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Certainly! Here are 100 general knowledge questions with multiple-choice options:

1. Who is known as the "Father of Computers"? a) Charles Babbage b) Bill Gates c) Alan Turing d)
Steve Jobs
2. Which planet is known as the "Blue Planet"? a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Neptune
3. In which year did Christopher Columbus reach the Americas? a) 1492 b) 1543 c) 1620 d) 1776
4. What is the largest ocean on Earth? a) Atlantic Ocean b) Indian Ocean c) Southern Ocean d)
Pacific Ocean
5. Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"? a) Charles Dickens b) William Shakespeare c) Jane Austen d)
Mark Twain
6. What is the capital city of Japan? a) Seoul b) Beijing c) Tokyo d) Bangkok
7. Who painted the Mona Lisa? a) Vincent van Gogh b) Pablo Picasso c) Leonardo da Vinci d)
8. What is the currency of Germany? a) Euro b) Pound c) Yen d) Dollar
9. In which country is the Great Barrier Reef located? a) Brazil b) Australia c) Mexico d) Egypt
10. What is the currency of South Africa? a) Rand b) Peso c) Baht d) Lira
11. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? a) Marie Curie b) Mother Teresa c) Amelia
Earhart d) Rosa Parks
12. What is the capital city of Canada? a) Ottawa b) Toronto c) Vancouver d) Montreal
13. Who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"? a) J.K. Rowling b) Harper Lee c) Ernest Hemingway d) F.
Scott Fitzgerald
14. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun? a) China b) Japan c) South Korea d)
15. Who is the current Prime Minister of India? a) Narendra Modi b) Rahul Gandhi c) Manmohan
Singh d) Arvind Kejriwal
16. What is the largest mammal in the world? a) Elephant b) Blue whale c) Giraffe d) Gorilla
17. Which river is the longest in the world? a) Amazon River b) Nile River c) Yangtze River d)
Mississippi River
18. What is the main ingredient in guacamole? a) Tomatoes b) Avocado c) Onions d) Peppers
19. Who wrote "1984"? a) George Orwell b) Aldous Huxley c) J.R.R. Tolkien d) Ray Bradbury
20. What is the capital city of France? a) Berlin b) Madrid c) Rome d) Paris
21. Who is known as the "Queen of Pop"? a) Beyoncé b) Madonna c) Taylor Swift d) Lady Gaga
22. What is the currency of Japan? a) Yen b) Won c) Ringgit d) Baht
23. In which year did the Titanic sink? a) 1905 b) 1912 c) 1920 d) 1931
24. Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection? a) Charles Darwin b) Gregor
Mendel c) Alfred Russel Wallace d) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
25. What is the largest desert in the world? a) Sahara Desert b) Arabian Desert c) Gobi Desert d)
Antarctic Desert
26. Which country is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"? a) China b) Japan c) South Korea d)
27. What is the largest planet in our solar system? a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Saturn
28. Who wrote "The Great Gatsby"? a) F. Scott Fitzgerald b) Ernest Hemingway c) J.D. Salinger d)
Mark Twain
29. What is the capital of Brazil? a) Rio de Janeiro b) Brasília c) Sao Paulo d) Salvador
30. In which year did World War II end? a) 1943 b) 1945 c) 1947 d) 1950
31. Who is the author of the Harry Potter series? a) J.R.R. Tolkien b) J.K. Rowling c) George R.R.
Martin d) Suzanne Collins
32. What is the currency of China? a) Yen b) Won c) Renminbi (Yuan) d) Ringgit
33. Which element has the chemical symbol "H"? a) Hydrogen b) Helium c) Hafnium d) Holmium
34. Who is known as the "Iron Lady"? a) Angela Merkel b) Margaret Thatcher c) Theresa May d)
Hillary Clinton
35. What is the capital of South Korea? a) Beijing b) Tokyo c) Seoul d) Bangkok
36. Who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling? a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Michelangelo c) Raphael d)
37. What is the currency of Russia? a) Euro b) Dollar c) Pound d) Ruble
38. Who is the current President of the United States? a) Joe Biden b) Donald Trump c) Barack
Obama d) George W. Bush
39. What is the largest island in the world? a) Greenland b) Australia c) Borneo d) Madagascar
40. Who wrote "The Catcher in the Rye"? a) J.D. Salinger b) Ernest Hemingway c) F. Scott
Fitzgerald d) Mark Twain
41. What is the capital of Australia? a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra d) Brisbane
42. Who is known as the "Father of the Nation" in India? a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Jawaharlal Nehru c)
Subhas Chandra Bose d) Sardar Patel
43. What is the currency of Mexico? a) Peso b) Dollar c) Euro d) Real
44. In which year did the Berlin Wall fall? a) 1985 b) 1989 c) 1991 d) 1995
45. What is the largest rainforest in the world? a) Amazon Rainforest b) Congo Rainforest c) Borneo
Rainforest d) Daintree Rainforest
46. Who wrote "The Odyssey"? a) Homer b) Virgil c) Sophocles d) Aesop
47. What is the capital of Egypt? a) Cairo b) Alexandria c) Giza d) Luxor
48. Who is the author of the "Game of Thrones" series? a) J.R.R. Tolkien b) J.K. Rowling c) George
R.R. Martin d) Suzanne Collins
49. What is the currency of South Korea? a) Won b) Yen c) Baht d) Dong
50. Who discovered penicillin? a) Alexander Fleming b) Louis Pasteur c) Joseph Lister d) Robert
51. What is the capital of Argentina? a) Buenos Aires b) Santiago c) Montevideo d) Lima
52. Who painted "Starry Night"? a) Pablo Picasso b) Vincent van Gogh c) Claude Monet d) Salvador
53. What is the currency of Italy? a) Euro b) Lira c) Dollar d) Pound
54. In which year did the United States declare its independence? a) 1776 b) 1789 c) 1800 d) 1812
55. Who is known as the "Queen of Soul"? a) Whitney Houston b) Aretha Franklin c) Beyoncé d)
Tina Turner
56. What is the capital of Russia? a) Berlin b) Paris c) Moscow d) London
57. Who was the first woman in space? a) Valentina Tereshkova b) Sally Ride c) Yuri Gagarin d)
John Glenn
58. What is the currency of Turkey? a) Lira b) Euro c) Pound d) Dollar
59. Who wrote "The Canterbury Tales"? a) Geoffrey Chaucer b) William Shakespeare c) John
Milton d) Jane Austen
60. What is the capital of South Africa? a) Johannesburg b) Cape Town c) Pretoria d) Durban
61. Who is the author of "The Grapes of Wrath"? a) John Steinbeck b) F. Scott Fitzgerald c) Ernest
Hemingway d) Mark Twain
62. What is the currency of Spain? a) Euro b) Peso c) Franc d) Pound
63. In which year did the World Wide Web (WWW) become publicly available? a) 1989 b) 1991 c)
1995 d) 2000
64. Who is known as the "Queen of England"? a) Queen Elizabeth I b) Queen Victoria c) Queen
Elizabeth II d) Queen Mary
65. What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? a) Riyadh b) Jeddah c) Mecca d) Medina
66. Who is the author of "The Old Man and the Sea"? a) Ernest Hemingway b) F. Scott Fitzgerald c)
Mark Twain d) John Steinbeck
67. What is the currency of India? a) Rupee b) Rupiah c) Ringgit d) Baht
68. In which year did the Titanic sink? a) 1912 b) 1915 c) 1920 d) 1925
69. Who wrote "The Iliad"? a) Homer b) Virgil c) Sophocles d) Aesop
70. What is the capital of China? a) Beijing b) Shanghai c) Hong Kong d) Tokyo
71. Who is known as the "Queen of Pop"? a) Beyoncé b) Madonna c) Taylor Swift d) Lady Gaga
72. What is the currency of Japan? a) Yen b) Won c) Ringgit d) Baht
73. In which year did the Berlin Wall fall? a) 1985 b) 1989 c) 1991 d) 1995
74. What is the largest desert in the world? a) Sahara Desert b) Arabian Desert c) Gobi Desert d)
Antarctic Desert
75. Who wrote "The Odyssey"? a) Homer b) Virgil c) Sophocles d) Aesop
76. What is the capital of Egypt? a) Cairo b) Alexandria c) Giza d) Luxor
77. Who is the author of the "Game of Thrones" series? a) J.R.R. Tolkien b) J.K. Rowling c) George
R.R. Martin d) Suzanne Collins
78. What is the currency of South Korea? a) Won b) Yen c) Baht d) Dong
79. Who discovered penicillin? a) Alexander Fleming b) Louis Pasteur c) Joseph Lister d) Robert
80. What is the capital of Argentina? a) Buenos Aires b) Santiago c) Montevideo d) Lima
81. Who painted "Starry Night"? a) Pablo Picasso b) Vincent van Gogh c) Claude Monet d) Salvador
82. What is the currency of Italy? a) Euro b) Lira c) Dollar d) Pound
83. In which year did the United States declare its independence? a) 1776 b) 1789 c) 1800 d) 1812
84. Who is known as the "Queen of Soul"? a) Whitney Houston b) Aretha Franklin c) Beyoncé d)
Tina Turner
85. What is the capital of Russia? a) Berlin b)
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