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National Science Review

RESEARCH ARTICLE 6: 730–738, 2019

doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwz019
Advance access publication 1 February 2019


Electrochemical synthesis of nitric acid from air and

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ammonia through waste utilization
Yuting Wang1 , Yifu Yu1,∗ , Ranran Jia1 , Chao Zhang1 and Bin Zhang 1,2,∗

Commercial nitric acid (HNO3 ) and ammonia (NH3 ) are mostly produced through the Ostwald process
and the Haber-Bosch process, respectively. However, high energy demand and enormous greenhouse gas
accompy these processes. The development of economical and green ways to synthesize HNO3 and NH3 is
highly desirable for solving the global energy and environmental crisis. Here, we present two
energy-efficient and environmentally friendly strategies to synthesize HNO3 and NH3 at distributed
sources, including the electrocatalytic oxidation of N2 in air to HNO3 and the electrocatalytic reduction of
residual NO− 3 contamination in water to NH3 . The isotope-labeling studies combined with theoretical
calculation reveal the reaction path of the two proposed strategies, confirming the origin of the
electrochemical products. Importantly, the electrooxidation-generated NO− 3 ions may also serve as
reactants for the electroreduction synthesis of NH3 in the future. Our work may open avenues for
energy-efficient and green production of HNO3 and NH3 at distributed sources.
Keywords: ammonia, nitric acid, distributed sources, electrocatalysis, green synthesis

INTRODUCTION energy-intensive air-separation process [21–24].

Transformations of nitrogen into reactive forms, Thus, it is of great interest to develop novel elec-
particularly nitric acid (HNO3 ) and ammonia trochemical routes to achieving green synthesis of
1 Department of HNO3 and NH3 under benign conditions.
(NH3 ), are vital to living organisms and industrial
Chemistry, Institute of
processes [1–4]. The worldwide production of Herein, we present two electrochemical strate-
Molecular Plus, gies. Strategy I is the electrocatalytic oxidation of N2
School of Science,
HNO3 and NH3 was 50 and 150 million metric
tons, respectively, in 2017 [5]. Commercial HNO3 to HNO3 by using air as the nitrogen source. Strat-
Tianjin University, egy II is the electrochemical reduction preparation
is produced through the catalytic oxidation of NH3
Tianjin 300072, China
(Ostwald process), but this approach is energy- of NH3(aq) from residual nitrate ion (NO− 3 ) contam-
and 2 Collaborative
intensive [5]. On the other hand, NH3 is mostly ination in water [25,26]:
Innovation Center of
Chemical Science and manufactured using the Haber-Bosch method
NO− − −
3 (aq) +6H2 O(liq) + 8e → NH3(aq) +9OH(aq) .
Engineering, Tianjin [6–9], which consumes ∼2% of global power
300072, China and discharges ∼1.5% of global greenhouse gas (1)
[10–16]. Moreover, the large-scale chemical plants,
∗ Corresponding We found that N2 is electro-oxidized into HNO3
and hence centralized HNO3 and NH3 sources,
authors. E-mails: induce a serious waste of fossil fuels during the over platinum foil with ∼1.23% Faradaic efficiency; transportation process [17]. Therefore, searching at +2.19 V vs. RHE (the reversible hydrogen elec-
novel solutions that allow energy-efficient and envi- trode) and the waste of NO− 3 is electro-reduced with
ronmentally friendly synthesis of HNO3 and NH3 approximately 33.6% NH3(aq) selectivity at −0.65 V
Received 13 at distributed sources are urgently needed [18,19]. vs. RHE over Co3 O4 nanorod arrays. Our results
November 2018; demonstrate how the electrochemical methods of
Electrocatalysis represents a potentially alternative
Revised 25 January Strategy I and Strategy II produce HNO3 and NH3
strategy [20]. However, present electrocatalysis is
2019; Accepted 31
focused on preparing NH3 through the reduction at distributed sources. These findings provide a new
January 2019
of pure dinitrogen, which is produced by the avenue for producing the reactive nitrogen species

© The Author(s) 201. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( /), which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re -use, please contact
RESEARCH ARTICLE Wang et al. 731

in an ‘economic’ and ‘clean’ way, especially once the Ar- and air-saturated electrolyte under ambient con-
electrocatalysis reaction is driven by renewable en- ditions (Fig. 1b). All potentials in this work were
ergy [27]. recorded and converted to the RHE scale. As the po-
tential moves above +2.13 V, the current density is
distinguishably enhanced under air-saturated elec-
trolyte, revealing that N2 in air can be catalysed into
An H-type cell divided by a proton-exchange mem- oxidative products. The produced NO− 3 and NO2

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brane was used for the electrocatalytic tests of Strat- are quantified based on the standard method [28] by
egy I (Fig. 1a). To explore the catalytic behavior using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotom-
of N2 electrooxidation (Strategy I), air was bub- etry (Supplementary Fig. S1, available as Supple-
bled onto the anode. H2 O in electrolyte (0.3 M mentary Data at NSR online). Anion chromatog-
K2 SO4 ) and N2 in air combine with platinum foil raphy was also adopted to confirm the accuracy of
as an electrocatalyst to form HNO3 . We tested the UV-Vis spectrophotometry for detecting the yield
linear sweep voltammetry curves of platinum foil in of NO− 3 (Supplementary Table S1, available as

Figure 1. (a) Schematic illustration for as-proposed Strategy I. (b) Linear sweep voltammetric curves of platinum foil in
Ar-saturated (blue line) and air-saturated (red line) electrolyte. (c) Yields of NO−
3 and Faradaic efficiencies after potentiostatic
test at given potentials. (d) The cycling tests of N2 electrooxidation over the same piece of Pt electrode. (e) Calculated free-
energy diagram for N2 electrooxidation over platinum foil. Ball-and-stick model in (b) and (e): blue ball (N atom), red ball
(O atom), pink ball (H atom) and green ball (Pt atom).
732 Natl Sci Rev, 2019, Vol. 6, No. 4 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Supplementary Data at NSR online). The effect of 2NO2(g) + H2 O(liq) + 1/2O2(g) → 2HNO3(aq) .
the anode potentials on the yields of oxidative prod- (3)
ucts and the corresponding Faradaic efficiencies To demonstrate Strategy II, involving elec-
were investigated (Fig. 1c). Although the gap in the troreducing residual NO− 3 contamination in
current density between Ar and air condition keeps water, KNO3 was added to a cathode cell and
enlarging with the increase in potential, the high- reduced into NH3(aq) (Fig. 2a). Presently, the main
est Faradaic efficiency of 1.23% for NO− 3 was ob- sources of nitrate for the as-proposed Strategy

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tained at +2.19 V. The yields of NO− 3 and NO− 2 at II are residual contamination in water, including
+2.19 V achieve 0.06 and 0.0004 μmol h cm−2 ,−1
industrial wastewater, domestic sewage, animal
respectively, and remained almost unchanged with waste and nitrogen fertilizers. In the future, if the
the increase in potential (Fig. 1c and Supplemen- efficiency of Strategy I can be further improved,
tary Fig. S2, available as Supplementary Data at the electrooxidation generation of NO− 3 may also
NSR online). So, the optimal operating potential serve as a reactant for Strategy II. We constructed
for N2 electrooxidation over platinum electrocata- Co3 O4 nanorod arrays supported on Ti mesh as
lyst in this work was +2.19 V. Furthermore, some a model electrocatalyst (Supplementary Fig. S4,
control experiments, including Ar-saturated elec- available as Supplementary Data at NSR online).
trolyte with a potentiostatic test (+2.19 V) and The linear sweep voltammetry curves of the Co3 O4
air-saturated electrolyte without external potential, electrode in 0.1 M K2 SO4 electrolyte with and
were performed. Undetected oxidative products in without KNO3 were performed under ambient
both cases further confirmed the electrocatalytic ox- conditions (Fig. 2b). The current density was
idation of N2 in air to NO− −
3 and NO2 as designed obviously enhanced in the presence of KNO3 ,
in Strategy I (Supplementary Table S2, available indicating that NO− 3 in solution can be catalysed
as Supplementary Data at NSR online). For practi- into reductive products. The yields of NH3(aq)
cal application, the durability of the catalyst is cru- [28] and NO− 2 were quantified based on UV-Vis
cial. After consecutive recycling tests, the catalytic spectrophotometers (Supplementary Fig. S5, avail-
performance showed no obvious decline, demon- able as Supplementary Data at NSR online). The
strating the high stability of platinum foil toward cation chromatography method was also adopted to
the electrooxidation of N2 (Fig. 1d). As shown in confirm the accuracy of UV-Vis spectrophotometry
Fig. 1e, Strategy I goes through multiple processes. for detecting the yield of NH3(aq) (Supplementary
We calculated the free energy of N2 electrooxidation Table S3, available as Supplementary Data at NSR
over the Pt (200) plane based on the X-ray diffrac- online). Following the potentiostatic test con-
tion (XRD) result (Supplementary Fig. S3, avail- ducted at −0.65 V vs. RHE, which corresponded to
able as Supplementary Data at NSR online). First, 100 mA cm−2 of current density (Fig. 2b), the selec-
the N2 molecule was chemically absorbed by the tivity of different reductive products is displayed in
platinum to form N2 ∗ with a total energy change Fig. 2c. The selectivity of NH3(aq) was 33.6% over the
of −0.097 eV, indicating that this reaction can take Co3 O4 electrode, and the other reductive products
place spontaneously. N2 ∗ reacted with OH− to pro- included NO− 2 , NOx , N2 and N2 H4 , etc. [29–31].
duce N2 OH∗ and then N2 OH∗ was dehydrogenated Furthermore, the Co3 O4 electrode supported on the
to N2 O∗ or continued to react with OH− to produce Ti substrate was conducted under a potentiostatic
N2 O2 H2 ∗ with a larger reaction energy. Both N2 O∗ test (–0.65 V) in 0.1 M K2 SO4 electrolyte without
and N2 O2 H2 ∗ will evolve into NO∗ with the inter- KNO3 . The negligible NH3(aq) in the final solution
mediate of N2 O2 H∗ and NOH∗ . Note that NO∗ further confirms the electrocatalytic reduction of
could be directly desorbed from the catalyst surface NO− 3 to NH3(aq) via Strategy II (Supplementary
and then oxidized into HNO3 and HNO2 in solution Fig. S6, available as Supplementary Data at NSR
(Equation (2)). Meanwhile, NO∗ can be oxidized to online). The bare Ti substrate showed a much
NO2 ∗ with the intermediate of NO2 H∗ . With fur- smaller yield of NH3(aq) (0.029 mmol h−1 cm−2 )
ther increase in potential, NO2 ∗ desorbed from the compared to that of Co3 O4 supported on the Ti
catalyst surface. Finally, NO2 was transformed to substrate (0.854 mmol h−1 cm−2 ), indicating the
HNO3 in solution through Equation (3). Based on high activity of Co3 O4 for the electrocatalytic re-
these results, we can deduce the reaction path from duction of NO− 3 (Supplementary Fig. S6, available
N2 in air to HNO3 via the as-proposed Strategy I: as Supplementary Data at NSR online). During the
consecutive recycling test, the catalytic activities
displayed almost no decline (Fig. 2d). And the
Co3 O4 electrode was maintained well after the
2NO(g) + H2 O(liq) + O2(g) → HNO3(aq)
electroreduction test (Supplementary Fig. S7,
+ HNO2(aq) (2) available as Supplementary Data at NSR online).
RESEARCH ARTICLE Wang et al. 733

(a) (b) K2SO4
Sources of NO3

j (mA cm-2)
Industrial wastewater
Domestic sewage -50
Animal waste
Nitrogen fertilizers

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Other waste liquids -100
...... NO3-

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
E / V vs. RHE

(c) NH3 NO2 N2, NOX, N2H4, etc (d) 1.2

NH3 yield (mmol h-1 cm-2)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cycle number (n)

Figure 2. (a) Schematic illustration for as-proposed Strategy II. (b) Linear sweep voltammetric curves of Co3 O4 electrode in
0.1 M K2 SO4 electrolyte with and without KNO3 . (c) Selectivity of NO−3 electroreduction products at −0.65 V vs. RHE. (d) The
cycling tests of NO−
3 reduction over the same piece of Co3 O4 electrode.

These results demonstrate the high durability of the tants to explore the origin of the NH3(aq) . It can
Co3 O4 electrode for NO− 3 electroreduction. Note be seen that the isotopic-labeled sample exhibited
that the electroreduction of NO− 3 was reported in 18.98% 15 NH3(aq) but the sample using K14 NO3
previous work, but they focused on the degradation without an isotopic label as a reference showed only
of residual NO− 3 in water into environmentally 0.36% 15 NH3(aq) (Fig. 3b). These results demon-
friendly products [32–34]. We herein propose strate that the N element of the formed NH3(aq) via
utilization of the waste of NO− 3 , provided by en- Strategy II originated from the NO− 3 species.
vironmental contaminations, to produce the high
value-added NH3(aq) via electroreduction.
To confirm the origin of the NO− 3 generated
from N2 electrooxidation, we designed an isotopic-
labeling study using 15 N2 (>99 atom% 15 N) and In summary, we present two energy-efficient and en-
14 vironmentally friendly strategies to prepare HNO3
N2 (with the natural abundance of 0.36 atom%
15 and NH3 at distributed sources. Strategy I is the elec-
N) as the feeding gas for Strategy I [35]. As seen
in Fig. 3a, the sample using 14 N2 as the feeding gas trocatalytic oxidation of N2 in air to HNO3 and plat-
produced 0.44% 15 NO− 3 , while the isotopic-labeled
inum foil is adopted as the model catalyst, showing a
sample showed 17.40% abundance of 15 NO− 3—
generation rate of 0.06 μmol h−1 cm−2 for HNO3 at
much higher than the natural abundance of 15 N. +2.19 V. Strategy II is the electrocatalytic reduction
The concentration difference of 15 N for the isotopic- of residual NO− 3 contamination in water to NH3(aq)
labeled sample between the 15 N2 reactant and the and Co3 O4 nanorod arrays supported on a Ti
NO− 3 product may arise from the leaking and/or
mesh, exhibiting a selectivity of 33.6% for NH3(aq) at
residue of air in the reactor. These results clearly −0.65 V. Combined with the theoretical calculation,
confirm that the N element of the generated NO− 3
the reaction path from N2 in air to HNO3 via the
via Strategy I came from N2 . We also performed an as-proposed Strategy I was deduced. The isotope-
isotopic-labeling study using K15 NO3 (20.3 atom% labeling studies using 15 N2 and K15 NO3 con-
N) and K14 NO3 (0.36 atom% 15 N) as the reac- firmed the origin of the electrochemical products.
734 Natl Sci Rev, 2019, Vol. 6, No. 4 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Al Kα radiation. All binding energies were re-

vised according to the C 1-s peak at 284.8 eV.
The ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorbance spectra
were measured on a Beijing Purkinje General T6
new century spectrophotometer. Anion chromatog-
raphy was performed on an ICS-1100, Thermo.
Cation chromatography was conducted on an ICS-

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900, Thermo. The concentration of 15 N isotope la-
beling was established by isotopic mass spectrom-
etry (MAT-271). The pH values of the electrolytes
Figure 3. (a) The isotopic mass spectrometry of 15 NO− 15 14 were determined using a pH-meter (LE438 pH elec-
3 with N2 and N2 as the
feeding gas for Strategy I. (b) The isotopic mass spectrometry of NH3(aq) with 15 KNO3
15 trode, Mettler Toledo, USA).
and 14 KNO3 as the reactants for Strategy II.

Moreover, the platinum electrode and Co3 O4 Electrochemical measurements

electrode showed high durability for the electro- Electrochemical measurements were conducted
catalytic oxidation of N2 and the electrocatalytic using an electrochemical workstation (CHI 660D,
reduction of NO− 3 , respectively. In the future, Chenhua, Shanghai). A typical H-type electrolytic
NO− 3 from Strategy I may also serve as a reactant cell divided by a proton-exchange membrane
for the electroreduction synthesis of NH3 . Our (Nafion 117) was used. Except for special in-
results presented here provide new avenues for structions, all potentials were recorded against
energy-efficient and green production of HNO3 and the RHE. The potentials against the saturated
NH3 at distributed sources. calomel electrode (SCE) were translated to those
against the RHE using the following equation: E
(vs. RHE) = E (vs. SCE) + 0.2415 + 0.059 × pH.
METHODS All the polarization curves were the steady lines after
Preparation of Co3 O4 cathode for NO−
many cycles and the current density was normalized
reduction via Strategy II to the geometric surface area.
For the electrooxidation of N2 to HNO3 via
In a typical process, 2 mmol Co(NO3 )2 ·6H2 O,
Strategy I, Pt plates (1 × 1 cm2 ) were used as both
10 mmol urea and 8 mmol NH4 F were dissolved
the working electrode and the counter electrode,
in 36 mL distilled water under stirring for 5 min.
the reference electrode was SCE and 0.3 M K2 SO4
The aqueous solution was moved to a 50-mL
solution (70 mL) was adopted as the electrolyte.
Teflon-lined autoclave and then a piece of Ti mesh
Air (99.99% purity) was bubbled into the anodic
(1 × 3 cm2 ) was immersed in the above solution.
compartment with a flow rate of 10 mL min−1 in
The autoclave was sealed and heated at 120◦ C for
the whole electrochemical process. The linear sweep
9 h, followed by cooling down to ambient temper-
voltammetry was performed at a rate of 10 mV s−1
ature. The sample was washed using distilled water
and the potentiostatic test was tested at a different
and ethanol six times and then dried in a vacuum
anodic voltage for 20 h with the electrolyte agitated
oven overnight. The dried sample was annealed at
at a stirring rate of ∼350 rpm. An absorption flask
300◦ C for 2 h in air to acquire the final product of
containing 5 mL K2 SO4 solution (0.3 M) was con-
Co3 O4 nanorod arrays supported on a Ti mesh.
nected to the gas outlet of an anodic half cell to avoid
the loss of products due to air bubbling. After the
electrooxidation measurements, the components of
Characterization the mixed solutions in the anodic compartment and
The scanning electron microscopy images were absorption flask were both analysed. For compari-
acquired from a Hitachi S-4800 scanning electron son, the electrooxidation measurements were also
microscope. Transmission electron microscopy measured with all the testing conditions consistent
and high-resolution transmission electron mi- with aforementioned N2 oxidation except that air
croscopy images were taken using a JEOL-2100F was replaced by Ar or the external potential was re-
system. The XRD was measured using a Bruker moved.
D8 Focus Diffraction System with a Cu Kα The electroreduction of NO− 3 to NH3 via
source (λ = 0.154178 nm). X-ray photoelec- Strategy II was carried out in a three-electrode
tron spectrum analysis was recorded via a PHI configuration with as-prepared Co3 O4 (1 × 1 cm2 )
5000 Versaprobe system using monochromatic electrode, SCE and platinum foil as working
RESEARCH ARTICLE Wang et al. 735

electrode, reference electrode and counter elec- a wavelength of 540 nm was recorded after sitting
trode, respectively; 0.1 M K2 SO4 solution (80 mL) for 20 min. The concentration–absorbance curve
was used as the electrolyte and evenly distributed was calibrated using a series of standard sodium
to the cathode and anode compartment. KNO3 nitrite solutions.
(100 g L−1 ) was added into the cathode compart-
ment as a reactant. Prior to the NO− 3 electroreduc- Determination of ammonia-N
tion test, the cathode electrolyte was purged with Ammonia-N was determined using Nessler’s

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Ar (99.99% purity) for 30 min. The linear sweep reagent as the color reagent. First, a certain amount
voltammetry was performed at a rate of 20 mV s−1 of electrolyte was taken from the electrolytic
and the potentiostatic test was conducted at cell and diluted to 5 mL to the detection range.
−0.65 V for 3 h at a stirring rate of ∼350 rpm. For Next, 0.1 mL potassium sodium tartrate solution
comparison, the electroreduction measurements (ρ = 500 g/L) was added and mixed thoroughly,
were also conducted with all the testing conditions then 0.1 mL Nessler’s reagent was put into the
consistent with the aforementioned NO− 3 reduction solution. The absorption intensity at a wavelength
except that the Co3 O4 cathode was replaced by the of 420 nm was recorded after sitting for 20 min. The
Ti mesh or the Co3 O4 cathode was immersed in concentration–absorbance curve was made using
electrolyte (0.1 M K2 SO4 ) without the addition of a series of standard ammonium chloride solutions
KNO3 . and the ammonium chloride crystal was dried at
105◦ C for 2 h in advance.
The calibration curves of nitrate-N and nitrite-N
Ion-concentration detection methods for the electrooxidation of N2 are shown in Supple-
The electrolytes pre and post test were first diluted mentary Fig. S1, available as Supplementary Data at
to appropriate concentration and then tested using NSR online (0.3 M K2 SO4 as the background so-
a UV-Vis spectrophotometer to quantify the con- lution). The calibration curves of nitrate-N, nitrite-
centration. The concentrations of nitrate-N, nitrite- N and ammonia-N for the electroreduction of NO− 3
N and ammonia-N were estimated by UV-Vis spec- are shown in Supplementary Fig. S5, available as
trophotometry according to the standard method. Supplementary Data at NSR online (ultrapure water
The specific approaches are as follows. as the background solution).
All the results obtained using UV-Vis spec-
Determination of nitrate-N trophotometry were compared with those of ion
First, a certain amount of electrolyte was taken chromatography (Supplementary Tables S1 and S3,
out of the electrolytic cell and diluted to 5 mL to available as Supplementary Data at NSR online). The
the detection range. Then, 0.1 mL 1 M HCl and pre-treatment of the cation chromatography mea-
0.01 mL 0.8 wt% sulfamic acid solution were added surement of ammonia-N after the electroreduction
to the aforementioned solution. The absorption test was as follows. First, the electrolyte was put into
spectrum was tested using an ultraviolet-visible a round flask and then the pH was adjusted to ∼8 by
spectrophotometer and the absorption inten- the addition of NaOH. The solution was then heated
sities at wavelengths of 220 and 275 nm were to ∼100◦ C and went through condensation until the
recorded. The final absorbance value was calculated 90% electrolyte was distilled. The distilled solution
using the equation: A = A220nm – 2A275nm . The was collected using 35 mL ultrapure water and used
concentration–absorbance curve was made using for the cation chromatography measurement.
a series of standard potassium nitrate solutions
and the potassium nitrate crystal was dried at
Calculation of the yield, selectivity and
105–110◦ C for 2 h in advance.
Faradaic efficiency
For the N2 electrooxidation experiments via Strat-
Determination of nitrite-N
egy I, the yield of NO− −
3 and NO2 was calculated us-
A mixture of p-aminobenzenesulfonamide (4 g),
ing Equation (4) and Equation (5), respectively:
N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride
(0.2 g), ultrapure water (50 mL) and phosphoric
YieldNO−3 = (c NO−3 × V )/(MNO−3 × t × S)
acid (10 mL, ρ = 1.70 g/mL) was used as a color
reagent. A certain amount of electrolyte was taken
from the electrolytic cell and diluted to 5 mL to the YieldNO−2 = (c NO−2 × V )/(MNO−2 × t × S).
detection range. Next, 0.1 mL color reagent was (5)
added into the aforementioned 5-mL solution and The Faradaic efficiency was calculated according
mixed to uniformity, and the absorption intensity at to the charge consumed for synthesizing the NO gas
736 Natl Sci Rev, 2019, Vol. 6, No. 4 RESEARCH ARTICLE

and the total charge passed through the electrode us- solution and then concentrated by 10 times via dis-
ing Equation (6): tilling at 70◦ C. For comparison, 14 N2 with natural-
abundance 15 N (0.36 atom%) was used as a feeding
Faradaic efficiency = (2F × c NO−3 × V ) gas to replace 15 N2 with other conditions being con-
/(MNO−3 × Q), (6)
For isotope labeling the NO− 3 electroreduction,
where cNO3 − is the concentration of NOx − , V is the the pH of final electrolyte was adjusted to ∼3 us-

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volume of the electrolyte in the anode compartment, ing 1 M HCl solution before isotopic mass spec-
MNO3 − is the molar mass of NO− − trometry. For comparison, K14 NO3 with natural-
3 , MNO2 is the mo-

lar mass of NO2 , t is the electrolysis time, S is the abundance 15 N (0.36 atom%) was used as the reac-
geometric area of the Pt plate, F is the Faradaic con- tant to replace K15 NO3 with the other conditions be-
stant (96 485 C mol−1 ) and Q is the total charge ing consistent.
passing the electrode. (Note that NO and NO2 gas
consumed two and four electrons, respectively. We
Theoretical simulation
prudently chose NO gas as the product to calculate
the Faradaic efficiency.) Although the XRD pattern of platinum after the
For the NO− 3 electroreduction experiments via
electrooxidation process (not shown here) showed
Strategy II, the yield of NH3(aq) was calculated using no obvious new species, the high oxidation state
Equation (7): of PtOH or PtOx might exist in an amorphous
state. Considering the complexity of the electro-
YieldNO−3 = (c NH3 × V )/(MNH3 × t × S). chemical oxidation process, herein, we only adopted
(7) Pt as a model for simulation. The theoretical
The conversion of NO−
3 was obtained from Equa- calculations were conducted using density func-
tion (8): tional theory with the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerbof
form of generalized gradient approximation func-
Conversion = c NO−3 /c 0 × 100%. (8) tional [36]. The plane wave energy was cut off
at 400 eV. The Vienna ab initio simulation pack-
The selectivity of product was acquired by age was used [37,38]. The Fermi scheme was used
Equation (9): for electron occupancy with an energy smearing
of 0.1 eV. The first Brillouin zone was adopted
Selectivity = c /c NO−3 × 100%, (9) in the Monkhorst−Pack grid [39]. The 3 × 3 ×
1 k-point mesh was taken for the surface calcula-
where cNH3 is the concentration of NH3(aq) , cNO3 − tion. The energy of 1.0 × 10−6 eV atom−1 and force
is the concentration difference of NO− 3 before and of 0.01 eV Å−1 were set as the convergence cri-
after electrolysis, c0 is the initial concentration of terion for geometry optimization. The spin polar-
NO− 3 , and c is the concentration of products, includ- ization was considered in all calculations. To accu-
ing NH3(aq) , NO− 2. rately describe the van der Waals (vdW) interac-
tion, the non-local van der Waals density functional
15 (vdW-DF) was employed in our work [40,41].
N isotope-labeling experiment The Pt (200) surface was obtained by cutting the
The isotope-labeling reactants of 15 N2 (>99 atom% Pt bulk along the {200} direction based on the XRD
N) and K15 NO3 (20.3 atom% 15 N) were result (Supplementary Fig. S3, available as Sup-
purchased from the Shanghai Research Institute of plementary Data at NSR online). The thickness of
Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. The isotope-labeling the surface slab was chosen to be a three-layer slab.
concentration of products via both Strategy I and In all structural optimization calculations, the bot-
Strategy II was established by isotopic mass spec- tom atoms were frozen, while the other atoms were
trometry from the Shanghai Engineering Research allowed to relax. A vacuum layer as large as 15 Å was
Center of Stable Isotope. used along the c direction normal to the surface to
For isotope labeling the N2 electrooxidation, we avoid periodic interactions. For the nitrogen oxida-
carried out the batch experiments using 15 N2 as the tion reaction, the reaction energies of the elementary
feeding gas for five successive times and collected reactions were employed to estimate the activity of
all the electrolytes together after electrolysis. In or- the catalyst.
der to increase the concentration of 15 NO− 3 for iso- The free-energy changes of the nitrogen oxida-
topic mass spectrometry, the collected electrolytes tion were calculated to show the reaction trend. The
were first alkalified to pH ∼7 by adding 1 M KOH change in free energy (G) of the per reaction step
RESEARCH ARTICLE Wang et al. 737

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