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Tutorial 4

Control Structures for Iteration

CSIS1117B Computer Programming I

Review on looping constructs
While loop For loop


Looping constructs
Mainly while-loop and for-loop When we use looping constructs?
When statements are executed repeatedly until a particular condition is satisfied
N matter we know the number of iterations or not No tt k th b f it ti t

Which one is better

total = 0; 0 cin >> score; if (score >=0 ) total = total } if (score >=0 ) total = total } ... ... if (score >=0 ) total = total } { + score; cin >> score; { + score; cin >> score;


total = 0; cin >> score; while (score >=0 ) { total = total + score; cin >> score; }

{ + score; cin >> score;

Which one is better

total total total total total total = = = = = = 0; total total total total total total = 0; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { total = total + score; }

+ + + + +

score; score; score; score; score;


Multiple efforts to type the codes Multiple efforts to do the debugging (if there are errors) Multiple efforts to make modifications Multiple chances to make mistakes

Use looping construct p g whenever possible !

While loop
while (condition) { body }

Has the value of type bool (true or false) If condition is evaluated to true, then the block body is executed

When executing a while-loop

Step 1: condition is evaluated Step 2:
If condition is true, the block body is executed, and after completion, goto step 1 If condition is false, the while loop terminates without executing the bl k th block body.

Make sure the while-loop can terminate

For loop
for (initialization action; condition; update action) { ( ; ; p ) body }


for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { body i=i+1 }

When executing a for-loop

Step 1: initialization action is executed p Step 2: condition is evaluated
If condition is true, the block body is executed If condition is false, the for-loop terminates without executing the block body. body

Step 3: update action is executed, and goto step 2

Nested loops
Loops can appear inside loops
while (...) { ... while (...) { ... } ... } for (...) { ... for (...) { ... } ... }

Note the indentation

Exercise 1
Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers defined by the q y following relations:

0 1 Fn F F n2 n 1

if n 0 if n 1 if n 1

Write a program fibonacci.cpp to read in a non-negative integer n and determine the n th Fibonacci number n-th number. Hints can be found in the last slide.

Sample run of the program:

C:\tutorial4>fibonacci 0 0

C:\tutorial4>fibonacci 1 1

C:\tutorial4>fibonacci 10 55

C:\tutorial4>fibonacci 46 1836311903

Exercise 2
Write a program pyramid.cpp to read in a non-negative integer non negative n, and print out a pyramid shape made of n lines of *

Sample output of the program

C:\tutorial4>pyramid Please input the height of the pyramid: 4 * *** ***** *******

Submit fibonacci.cpp & pyramid.cpp to the Assignment T4 folder of the webhandin Deadline: 11:59pm Oct 7, 2011
Sample solutions will be provided after the deadline

Hints on question 1
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ // get a non-negative integer n int n; cin >> n; if (n <= 1) cout << n << endl; else { int Fn 2 = 0; // F(n-2) Fn_2 int Fn_1 = 1; // F(n-1) int Fn; // F(n) for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++){ Fn = Fn_2 + Fn_1; Fn 2 Fn 1; ... } ... } return 0; }

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