Grammar Lesson 3 - Noun and Pronoun

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A. Noun
Nouns are words that name entities and provide a way for language to convey
tangible and intangible concepts.

Functions in a Sentence:
● Subject: The main doer of the action (e.g., The cat chased the mouse).
● Object: Receives the action of the verb (e.g., She read a book).
● Complement: Completes the meaning of the sentence (e.g., She is a doctor).

Types of Nouns

1. Common Nouns:
● Definition: General names for people, places, things, or ideas.
● Examples: city, dog, book, happiness.
2. Proper Nouns:
● Definition: Specific names for particular people, places, or things. Proper
nouns are capitalized.
● Examples: New York City, Rover (a dog's name), The Great Gatsby.
3. Concrete Nouns:
● Definition: Refers to tangible, physical entities that can be perceived by the
● Examples: tree, car, chocolate.
4. Abstract Nouns:
● Definition: Refers to intangible concepts, qualities, or ideas.
● Examples: love, freedom, courage.
5. Countable Nouns:
● Definition: Nouns that can be counted as individual units.
● Examples: cat, chair, student.
6. Uncountable (Mass) Nouns:
● Definition: Nouns that cannot be counted as individual units.
● Examples: water, furniture, knowledge.
7. Collective Nouns:
● Definition: Represents a group of people, animals, or things as a single
● Examples: team, family, flock.
8. Compound Nouns:
● Definition: Formed by combining two or more words to create a new noun.
● Examples: toothpaste, basketball, sunrise.
9. Possessive Nouns:
● Definition: Indicates ownership or possession.
● Examples: Mary's book, the cat's tail, children's toys, The Girls’ Cat
10. Gerunds:
● Definition: A gerund is a form of a verb that functions as a noun and ends
in "-ing."
● Examples: swimming, reading, dancing.
❖ Swimming is her favorite activity," "swimming" is a gerund..
❖ Verb: Verbs can stand alone as the main element in a sentence or
be part of verb phrases.
➢ Example: "He runs every morning."

Gerund: Gerunds are typically used in sentences to represent

actions as things or activities.

➢ Example: "Running is his passion."

B. Pronoun

A pronoun is a part of speech that replaces a noun or noun phrase in a sentence.

Functions in a Sentence:

● Pronouns are used to avoid unnecessary repetition of nouns and contribute to

the clarity and fluency of language. Instead of constantly repeating a specific
noun, a pronoun takes its place, allowing for smoother and more concise

Here are the main types of pronouns:

Personal Pronouns:
● Refer to specific people or things.
● Examples: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them.
Possessive Pronouns:
● Indicate ownership or possession.
● Examples: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
Reflexive Pronouns:
● Reflect the action of the verb back onto the subject.
● Examples: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
Demonstrative Pronouns:
● Point to specific things or people.
● Examples: this, that, these, those.
Interrogative Pronouns:
● Used to ask questions.
● Examples: who, whom, whose, which, what.
Indefinite Pronouns:
● Refer to nonspecific people or things.
● Examples: all, some, any, none, anyone, everyone, somebody, nobody.
Reciprocal Pronouns:
● Indicate mutual actions or relationships.
● Examples: each other, one another.


1. Read each sentence and underline or highlight the nouns:

● My sister and I went to the park for a picnic.
● The old tree in the backyard provides shade during hot summer days.
● Laughter echoed through the hall as the comedian told funny jokes.
● The students completed their assignments and handed them in before the
● Maria's kindness and generosity have made her a beloved member of the
● The majestic mountains in the distance were covered with a blanket of snow.
● The detective carefully examined the crime scene for any clues.
● We visited the museum to see the impressive collection of ancient artifacts.
● The delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen.
● The children played with colorful balloons in the lively and vibrant carnival.
2. Identify the sentence, subject, object and complement
● Sheila baked a delicious cake for her brother's birthday.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● The students found the assignment challenging but rewarding.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● The sun sets behind the mountains, casting a warm glow on the valley.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● I consider him a close friend despite our occasional disagreements.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● The painting on the wall caught everyone's attention with its vibrant colors.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:

● Our team won the championship after months of intense training.

○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● Sheila is a talented musician, playing multiple instruments with ease.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● The detective examined the mysterious package carefully, searching for any
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● The movie kept the audience captivated from beginning to end.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:
● His generosity made a significant impact on the local community.
○ Subject:
○ Object:
○ Complement:

3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronouns from the given options:
● I have a friend, and _____ is a talented artist.
○ a) she
○ b) her
○ c) hers
○ d) themselves
● John and Maria went to the store, but _____ forgot to buy the milk.
○ a) he
○ b) him
○ c) his
○ d) them

● The book is on the shelf. Could you please pass _____ to me?
○ a) it
○ b) its
○ c) them
○ d) their
● The children played in the park, and _____ had a great time.
○ a) them
○ b) theirs
○ c) they
○ d) their
● _____ is the person who called you this morning.
○ a) Her
○ b) She
○ c) Herself
○ d) Their

4. Fill in the correct answers

a. The book on the shelf is ____________; ____________ must have forgotten it
b. John and Maria went to the store, but neither of ____________ bought
____________ anything.
c. The group of friends, each with ____________ unique skills, showcased
____________ talents at the event.
d. The athlete, along with the coach, prepared ____________ for the
championship, focusing on ____________ strengths.
e. The committee members discussed ____________ plans for the upcoming
event, ensuring that ____________ would run smoothly.
f. The cat washed ____________ in the sunlight, grooming ____________
g. The musician, as well as the backup singers, practiced ____________ parts
to ensure ____________ harmony.
h. The artist signed ____________ paintings and displayed ____________ in the
gallery, proud of ____________ work.
i. The team members congratulated ____________ for ____________ hard work,
appreciating ____________ dedication.
j. Neither of the students completed ____________ assignments, so
____________ will need to catch up.

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