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Q1: Which of the following keyword terminates the for loop or switch statement and

transfers execution to the statement immediately following the for loop or switch??

a continue

b None

c None

d None

e None

f break

Q2: Which ones are a core Kubernetes object??

a “Swarm,” “Pilot,” “Node,”

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e “Pods,” “Services,” “Volumes,”

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: What is the command in Docker which lists the details of all the network in the cluster.?

The correct Answer is: None

b $ docker network ls

The correct Answer is: None

d $ docker network ps

e $ docker network as

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: Which of the following are Container Orchestrators? Select all answers that apply.?
a Docker Swarm

b Ansible

c Kubernetes

d Vault

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: What is the default session time in PHP??

a The default session time in php is until the closing of the browser

b None

c None

d None

e The default session time in php is until the closing of the system

f The default session time in php is until the closing of the page

Q6: Who designed the Linux OS??

a Steve Jobs

The correct Answer is: None

c Steve Linus

The correct Answer is: None

e Linus Torvalds

f Steve Wozniak

Q7: Which of the following is NOT a magic predefined constant??

a __LINE__

b None
c __CLASS__

d __FILE__

e __DATE__

f None

Q8: What will happen if some of the columns in a table are of char datatype and others are
of varchar datatype??

a MySQL will convert all char datatypes into varchar

b MySQL will convert all varchar datatypes into char

c None

d Nothing will happen

e MySQL will generate an error

f None

Q9: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Migration??

a php artisan make:migration create_users_table

b php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

c None

d php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

e php artisan create:migrations create_users_table

f None

Q10: Cronjobs in kubernetes run in?

a GMT only

b Based on NTP settings

c UTC only

d None
e Master node local timezone

f None

Q11: Which of the following is true about Cookies??

a Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby slowing down your web
application by transmitting the same data.

b None

c Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby sending data unencrypted
over the internet.

d None

e Cookies are limited to about 4 KB of data . Not enough to store required data.

f All of the above.

Q12: How can you make a numbered list??

a None

b <ol>

c <ul>

d None

e <list>

f <dl>

Q13: Is there a hard limit for the number of containers that you can run and if there is which
is number of total containers that you can run??

a None

b Even though there is no limit of containers that can run on Docker, hardware
limitations come into the picture.

c None

d None


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