Cost Estimation Exam

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1. Define the term indoor location.

2. Explain the factors affecting the availability of labors. /3marks
3. Prepare the approximate estimate of residential building having plinth area 900sqm. If
the cost of construction of similar existing structure in locality is Rs.7200000 for plinth
area of 1200sqm 5 marks
4. State service units for Hospital building, stadium, school and hostels
5. List the types of detailed estimate .State the methods of approximate estimate.
6. State the factors to be considered while selecting a building site. /3marks
7. Identify four principles of unit of measurement. /4marks
8. State the types of working location/3marks
9. Explain the Steps of work duration determination. /3marks
10.Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering in a wall 4m long, 3m
height and 30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is
Rs.320 per m3 and of plastering is Rs.8.50 per m2 /5marks
11.The Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) is a state owned institution.
One of its duties is to insure that Bill of quantities and cost estimates for works to be
carried out is prepared by qualified people. Identify the ten (10) qualifications
required for a good estimator.
12.What is the difference between price and cost? Give a clear meaning of each?
13.The visit to the site will enable the estimator to produce a report which has
specific information; describe three (3) of such information in that report.
14.State five (5) factors which an estimator should consider in pricing construction
15.Give any four key responsibilities of a quantity surveyor
16.Read carefully the table below and asked questions
Ite Item description Quantity ……(a)…. ……(b)….in Amount
No Rwf/unit in…(c)…….
1. Earthwork in excavation 11.42 ……(d.) 350.00 ……(e)….
2. Earthwork in filling 42.15 ………(f) ……(g)…. 11,550.00
3. Lime concrete in ……(h)…… Cum 220.00 717.20
4. First class brickwork in 21.42 ……(i)…… 300.00 6,426.00
5. 12mm sand plaster 1:6 ……(j)…. ……(k)…… 7.00 323.40
6. 2.5cm cement concrete 21.84 ……(l) 18.65 …(m)…….
1:2:4 floor over and include …….
7.5 lime concrete
7. 2.5cm concrete 8.16 Sqm …(n)……. 146.88
cement1:2:4 floor
Add 3% of contingencies …(o)………
Add 2%for work charged establishment ……(p)…….
Grand total ……(r)…….

i) Propose a reasonable title to the table above

ii) Replace letters in parentheses from (a)to (r)by corresponding values
or words

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