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Anamnesa Muskulo

1. Past health history

Childhood illnesses
 Do you have a history of juvenile RA (JRA)?
 Do you have cerebral palsy? Muscular dystrophy?

 Have you ever had surgery or other treatment involving bones, muscles, joints, or
other supporting structures?
Diagnostic Procedures
 Postmenopausal women: Have you ever had a bone
densitometry (dexascan)?
 Have you had any past problems or injuries to your joints, muscles, or bones? If
so, what? What treatment was given?
 Do you have any residual effects from the injury or problem?
Serious/Chronic Illnesses
 Do you have any other medical problems?
 Have you had a recent infection?
 What immunizations have you had and when?
 Have you been immunized against tetanus and polio?
 Are you allergic to dairy products?
 Do you have lactose intolerance?
 Are you taking any prescribed or OTC medications?
 Middle-aged women: Are you menopausal? Are you receiving estrogen
replacement therapy?
Recent Travel/Military Service/Exposure to
Infectious or Contagious Diseases
 Have you been hiking or camping recently?
 Were you ever in the military?
2. Family history
 Do you have a family history of gout, arthritis, or
3. Psychosocial
Health Practices and Beliefs/Self-Care Activities
 What do you do to promote the health of your musculoskeletal system?
 Do you get an annual physical exam?
 Do you wear protective equipment when playing sports?
 Do you understand proper body mechanics?
Typical Day
 How would you describe your typical day?
Nutritional Patterns
 What did you eat in the last 24 hours?
 Do you drink milk?
 Have you lost or gained weight recently? If so, how much?
Activity/Exercise Patterns
 Do you exercise? How much and what type?
 Do you participate in sports or activities that require heavy lifting?
 Do you wear protective equipment?
 Do you participate in outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping?
Sleep/Rest Patterns
 How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
Personal Habits
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages?
 Do you use drugs?
Occupational Health Patterns
 What type of work do you do? Does it involve lifting or repetitive movements?
 How would you describe your usual posture?
 What kind of shoes do you wear to work?
 Have you ever lost work time because of a musculoskeletal problem?
 Are you exposed to toxic chemicals at work?
Environmental Health Patterns
 Where do you live?
 How many stairs do you have to climb?
 How did you view yourself before you had this problem, and how do you view yourself
 Have musculoskeletal problems interfered with your ability to interact with others?
Cultural Influences
 What is your ethnic background?
Sexuality Patterns
 Have musculoskeletal problems interfered with your usual sexual activity?
Social Supports
 Who are your supports?
Stress and Coping
 How do you deal with stress?
Anamnesa neurology
1. Past health history
Childhood Illnesses
 Do you have a history of head injury or seizures?
 Have you ever had surgery or other treatment involving the nervous system?
Hospitalizations/Diagnostic Procedures
 Have you ever been treated for a neurologic problem?
Serious Injuries
 Have you ever had a serious injury? If so, can you describe it? What treatment
was given, and do you have any residual effects from the injury?
Serious/Chronic Illnesses
 Do you have any other medical problems?
 Do you have any other medical
 What immunizations have you had and when?
 Do you have any allergies, and if so, what are they? Reaction?
 Are you taking any prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC) medications?
Herbal products? If yes, what are they? When last taken?
 Anticoagulants or antiplatelet medications?
 Birth control pills (BCP) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
Recent Military Service
 Were you exposed to toxic chemicals during military service?
2. Family history
 Do you have a family history of HTN, stroke, MS, seizures, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS), Huntington’s chorea, Alzheimer’s disease, or cancer?
 Do you have a family history of substance abuse or psychiatric problems?
3. Pshycosocial
Health Practices and Beliefs/Self-Care Activities
 What activities do you engage in to promote the health of your neurologic
 Do you get an annual physical exam?
 Do you wear seat belts?
 Do you own a gun?
 Do you wear protective equipment when playing sports?
 Do you understand proper body mechanics?
Typical Day
 How would you describe your typical day?
 Are you able to perform self-care activities?
 Do you have difficulty performing ADLs?
Nutritional Patterns
 What did you eat in the last 24 hours?
 Are you on any special diets?
Activity and Exercise Patterns
 Do you exercise? If so, what type and how much?
 Do you participate in contact sports or activities that require heavy lifting? If so,
do you wear protective equipment
 What are your hobbies?
Sleep and Rest Patterns
 How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
Personal Habits
 Do you smoke, drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages, or use drugs?
Occupational Health Patterns
 What type of work do you do? Does it involve lifting, repetitive movements, or
exposure to chemicals or toxins?
Environmental Health Patterns
 Where do you live?
 How many floors are there in your house?
 How do you see yourself?
 How did you see yourself before you had this problem, and how do you see
yourself now?
 What is your role in the family, and has it changed?
Religious/Cultural Influences
 What are your religious practices and beliefs or cultural influences in regard to
health care?
Sexuality Patterns
 Have physical problems interfered with your usual sexual activity?
Social Supports
 Who are your supports?
 Have physical problems interfered with your ability to interact with others?
Stress and Coping
 How do you deal with stress?

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