enemies within 5ft of the Heart Blade,
making a single attack roll which affects all targets. The heart Blade may attack any one target
with one weapon the Drive Orb is capable of shifting into.
Master Blade
“The Master Blade has requested me to show you its true power. I´m so sorry for you, since
nobody else has survived when it asks such a thing!”
-Serlows,while summoning a master blade
The calling, the fights, the dedication, the service. This is your life, your duty. A drive blade
chose you, you accepted it. However, you sometimes hear another voice besides your drive
blade. It calls you, it comforts you, it makes you feel stronger. Your drive blade agrees with that
voice, although you had never heard it before. A day, after endless fights, this voice offers you
greater power, the power you need to continue fighting. Too many enemies surround you, you
need more strength. The voice offers to reward your hard work and your services with greater
powers. Your drive blade agrees with the voice, and asks you to accept. When you do, the earth
trembles, your drive blade becomes a shining orb, floating in the air. You begin to shine as well,
and both float in the air. Finally, both voices tell you to grasp the shining orb, and as soon as
you reach it, it turns itself into the most beautiful weapon you have ever seen: the Master Blade.
To qualify to become a master blade, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Diplomacy 10 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 5 ranks
Feats: Synch Blade, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Drive Blade)
Special: Drive Blade class feature, Overdrive class feature. Must have defeated single
handedly an evil outsider of CR 6 or more.
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills
The darkblade master’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance(Dex*),
Climb(Str*), Concentration (Con),Diplomacy(Cha), Escape Artist(Dex*), Gather
Information(Cha), Jump (Str*), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge(The Planes) (Int),
Spellcraft (Int), Swim(Str*), Tumble(Dex*), Use Rope(Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Master Blade,Overdrive: Pride
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Master Blade enhancement +1
3th +3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Master Blade
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Superior Master Blade
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Form Boost: Pride
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Master Blade enhancement +2
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Master Blade
8th +8 +6 +3 +6 Greater Form Boost: Pride
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Master´s Pounce
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Master Blade enhancement +3, Celestia
All of the following are Class Features of the master blade prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Master Blades gain only proficiency with their own master
Master Blade: You gain a strong weapon, like no weapon before.Your drive blade has been
reborned, and this is the new form it takes.This blade is identical in all ways to a two-bladed
sword appropiate to your size (1d8/1d8 crit 19-20/19-20 x2 for a medium sized master blade).
Otherwise this master blade behaves in a similar fashion to a drive blade, and even benefits of
feats such as Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization that are applied to your drive blade.
This blade strikes as a magic and good weapon when dealing with damage reduction.
At 3rd and 7th level the master blade gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to +1 (at
3rd) or +2 (at 7th). The bonus to attack granted by the overdrive master levels stack with this,
and any enhancement bonus a drive blade you possess has, can be applied to this blade.
Likewise, these enhancement bonuses also improve your drive blade. In other words, they
benefit both your drive blade and master blade
Overdrive (Su): Your master blade levels stack with any levels you have in another driving
class you had for determining number of drive points per day, duration of drives,and if your
current forms receives a form boost. However, you do not gain any other additional forms from
this bonus, or any additional bonus.
At 1st level a master blade gains a new overdrive that follows all normal drive rules. The
description is as follows:
Pride (Orange): During this exceptionally sublime transformation, you gain a +4 bonus to
Strength and a +2 bonus to Constitution. Your speed is increased by 10 feet. You gain a +2
bonus to Fortitude saving throws. The increase in Constitution increases your hit points by 1
point per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the drive when his Constitution score
drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.)
During this form you can make a full attack at the end of a charge. You fight as if having the
Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Fighting feats. Finally, once every 1d4
rounds you can make a terrifying scream, as a swift action, similar to a lion´s roar. This causes
all enemies within 60 feet of you to make a Will save (DC 10 + master blade level + Cha
modifier) or be shaken for the rest of the encounter. If an enemy is already shaken he becomes
frightened instead. You may not cast spells during this form, nor use any skills or feats that
involve patience. This form costs 1 drive point to use.
Drive Blade Enhancement (Su): At 2nd level, a master blade gains the ability to enhance his
master blade. He can add any one of the weapon special abilities on the table below that has an
enhancement bonus value of +1.
At every four levels beyond 2nd (6th and 10th), the value of the enhancement a master blade
can add to his weapon improves to +2 and +3, respectively. A master blade can choose any
combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the total allowed by the blade´s
The weapon ability or abilities remain the same every time the master materializes his master
blade (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see below). The ability or abilities always apply
to any form the master takes, including the use of drives or overdrive upgrades.
Weapon Special Ability Enhancement Bonus Value
Defending +1
Keen +1
Flaming/ Shocking/ Frost +1
Mighty Cleaving +1
Spell Storing +1
Lucky* +1
Ghost Touch +1
Sundering +1
Axiomatic +2
Collision* +2
Flaming/Shocking/Icy Burst +2
Holy +2
Bodyfeeder* +3
Speed +3
Soulbreaker* +3
Brilliant Energy +4
Dancing+ +4
*From Expanded Psionics Handbook
+When a master blade is imbued with this power, it can leave the master’s hand without
disappearing, but only during the dance.
A master blade can reassign the ability or abilities he has added to his master blade. To do so,
he must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, the blade materializes with the
new ability or abilities selected by the overdrive master.
This enhancements bonus apply to both ends of the master blade.
Unlike other classes, this bonus stack with the bonus granted to the drive blade. Likewise this
bonuses improve your drive blade.
Form Boost: At 5th level the pride form gained through drive increases its bonuses as
Pride (5th): +6 to Strength, +4 to Constitution,+2 to Charisma, +4 to Fort saves, speed +20,
gains Greater Two Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Rend, costs 2 drive points.
Superior Master Blade: You have grown strong, and so does your master blade. This functions
exactly as a master blade, except it deals 1d10/1d0 damage (crit 18-20/18-20).
Greater Form Boost: At 8th level the pride form gained through drive further increases its
bonuses as following:
Pride (8th): +6 to Strength, +6 to Constitution,+4 to Charisma, +4 Dexterity, +4 to Fort saves,
speed +20, gains Perfect Two Weapon Fighting.
Master´s Pounce: It has been a long path, fighting evil and using your drives constantly. This
has finally changed the ways you fight normally. Starting at 9th level you can make a full attack
after a charge.
Celestia Blade: Finally, as you have achieved great power, your blade achieves full power. This
functions exactly as a master blade, except it deals 2d6/2d6 (crit 17-20/17-20 x2).
An overdrive knight can freely multiclass with this class. Still he must meet the code of conduct
and alignment requirements to raise his overdrive master level.
Dark Master
“My dark blade couldn’t possibly be compared with your blade. Allow me to demonstrate the
power of darkness.”
-Kiruxias (while driving into despair form)
Sometimes, a person learns a fact that most of the overdrive knights prefer to ignore: the
darkness holds great power. However, most people don’t understand this power. They fear the
power. But you don’t. You know it can make you much stronger than the rest. You can save the
world, you can conquer the world. You want to bring an end to the chaos, and the dark powers
are the answer you were seeking. They provide you with strength you never possessed before.
There is no stopping you; the dark powers show you the way. You become one with the
To qualify to become a Dark Master, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Tumble 8 ranks, Knowledge (the Planes) 4 ranks, Jump 8 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Special: The character must have willingly and deliberately broken the code of conduct of an
overdrive knight (even if he was not one himself). Furthermore, he must surrender willingly his
heart to the darkness inside him. This usually represents a ceremony lasting one day and
costing about 1,000 gp.

Table: The Dark Master Hit Die: d8

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Summon Darkblade, Overdrive: Fear, Aura of Evil
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Detect Drive Blade, Dark Aura
3th +2 +1 +1 +3 +1 Dark Blade, Overdrive: Doubt, Drive Points 2
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Dark Blade enhancement +1, Form Boost: Fear
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Shadow Aura, Improved Dark Blade
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Overdrive: Despair, Drive Points 3
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 +2 dark blade, Form Boost: Doubt
8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Dark Blade enhancement +2, Tireless Overdrive
9th +6 +3 +3 +6 Thrust Heart, Drive Points 4
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 Form Boost: Despair , Pitch Dark Blade

Class Skills (2+Int mod): Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge
(the Planes), and Tumble.

Level Max Level Spell Points

1 1 0*
2 1 0*
3 2 1
4 2 3
5 3 6
6 3 10
7 4 15
8 4 21
9 5 28
10 5 36

*The dark master gains no spell points from his class at 1st or 2nd level. However, he does add
any bonus spell points he gains from a high Charisma score, his race, and feats or other
sources to his reserve. He can use these points (if any) to cast his spells.
All of the following are Class Features of the Dark Master prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark Masters gain proficiency with their own dark blades and
with light armor (if they don't have it already).
A dark master can cast dark master spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal
arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a dark master wearing
medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in
question has a somatic component (most do). A multiclass Dark Master still incurs the normal
arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
Aura of Evil (Ex): The power of a dark master’s aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal
to his class level plus his overdrive knight level (and/or cleric level), if any.
Summon Dark Blade: Although being evil forbids you from using the drive blades of an
overdrive knight, the dark powers concede you their own blade.
This blade behaves exactly as a normal drive blade (as per the overdrive knight class feature),
except it is evil aligned (and can thus bypass damage reduction), and deals 1d6 damage (crit
At 3rd and 7th level the keyblade gains a magic enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls
equal to +1 (at 3rd) or +2 (at 7th).
Spells: A dark master has the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells. To cast a dark
master spell, a dark master must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell’s level, so a
dark master with a Charisma of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells.
Dark Master bonus spells are based on Charisma, and saving throws against these spells have
a DC of 10 + spell level + the dark master’s Charisma modifier. When the dark master gets 0
spell points per day he gains only the bonus spell points he would be entitled to based on his
Charisma score. The Dark Master’s spell list appears below. When he gains a new level of
spells, he knows all the spells from the list. A dark master has access to any spell on the list and
can freely choose which to cast, without needing to prepare them in advance. Essentially, his
spell list is the same as his spells known list. (Exception: The feats Expanded Knowledge and
Epic Expanded Knowledge do allow a dark master to learn spells from the lists of other
Drive (Su): Beginning at 1st level, the dark master starts to realize the true potential of
darkness, and learns how to call greater power from it. The only visible change when this occurs
is that the dark master’s clothes and material items change to a specific color scheme. These
transformations, called Drives, last a number of rounds equal to half your dark master levels
plus your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You may prematurely end this duration, but you can
only transform into a given form once per encounter.
At the end of the drive, the dark master loses the form modifiers and restrictions and becomes
fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for 1d4+4 rounds
(unless he is a 9th-level master, at which point this limitation no longer applies; see below). He
may not Drive while wearing medium or heavy armor, or while holding a shield.
To activate these forms, you must expend drive points. At 1st level you gain 1 drive point per
day. At 3rd, 6th, 9th level you gain additional drive points, as shown on Table: The Dark Master.
As a swift action that does not provokes attacks of opportunity a dark master can transform into
one of the following forms (each earned at different levels):
Fear (Purple): During this terrifying form, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength, and a +2 bonus to
Constitution. The increase in Constitution increase your hit points by 1 point per level, but these
hit points go away at the end of the drive when your Constitution score drops back to normal.
(These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are). You gain a +2 bonus
on your Fortitude saves. Your land speed increases in 10 feet, and every time you land a hit that
succesfully deals damage during this form, your opponent must make Fortitude save (DC 10+
your dark master level + your Cha mod) or become shakened for 1 round. This effect is
cumulative. You cannot use any skills that don’t involve physical activities or cast spells while in
this form. This form costs 1 drive point.
Doubt (Gray): During this uncertain form, you gain a +2 bonus to Charisma and a +2 bonus to
Dexterity. Your base land speed increases by 10 feet. You gain a +2 to your Reflex saves.
During this form, you gain a negative energy ray attack that deals 1d4 damage, and you can fire
per round a number of rays equal to twice the number of attacks granted by your base attack
bonus, and they use your ranged attack modifier. Any foe that tries to attack you in melee must
make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your dark master level + Charisma modifier). If they succeed, they
see a shadow passing in front of them, but may strike you as normal. If they fail, a tiny whip of
shadows hits them without noticing, affecting their minds. As doubt fills their mind, all attack rolls
they make against you that round suffer a -3 penalty. This save is only made once per round,
when the opponent tries to attack you. You may not make any physical attacks during this form,
or use skills tied to your Strength or Constitution modifier (except for Concentration). This form
costs 1 drive point.
Despair (Black): No one ever experiences the darkness as strongly as you do. You can drive
into the despair form. While in this form, your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma
scores all gain a +2 bonus. The increase in Constitution increases your hit points by 1 hit point
per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the drive when your Constitution score
drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are).
Your base land speed increases by 20 feet. You gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude and Reflex
saves. During this form, your dark blade increases in size, so you must use it two handed, but it
deals damage as if it were two size categories larger (i.e. a dark blade that normally deals 1d6
damage would deal 2d6 damage, plus your normal damage modifiers). During this form, any
time you charge, all your opponents with fewer HD than you within a radius of 30 feet must
make a successful Will save (DC 10+ dark master level + Charisma modifier) or be shaken for a
number of rounds equal to your dark master level. This ability doesn’t affect creatures with 3 Int
or less. A creature need only make this saving throw once per encounter. This form costs 2
drive points.
Detect Drive blade (Sp): At will, a dark master can use detect drive blade as a spell-like ability,
which functions exactly as the “detect evil” spell, except it only detects drive blades, dark blades
and their owners.
Dark Aura (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, the dark master radiates a malign energy that causes
enemies within 10 feet of him to take a -2 penalty on all saving throws. This ability functions only
while the dark master is conscious and in control of his own actions.
Dark Blade Enhancement (Su): At 4th level, a dark master gains the ability to enhance his
dark blade. He can add any one of the weapon special abilities on the table below that has an
enhancement bonus value of +1.
At 8th level the value of the enhancement a Dark Master can add to his weapon improves to +2.
A dark master can choose any combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the
total allowed by the master’s level.
The weapon ability or abilities remain the same every time the master materializes his dark
blade (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see below). The ability or abilities apply to any
form the dark blade takes, including the use of drives or dark blade upgrades.
Weapon Special Ability Enhancement Bonus Value
Keen +1
Flaming/ Shocking/ Frost +1
Mighty cleaving +1
Sundering +1
Vicious +1
Axiomatic/ Anarchic +2
Flaming/Shocking/Icy Burst +2
Unholy +2
Wounding +2
A dark master can reassign the ability or abilities he has added to his dark blade. To do so, he
must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, the dark blade materializes with the
new ability or abilities selected by the Dark Master.
When two-weapon fighting with two dark blades, both dark blades have an enhancement bonus
1 lower than the master would otherwise create with a single dark blade.
Form Boost: At 4th, 7th and 10th level the different forms gained through drive increases their
bonuses as following:
Fear (4th): +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, +4 to Fortitude saves, Two Weapon Fighting with
dual dark blades if available, your strike produces the frightened condition in enemies who fail
their save instead of the shakened condition.
Doubt (7th): +4 to Charisma. +4 to Dexterity, +4 to Reflex saves, Evasion, opponents who fail
the Reflex save take a -6 on attacks against you.
Despair (10th): +4 to Strength, +4 to Charisma, +4 to Dexterity, +4 to Constitution, +4 to Reflex
and Fortitude saves. The saving throw DC when you charge increases by +2.
Shadow Aura (Su): Once per day as a full round action that porvokes attacks of opportunity, the
dark master can open a small portal to the darkest realms, letting negative energy leak out for a
number of rounds equal to the dark master's class level. When this happens, all enemies in a
radius of 10 feet per dark master level must make a Will save DC 10 + dark master level + Cha
modifier. If they fail, they receive a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls and skill checks. If
they succeed, they only become shaken for 1 round. Every round that a creature stays in the
affected area, he must attempt a new saving throw. It he fails, the penalty on attack and
damage rolls and skill checks increases by 1. This penalty is cumalitive if he continues to fail his
saves. If he succeeds, any penalties he has accumulated up to that point go away.
If a character fails his saving throw three consecutive rounds, darkness starts to take eliminate
sensation for him, and he becomes dazed for a number of rounds equal to the dark master's
Improved Dark Blade: The dark powers continue to grow within you, granting you a new and
stronger dark blade. This one behaves exactly as your previous one, except it deals 1d8
damage (crit 19-20/x2).
Tireless Overdrive: A dark master of 8th level or higher no longer becomes fatigued at the end
of an overdrive.
Thrust Heart: The dark master at 9th level finally learns how to fill other creatures’ hearts with
darkness. Once per day as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the dark
master can thrust his dark blade directly into the heart of his intended victim, making a single
melee touch attack that deals no damage. If the attack succeeds, the victim must make a Will
save DC 10 + your dark master level + your Charisma modifier. If the attack misses, the attempt
is wasted for the day.
If the victim fails its saving throw, it will cease to act, as dark tendrils of shadow begin weaving
over its body and clutching at its heart where the dark blade struck. For a number of rounds
equal to your dark master level, the creature is dazed. If the victim succeeds on this saving
throw, he is merely shaken for 1 round.
The next round, the victim must make another Will save against the same DC. If he passed the
first saving throw, he gains a +2 morale bonus on this second save. If the victim fails this saving
throw, the darkness further consumes him, overshadowing his true will. He will act as if under
the effect of a dominate monster spell with you as the caster. This effect lasts for a number of
rounds equal to your dark master level, and supercedes the effect of a failed saving throw
against this ability in the previous round. If he succeeds on this save, he becomes shaken for an
additional 3 rounds.
The next round, the victim must make a third Will save, again with the same DC. He gains a +2
bonus if he passed one of the two previous saves, or a +4 bonus if he passed both. If this third
save fails, the victim falls into darkness, as tendrils of shadow rip his heart from him. His
alignment changes to any Evil (the component along the Law/Chaos axis doesn't change), as
he can see clearly the darkness in his own heart and the power it yields. For a number of
rounds equal to the dark master's level, the creature will act as an ally, and will attack anyone
whom the dark master sees as an enemy. If the character's alignment was originally good, he
will think that he is fighting not his old allies, but fighting the darkness in their hearts. Thus, an
atonement spell is not necessary for a character who breaks a code of conduct as a result of
this event. If the character succeeds on this Will Save, he is stunned for 1 round (in addition to
shakened, if he passed the previous saving throws).
If he failed all three saving throws, once the duration of the ability ends, the victim has two
choices. He can decide to embrace the darkness, and act according to his new alignment as if it
had changed permanently, or he can try to get his heart back and renew the fight against the
clinging shadows.
If the character decides to repudiate the darkness, he must succeed at a final Will save (DC 10
+ twice your dark master level + your Charisma modifier). If the saving throw is successful, his
alignment returns to normal and he may continue leading his life as if nothing happened. If the
save fails, however, the character becomes crazy, acting randomly, mumbling words about the
darkness and light he holds, and other effects seen appropriate by the DM. The character's
sanity can be recovered by restoration or similar effects, but the caster level of the spell must be
double the level of the dark master who induced it in order to actually remove this last effect. A
wish or miracle spell will instantly return the character to normal.
Pitch Dark Blade: At 10th level, the dark master gains the darkest blade of all. It acts as his
previous dark blade, except it deals 1d10 damage (crit 19-20/x2)

Dark Masters who have levels in the overdrive knight class (that is to say, are now ex-overdrive
knights) gain power from those forsaken levels. Both his dark master and overdrive knight levels
stack for the purpose of determining the dark blade bonus and dark blade enhancement bonus
(So, a 8th level overdrive knight/ 3rd level dark master would have a +3 bonus to attack and
damage, and a +2 enhancement). If he had already won any of the drive forms, he gains
additional powers, as following. These effects are cumulative:
Courage: You gain an additional drive point.
Perception: You gain an additional drive point. You gain an additional use per day of your
Shadow Aura ability.
Magna: The cost to transform into despair is lessened by one. You gain an additional drive
Ulterior: You gain an additional drive point, and an additional usage of your Shadow Aura each
The duration for his drive forms last a number of rounds equal to half his dark master levels +
half his overdrive knight levels + his Charisma modifier.


Corrupt Weapon
Dark Blast (new spell, see below)
Detect Secret Doors
Hold Portal
Summon Monster I
Orb of Cold, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Electricity, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Fire, Lesser (Complete Arcane)


Bull´s Strength
Dark Shield (new spell, see below)
Scorching Ray
Ice Knife (Complete Arcane)
Crackling Sphere (as flaming sphere, except it deals electricity damage)
Summon Monster II


Dimension Door
Ice Storm
Lighting Bolt
Shadow Conjuration


Crushing Despair
Shadow Evocation
Orb of Cold (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Electricity (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Fire (Complete Arcane)


Bestow Curse
Tenser´s Transformation (could be useful)
Waves of Exhaustion
and maybe Unholy Sword (as Holy Sword except evil)

Dark Shield
Abjuration [Darkness]
Level: Drk 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The warded creature gains resistance to physical attacks as a solid prism appears directly in
front of them. The creature gains damage reduction 10/-- for 1 round.

Dark Blast
Level: Drk 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

A ray of shadows and dark energies projects from your pointing hand. You must succeed on a
ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to a target. The ray deals 1d6 points of
damage, plus 1 point of damage per caster level (max +10).
They have access to 5th level spells at 9th level, yet they have no 5th level spells on their spell
Feats Novos
As a character’s awareness of his capabilities grows, and the power within him awakes, he can
learn new abilities that extend from his drive forms. This type of feat always requires the
character to be able to use the Drive class feature as a prerequisite, and some of them may
require the expenditure of one usage of any of your drives for the rest of the day to become
active. In this case, unless otherwise noted, this activation counts as a swift action.
Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Drive Blade
Benefit: You can summon and fight with two drive blades at any time, without requiring
transforming into a drive form. However, you still incur the normal penalties for two weapon
Normal: You can only summon and fight with two drive blades when transformed into courage,
magna or ulterior drive forms.
Special: When you fight with two weapons in a drive form (except for perception), your
penalties for two weapon fighting are lessened by 1.
Prerequisites: Courage Form, Form Boost:Courage, Jump 9 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +10 perfection bonus on all Jump checks.
Prerequisites: Perception Form, Run.
Benefit: Your land speed increases in 10 feet. Once per day you can move at twice your speed
for one round.
Prerequisites: Jump 15 ranks, Magna Form
Benefit: When you use your Jump skill as part of movement and jump at least 10 feet, you gain
a +5 dodge bonus to AC until your next action. You gain a +2 bonus to all attacks of opportunity
you make this round.
Prerequisites: Ulterior Form, Tumble 12 ranks
Benefit: When falling, you take damage as if the fall was 20 feet shorter. If jumping or falling a
distance of 20 feet or less you float in the air during this round, 2 inches above the floor, before
touching the ground on your next turn. For every 20 feet you fall, you may move horizontally 5
feet in any direction.
Prerequisites: Karmic Strike, Strong Jump.
Benefit: If you activate your karmic strike feat during a round in which you've made a
successful Jump check, you may immediately make a second attack against the same
opponent. This second attack is made at your highest attack bonus, and occurs after the initial
attack that activated Karmic Strike has resolved.
Normal: You can only make one simultaneous attack against an opponent when using the
Karmic Strike feat.
Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Benefit: Against an opponent that is fighting defensively or using the full defense option, you
can make a single attack that ignores the bonuses to AC granted by those actions.
Normal: Your enemy gains bonuses to AC while using the full defense or the fighting
defensively options.
Special: If an opponent has a cover AC bonus and you are able to use the Guard Break feat,
treat the cover bonus as if it was one lower (minimum 1)
Prerequisites: Drive class ability, Character level 7th
Benefit: Once per week, when reduced to 0 hit points or lower by a single attack or spell, you
can expend two drive points of to instantly turn into one of your drive forms. This change occurs
the moment you are reduced to 0 or less hit points. You recover immediately an amount of hit
points equal to your character level.
If your total hit points would be reduced to -10 or lower by a single attack and you are able to
use this feat, you still can activate it. When this happens, your hit points become 0 and you are
paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the damage that you would have received. This
paralysis can be removed if you receive an equivalent amount of healing magic, or enough to
put you at 0 hit points, whichever is lower. You are still transformed into your drive form for the
normal duration.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain an
additional use of it each week.
Prerequisites: Critical Form.
Benefit: If you would be reduced to -10 or less and you activate the Critical Form feat, your hit
points become 1 and you are dazed for a number of rounds equal to the total damage you
would have received from the attack. You can cure this daze sooner receiving healing equal to
the damage you would have received.
Normal: When using the Critical Form feat, and reduced to -10 or less, your hit points become 0
and you are paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the damage you would have received.
Prerequisites: Critical Form, Form Boost: Courage
Benefit: You need to expend only one drive point to activate the critical form feat. You heal a
number of hit points equal to twice your character level.
Normal: You expend two drive points to activate your drive with the critical form feat.
Prerequisites: Concentration 12 ranks, Combat Casting, Spell Focus (Conjuration).
Benefit: When casting any spell with the healing subschool, you continue to cast the spell, as if
you succeeded the concentration check, even if you are damaged or otherwise distracted while
Normal: You need to make a concentration check if you are damaged or distracted while
casting a spell.
Prerequisites: Perception Form, Knowledge (The Planes) 6 ranks
Benefit: When you drive, choose an energy descriptor: cold, electricity, or fire. Any time you
cast a spell with the chosen descriptor (during this drive) is cast as if you were one level higher
(i.e. at +1 caster level). Furthermore, all damaging spells with the chosen descriptor cast during
your Magna or Ulterior forms act as if empowered, even if you don't pay extra spell points.
Special: While using this feat, you cannot cast spells using other energy descriptors.
Prerequisites: Drive class ability, magna form.
Benefit: Whenever you transform using your drive ability, you may choose to make it an
explosive drive. You expend one spell point per class level to create a devastating burst,
centered on you, to deal damage equal to 1d4/class level, up to a range equal to 5 feet per
level. This damage is considered a force effect.
Special: If you have the elemental mania feat, you may choose to turn it into an elemental
explosion, which deals 1d6/class level, of the appropriate energy type.
Prerequisites: Concentration 18 ranks or Tumble 18 ranks, Magna Form, Synch Blade,
Explosive Drive
Benefit: When driving into magna or ulterior form, you may enter the nova crash state. At any
point during the drive, you may choose to activate this feat. During this state, any hit you land
deals double damage.This also applies to all your off hand attacks. If you land a critical hit, you
first determine normal critical hit damage, then you double that damage (not including extra
damage from sources such as flaming or holy). However, this ability is very strenuous, so every
round you spend in nova state, you lose 2 spell points per overdrive knight level you have. If you
run out of spell points, both your nova state and your drive form turn off. During your nova state,
you cannot make any other activity that doesn´t includes movement or attack. Nova state lasts
for as long as your drive lasts or your spell points are gone, whichever comes first. You must
succeed at a will save DC 20 + your OK level + twice your charisma modifier (if positive) if you
want to end prematurely the nova crash state.
Prerequisites: Courage Form, Base attack +6, Power Attack
Benefit: When using the full attack option against a single enemy, for each attack you land on
your opponent the next gains a cumulative +1 to damage. For example, if you land three hits,
the first deals damage as normal, the second adds +1 to damage, and the third adds +2 to
damage. This damage is considered as if coming from a high Strength bonus for effects such as
critical hits or similar.
Special: This damage does not applies when using attack of opportunities or similar.
Prerequisites: Base attack +11, Sequence Boost
Benefit: The bonuses granted from combination boost increase to +2 per hit landed.
Prerequisites: Courage Form, Drive Points 2
Benefit: Your drive forms last 5 rounds longer than usual.
Prerequisites: Strong Jump, Jump 12 ranks
Benefit: When using the full attack option against a single enemy, you may substitute your last
attack with a Jump check, with a DC equal to your opponent´s AC. If this check succeeds, you
deal double damage with this attack. If you fail, the attack fails and you must make a Tumble
check DC 20 to avoid falling on the ground prone.
Prerequisites: Lethal Leap, Jump 15 ranks, Tumble 12 ranks
Benefit: When charging, you can make a Jump check DC 45. If succesful, you can make a full
attack at the end of your charge.
Normal: You make a single attack at the end of a charge.
Arrows fired from your drive bow hit gracefully as they fly through the air.
Prerequisites: Precision Form, Drive Bow class feature, Cha 15
Benefit: You may use your charisma bonus instead of your dexterity bonus when making
ranged attacks with your drive bow. Also you may add your charisma bonus to damage rolls.
Normal: You use your dexterity bonus to ranged attack rolls, and you don´t add any ability
modifier to your damage rolls.
Special: If you have this and the combative precision feats, half of your arc enforcer level stack
for determining additional forms you could have access to. For example, an overdrive knight
8/arc enforcer 10 would gain access to perception and magna forms (in addition to the courage
and precision forms). However, this additional gained forms increase their drive point cost by
When using your precision form, you increase your accuracy to levels never reached before.
Prerequisites: Precision Form, Mighty Drive Bow, Infinite Ammunition
Benefit: If you decide to pay an extra drive point when driving into precision form, your attack
bonus ecomes equal to your character level.
Special: If you have this and the graceful shot feats, half of your arc enforcer level stack for
determining additional forms you could have access to. For example, an overdrive knight 8/arc
enforcer 10 would gain access to perception and magna forms (in addition to the courage and
precision forms). However, this additional gained forms increase their drive point cost by one.
Your Master Blade levels allow you to reach greater power through drives.
Prerequisites: Pride Form, character level 9th
Benefit: You may add half your master blade level to another overdriving class when
determining which forms and form boosts you have access through your Overdrive Class
Special: When in pride form, your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character level.
You can create powerful whirlwinds when striking with your master blade.
Prerequisites: Master Blade class feature, Pride Form, base attack +9
Benefit: If you land at least one hit with each side of your master blade you automatically start a
bull rush attempt, as a free action, without provoking attacks of opportunity, with a bonus equal
to your master blade level. If successful, the enemy is moved backwards 5 feet per master
blade level after all your attacks are defined.
You can create earthquakes when striking the land with your master blade.
Prerequisites: Master Blade class feature, Pride Form, base attack +9
Benefit: As a full round action, you strike the floor beneath you. All enemies within 5 feet per
master blade level must make a Balance check or Reflex save DC 10+master blade level + Cha
modifier or fall prone.

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