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Tăng Dư Yến - SE171310

OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Suppose that your computer is running under the MS Windows OS. You
will have to follow these steps to install the Fedora:
- Step 1: Install the VM (VMware Workstation 16.2, the latest version)
- Step 2: Install a new OS (Fedora 36, the latest version is recommended)

- Installing software

- Preparation
VMware Workstation must be installed to a sub-directory of a root directory. You can install
it to the Program Files folder or another such as:

- Run the setup.exe and give it parameters

Click the Next button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Check in the line “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” then click the Next button

Click the Next button and change the installation destination if you want to

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Click the Next button

Click the Next button

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Click the Install button

Wait for it

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Click the Finish button

After installing the program

On the taskbar

This icon means No virtual machine running

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

You can see what are installed in the installing folder:

- Setup DVD (supplied)

- Preparation: A folder that will store all needed file of the Fedora on a
disk that remains greater than 10 GB empty space, such as:

- Start the VMware to install Fedora

Click the icon on the desktop

Or from the menu Start/ Searching for VMware Workstation

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Enter the license key then click the continue button or tick on the box “I want to try…” and
then Continue

Click on the Finish button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Click on the link Create a new Virtual Machine

Or File/ New Virtual Machine

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Choose Custom (advanced) then click Next button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)
Choose the lastest version for more feature applied

Tick to the Installer disc image file option then click the Browse
button to specify the supplied an iso file, then click the Next button.

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)
Name the Virtual Machine and click Browse to specify the prepared storing folder then click
the Next button

Specify number of CPUs then click the Next button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

You can specify RAM capacity (minimum: 512MB, default: 2048 MB)
then click the Next button

You should choose the NAT option for easy to connect to

the internet without domain configuration then click the Next button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Specify a type of IO controller then click the Next button

Choose a type of virtual disk then click the Next button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Tick to the Create a new virtual disk option then click the Next button.
Virtual disk is a file only on the physical disk but it will be presented as a structure to users.
So, your system is not be affected.

Specify the maximum disk size (multiple of 2GB).

The Split virtual disk into multiple files option should be selected.
Click the Next button..

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Click the Next button

If you choose the Power on this virtual machine after creation then click the Finish button:
The virtual machine will be created and it starts immediately and then the Fedora will be
Else, if you do not choose the option and click the Finish button only, you must power on the
machine after it is created

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Wait for it

The virtual machine data are presented in VMware

Click the link Power on this virtual machine

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

When the Fedora installation finished, it will appear welcome announcement for the first time
you install it. Click on the option Install to Hard Drive then waiting for it run

After the download done, click on Finish Installation button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Restart the virtual machine

After restaring , click on the Start Setup button

Setup Fedora may take 2 hours to be completed

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Because these options aren’t important so we don’t need to tick it, click Next button

Click Skip button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Create the account

Choose No,Thanks option then we go to install Midnight Commander

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Choose Activities/ Show Applications/ Terminal

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Use the command yum -y install mc to install the midnight commander

But you will see the error announcement to give it superuser privileges to run
Use sudo -i to give it the superuser privileges then just use that command to download again

Wait for it

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

When it done, use mc to access the Midnight Commander

Ctrl Z to go back to terminal window

Tăng Dư Yến - SE171310
OSG202 (Operating Systems)

5.1. Install the Fedora Eclipse for C/C++

First, you need to use the DNF package manager to enable the COPR repository
sudo dnf copr enable dusansimic/eclipse
Using this commands to instal eclipse IDE
sudo dnf install eclipse

Wait for it

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

When it done, you will see the Eclipse icon in the desktop

This is the interface of Eclipse

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

To install compiler C/C++, go to Help/Eclipse Marketplace

Find the words C++ IDE and click on 504 matches for more options

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Roll to the end of the web, you will see The Complete Eclipse C/C++ IDE

Drag the Install button to the Marketplace to install it

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Click Confirm

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Wait for it done

5.2. Use the Fedora Eclipse

Double click on the icon to open the Fedora Eclipse

Choose File/ New/Project

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Choose C++ Project

Choose Empty Project/Linux GCC and name the project

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Right click on the folder and choose New/Source File

Name the Source File like the Source Folder then click Finish button

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

Choose the Source File and start the code

When your code done, right click on the project and choose Clean Project then Build

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OSG202 (Operating Systems)

After that, choose Run/Run

This is the result

Project Structure

Tăng Dư Yến - SE171310
OSG202 (Operating Systems)



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