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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

In the gentle glow of the Christmas lights, may we
find strength to sow seeds of harmony, replacing the
weapons of destruction with the tools of understanding
and dialogue. Let us extend a hand of friendship to
those we perceive as enemies, remembering that in
the eyes of the Divine, we are all children of the same
Creator. As we exchange gifts, let us offer the most
precious gift of all – the gift of forgiveness, breaking
the chains of resentment that bind us to cycles of
In the spirit of the Magi who followed the star to find the
newborn King, may we steer through the complexities
of the existing socio-political environment of our
country, to find Christ suffering in those seeking
justice and love. In the silence of the night, let us hear
the angelic proclamation of “Peace on earth, goodwill
to all”; and let it resonate in our actions and choices.
This Christmas, may the transformative power of love
My Dear Friends in the Lord, inspire us to be ambassadors of peace, lighting candles
in the darkness and heralding the dawn of a new era
In the midst of a world stained by the scars of conflict
wheres words are turned into plowshares.
and strife, let us gather together this Christmas
season with hearts that yearn for peace. The echoes of Wishing you a Christmas filled with the warmth of
violence may resound, but it is in the gentle whisper of love, the gift of reconciliation, and the hope for a
hope that we find the courage to dream of a brighter world where peace reigns supreme.
As we navigate through the shadows of discord, let us With love and blessings,
reflect upon the wisdom of Ignatian spirituality, which Fr. Angelo Sujeewa Pathirana SJ
encourages us to seek God in all things. During this Provincial
season of joy, let us discover the divine spark within
ourselves others, recognizing the inherent dignity that
rises above the tumult of life’s challenges.
In the spirit of St. Ignatius, let our hearts be guided
by the light of Christ, the Prince of Peace. For it is
through love, understanding, and compassion that
we can begin the process of healing of the scars of
war and violence,and construct pathways towards


We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the center of attention in society, and
that institutions may offer inclusive programs which value their active participation.

December 3rd marks the International Day handicapped, retarded, crippled, invalid, spastic,
of Persons with Disabilities and Impairments. mental patient, deaf and dumb, dwarf and midget
Taking a lead, Pope Francis invites us all, during has been erased from popular jargon. They have
the month of December, to place people with been substituted by more respectful terms such as
disabilities at the center. He reminds us that, physical impairment, differently abled, partially
although “Awareness of the dignity of each person sighted people and persons with restricted growth
has grown, yet, on the cultural level, much still and short stature. A couple of years ago I attended
stands in the way of this trend.” Therefore, it is a forum in which Some useful tips and guidelines
important to promote programmes of inclusion on behaviour were given. For our reflection, I
that strengthen their active participation. The wish to enumerate a few. It was highly encouraged
strength of a chain depends upon the attention to use a normal tone of voice when talking to
paid to its weakest links. these persons and not to patronize or talk down.
It was highly encouraged not to attempt to speak
When considering people with disabilities, there or finish a sentence for the person you are talking
is a growing awareness to avoid passive, negative, and to address disabled people in the same way
or victim words. We need to use language that as you talk to everyone else; and finally, to speak
respects disabled people as active individuals directly to a disabled person, even if she/he has an
with control over their own lives. Over the past interpreter or companion with them.
couple of decades, the use of words such as

Newsletter - December 2023 2

In the last fifty years, awareness of the dignity of various facilities just for the sake of those who are
each person has grown, and this has resulted in impaired. However, sadly, the places of worship
courageous decisions to promote the inclusion have not given even a thought to accommodate
of those experiencing physical and psychological persons with disabilities. At this juncture, Pope
limitations. Yet, on the cultural level, much Francis exhorts to launch every possible effort to
still stands in the way of this trend. We see it in provide all in the ministry with regular training
attitudes of rejection, that ignore the inevitable concerning disabilities and the use of inclusive
fact that frailty is part of everyone’s life. Indeed,pastoral tools. Parish communities, first and
some with even severe disabilities, despite great foremost should be concerned with extending
challenges, have found the way to a beautiful a warm welcome to everyone. The parish
and meaningful life, whereas many ‘able-bodied’ communities need to shun away with xenophobic
people feel dissatisfied. This seems to be the irony attitudes and embrace xenophilic gestures to
of our existence today. “Vulnerability is intrinsic begin with. Creating a fully accessible parish
to the essential nature of humanity. Inclusion requires not only the removal of some pompous
should be the first “rock” on which to build our and sophisticated architectural barriers but above
house. Although this term is at times overused, the all, helping parishioners to develop attitudes of
Gospel parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25- service and hearty welcome towards all. In the
37) continues to be a timely herald. Along the road words of Pope Francis, ‘Our aim should be to
of life, we come across wounded people, including speak no longer about them, but rather about us’.
persons with particular needs. “The decision to Let us join Pope Francis in praying fervently and
include or exclude those lying wounded along diligently for his monthly intention so that we
the roadside can serve as a criterion for judging will not be blind to outward disabilities as well
every economic, political, social and religious as interior spiritual impairments. Furthermore,
project. Each day we have to decide whether to as we are gradually getting ready to celebrate
be Good Samaritans or indifferent bystanders” the birth of our Lord during this month, shall
(Fratelli Tutti, 69). In my perspective, this offers we make it a point to pray for a new birth in the
us a clarion call to respond whether we are active lives of impaired persons? “We pray that people
inclusivists or indifferent but silent killers with living with disabilities may be at the center of
cameras at hand. attention in society and that institutions may offer
inclusive programmes which value their active
It is quite significant to note that some of the participation”
private hospitals, universities and business sectors
have been pioneering agents in introducing


The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, formerly coordinator Fr. Jagdish Parmar, S.J., along with his
known as the Apostleship of Prayer, is a global executive committee. The annual meeting served
pontifical service that mobilizes Catholics as a platform to discuss the gradual progress of the
around the world to unite in prayer and spiritual Prayer network, share individual experiences, and
reflection. The network aims to spread the Pope’s emphasize and reinforce the importance of prayer
monthly intentions for the Church and the world. and spiritual solidarity in the modern world.
Something remarkable was the geographical
The annual meeting of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer location where this meeting was held. As a matter
Network was held at Pilar Animation Center, India of fact, given the spiritual significance of Goa,
from the 13th to the 16th of November, 2023. This with its rich history of Christianity and diverse
annual meeting was organized by the South Asian cultural heritages, hosting such an event there
Newsletter - December 2023 3
would provide a unique backdrop. A half a day Jesus’ leadership can be guidelines for us as we
field trip cum sightseeing was organized for the reimagine and reinvent our own leadership as the
benefit of the participants. Among them, the shepherds, servants, and stewards, and especially
Basilica of St. Francis Xavier and the birthplace of as messengers of the PWPN.” He also placed before
St. Joseph Vaz are worth noting. us that the leadership style of Jesus has six pillars.
They are vision, mission, plan, action, team, and
His Eminence Cardinal Philip Neri of Goa was celebration. Meanwhile, Fr. Roland Coelho, S.J.,
given the task of the keynote address and he the Provincial of Goa, graced the occasion and
fulfilled it by combining PWPN with his most celebrated the holy mass. In his homily, he echoed
recent experience of being part of the synodal how we can be the fire that kindles other fires and
path. In his address, Cardinal Philip Neri be beacons of hope and ambassadors of peace in a
mentioned the inception of the PWPN in Goa world fragmented by narrow domestic walls and
way back in the 19th Century. It originated in fundamentalist attitudes.
the Rachol Seminary, which is the Patriarchal
Seminary of the diocesan major seminary of The meeting synergized much-needed consolation
the Primatial Catholic Archdiocese of Goa and to the ones who are veterans and offered much
Daman in India. His Eminence offered the needed aspirations and hopes for the newbies to
gathering very useful information which was venture into the unknown keeping before their
personal and enlightening. He said, “Priesthood eyes, the God of compassion. All departed with
is not a career rather it is a service to the Church, hearts contented, enthused, and reinvigorated to
the way God cares, a style of closeness and be the agents of prayer and detectives of grace in
compassion”. Meanwhile, Fr. Stany D’Souza, the heart of the Church’s mission.
S.J., the president of JCSA, in his talk, shared his
experience of reading the book entitled ‘JESUS Prabath Sanjeeva Fernando. S.J.
the CEO’ and how it has provided much food
for thought. “Recently I read a book called: Jesus
the CEO, which tries to describe the leadership
style of Jesus. I believe that the characteristics of
Newsletter - December 2023 4

Daham Sevena - Novitiate

The month began with the Ecology Retreat from and joyfully, with a special devotion to Mother Mary
November 3rd to 10th, which was a blessed experience. and a love for receiving Holy Communion. Fr. Master,
During the retreat, we focused on ecology and explored Fr. Minister, cook Appa, and all members of our
various themes such as “Let us care for our common community participated in the mass.
home,” “Creation – Macro Level,” “Creation - Micro
Level,” “Creation - Relational level,” “Jesus Christ -
The Centre of the cosmos and of history,” “Jesus - The
Man of Nature & the Nature lover,” “Jesus Passion
seen in The Ecological Crises,” “The Holy Spirit,
Source of Harmony in the symphony of Creation,” and
“Contemplation to obtain love.” The retreat was very
helpful in guiding us to be true religious not just by
words but also by deeds in the future. We are gratefulIn the evening, our program began at 5:45 p.m. with
for the guidance of the Lord. a welcome dance followed by songs, poems, group
dance, drama, and a group song presented by the
novices. We had an audience of ten religious, including
the Missionaries of Charity sisters. The program was
very nice, and Fr. Jude sang a beautiful Hebrew song.
Rev. Fr. Upul reminded us that we all have talents
that we should use to bring glory to God. We played
orchestral music, and it was a wonderful time for all
of us. Our dear Claretian community also joined our
program, and the novices enacted a play that was
On November 13th, we celebrated our novitiate feast very entertaining. We also presented a drama based
in honor of our patron saint, Stanislaus Kostka. We on the life of our patron saint. Finally, Fr. Master gave
started with the Holy Eucharistic celebration by Fr. a meaningful reflection on our patron saint’s life that
Master, who spoke about the life of our patron saint. touched hearts deep down. We ended our feast day
Although brief, Stanislaus lived his life prayerfully celebration joyously.

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that Bro. Lalith is with his Creator already in heaven.
We participated in an intensive Journal program from
the 20th to the 24th, facilitated by Sr. Suboginee, A.C.
This program helped us introspect and discover more
about ourselves. During this intensive workshop, we
reflected on our vacation history, life history, stepping
stone experiences, and our spiritual life with God. The
Journal workshop was beneficial for all of us. We are
On November 18th, we attended the funeral of our grateful to Sr. Suboginee, A.C. for conducting this
beloved brother. We all felt the loss of our elder program.
brother. However, we all learned how to be simple,
humble, and available Jesuits from his life. He was a
very joyful, simple, helpful, and prayerful man. We
shared many stories about him during the funeral.
His life was an example for all of us. We thanked him
for bringing wonderful joy to our province. We will
remember him in our prayers. Fr. Master shared with
us that, while celebrating mass for Bro. Lalith, he had
a tangible spiritual experience that confirmed to him


Souls Day of the Society, we went to Gadalla cemetery
in Galle to remember and offer mass for the Jesuits
of our province who have gone before us. Fr. Rajitha
celebrated the mass in the cemetery chapel, and in his
homily, he recalled the legacy they have left behind us.
Even though it was a rainy evening our hearts were
filled with joy to offer a prayer for these great men of
our province including the first Sri Lankan Jesuit, Fr.
S.G Perera whose tomb lies behind the chapel. After
our Eucharistic meal, Fr. Rajitha invited us to have
supper with the Galle community.
On the 18th, we attended the funeral mass of Bro.
Lalith, at Lewella. It was one of the saddest days for
We concluded the month of November with various our province. In our community, we offered a special
meaningful activities. On the 27th and 28th, we
had our monthly day of recollection conducted by
Fr. Eustace. The theme was ‘WHO ARE WE,’ based
on Fr. General’s document, which has called the
whole Society of Jesus for a sincere examination of
consciousness. It was a very fruitful day of prayer. On
the 29th, some of us went to Akkrapanaha to watch
the finals of the Magis basketball tournament. We had
yoga classes under Sch Udara’s guidance from the 30th
of October to the 03rd of November. He guided us to
learn the history of yoga and asanas. It was beneficial
for us to come to know its values.
On the 2nd, we participated in the All-Souls Day
mass at the Pamunuwila parish cemetery. On All

Newsletter - December 2023 6

mass to repose his soul. On the 24th and 25th, we as usual. Fr. Shiran also joined as part of the junior
had our monthly day of recollection conducted staff to teach us to appreciate the English novel. We
by Fr. Eustace. The theme was ‘THE NECESSARY are getting ready to enter into the season of Advent to
TENSIONS IN OUR LIFE-MISSION’. We could prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus.
reflect on our mission. Our regular activities are going

I available resources to fulfill it. Despite its remarkable
history and the commitment of the Jesuit fathers,
ETI lacks essential tools and advanced machinery
necessary for providing students with practical
lessons in line with the demands of the contemporary
world. This resource shortage jeopardizes students’
access to hands-on learning experiences crucial for
their success in today’s society. It is imperative that
we promptly address this issue to ensure ETI students
receive a comprehensive education that equips them
with the skills essential for success.

am reaching out to bring your

attention to the current situation
at the Eastern Technical EASTERN TECHNICAL
Institute (ETI) in Batticaloa,
Sri Lanka, and to seek INSTITUTE: MY CONCERNS
your support in advancing
its mission. Established in

1969 through the

collaborative efforts of
Jesuit fathers and the
Methodist Church, ETI
serves as a ray of hope
for underprivileged
youth, offering them
an opportunity to
acquire practical skills
and build a promising
future. Over the years,
it has played a crucial
role in transforming the
lives of numerous individuals who faced challenges Currently, ETI is grappling with a financial deficit,
in traditional academic settings, particularly those impeding its ability to cover crucial daily expenses
encountering difficulties with the GCE Ordinary such as electricity bills and staff salaries. The institute
Level examinations. faces challenges meeting its financial obligations,
including timely payment of teachers’ salaries, leading
However, during my recent visit to the institute, I to concerns about staff remuneration. Repairing
observed a notable gap between its mission and the
Newsletter - December 2023 7
broken tools crucial for educational activities is we promptly address this issue to ensure ETI students
increasingly difficult due to insufficient funds allocated receive a comprehensive education that equips them
for maintenance. Financial constraints hinder ETI’s with the skills essential for success.
ability to provide scholarships and season bus tickets Currently, ETI is grappling with a financial deficit,
to economically disadvantaged students. Additionally, impeding its ability to cover crucial daily expenses
maintenance of the institute’s compound and building such as electricity
has been deferred due to inadequate funds, posing bills and staff salaries.
potential safety risks and structural concerns. The institute faces
challenges meeting its
financial obligations,
including timely
payment of teachers’
salaries, leading
to concerns about
staff remuneration.
Repairing broken
tools crucial for
educational activities
is increasingly difficult
due to insufficient
funds allocated for
I firmly believe that, with your support and maintenance. Financial
contributions, we can bridge this gap and enable the constraints hinder
institute to continue its noble mission effectively. By ETI’s ability to provide
providing adequate tools, machinery, and resources, scholarships and season bus tickets to economically
we can empower these young individuals from broken disadvantaged students. Additionally, maintenance
families and disadvantaged backgrounds to realize I of the institute’s compound and building has been
am reaching out to bring your attention to the current deferred due to inadequate funds, posing potential
situation at the Eastern Technical Institute (ETI) in safety risks and structural concerns.
Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, and to seek your support in I firmly believe that, with your support and
advancing its mission. Established in 1969 through contributions, we can bridge this gap and enable the
the collaborative efforts of Jesuit fathers and the institute to continue its noble mission effectively. By
Methodist Church, ETI serves as a ray of hope for providing adequate tools, machinery, and resources,
underprivileged youth, offering them an opportunity we can empower these young individuals from broken
to acquire practical skills and build a promising families and disadvantaged backgrounds to realize
future. Over the years, it has played a crucial role in their potential and contribute meaningfully to society.
transforming the lives of numerous individuals who
faced challenges in traditional academic settings, I urge you to consider extending your support to ETI,
particularly those encountering difficulties with the whether through donations, equipment contributions,
GCE Ordinary Level examinations. or any means possible, to enhance the educational
experience of these deserving students.
However, during my recent visit to the institute, I
observed a notable gap between its mission and the Let us work together to uphold the legacy of ETI and
available resources to fulfill it. Despite its remarkable ensure that it remains a beacon of hope for future
history and the commitment of the Jesuit fathers, generations. Your assistance can make a profound
ETI lacks essential tools and advanced machinery difference in the lives of these students and help pave
necessary for providing students with practical the way for a brighter future.
lessons in line with the demands of the contemporary Rev. Fr. Salamanraj SJ
world. This resource shortage jeopardizes students’
access to hands-on learning experiences crucial for
their success in today’s society. It is imperative that

Newsletter - December 2023 8

St Sebastian’s Parish Puliyadikudah

The newly ordained priest, Rev. Fr. Masilamani based on individual roles and positions, thanks to the
Salamanraj SJ, was warmly welcomed by the assistance of the FMM sisters who fully sponsored the
parishioners as the assistant parish priest of the Parish children’s gifts. Church associations also distributed
of Puliyadikuda. The parish priest, Rev. Fr. Aniston gifts, bringing joy and appreciation among the
Morais SJ, organized a one-day program for the altar attendees. The sight of various shops set up in the
boys and girls from Puliyadikuda, Sinna Uppodai, church compound by church associations likely added
Periya Uppodai, and Dutch Bar at St. Sebastian’s a festive atmosphere and provided an opportunity
Church. The parishioners actively and generously for people to engage, interact, and perhaps purchase
prepared lunch, which was shared for the day, creating items for the occasion.
a moment of joy for everyone involved. During the
program, Rev. Fr. Roshan SJ graciously shared his The evening programs, featuring drama, dance, and
personal vocation experience with the attendees, singing, were the highlight of the day. The special
inspiring and guiding them on their spiritual journey. dance performance by the catechism teachers was
captivating and memorable, showcasing talent and
The parish priest convened a meeting with the dedication within the community.
Parish Council to discuss the structural damage of
the Church, emphasizing the urgent need for funds Overall, it was
to repair it. The Council proposed obtaining the a vibrant and
necessary funds from the small Christian community spiritually
to address the issue promptly. uplifting event
that brought
The celebration at St. the community
Sebastian’s Church together in
in Puliyadikudah, celebration,
Batticaloa, was fellowship, and
a wonderful and entertainment. Such occasions play a crucial role in
engaging event. fostering bonds within the church and strengthening
C e l e b r a t i n g relationships among its members.
Mission Sunday
alongside Teachers’ Our choir celebrated the feast of St. Cecilia in the
and Children’s Day is a fantastic way to bring the parish. Following the Holy Eucharist, the choir
community together. It’s heartwarming to hear about extended an invitation to the Rev. Priests and Sisters
the various activities organized for everyone involved. in the parish for a fellowship meal. This initiative
strengthened the relationship between the Parish
The inclusion of games for children, teachers, and choir and the Rev. Priests and Sisters in the parish.
parents added an element of fun and camaraderie. It’s
also noteworthy that different gifts were distributed

Newsletter - December 2023 9

did well with songs, dances and skits manifesting past
CSC LOYOLA CAMPUS - memories. We informed that Loyola campus would
be resumed on 27th of November, but only around 40
HATTON students returned to continue their next level. We also
did not motivate the students since it was not clear
Residential training for the CSC staff: On 31st when they will have their AL classes in the school.
October and 1st November CSC staff had their
residential Emergency relief: On 11th November we distributed
training at relief materials such as rice, dal, sugar, kadalai worth
SIDA centre, of Rs. 5000
Hatton. Fr. per parcel
Premkumar to 117
conducted families.
workshop on We selected
personality the poorest
development on the first day and time management on families
the second day. Three resource persons from outside among the
conducted seminar on community mobilization, people we serve. 28 families from our preschool, 45
history of the plantation community and wheel of life families from our complementary programme and 44
respectively. The classes on personality development families from women self-help groups were supported
and wheel of life oriented towards their self- through this programme. Persons of chronic illness,
discovery and self-development whereas the classes widows, low income families and families of many
on community mobilization and plantation history children are the reasons for our selection. As usual
made them aware of the struggles of the plantation we reflected with the people the main causes for
community. The staff had some time to reflect on our their poverty and encouraged them to value good
founder St. Ignatius and UAPs. In the early morning education, small saving and addiction free life.
of the second day they practiced yoga and meditation.
Though spending two days outside home was rather Annual evaluation with Loyola Campus staff: On
difficult for some of our staff, but it helped them 15th November Loyola Campus staff reflected their
to have deeper realization of themselves and the achievements
plantation community. and challenges
in 2023 and
Exams and renewal at Loyola Campus: We started proposed
conducting both written and oral exam on 6th suggestions
Novemb er for the future.
for the A1 Students’
students growth both in quantity and quality, commitment of
and ended the staff, support from CSC in terms of scholarship,
the exam two women religious staff, value formation, students
on 16th becoming facilitators, participation in the beat plastic
Novemb er pollution and memorial walk from Thalaimannar
for the B2 to Pesalai were some of the achievements. Lack of
students. In between we had exams for other classes motivation and lack of discipline among both students
and computer students. Since most of the students and staff were the major challenges. Adequate
promised that they would continue their next level, classrooms with good facilities, class teachers with
we did not bid farewell to them rather we had renewal total responsibility, counselling to the students, right
programme on 8th November. Each class was given mechanism to handle scholarships and activity based
10 minutes to prepare cultural programme and they learning methods were a few suggestions proposed.

Newsletter - December 2023 10

During the lunch at Hotel Mount Castle, Hatton we Selection of the best preschool: On 23rd, 24th and
bid farewell to Sr. Amira of Comboni congregation 25th of November Fr. Premkumar and Ms. Yogitha
who was our volunteer staff on skill training. visited all the 16 preschools of CSC and conducted
the competition under the title ‘Play to Learn’. All
Annual tour: On 17th November, 44 staff of CSC the teachers were expected to teach lessons through
and Loyola Campus with their 12 children totally games. All the schools did well. The preschools at
56 persons went to Thalawila. On the way we visited Fruithill, Mount Jean and Darawalla scored first place,
our Jesuit Novitiate Broadoak, St. Aubins and Velioya scored second place
at Kurunegala. The and Poiston, Puliyawatte and Tientsin scored third
novitiate community place. Every year we conduct competitions among all
provided us with our preschools to encourage them to perform better
sumptuous lunch, Fr. in their teaching and learning. During the preschool
Master gave us a short concert which will be held on 3rd December, the
talk on life and mission winners will be awarded prizes.
of the Jesuits and Fr. Jude took our staff around the
campus. On 18th November we prayed at St. Anne’s
shrine in the morning and in the noon we went by
boat to Lady Valankanni Church at Uchchimuni and
in the evening we relaxed ourselves in the beach. On
19th November we came back to Hatton after praying
at Munneswaram temple, Chilaw in the morning and
enjoying the panoramic view from the Lotus Tower
in Colombo in the afternoon. Every year we arrange
tour for our staff as expression of our gratitude for
their services and to provide exposure to various
realities which eventually support them to rededicate
themselves to do God’s mission better.

Newsletter - December 2023 11

Our Humble Story with you for past thirty Years
– with gratitude
We JRS Adjumani celebrated our 30 donors and stakeholders but more specifically from
you. We recall our journey with gratitude.
years with our refugee friends on the
14th of November – Birthdays of Fr. In 1991, Fr. Mike Evans sj as the First Regional Director
Arrupe and JRS of JRS for East Africa was initiated by then Jesuit
Superior General to begin jRS service in Northern
I oversaw the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Uganda as there was a large influx of refugees.
Bishop Sabino Odoki, Bishop of Arua
Wit this great desire to work in northern Uganda, Fr.
Mike Evans met then our Bishop of Arua, Frederick
Drandua – His Lordship blessed JRS to initiatives in
Pastoral and Educational fields.

In 1992, Fr. Richard Gross sj was the first Jesuit to

explore the possibilities of JRS works in Adjumani
and he was joined by a energetic group of Jesuits and
religious sisters – We remember Fr. Richard Gross
Cherry, Virginia Hasson our pioneers.

In 1993, Fr. Celso Romanin an Australian Jesuit

Father became the First Field Director of JRS in
Adjumani and he was blessed with Srs. Maureen
Lohrey, Dorothy Shevlin to work with. We remember
The celebration was attended by many priests,
Fr. Kifle Wansamo who was a Jesuit Regent at that
religious, the catechists under the sponsorship of JRS,
time who joined the first batch.
the stakeholder agencies, JRS staff of Kampala and
Adjumani, our JRS students and former JRs sponsored We began in pastoral care and education with Jesuits,
students, the under-secretary of the Ministry of Sisters and so many lay persons.
Disaster Management, the officials from the Office of
the Prime Minister, UNHCR and Donor agencies. With gratitude we remember, Dutch Donor
Agency Cebemo for its great support for Education
There were many testimonies by the refugee and Development. Also, Caritas Netherlands for
community on “How JRS accompanied them emergency provision.
throughout these thirty years”
Within a short span of time JRS Adjumani became
I was responsible for the Introduction for the the model for projects then to set up in Rhino Camp,
Eucharist and this is so….. West Nile and Kiriyandongo, North of Kampala.
Dear Friends, today we are gathered here in We remember late Bishop Paride Taban who triggered
Pagiriniya settlement is not to celebrate thirty years JRS to take up on Secondary Education. Bishop
of the refugeeness of our South Sudanese friends but Taban even offered his Education Coordinator Mike
to thank God for all the JRS had during these thirty Floey for support. That made way for building Alere
years to accompany, serve and advocate the voice of Secondary School and library by JRS. With deep
our refugee friends through various persons, events, sense of gratitude, we remember Br. Wilmot who was

Newsletter - December 2023 12

the builder who even carried stones to build. Victor Adibako.

Fr. Edward Howard with Sisters oversaw pastoral care Then the Second Phase of JRS began in 2017.
– visiting refugee friends at home and supporting
them in their needs. JRS Kampala and Adjumani are a grown trees and
continue to accompany, serve, and advocate for
During these years, JRS empowered the refuge you with our Educational, Mental Health Services,
community with a preferential option for girls’ Livelihood and Pastoral works.
education, Teacher Training Programs and Peace
Education to understand conflict, to reflect on how it Dear friends, JRS prayer is that God will not give us
affects people in war and post-war situations. the grace to celebrate 31st year in Adjumani as we
hope and pray that you will go HOME.
JRS Kampala had its birth in 1998 with an urban
project. If you stay back, JRS will commit to be with you to

Now, we shall stand and give thanks to all our pioneers,

our collaborators, our stakeholders, our local church
of Diocese of Arua, all Christian Churches, our
donors, present JRS Staff in Kampala and Adjumani,
host community and you our refugee friends with
this Eucharistic Celebration presided over by our own

We welcome Bishop Sabino to preside……

Soon after the Final blessing, Bishop Sabino

distributed the trophies to all the winners of the
On 14th of December 2008, our journey concluded in
football tournament which was concluded the Sunday
Adjumani as our refugee friends returned home. Fr.
Frido Pflueger then Regional Director of East African
JRS in his final Eucharistic Celebration with our On Sunday we had the Thanksgiving Mass with
returning home refugee friends, encouraged them to JRS staff of Adjumani and JRS management from
keep alive in their communities what JRS has passed Kampala at St. Bakita Chapel open air attended by all
on to them and re-build a country where people can the six communities. After some refreshments whole
live in dignity, freedom, and peace. Fr. Frido did not congregation walked to football field for the FINALS.
forget to thank the host community, “You, people of
Uganda have given one of the best examples of how Our six communities and JRS Adjumani staff are
refugees can be received, as there are many countries eagerly waiting to WELCOME our Provincial of Sri
which are resentful towards them”. Lanka especially the youth leaders and catechists. Fr.
Sujeewa will have a very tight schedule in Adjumani.
JRS accompanied all our refugee brothers and sisters
till they reached home. JRS never wished that they
will RETURN Again.

Here we shall pause for while to give thanks to God

and all who supported JRS in these crucial years.

For those who passed on, MAY Eternal Rest be upon


With deep joy I remember, there are with us who still

journey with JRS from those days, Kakayo Dominica,
Mary Asiyenzo, Eruwaga Paskazio, Buga Charles and

Newsletter - December 2023 13

PIT-Plantation Initiative Team
decade, residents initially shared negative stories but
reconsidered upon recognizing positive developments
such as improved infrastructure, increased education
levels, and land ownership outside the estate.

The Jesuit team identified local youths with leadership

potential to organize creative activities. When blame
was directed at the parish priest, the Jesuit team
emphasized their responsibility to progress with the
cooperation of the parish priest. Following the visit,
the Jesuit team held extensive discussions with Fr.
In the latest edition of SNL, readers are informed Deva at the Kolping Centre.
about the Plantation Initiative Team’s (PIT) scheduled
exposure visits to the Jesuit working areas in Kandy On the subsequent day, applying the theories
and Hatton in October, and to the Deraniyagala area learned during the field visit, the juniors identified
in November. the community’s basic problems and proposed
implementation suggestions. They highlighted the
The initial visit, occurring from October 20th to 22nd, community’s energy and willingness to improve their
was reported in the previous SNL issue. The second lives but stressed the need for proper coordination
visit coincided with a five-day ‘Social Analysis’ block and motivation. Furthermore, the juniors questioned
course conducted from November 27th to December why, despite more than 50 years of socio-pastoral
1st for the juniors at Dalugama, upon the invitation of efforts in Deraniyagala, the province had not
Fr. Dilan. successfully united Jesuits for a collective response,
such as establishing a school, hostel, or industry for
Fr. Benny and Sch. Antony Sebasthiraj led the course,
value-added products from tea leaves. Their findings,
covering introductory sessions on sociological
concerns, and suggestions were presented in dramatic
concepts, social realities, and methods of social
form by the time this report was written.
analysis on the first day. An orientation for the
subsequent field visit to Deraniyagala was also
Sch. Sebasthiraj SJ
provided. On November 28th, the team, including
five juniors, Schs. Kingsly, Sebasthiraj, Pradeep, Frs.
Benny and Dilan, visited Digala estate, Deraniyagala,
with the remarkable inclusion of the 90-year-old Fr.
Eustace Fernando.

The team initially visited Fr. Richard’s house, where

Fr. Deva briefed them on the parish and the socio-
economic conditions of the plantation people in the
Sabaragamuwa Province. The team split into sub-
teams for house visits, interacting with families,
and concluding with a meeting at the estate church
involving parents and youth.

Expectations for financial support were clarified,

emphasizing the visit’s primary purpose for the
junior brothers to understand plantation life.
During discussions on the changes over the past

Newsletter - December 2023 14

Bro. Fernandopulle, Lalith Chrishantha SJ (52/25)

Our dearest brother, Lalith,

you left such a huge vacuum in the province which can repeated a menu twice. Always something different
never be filled again. The vacuum is in the hearts of all and a little decoration here and a different dish there
of us. You loved us as nobody ever loved us. You loved made your meals we look forward to with relish. The
deeply and sincerely all of us, big or small, young or TLC was obvious.
old, good ones and bad ones. A Jesuit calls me and says he does not know how to
You embodied the best of all the great brothers of our cope with his grief. Outsiders both lay and religious
province. The organizational abilities of Richard and are telling me they are completely taken aback by your
Andrew, the fun and laughter of Q and Walter, the leaving us so soon and they are full of love and appre-
love of workers you inherited from Joe and the unlim- ciation for you.
ited kindness from Turin. They will proudly embrace Forgive us Lalith for not adequately reciprocating
and welcome you. your love for us. Yes, probably, we do not deserve you.
It was my late sister who first told me about you. She Pray for us dearest Lalith, now and at the hour of our
was your teacher in school. Then you became the death.
protégé of Turin who taught you, guided you and re- Amen.
ally formed you. And what a wonderful job Turin had
done! Chryso SJ.
You took such great care to feeding us that you never

Newsletter - December 2023 15

“We always looked at the outside cover before
reading the book”
wms fmd;g l,ska yeuodu;a msg ljfru ne¨fõ

On the morning of the 15th, Within my heart reside Che Guevara, Osho, Dalai
a day prior to his untimely Lama.
passing, Lalith reached out Within my heart reside Che Guevara, Osho, Dalai
to me inquiring about the Lama.)
visa process for the Tertians. In a more serious moment, Lalith imparted a message,
In response, I informed him saying, “Please do not tell Osho; you must tell Che
that it was in progress. As Guevara, Joseph, Dalai Lama.” Then he said, “wms
was customary, Lalith had a fmd;g l,ska yeuodu;a msg ljfru ne¨fõ” – “We
knack for injecting humor always looked at the cover before we read the book”.
into our conversations, often This revealed a side of Lalith that was unpretentious
presenting jokes with a spiritual twist or crafting and non-judgmental – a man who built the Kingdom
pieces that resembled theological masterpieces. of God through simple gestures of love, kindness and
I shared with Lalith the chorus of an “amu sindu”
Lalith’s passing, devoid of any warning signs, left
which goes as follows in Sinhala:
us in deep sorrow. As we bode him farewell at his
msgqj fmr¨jg iS;d fmd; okakjd rdud¡¡¡ funeral, one thing was obvious, it became a truly
kgqj okafka u,a fjkqfjka ord.;a; iSud¡¡¡ synodal journey, where individuals from all walks of
gegqj oel,d pßf; ,shk f.dvla Wkag fldaud¡¡¡ life, religions, and castes came together to pay their
fï mmqj we;=f,a fÉ.=fõrd ´fIda of,hs ,dud¡¡¡ respects and travelled together in his last journey.
fï mmqj we;=f,a fÉ.=fõrd ´fIda of,hs ,dud¡¡¡ In remembering Lalith, let us cherish the laughter
he gifted us, the wisdom he shared, and the love he
(Seetha can show the cover and turn the pages but spread. His legacy goes beyond self-lessness; it resides
Rama knows the book. in the simplicity and warmth of his character. May we
Only the stem knows how hard it was holding up hold onto the memories of Lalith as a beacon of love
the flower. and joy in our lives.
Those who write the character looking at a tattoo
are really in a coma.
Roy SJ



Introduction: Rev. Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., born on years were marked by familial ties to the newspaper
September 14, 1907, in Bilbao, Spain, played a pivotal industry and a promising medical career. Despite
role in the history of the Society of Jesus. As the only excelling as a brilliant medical student, earning top
son of Marcelino and Dolores, he was raised in a family honors in anatomical studies and therapeutics, his
deeply rooted in intellect and civic engagement. This life took a transformative turn after the death of his
article delves into the life of Fr. Arrupe, examining father in 1926. A pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes
his early education, transformative experiences, became a catalyst for his religious vocation, leading
leadership as the General of the Society of Jesus, and him to abandon his medical studies and enter the
his significant contributions to the Jesuit mission. Jesuit Novitiate at Loyola.

Early Life and Education: Pedro Arrupe’s formative Missionary Journey to Japan: Arrupe’s academic

Newsletter - December 2023 16

journey continued with philosophical studies in Jesuit Refugee Service and Advocacy: Arrupe’s com-
Belgium and theological studies in Holland. After passion for the plight of the boat-people in Vietnam
his ordination as a priest, he underwent additional led to the establishment of the Jesuit Refugee Service
theological study in the USA before being assigned (JRS) in 1980. His advocacy extended to Jesuit parish-
as a missionary to Japan. Despite facing challenges in es, envisioning them as model communities fostering
reaching Japan and contrary to his initial aspirations basic human communities across religions and cul-
of working in a mission country, Arrupe embraced tures.
various roles, including Parish Priest in Yamaguchi
and Novice Master and Rector in Hiroshima, the city Legacy and Beatification: Fr. Pedro Arrupe’s legacy is
scarred by the atomic bomb in 1945. described as one that made the Jesuit Order more re-
flective of Jesus. His devotion to prayer, commitment
Leadership as the General of the Society of Jesus: The to social justice, and meek governance during chal-
turning point in Arrupe’s life occurred in 1965 when lenging times exemplify his academic and spiritual
he was elected as the 27th General of the Society of contributions. The cause for his beatification, initiated
Jesus. This marked a transformative phase, where he in 2019, underscores the enduring impact of his life
actively participated in the Second Vatican Council, and teachings.
making powerful interventions on critical topics such
as “Church and modern times” and “Inculturation.” Conclusion: Rev. Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., stands as a
His leadership during the post-Vatican II era was cru- scholarly and spiritual giant in the history of the So-
cial in reshaping the Society’s focus towards selfless ciety of Jesus. His academic and religious journey,
service and a commitment rooted in God. marked by a transformative vocation, missionary ser-
vice in Japan, and visionary leadership as the General,
The 32nd General Congregation: In 1974, Arrupe pre- continues to inspire scholars and followers alike. The
sided over the 32nd General Congregation, a pivot- exploration of Arrupe’s life emphasizes his enduring
al event leading to defining decrees emphasizing the legacy and the ongoing process of beatification that
Jesuit identity as “sinners called to be companions recognizes his profound impact on the Jesuit mission.
of Jesus” and outlining the mission as the “Service of
faith” with the promotion of justice as a fundamental Angelo SJ
requirement. Arrupe’s emphasis on “contemplation in
action” and a commitment to simpler living resonated
during this congregation.


In the early 1960s, Radio Ceylon in Sri Lanka once broadcasted a concert featuring the fish of Lake Batticaloa.
Yes, you read that correctly—fish from a lake! The announcement claimed that the recording was done by
Fr. William Moran, an American Jesuit from the New Orleans Province and the 2nd Provincial of the Ceylon
vice Province.

Legend had it that when one strolled along the lake shore in the moonlight, the melodious songs of the singing
fish could be distinctly heard. However, despite numerous attempts, no one had managed to successfully
record one of their underwater concerts. Enter Fr. Moran, who achieved this feat with apparent ease.

His method was ingeniously simple. Fr. Moran positioned a tape recorder on the sandy shores of the lake
and ingeniously worked a microphone into the air chamber of an inflated football. Using a long lead, he then
gently lowered the football into the lake. The resulting recording was unexpectedly powerful. In fact, when
played back, the volume had to be significantly reduced to prevent it from overwhelming the audience.

Source” Apostles of Gujarat, no 4 April 1963. Contributed by Hedwig Lewis, SJ

Angelo SJ

Newsletter - December 2023 17

10/1970 Angelo Sujeewa Pathirana
05/2000 Fernando Praneeth Nilusha
06/2002 Appuhamy, Shewon R
15/1991 Priyan R. Fernando
16/1983 Rashmi Madusanka Fernando
20/1992 Savarimuthu A. Pradeep
26/1948 Stephen Perera
27/1980 Suvakeen Roshan
29/1981 Noel A. Jayanathan

Newsletter - December 2023 18

“God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his
1 Cor 6: 14

03/1937 Fr. Charles Piler 54/33
03/2001 Fr. Frederick Cooley 80/59
04/1952 Br. George Beau 74/50
05/1938 Fr. Gabriel Moreel 85/62
08/1971 Fr. John Weaver 78/57
15/1977 Fr. Arthur Caprioli 50/34
19/1944 Fr. John B. de la Haye 56/37
21/2011 Fr. Joseph Chianese 95/79
23/1980 Fr. Armando de Burra 67/48
26/1983 Fr. Cosmos Guida 77/60
23/1998 Fr. Basil Silva 66/47
31/1924 Fr. Natalis Piron 53/34

Newsletter - December 2023 19


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Tuesday, 26th Dec 2023 to the Editor, Sri Lanka Jesuits’

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responsibility before printing this Newsletter.

Newsletter - December 2023 20

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