Uasa Tahun 5

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UJIAN AKHIR SESI AKADEMIK | HOU Archan 3.Bace eoalan eebel 4.Semak jawopan a YEAR 5 ENGLISH lum menjawab. ;ebelum menghantar. R IS MINUTES | Kertas eoalan in mengandung) 7 bohagian 2. Murid diminta men jews semua éoalon BAHAGIAN MARKAH PENH MARKAH i 5 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 5 6 10 7 5 JUMLAH 50 NAMA: KELAS: PART (5 mars) ———— Now showing | | voweve sin inde cdvertemont? ‘The ‘teu! / 8. ho Little mi zi Chote Mermai pieces) Gymnastic Club Interested? Fin adelante fom 2.000 cm pestle, lemon derbin a fright ime Fl ee eppicants wil gol place any citer applicant wil be given ie choce ned 2, Who canjoin gumnaste cub? ‘A.allopplicanisB.fis!!2 applicanls C. lod! I2appiconlsD. 12 applicants 3. Why do Put wie tho email to Senat? Ao inform her about he Chiron Day colebraton Thave wil be @ costume competition | jo emindher to ated he torches Deucelsbraen lou | crtdensbay oben schoo this coming Sunday, If you ‘lreted, lege tough he nk | CP heb barfo itr e peaeie re costume competion hough the Tink pea PART (5 mas) Dear diary, Thad a good lunch at school today. I had a cheese sandwich. I had a slice of papaya too. I drank chocolate drink. My schoo! has a good lunch menu every day. Tam so happy! 4, Fom he cry, we know hat Suzy ‘ae olson food for lunch, 8. dank chocelae clink dung hneh, CC. had homemade food ferlnch, Date: 30 September 2023 Time: 8.00 a.m. Venue: Batu Pahat Stadium Fee: RM20 Donate for Wawasan Orphanage Charity Run 5. Whale purpose ofthis un? {Total und eran onphanoge 8. To encourage runing in Baty Phat people . To bul heclthy Hestyle PART 2 (¢ mas) Tis okay to eat fastfood (6) in coloties, So, f you often eat a cheeseburger, you can easily become because fas food is high obese. You mus! eat homemade food because iti (7). Everybody know thal fastfood is cheap ond quick. However, fas! food. snot as fasty as homemade food. Young people prefer fo eat pizas, cheeseburgers and French fos bul hey should eat homemade food instead. Heath cor ie (@) fo cteate new eating habils so thal we can| have « healthier generation ‘Obstiy can lead fo ober diseases such ot diabetes and heat shokes. thisis why Malaysia is now starting fo igh! back () the fat food Jcompanies. They are stopping serving fat food inthe school cafeteria in ord fo raise awareness regarding healthy eating habit. 6 Aalwaye 8. usually occasionally D. offen De much 7 Acheathy heather CC. heatest pet 8 A. devote Badevoting C.devoled —_D. dvolen 9 Aogoinst Bhetwoon with Dowp PART 3 (8 mas) Read fet and answer the quasons fhe gecko is @ very unique and clout lzard. It can be found in many habitats, usualy in warm cimates. The gecko is an omnivore. I kes fo feed on fue and insects The gecko makes noises such as chirping, barking and clicking when i feels tvealened or fo afract it mate, Besides tha, ts tall hae special features that help ito balance its weight as they climb branches and to scr fl. The lal also helps ilo camoufage ise. If predator atiocks he Joecko wil shed off ital Most geckos are rociural, which moans they are active af night Al female gecko lays tk egg¢ in leaves and bers. One inlerosing fact is thal ros geckos do not have moveable eyelids. They keep ther eyes clean Ley icking it with ther tongue, ID. Where can we find geckos? A.waim climates B. cold climates C. dry climates Il, What do geckos eat? A ruts B. insects CC. fruits and insects l2.When do geckos make noises? ‘A. when they feel B. when they wantfoC. when they are safe attract is mate eating 3. When do geckos active? ‘A. moming Bunight C.evening 4, How do gecko camouflage itself? ‘A.using ls eyelids Busing itsbody ——_C. using is fil wea PART 4 (8 mars) Tay pare wan fo dau ot ome a do we ‘ebsin he hae on Wo gona Te o> oy. Seen Ie gteame pla tough goa frend re gang © dey of ry howe oe Westend code gana fo foep In ty ew Tm gong fo spd wook in Pa wih ma fai tly Fm so once Wote garg {9bi fon Tb « guidek et weal Sd Pant looks realy cool bal ven ‘gong fo cb sho El Comal hayve gota hige neue near he beach 1 love swimming, 20'Tm gong fo sim the every day and Tim ako ary B.Ciaia —_C. Bethany 15 [ Who bought « guidebook last week? 16 | Whoten¥ gong to go away thi summer? 17 | Whohas got cousins in Corwal? 18 [Whohas gota new font? 19 | Who cont aut? 20. | Who ie going fo spend time in an expensive cy? PART 5 (8 mas) PART 7 (5 mara) a This @ spot in the waler You saw a posi for Special Days at SK Rengi. Wite @ message fo your fiend and ask him o go with you. While your message between 60 - 80 words. 2 The opposite of cheap. 23 The place where you learn and study. Special Days at SK Rengit — 2 Parl of body thal you use fo Fak Come wih your lly and fend Allwelcome 2 The season where dis snowing. PART 6 9 mats) You ore invling your fiend, Hassan fo jon English lesson via Zoom meet. Wille an email fo Hassan. Wite between 30 - 0 words Say * When i the Zoom meet + What subject ofthe lesson 1 Who isthe leacher *+ Why you wan! fo join the lesson conghcamecn ‘ésepaning| Ti aati Ther, oxy al on Fron Dele: 25th Agus 2023 Venue: schools eld W Sup Inne,

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