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MKT337: Promotional Management

Submitted To:

Dr. Farzana Nahid (FNa1)

Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing and International Business

Submitted by:
MKT 337 | SECTION 08 | SUMMER 2020

Name ID
Ali Akbor Fahim 1712702030
Ishaq Khalil Mimun 1712285630
Mridul Saha 1722250630
Sadman Shoumik 1721917030
Md. Mohaiminul Momen 1512133030
Letter of Transmittal:

16th September, 2020

Dr. Farzana Nahid (FNa1)
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing and International Business
School of Business and Economics
North South University
Subject: Submission of MKT337 project on

Dear Ma’am,
Here is the report that you have asked us to submit as our final report.
We thank you for giving us the opportunity to work on this project. We, sincerely, hope that you
will find this report useful and appropriate as per the requirements. We have tried to make the
report as comprehensive as we possibly could but we would appreciate you contacting us if you
have any further queries.

Best Regards,

PG. 1

We would like to forward our utmost gratitude to our course instructor, Dr. Farzana Nahid, for
her undeterred guidance and support throughout this course.

MKT337 has been the inception of MKT major courses for most of us and we have all
thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from her interactive approach to teaching.

PG. 2
Letter of Transmittal:.......................................................................................................................1
1. Campaign Theme:........................................................................................................................6
1.1 Slogan:...................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Plan for Campaigns:..............................................................................................................6
1.3 Theme:...................................................................................................................................7
2. Identifying the challenges through research................................................................................7
2.2. Current target Market:..........................................................................................................8
2.3. Current Marketing promotion:..............................................................................................8
2.4. Use of Media.........................................................................................................................8
3. Identifying the Target audience...................................................................................................9
3.1. Target Audiences...................................................................................................................9
Age range:................................................................................................................................9
3.2. Why do we a need new Target?..........................................................................................10
3.3 Swot Analysis of Ekhanei.Com...........................................................................................10
4. Campaign Objective...................................................................................................................11
4.2. Awareness:..........................................................................................................................12
4.3. Making people familiar with their service:.........................................................................12
4.4. Establishing brand image:...................................................................................................12
4.5. Mixture of communication and sales objective:.................................................................12
4.6. Major Characteristics of campaign objective.....................................................................13
4.7. Indented positioning:..........................................................................................................13
5. Creative brief:............................................................................................................................14
5.1. Overview:...........................................................................................................................14
5.2. Advertising and communication objective:........................................................................14
5.3. Target Audience:.................................................................................................................15

PG. 3
5.4. Major idea and key benefits to communicate:....................................................................15
5.5. Positioning:.........................................................................................................................15
5.5 Client-agency communication process model:....................................................................16
5.6. Usage of appeal/Rationale:.................................................................................................17
6. Execution:..................................................................................................................................17
6.1. Previous Mistakes:..............................................................................................................17
6.2. Rebranding Facts:...............................................................................................................18
6.3. Promotional Tactics:...........................................................................................................19
6.4. Media and Budget:..............................................................................................................27
6.5 Schedule and Media Mix:....................................................................................................27

PG. 4

In 2006 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s computer lab, Bangladesh’s first
classified buying and selling platform CellBazar started it journey by Kamal Quaidir. In very
short time this virtual marketplace reached the peak of popularity. Big corporations like Telenor,
Schibsted, Grameenphone noticed its growth and acquired majority of its share. Later this
company was rebranded as With many frequent mergers and acquisition this
company gone off the track and due to poor and unclear marketing strategies eventually the
startup failed and in 2007 the parent organization Telenor shut down its operation. At the time
when it went offline its users declined to 10-15000 per week.

In this report we will be showcasing how correct uniformed marketing strategies and campaign
can revive such a business and help it to operate successfully for the long run. Also, how
marketing can create brand image and helps to retain it.

PG. 5
1. Campaign Theme:

1.1 Slogan: "তততোমতোর আমতোর পণণ এখতোননেই ডট কম এর জনেণ"

The slogan depicts the distinctive purpose of the site. The site where buyers and sellers can
encounter. As the brand is relaunching, significant relevance was kept in the slogan for the sense
of nostalgia. The slogan also assures that you are buying from and, therefore a
testimony of assurance. The consumer assurance which other advertisement websites cannot
ensure. The essence of a new start is also felt in the slogan.

1.2 Plan for Campaigns:

The campaign plan is mostly visually, image, and verbal in the advertisement, we will mainly use
Visually, but very little writing will be there. So, it is a combination of both verbal and visual in
where visual has the main story of our Product & Services. And we use these because, with the
visual, people connect more, and where needed, we use verbal, which fulfills the main motto of
the advertisement we tried to simulate. We use a 360-degree campaign. These operations
promote almost every possible way, Social media, Digital Media, TV advertisement, Radio,
Newspaper, Billboard, and Magazines.

First of all, we can create remarkable Public Relations campaigns/events regularly in public or
private universities and also with the help of some renowned NGO's. Secondly, we can go for
online/digital medium through responding to the country's primary concerns and contributing
ethical messages to Customers. Thirdly, by giving festival cards and organizing
competitions/events in public sectors. Since we want to attract people, those will widen the
possibility of more publicity. So, will be organizing a competition on
festivals/events based on the target customer, where the winners will get gift bags full of

PG. 6
1.3 Theme:
We will make AV and TVC. Every advertisement has a theme. So, we will make a short story
film in the ad so that people will know our brand what we do? When we make Av, TVC, we have
to follow our slogan what we are trying to say for our valuable customer. Also, the approach will
be humorous to grab customer attention.

2. Identifying the challenges through research

From the beginning of journey was running fruitfully for more than a
decade earning many awards and the title of one of Bangladesh’s top-rated shopping site. But in
2017 facing huge losses and lack of proper management system and poor marketing led the
company to ruin.

The whole promotional scenario of needs a whole new angle and outlook. Although
as an online buying-selling site it offered great sense of security and moderation, it eventually
failed in the campaigning as its TVC and OVC were aired in the mass media instead of proper
social media coverage. Which didn’t increase the transactions on the site nor the registered users.
And thus, in May of 2017 shut down with only a day’s notice.

Reasons for the failure can be stated as the misplaced advertising, using significant budgeting on
those misplaced ads, not properly informing the customers that they rebranded Cellbazar with a
new name which made the people think that might be a competitive site, so they
lost their older customer base and brand value. Also, from many research data it shows that the
initial downfall of the company started after the rebranding. And lastly when media sites like
Facebook brought the scope to buy and sell products on their platform, people started to lose
interest in Ekhanei .com.

So, it is more than clear why the company would need a new promotional makeover.

PG. 7
2.2. Current target Market:
The company’s current or the then target market was always same. They choose the mass people
regardless any age group or demographic segmentation covering the whole country. Moreover
whoever, wherever has the internet connection and lives in Bangladesh is’s targeted

2.3. Current Marketing promotion:

Before was shut their focused marketing was Television advertising. This is where
their promotion gone wrong. ASIATIC has made many TVCs, featuring stars like Iresh Jaker,
Maria Nur. Which was
directed by Mostofa
Sarwar Farooki. In very
short time those TVCs got
popularity among tv
audiences. But where
their targeted consumers
were tech enthusiasts and
spend more time on social
media and internet rather
than watching TV. They
also aired their audio jingles in national radio stations. Also, banners, posters, bill boards were
made and placed in several places throughout the country. They also talked with people
regarding their services in crowdy places.

2.4. Use of Media

They actually used most of the medias that were available. Most of their used medias are

 Electronic Media: Television, Radio, FM.

 Print Media: National Dailies, Magazines.
 Digital Media: Social Media, and other sites through google AdSense
 Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, Posters, Festoons

PG. 8
3. Identifying the Target audience
The key is content. The delivery mechanisms are social media and web in general. The audience,
while at the moment being limited to the somewhat affluent, will eventually become the masses
now that 3G is in place and with smart phones eventually becoming affordable. As
has been prevalent for more than a decade and it had been one of the top shopping sites in
Bangladesh, needless to say its target audience was as its previous name
suggested, anyone who had a phone and mobile internet.

3.1. Target Audiences: All BD’s Population (basically online population)

Throughout the country, every place that covers internet connection.

Gender: All

Age range: Seemingly people with the ability and knowledge to buy and sell things ranging
15-60(or older). Moreover, everybody that has capacity to browse and type.

Profession: All

Conformity: According to research, people in their teens are the most impressionable bunch of
people that there are. Therefore, it is extremely easy to have a strong influence on their decision-
making process through the use of the most apt approach.

Patriotism: The people of Bangladesh tend to have dormant patriotism in them that is triggered
when hit at the right place. Using that emotion as an appeal during advertisements and campaign
can also lead to favorable results for the advertisers and marketers. As was the case in the name
change using a whole Bengali word for their website name and brand.

Economical: offers a wide range of 2nd hand products fit for use, as these products
tend to be cheaper than the new ones and buying it directly from the owner who has been using
the product gives a sense of economical profit and safety regarding the use of the product. This
makes the site an attractive platform for people of every walk of life.

PG. 9
3.2. Why do we a need new Target? targets the entire population of Bangladesh. However, most of their few
promotional efforts are targeted more young adults who are in their late-teens or mid-twenties as
most their promotional campaigns feature people from that demographic. There are major
problems with their approach and those problems are exactly what adding another target
audience will solve.

Lack of exposure is also a big problem with the promotional team. They featured
most their promotional campaigns heavily on mass media like radio and TV, as an online based
service it wasn’t necessary, and although it created more brand awareness it failed to bring in
more revenue because it didn’t get exposed to its potential customers. As its target audience is
the online community of bd, well placed ads in social media platforms would be enough to reach
its target audiences.

3.3 Swot Analysis of Ekhanei.Com

PG. 10
4. Campaign Objective was basically a rebrand

of Bangladesh’s first e-commerce
buying/selling platform CellBazar.
Which was a great successful start-up
and ahead of its time but due to
unclear advertisements and wrong
marketing media this service failed
and had to freeze its operation.

So, we have to run the relaunching

campaign and start the service from
very beginning or from introduction at introduction phase

phase of product life cycle.

Our prime goal is to create awareness and letting people know about the service and benefits
trough attention grabbing promotions and advertainments. Initially concentrating or focusing on
sales objective might not be feasible since is re-entering the market and there are
already established competitors like, So, to make people switch their
service provider communication objective is necessary. Moreover, a mixture of both will work
better. The measurable objectives we’re setting for are described below:

4.2. Awareness:
In such introductory phase where people forgot mostly, the prime task is to
reminding people that is still there and have started operating again with new

PG. 11
courage and enthusiasm. Letting new customers know about its services, types, why it is better
than others.

4.3. Making people

familiar with their
Here achieving this objective would be
easier for the agency. Since CellBazar
was a very known and prominent brand
for a long time. The service is just at the
forgotten phase of consumer behavior.
So, the way we designed our campaign,’s website interface
customers will get the nostalgic essence
of CellBazar.

4.4. Establishing brand image:

It is necessary for any product or service to create brand image from the introductory phase of
product lifecycle. Here, as an agency we want to place in consumer mind in such a
way that whenever they thing of buying or selling something at an affordable price, the first
option pops up in their mind has to be Here rebranding with the old loyalty and
reliability of CellBazar will play a vital role.

People often want to buy and sell used product from reliable source, so by focusing on reliability
and affordability we will place the brand Infront of consumers.

4.5. Mixture of communication and sales objective:

Sometimes communication and sales are complimentary with each other if one component is
pulled of correctly. By fulfilling communication objective is achieved properly, consumer will

PG. 12
surely think of purchasing the service which will automatically boost up the sales. These
objectives are easily measurable due to assigned time frame and feedback driven.

Within every 4 months we will be able to know the visitor numbers and adds being posted in the
site. This is an automated feedback system we can say. If the numbers are not satisfactory, we
can always bring changes in promotional strategy.

4.6. Major Characteristics of

campaign objective
Main motto of this relaunch campaign is to reach
the mass audience with the message of reliable
service and affordability of Reliable
and affordable service will attract people because
most of the competitors have lacking in these
criteria. Also letting people know about the unique
live chatting feature between buyers and sellers.

4.7. Indented positioning: is choosing cost leadership and
service level positioning. Where main competitor
like is charging consumers in every add
here will provide free basic service
to the consumers and will generate profit from only
post boosting and b2b services. In service level
where Facebook marketplace is full of scams and
Live Chatting Feature
unreliable products, is hard
monitoring on such issue.

PG. 13
5. Creative brief:

5.1. Overview:
In 2006 tech entrepreneur Kamal Qudair came up with CellBazar, later he also founded Bkash.
Since the very beginning CellBazar created a buzz among tech enthusiasts the then time. Later
this company was acquired, merged by many foreign companies like Telenor, Nasper, Schibsted
and local companies like Grameenphone. After getting merged with, CellBazar was
rebranded as and that created the issue. People could not identify this site and
neither people understood the service provides. Also, the new name ekhanei
doesn’t say anything about buy and sell which CellBazar or did.

But as its relaunching the whole marketing process is going to establish from the scratch. So, the
advertising must address that it’s the same old celbazar with better service and how this will
save people’s time and money.

5.2. Advertising and communication objective:

Prime advertising and communication objectives would be re introducing to the
people with new brand image, educating people of its service and efficiency. Creating interest
among people through advertising and public relation.

5.3. Target Audience: doesn’t have any segmented target group. Rather it is focusing on the mass
audience whoever in need of buying or selling anything conveniently. But its marketing is

PG. 14
focused on people who tend to use technology, internet very often. But, as larger number of total
populations is the youth so it fits with the masses automatically.

5.4. Major idea and key benefits to communicate:

Here major selling idea is going back to the loyal and regular consumers of CellBazar and
retaining them also attracting new consumers. The key benefits are free basic service, reliability,
and time saving. These will attract consumers.

5.5. Positioning: will be positioned in consumers mind as “the ultimate destination of buying selling
used or new product free of cost”. With the positioning of affordability reliability and so on.

5.5 Client-agency communication process model:

To run a successful marketing campaign client-agency communication has to be efficient and
effective. There is no room for confusions.

Content and marketing

Client wants agency (our (our team)
According to the
group) develop marketing Represents the content idea
requirements of
campaign for them and probable campaign, content and
campaign are planned
Draft presentation
Draft of content presented
to the client (

After client accepts then the ads
will be published and broadcasted
in several medias

Market evaluation and waiting for feedback

In this phase agency will evaluate the market response and
wait for sales driven results and further changes or steps
will be taken if needed

5.6. Usage of Client-Agent Communication process model


Throughout the television

commercials or AVs, banners

PG. 16
posters rational, emotional, Slice of Life appeals will be used. Emotional appeal to connect
people with their previous used Cellbazar which will make them feel nostalgic and with rational
appeal they will get to know about the service and policy. Later on, advertisements with humor
will also be used where signature jingles and dramas will be back. But this is only
when the brand will re-establish.

6. Execution:
6.1. Previous Mistakes: is a live example of a successful failure in the classified market place of
Bangladesh. The main reason of its failure is selecting the wrong target audience during their
rebranding period. As an online market place, they need to promote themselves in social media
and related online platform through digital marketing. But sadly, they targeted wrong audience
and invested a lot of money in TV ads which was a wrong step for their business platform. While
rebranding, reveal themselves as that’s why the client based got
confused which leads them to think as the competitor of During this
time, the in-house R&D team conducted a survey which shows people prefer Bengali name over
English name and they wanted expand their business. Apart from this, their ads campaign had
gone wrong and they chose the wrong media channel to promote their product. The ads channel
as full of noise and the information did not spread properly. Their app and website were not user
friendly and did not have the chatting option like competitor. Lastly, the have been through a lot
of transition that’s why the internal staffs got confused and could not focus in their work

6.2. Rebranding Facts:

Based on the research we have learned that Ekhanei.Com previously known as Cellbazar.Com
has gone through a lot of changes. Which is considered as the main reason of their failure. As
they faced several transitions in a short amount of time, they were unable to focus and promote
themselves in a proper or structured way.

PG. 17
Figure 1: Before Rebranding Figure 2: After Rebranding

Before Rebranding the was doing very well in their business and it was becoming
popular in the classified marketplace of Bangladesh. They were getting people acceptance and
created a different client base of its own. But after rebranding the main problem arise. previously offers themselves only in the mobile platform but after rebranding they
want to grab more customers and enhances their target group as Previously they
offer product only in the mobile platform. That’s why the word Cell replenished. Another vital
reason of rebranding is that they had been found out through their research that most people of
our country prefers Bengali name instead of English.

During the transition period failed to promote themselves in a proper way. Their
execution was wrong. The target group, media vehicle, media and communication channel
everything was off beam.

In the following section we will suggest some efficient promotional strategies which might help in their time if they took these measures earlier.

6.3. Promotional Tactics:

1. Digital and Social Media Marketing: If we look deep down to promote then
we can see the Digital & Social Media Marketing is the most suitable promotional tactics
for their target group. As an online shopping platform will find their most of
their audience and users in these social and relevant sites.

a. Sponsored Ads: This is a kind of Ad that we experience through the social

sites like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Audience Insights, messenger etc.
These are also known as boosted ads. You can use dollars to enhance the

PG. 18

Picture 1: Mobile News Feed Picture 2: Instagram Feed

reach of your social media content. This is a very efficient way to promote
your products and reach your desired or target audience. You can identify
your audience through the segmentation (i.e. demographic, geographic &
behavioral). You can use both emotional or rational appeal or any one of them
while creating social media ads. Apart from this there is no binding in the
execution style as well. This digital space is the most flexible platform to
promote your product. Most importantly you can filter your audience.

Picture 3: Fb / Instagram Story Picture 4: Facebook Watch Picture 5: Instant Article

PG. 19

Picture 6: Search Result Picture 7: Mobile Market Place

Picture 8: YouTube LIVE
b. Social Media LIVE: can use their social media platform to let
their customer to know more about them. Here Facebook & YouTube LIVE
can be a better option to tell their story from the beginning and reasons behind
their rebranding.

Picture 9: Facebook LIVE

c. Social Media Influencer & Celebrity Endorsement: Promoting your product

through social media influencer or content creator like Rafsan-The Choto

PG. 20

Picture 10: Factual Message| Rational Appeal| Picture 11: Straight Sell| Rational Appeal|
Celebrity Endorsement Celebrity Endorsement l
Bhai, Yellow Potato, Salman The Brown Fish, The Jhakanaka Project by Raba
Khan etc. Besides this we can use celebrity to promote the brands base on
their credibility with the product. We can use Mashrafee Bin Mortoza, Shakib
Al Hasan, Jaya Ahsan, Avik Anwar, Arefin Shuvo, Chanchal Chowdhury etc.
As they have many social media followers and huge fan-follower base.
Predominantly people tend to follow their lifestyle and influenced by their
acts. And if we promote our products by them it will not only reach a large
amount of potential customers but also add extra value.

Based on the credibility and trustworthiness which celebrity or influencer is

good for which kind of product:

Name Profession Product Category

Rafsan-The Choto Bhai Vlogger Digital Accessories
Yellow Potato Vlogger Gadget & Gears
Salman The Brown Fish Vlogger Clothing
Raba Khan Vlogger Clothing, Household Product
Mashrafee Bin Mortoza Cricketer Sports Accessories
Jaya Ahsan Actress Jewelry & Ornaments
Avik Anwar F1 Racer of Automobile

2. AVC: This is considered as one of the most effective tool for product promotion or
promoting your brands. In this scenario can get more exposure and reach as
visual content has an advantage when it comes for explaining things. So, we have come
up with a concept for our video ads.
Appeal: Rational
Execution: Slice of Life (Problem Solving)
Storyline: This is a story of three boys. There will be three character here. A, B and C. In
the beginning A will be surfing the mobile and looks very worried. Then B and C enters
together in the scene and asks the reason behind his anxiety. A replies he couldn’t find

PG. 21
their favorite marketplace as he wants to sell his current ride and buy a
new one. B & C laughed loudly and tell A that their favorite buying selling platform has become after rebranding.
This Ads shows the problem of not finding a site they used before and unable to post his
selling ads. Then at the ending we have seen the solution of the problem. Rational appeal
has used as it provides information.

N.B. The Video can be made by using celebrity, credible personality or 2d motion graphic
style. And any relevant appeal and execution style can be used to promote the product.

3. Print Media: Print media like newspapers, magazines, banners and posters plays a vital
role in promoting products and services. For this is a suitable way to
represent their brand to their customers. For this platform ads are based on rational appeal
and the execution style will vary based on the situation and product. Where the content
will be in static format and that will provide information or features regarding the

PG. 22
Picture 12: Print Media Ads

Picture 13: Favorable Price Appeal, Anime Execution

PG. 23

Picture 14: Event Sponsorship

4. Public Relation: needs to promote themselves in a whole different way that
I why they need to focus on public relation (PR). They can organize public events like
“Dhaka Motor Show 2021 Driven by” where they can invite all the
automotive stores and importers to display their cars and offer services and make it free
for the general people which will enhance their brand value. Besides this they can also set
up experience stalls or information booth to portray their service and promote the event
through IMC campaign.

5. Support Media: As offers different types of product they can go for support
media both in traditional and non-traditional way. In the traditional support media, it
can be the out of home
advertising like portraying ads
through humor in a bill board,
providing in store ads by using
slice of life and transit ads. It can
be a place-based media or
mobile bill boards by explaining
what provides.

Picture 15: Humor, Imagery & Slice of Life Execution.

Combination of Emotional & Rational Appeal

Picture 16: Favorable Price Appeal, Anime Execution

PG. 24

Picture 17: Mobile Billboards

6.4. Media and Budget:
Types of Media Budget
Digital Marketing (Social/App/ Website/ SEO) 30 lac BDT
Event Sponsorship 50 lac BDT
Audio Visual Content/ 2D Motion Graphic 15 lac BDT
Print and Support Media Marketing 20 lac BDT
Influencer Marketing 05 lac BDT
Celebrity Endorsement 30 lac BDT
Total 1.5 Crore BDT

The budget will be equally distributed to different media during schedule. We have estimated a
total budget of 1.5 crore BDT throughout the year. It might vary based on the situation, success
rate, ad performance and execution success.

6.5 Schedule and Media Mix:

1st Phase (January-April) 2nd Phase (May-August) 3rd Phase (September-December)
Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Marketing
Influencer Marketing Event Sponsorship Print Media Ads
Facebook/ YouTube LIVE 2D Motion Graphic Content Celebrity Endorsement
AVC Support Media Marketing Event Sponsorship
Celebrity Endorsement

1st Phase (Jan-Apr): In this phase we have focus more on visual content as this is the best way to
explain and promote your product. Video content performs well rather than static content.

2nd Phase (May-Aug): Here we focus on support media and event sponsorship. During this phase
something like event sponsorship will give the business a massive boost.

3rd Phase (Sept-Dec): As this is the last phase we will suggest to focus more on Print media ads
and celebrity endorsement to get the lime light.

From its inception to till the end has gone through a lots of changes. It was always
difficult for the management to focus on their exact target market. In spite of having the investors

PG. 25
like Grameenphone & Telenor who has the best R&D and management they failed because of the
changes they need to face every time with the new management and a new leader. As a company finds it difficult to cope up with the situation. So, they were unable to focus on
their business and find out their exact target market for the classified online marketplace. In this
report we have shown some of the tactics that might save in a great extent.


PG. 26
 Bangla News Live. (2016, April 4). Retrieved from
 Editor. (2018, August 29). Bangladeshi classifieds site shuts down.
Retrieved from
 Ekhanei Company Profile: Funding & Investors | PitchBook. (2015). Retrieved from
 Islam, M. Z. (2017, May 17). Telenor shuts down Retrieved from
 Key Learning from (A Telenor Company) Shut Down. (2018). Retrieved
 Saeedi, T. A. (2017, May 17). Ekhanei closes down, leaves Bangladesh to Bikroy.
Retrieved from
 WebAble Digital. (2014, February 26). Digital Revolution in Bangladesh - 23 Expert
Predictions for 2014. Retrieved from
 Wikipedia contributors. (2020, September 9). Retrieved from
 Writer, G. (2017, October 28). WHY EKHANEI HAS FAILED – A POST MORTEM
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