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Project on establishing a new furniture brand in Bangladesh


Ehfaz Nowman (EHn)


Ayoshi Akter 152190030
Mondip 1611769030
Raad Sharar Arshad 1621173630
Farzana Fariya Hossain 1931303630
Md. Faysal Ahmed 1911397630

Date of Submission : JANUARY 4, 2022


January 4, 2022
Department of Marketing,
North South University Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of the project on creating and establishing a new furniture brand in

Dear Sir,

It is a matter of pleasure and honour for us to have the opportunity to submit our report as a
part of our academic activities. The main objective of this project report is to know how to
create and establish a brand through different promotional activities. We try to put our
maximum effort into this group project. We have shown our uttermost gratitude for the
opportunity you gave us to implement our analytical thinking and interpretation skills that
will help us build our future careers. We anticipate learning some real-life lessons. We
would be delighted to furnish you with any details if required.

We, therefore, would like to place this report to you for your kind consideration.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

Ayoshi Akter
Raad Sharar Arshad
Md Faysal Ahmed
Farzana Fariya Hossain


Content Page
Executive summary 04

Background / Situation Analysis 05-08

Market segmentation and Targeting 09-11

Differentiation & Positioning 12-14

Price, place, product 14-16

Client Brief 16-18

Creative Strategy 19

Media Strategy 20

Budget 21-23

Measurement control 24

Conclusion 24

The furniture business is one of Bangladesh's most important industries, with significant
export potential. The sector has many members across the nation, with the largest employers
employing over 150,000 people in Dhaka. Among such firms, there is a commonality that
we can see, which is that they are all regular and a little bit pricey, albeit not for everyone.
However, our new furniture caters to a wide range of individuals, including students,
bachelors, and migrants who live in hostels, students, single-family households, and small

"Arohon Furniture" is a modern and elegant furniture manufacturer based in Dhaka with
many locations. It was founded in the first month of the year 2021. The company's purpose
and vision statements are clear. They also produce the items at a minimal cost using a highly
skilled labour force. For the creation of their products, they use both cost-effective and
differentiation tactics. The organization employs a variety of innovative marketing methods
as well as other promotional activities. The organization's most valuable asset is its well-
defined sales staff. The showrooms' interior designs are so appealing that most clients are
drawn to purchase Arohon's items.

The industry has many members in the Dhaka and Chittagong districts. And its primary
stakeholders, employing roughly 100 people, are based in Dhaka. Almost 20 furniture
manufacturing businesses may be found throughout the country. The industries' anticipated
market sizes are about BDT 15 crores. These sectors are expanding at a pace of 22.07 per
cent. It has 15 storefronts in Dhaka and Chittagong and offers nationwide online delivery.
As a result, the firm intends to develop new goods and expand its distribution network
throughout Dhaka.

Background / Situation Analysis
A situational analysis is a way of evaluating a company's internal and external issues. It
recognizes a company's benefits as well as the obstacles it is likely to confront. The main
purpose of situational analysis is to identify core resources, weaknesses, prospective new
consumers, and persisting difficulties that affect its overall performance. This review is
completed using a variety of various methods of analysis, many of which are utilized in
combination with each other.

Firstly, we have done the SWOT analysis for our assessment. Here the strengths and
weaknesses are the internal analysis, the opportunities and threats are the external analysis.


Trustworthy raw material suppliers - Ahoron has a solid base of reliable raw material
suppliers, allowing it to bypass any supply chain impediments.

Innovative- Our products are innovative and, most importantly, up to date with the current
era of design. We focus on the future and design our products accordingly.

Product Variety- We have a vast range of products. Our categories include new, living room,
bedroom, dining, kitchen, kid's room, smart fit, institutional, doors, office etc.

Last but not least, there is a lucrative, descriptive and easily accessible website


High salary for the employees: We pay our employees better than most other companies in
our market. Although this is good for keeping the employees motivated, it creates pressure
on the finance of the company.

Furniture is our only branch of products. If someday the market for furniture drops or the
government increases rates of woods, we might face quite a lot of troubles.

Our outlets are very few numbers. Hence, we need to do the promotional activities very
strongly to attract customers.


Technology- We may use the new technologies to implement a distinctive pricing approach
in the new market.

After years of weak growth rate in the business, an economic rebound and rise in consumer
spending provide a chance for us to gain a new customer base.


In the future years, new technologies produced by a rival or market repressor might pose a
severe danger to the sector.

Local distributors' increasing power poses a challenge in some sectors, as the competition
pays local distributors better margins.

The demand for highly profitable items is seasonal, and any unforeseen occurrence during
the peak season might have a short term or long to medium-term impact on the company's
financial performance.

After the SWOT analysis, we did the 5C analysis to understand our market better. It includes
the company, competitors, and customers: collaborators and climate

.Company: Aharon is a company with ambitious goals and people who are working heart
and soul for the betterment of the company. Firstly, we will try to penetrate into the market
and promote our products properly.

Competitors: The established brands like Hatil, Otobi, Akhter etc., will not create any
problem, we believe, as they are already famous in the market. Our main competitors will
be the new upcoming furniture companies that are trying to create a customer base.

Customers: Our customers’ base is mostly people from the urban area. In that case, we can
focus more on the quality and design of the product. This will attract our base of customers
even if we increase the selling price.

Collaborators: Our collaborators can be metal companies. The delivery truck and van
services organizations are going to be our best friends.

Climate: The environment of our company functions in is quite fancy and modern. This is
beneficial for us. Our outlets will be very creatively designed in terms of interior.

Lastly, we assessed our market through a PEST analysis that includes the political,
environmental, social and environmental factors.

 Legal framework for contract enforcement
 Intellectual property protection
 Trade regulations & tariffs related to Consumer Goods
 Favoured trading partners
 Anti-trust laws related to Home Furnishings & Fixtures
 Pricing regulations
 Taxation - tax rates and incentives
 Wage legislation - minimum wage and overtime
 Work week regulations in Home Furnishings & Fixtures
 Mandatory employee benefits


 Government intervention in the free market and related Consumer Goods

 Exchange rates & stability of host country currency.
 The efficiency of financial markets
 Infrastructure quality in Home Furnishings & Fixtures industry
 Comparative advantages of host country and Consumer Goods sector in the particular
 Skill level of workforce in Home Furnishings & Fixtures industry.
 Education level in the economy
 Labour costs and productivity in the economy
 Business cycle stage (e.g., prosperity, recession, recovery)
 Economic growth rate


Demographics and skill level of the population

Class structure, hierarchy, and power structure in the society.

Education level as well as education standard in the Stanley Furniture Company, Inc.’s

Culture (gender roles, social conventions etc.)

Entrepreneurial spirit and broader nature of the society. Some societies encourage
entrepreneurship while some don’t.

Attitudes (health, environmental consciousness, etc.)

Leisure interests


Recent technological developments by Stanley Furniture Company, Inc. competitors

Technology's impact on product offering

Impact on cost structure in Home Furnishings & Fixtures industry

Impact on value chain structure in Consumer Goods sector

Rate of technological diffusion

Market Segmentation
Our market segmentation will be based on Geography, Demography and Psychographic.

Geographic Segmentation

Our target market is divided into two geographic segments. Such as,

Urban Area: In an urban area like Dhaka, Chittagong etc., our marketing campaign will
focus on quality. The ads and billboards will present how durable and artistic our products
are. The design of our products will be a key concern for the consumers here. Hence, creative
TV and social media commercials that focus on designs will be a must here.

Rural Area: In the case of the rural areas, the campaign must focus on price efficiency more
than quality. The leaflets shall mention the price, and how it is one of the best prices in the
market. We will make sure that the money they are spending is worth buying our product
than spending on any other product in that price range.

Demographic Segmentation:

Our demographic segmentation will cover various branches.

Age: Our target market can be divided into three different age groups.

Campaigns for people between 25 to 35 years will be mostly on social Media. The
promotions will focus on the price firstly as people of this group are not heavy earners.
These promotions will significantly show that our products are compact and easily

The 35-50 years group people are mostly newly married. They will look for products that
look aesthetic and durable. The promotion of design will be our key factor here.

Lastly, the 50+ age group are very experienced and understand how the furniture production
mechanism works. Campaigns for them will have to include how good our raw materials
are. For example, the type of wood we are using. These will be placed in the newspapers

Family size: Promotions for single or bachelor families will be similar to the ones for the
age group 25-35 years. Price will be the most significant factor here.

Small nuclear families will focus on good quality more than the price. The promotions will
show how unique our design is.

Finally, the promotions for the big or extended families will be focusing on durability and
raw materials.

Income: Campaigns for the upper-class people will present our product quality. The unique
design, flashy outlets will catch the eyes of this group of people. Price will not be a big issue

Promotions for the middle-class is going to be tricky. There has to be a balance between the
price and quality. The promotions will show clips of people buying and ordering our
products. This class of people has to be manipulated quite smartly. They need to know our
products are famous in the market and people are willing to buy these.

Promotions targeting lower-class people is fairly simple. The price will be focused on here.
They need to believe that the price they are paying is entirely worth it.

Psychographic Segmentation:

Psychographic segmentation of our market has to be done very properly considering

furniture are part of our lifestyles as well.

Promotions for people who are fond of art and prefer a fancy lifestyle will have commercials
showing our artistic designs are heritage. The architectural works will be presented in the
promotional videos.

On the contrary, promotions for people preferring a basic and need-oriented lifestyle will
show how durable our products are. These will focus less on our designs and more on the

Behavioristic Segmentation: The loyal customers will be preached differently than the
others. Marketing strategies for them will include membership cards and discounts.

In terms of usage, heavy users such as factories need durability more than anything. The
durability will be promoted to them through internal and corporate connections. The light
users will be promoted through online promotions.

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The promotions will also differ according to the occasion. Special occasions will have
promotions relevant to the occasion. For example, all products will have a 22% discount for
the month of January in the year 2022.

Benefit Segmentation: Benefit segmentation will be based on the quality, economy, service

For promoting quality, more commercials in social media, especially Instagram, is highly
needed. Instagram has more users who focus on quality.

In terms of service, promotions will include our warranty service. Our employees working
in the outlets have to be very smart and communicative.

As a new brand in the Furniture industry, it would be quite challenging for us to compete
with the established brands of the country. As a result, we need to define the target market
very carefully to find the audience we need to focus on.

Through research and surveys, we have realized there is no official brand that focuses on
the moderate waged citizens of the country. They often have to buy furniture made of
processed wood or opt for the local furniture stores, which have few furniture options and
below-average customer service policies.

Our furniture will serve the needs of University going students who stay on their own,
corporate people with moderate salaries or newlyweds. Besides, we will cater our furniture
in a way so it can help out the people who are over 30.

 Age Group: As per research, a mass population of people tend to settle down in Dhaka after
they are done with their college. Therefore, we have decided to target audiences between
the age 20 to 30 and up to 50.

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 Demographics: Though we will target people all over the country, the main focus will be
on urban people. Be it university going students or corporate people, our priorities will be
on people from main cities.

 Income: We will try to tap into the customer base of Middle Income. The middle class urban
family along with bachelors with middle income will be our target customers in this regard.

We will also target those who are single parents, newlyweds or corporate women who want
to live a comfortable life in a budget friendly manner.

Our brand will be the first furniture company to bring innovative and modern furniture.
These products will be modern, cheap and smart.

We are planning to differentiate our product based on the innovative nature of our product
category as well as the pricing. As we are targeting the middle-class families of Bangladesh,
product design is as important as the price before making a purchase.

A low price compared to our competitors will be offered to differentiate us from other
existing brands. Initially, our goal is to be an economy best seller with a low price.
Moreover, a brand with the concept of budget-friendly and smart furniture is quite new
among the population of this country.

In this regard, we will execute a penetration pricing strategy to capture the larger share of
the marketplace. Our target customers are very price sensitive therefore, it is necessary for
us to go through this route.

In short, we are offering lower prices to differentiate us and make our brand stand out with
notable bargains.

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We want our customers to feel they are what they use; their products define their personality.
We want our furniture brand to get positioned in a way so that it becomes the furniture of
the 'Bengali Middle-Class People'. We will spread the concept of innovative furniture,
include the pricing in every communication and convey the message that as a middle-class
Bengali Person, it is an honour to use our furniture as it perfectly goes with their lifestyle.
What 'Shwapno' is to the retail customers, we want to be perceived as such in the Furniture

In the consumer mind, we want to be the brand that offers innovative products at low prices
and represents the Bengali middle class.

We are going to focus on some key aspects while positioning our brand.

First of all, are we unique compared to our competitors? In this instance, we are unique from
Regal, Nadia and Partex, as we are not only focusing on low pricing but also emphasizing
utilizing Bangladeshi middle-class identity.

Secondly, the kind of people we are targeting are all over the country. The middle-class
urban people can be found almost everywhere in Bangladesh. So it is safe to say that our
positioning applies to all major geographic markets and businesses.

Finally, the most important factor to look upon is to find out whether the positioning is
helpful financially. For that, we have to calculate the amount of investment and decide on
the duration within which we will try to reach the breakeven point and set the pricing

Price, Place and product

We have varieties of furniture so price fluctuated some time except that our product price
starts from 1500 to 50000.

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By doing survey we got to know that middle class people prefers buying furniture in low
range prices to middle range prices. They don’t like to buy high priced furniture for them.
Compared to other furniture brands in our country our pricing is customer friendly.


For selling our product, we will use our outlets and website only. As we have outlets only
in Dhaka and Chittagong, we will also sell our products through our online website and
official Facebook page and deliver them all over Bangladesh. Places our product will be
 Outlets in Dhaka city
 Outlets in Chittagong city
 The online website
 Facebook page
 Instagram

The reason behind choosing these places

Middle-class urban families are the primary target customer for our furniture store. There
are lots of middle-class families in Dhaka and Chittagong city, and they constantly seek
furniture in an affordable price range. This is why we opened outlets in those cities to visit
the store and buy their desired furniture. People outside Dhaka and Chittagong can order
our product through the online website of 'Arohon.' nowadays, Facebook is an excellent
platform for growing business. A lot of people are using Facebook for buying products.
That's why we also chose our Facebook and Instagram page for another online selling


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As mentioned earlier, our brand is targeting the middle classed people aged from 20-50.
Therefore, we have categorized our products into two categories i.e home and office

Office products are the ones we use in corporate sectors like offices, schools, colleges or
universities. This category includes:

 Chairs: arm chair, fixed chairs, gaming chairs etc

 Tables: computer table, conference table etc.
 Cabinets

When the word ‘furniture’ comes to mind, we mostly think of the home products as we see
them more often. We have categorized home furniture into two categories. These are: simple
and smart furniture.

 Simple furniture

Furniture which we get to see and use on a daily basis are categorized as simple furniture.
The product design is also quite modern keeping the taste of the target group in mind.
Furnitures which fall under this category are:
 Bed: single, double sized
 Sofa sets
 Dining table
 Study table
 Dressing table
 Centre table
 TV cabinet
 Shoe rack
 Wardrobe

 Smart furniture

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In recent times, a big chunk of the population are seen to be travelling from different parts
of the country to the capital city in order to pursue education, job or to settle down. Keeping
them in mind we have decided to bring some smart furniture which will be less space
consuming as well as budget friendly.

The concept of smart furniture was first initiated in China. As Bangladesh is a country with
high population density like China, smart furniture will be a great innovation for those who
cannot afford to stay in big apartments but want to have all necessary furniture in the house.
These furniture can be:

 Transforming center table: a center-dining table

 Wall desk bed: a study desk-bed
 Loft bed: a combination of dresser, opening shelf, mirror and bed

We are bringing 20+ products under our brand and the material we have selected for these
are wood and plywood. The exterior of these products will be done with wood to make it
durable, the backdrop and interior of these products will be done by plywood to make it
cheaper and lighter.

Client Brief

Under client brief we have included the following questions:

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1. Why communicating now? Reason for contacting us.

-Arohon Furniture is a new brand in the market. For launching our new products in the
market, we want to go for many more promotional campaigns. So, we decided to contract
you as a brand to help us in our promotional activities. We want to reach some specific goals
and that’s what we need right now.

2. What do you want to achieve from this campaign?

-Arohon Furniture wants to create a strong brand image among all our customer's mind.
That’s what we want from this campaign.

3. What is the objective of your campaign?

-Before planning the campaign, we decided what we need the most. After that the main
objective of this campaign came out. Which is to communicate with our potential customer.
We want to let them know and make them aware about our brand.

4. Who are your target customers? (Which SEC do they belong in?)

-We are targeting all the middle-class people in our country who could be student, bachelors
or family members. Their age limit is in between 20-50. Their social economic class range
is between higher economy and lower economy.

5. What insights do you have about your customers?

-We conducted a survey and did some secondary researches. By this we get to know that
our customers want to have comfortable, fine-looking furniture's in a flexible or one can say
cheaper price.

6. How do you want your Target Customers to describe the brand?

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-We want our customer to feel the comfort we are offering them in a very cheap price.
Whenever they will think of our brand, they should describe us as a budget friendly fine-
looking comfortable furniture.

7. What is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING you want your Target Customers to
take out from this advertisement/campaign?

-We want to let them know that their homes comfortable fine-looking furniture's will being
peace in your mind. It is our first priority. We are also very helpful with the after sales

8. Is there anything particular you want to be mentioned in the advertisement?

-Yes, we want to mention our tagline in the advertisement and our tagline is “Promising
comfortable fine-looking furniture in a cheaper price”.

9. What is an absolute mandatory in the advertisement?

-We want to let the market know that we care for them and we are not only here to do
business but also to take care of our society.

10. Deliverables

i. Billboard
ii. Booth
iii. Newspaper advertisement
iv. Lunch event

11. Your budget for this campaign?

-Our total budget for this campaign is 2 corers TK

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Creative Strategy

TV ad: We are going to approach our local TV channels to broadcast our ad on some
specific timing that we will choose.

Billboard: We are going to design some creative ideas to show people that how our products
will make their life easier. We will show some finest designed less pricy furniture in those

Launch Event: We are going to plan a very big launching event for building our brand
image stronger. Arohon Furnishers entering into the market will become a hyped event in
the society. Every class of people will talk about Arohon's Furnisher for the uniqueness of
our event.

Sponsored Events: We will organize some sponsored events too for promoting out brand
in every step of life. We want to let people know that when we are here then there is no fear
for expensive furnishers.

Event Marketing: For the success of our events, we need to plan it properly so that things
won't go wrong. Here, we are planning to promote the events through many media's so that
people and our consumers get to know us and our goals properly.

Social Media Marketing: We are going to target Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube,

Instagram, Viber and all related social media tools. We are going to boost our posts by fixing
the exact target market we got. Then we will get new loyal consumers from these social
media marketing.

Branding elements: Our branding elements are very selective. As our target market is very
huge so our branding elements for the brand is also need to be very specific and strong to
describe all the actions.

Media Strategy

We have chosen media strategy based on our target customer’s preference.

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Under TV channel we will use NTV, ATN Bangla, Channel I and Baisakhi TV. We all know
that NTV, Channel I and ATN Bangla are the most popular private TV channels. Their reach
out to customers is much higher compare to any other channels. Besides, Baisakhi TV is
popular among women for the dramas which have been showed in this channel.

We will use Prothom Alo, Kaler kontho and daily Ittefaq for our newspaper advertisement.
Most of the families keep these three newspapers in their houses mostly because of
authentication in terms of publishing news. We will also use some weekly supplement like
Rosh+ Alo, Ananda, and Gollachut which are very popular among women. We would like
to place some billboard as well.


We obtain more than simply an overall budget number with an integrated marketing budget.
We're sponsoring a marketing strategy that includes paid advertising, public relations, social
media marketing, direct marketing, and sales promotions, with a budgeted amount allocated
to each area. We also have a low-budget campaign in the works, which will depend mostly
on in-house labor and current technologies, such as our company's Web site and content
marketing, email marketing, and social networking capabilities. We may not always employ
all of our strategies. We will utilize a down budgeting strategy to create our budget. We've
opted to stick to a budget of two crores taka for all promotional efforts (Max). Below is a
breakdown of all of our promotional efforts and their costs:

1. Newspaper: A news article will be used. We will concentrate on local and inexpensive
newspapers that are readily available to the general public on a daily basis in local
transportation and locations. Accordingly, we selected a few well-known and cost-effective
newspaper platforms, including Bangladesh protidin, Banik Barta, Naya Digonto, Jai Jai
din, and Vhorer kagoj; nevertheless, we will employ Bangladesh protidin and Vhorer kagoj
as our media vehicles. We'll use it as a weekly supplement for the remainder of the week.
We place our ad on the entertainment page of the newspaper, as well as a front-page for a
weekly supplement.

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Media Vehicle Cost Per Column Total Cost

Bangladesh Protidin 6000 600000

Vhorer kagoj 4000 400000

Banik Barta 3500 175000

Naya Diganta 5000 175000

Jai Jai din 3000 300000

total: 16,50000 tk

2. TV shows: Because our target customers are dispersed across the country, the most
efficient approach to reach them all at once is through television advertising. Our media
vehicles will be Somoy News, Jamuna TV, and Channel I. We will promote at peak hours,
such as between 9 p.m. to 12.30 a.m.

Media Vehicle Cost Per Slot Total Cost

Somoy News 46200 43,89000

Jamuna TV 39500 31,60000

Channel I 43000 17,20000


3. Digital Marketing: Because the majority of people spend more time on social media, it
will be the most effective way to introduce our brand. We will choose a handful of the top
Bangladesh blogs from thousands of blogs on the web-based on traffic, social media
followers, domain authority, and freshness as a first step., Interior Design
Bangladesh Blog, and, for example. We set aside about 1.5 lakh Taka.

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4. Billboard: In addition to Dhaka, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Chittagong, and Comilla, we wish to
erect several billboards in the key metropolitan areas. We set aside roughly 2 lakhTaka for

5. Campaign: As previously said, our main campaign will kick off at the Jamuna Future
Park and Shimanto Square complex. In addition, during New Year, we wish to run a
campaign in a different retail complex outside of Dhaka to engage with our local target
client. We have set aside 50 lakh taka for this campaign.

6. Cost of ad agency: we want to spend roughly 5 lakh Taka on recruiting creative


7. Product promotion: We wish to put up kiosks at various schools, institutions, and public
areas to give out samples of our product. We've set aside roughly 15 lakh taka for this sales

8. Public relations costs: We will set aside 15 lakh Taka for press releases, event
sponsorship, and CSR initiatives.

So our total cost for the promotional Activities would be

Promotional Platform Total Cost

NEWSPAPER 16,50000




CAMPAIGN 50,00000

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Measure and control

Our furniture brand will organize some campaigns. So after campaign we have to control/
measure the outcome of our activities. We can follow the following technique to measure
the outcome.

 Conducting survey: we can conduct survey among our target customer by asking whether
they are interested in our furniture or not

 Focused group interview: we can go for focus group interview like we can run an
interview session with a particular segment of our target market where we will ask them
whether they are happy with our product or not.

Arohon, as a Furniture brand, seems to have a very promising future. The brand has a very
high level of growth, and awareness regarding the brand among consumers is very
high.1/4th of this awareness can be converted to sales, which would be great. Out of all the
people aware, even if 25% start using this brand, it can do wonders for revenues and the
brand status. The brand has a very high sales volume and constant innovation. In the future,
there are plans for expanding the business all over Bangladesh, especially in 64 districts.

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There are no sources in the current document.

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