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20, Alfred Jonah School Road off Shell flow Station, Sapele, Delta State.


INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions

1. ______ is any activity preferred or service rendered which provide goods and services to
satisfy human need and desire (a) adverting (b) commerce (c) business (d) economics
2. ________ is the study of the principles and procedures of running an office.(a) office space
(b) key boarding (c) business studies (d) office practice (e) computer education
3. Which of these is an example of a small office (a) bank (b) fashion (c) the church (d)
principal’s office (e) museum
4. We have ________ types of an office (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 5
5. _______ is a room where clerical activities are being carried out (a) office (b) reception (c)
company (d) school (e) counter
6. ____ is not an attribute of right attitude to work (a) consistency (b) exercising (c)
transparency (d) regulating (e) dedication
7. ______ is a person who performs routine jobs in an office (a) receptionist (b) office staff (c)
secretary (d) administration (e) manager
8. _____ is an activity performed to earn a living (a) character (b) work (c) attitude (d) business
(e) ethics
9. Another word for confidentiality as it concerns office information is (a) truth (b) secret (c)
position (d) result (e) permission
10. The following are example of small office except (a) cobblers office (b)
11. ______ is human effort which can be mental or physical tailored towards making a living (a)
work (b) economics (c) ethics (d) need (e) desire
12. The positive way a worker carries out his or her work to help himself and man kind is called
(a) education (b) work (c) ethics (d) right attitude to work (e) dedication
13. Which of this is not an attribute of right attitude to work (a) transparency (b) punctuality (c)
consistency (d) lateness (e) hard work
14. The specialized division of a large organization is called (a) organization (b) offices (c)
department (d) work ethics (e) factory
15. The department in charge of marinating financial transaction of an organization is called (a)
account / finance department (b) sales department (c) production department (d) purchasing
department (e) personnel department
16. The following are channels of advertising used by the advertising department except (a)
television (b) banner (c) radio (d) books (e) bill board
17. The head of the personnel department is called (a) bank manager (b) school manager (c)
personnel manager (d) site manger (e) marketing manger
18. What does the acronym SRV stands for (a) store receipt voucher (b) store receive voucher (c)
stock receipt voucher (e) stock rate voucher
19. Commerce is divided into (a) 2 (b)4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6
20. _____ is the buying and selling of goods and services (a) business (b) trade (c) exchange (d)
commerce (e) insurance
21. The period of exchange of goods / commodity for other goods is known as (a)
industrialization (b) trade by barter (c) trading (d) exchange rate (e)trading
22. _____ are the people that convert the raw material to another finished goods or semi finished
goods (a) consumer (b) retailer (c) manufacturer (d) wholesaler
23. Commerce is divided into trade and ____ (a) marketing (b) finance (c) aid to trade
(d) business (e) sales
24. Individuals are expected to have ____ by giving in their best to improve productivity (a)
work ethic (b) good behavior (c) right attitude to work (d) bad attitude to work
25. One of the following is not a consequence 0f a negative attitude to work (a) stress (b) anxiety
(c) promotion (d) loss of job (e) depression
26. _____ is reward for positive attitude to work (a) increase in wages / salaries (b)
disagreement (c) maltreatment (d) anger (e) disunity
27. _____ encourages international trade and improve standard of living (a) business (b)
accounting (c) commerce (d) banking (e)advertising
28. ____ is not an activity that aid the growth of commerce (a) communication (b) insurance (c)
warehousing (d) transport (e) hiring
29. The following are channels that facilitate home trade except (a) retailer (b) wholesale (c)
accountant (d) manufacturer (e) hiring
30. The final link in a distribution chain is the _____ (a) exporter (b) consumer (c) manufacturer
(d) wholesaler (e) retailer
31. ____ are goods produced in one country buys for sale in other country (a)import (b) export
(c) trade(d) production (e) entrepot
32. _____ are products a country buys from one country (a) import (b) export (c) retailer (d)
trading (e) pushing
33. The selling of imported goods by one country to another without transforming the gods in
any way is called (a) home trade (b) commerce (c) Entrepot (d) import (e) export
34. ____ is not an example of products in foreign trade (a) drugs (b) electronics (c) mobile
phones (d) vegetables (e) cars
35. _____ is used for storing goods before they are sold or used (a) storage room (b) stores (c)
warehouse (d) trade (e) commerce
36. One of the these is false about commerce (a) connects producers, sellers and consumers (b)
encourages international trade (c) reduces unemployment (d) improves standard of living (e)
encourages unemployment
37. ______ is something giving in return for good performance or behavior (a) money (b) reward
(c) devotion (d) attitude (e) work
38. We have _____ basic functions of an office (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d)3 (e) 2
39. ____ is not one of the basic functions of an office (a) giving information (b) storing
information (c) hoarding information (d) arranging information (e) recording information
40. A petty traders shop is an example of a ___ (a) large office (b) small office (c) account office
(d) reception office (e) secretary office
INSTRCUTION: Answer Any 4 question

1a List and explain the five components of business Studies

b What is Business Studies.
c List 8 career opportunities in Business Studies

2a Define an office
bList five differences between large and small office
c state the six main functions of an office
d Who is a clerical staff.
3As a representative of the ministry of Education Asaba,you have been invited for a
Write down 5 points you will use to pass the message to your audience.
bList four functions of a clerical staff.

3.Write short notes on the following

i. confidentiality of office
ii. clerical Staff
iii. Reward
iv. Work
b. Mention 5 Departmentsseen in an organization

4. Define commerce
b. Mention 5 activities that aid growth of commerce
c. Mention 4 importance of commerce

5. What is foreign trade?

b. list 4 differences between retailer and wholesaler
c. List 5 products in home trade
d. List 5 products in foreign trade

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