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Krishi Value Bio fertilizers are natural fertilizers developed from world class technology
from Alga Energy, Spain. They are manufactured by AGMA Energy Private Limited and
marketed by Kamatan Farm Tech private Limited.

The Krishi Value Bio fertilizer is a combination of growth stimulating consortia of micro-
organisms and “Micro Algae”, designed to function both as a Biofertilizer and Growth-

The Bio fertilizer products are completely natural and have been certified by ECOCERT for
use as an input for Organic Agriculture. They can also be used in normal agriculture on all
crops including fruit and vegetable crops, field crops and plantation crops as per
evaluations done by R&D in India and Europe. They are available in three formulations.

1) Krishi Value Granules- Specialty Combination Bio-Fertilizer Granules with mix of

Micro- Algae and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
2) Krishi Value Liquid for Soil and Drip Application a combination of Microalgae and
PSB (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) for strong root system and robust growth
3) Krishi Value Liquid for Foliar spray Application is a specialty liquid combination
fertilizer with Micro Algae and Free-living Nitrogen fixing Bacteria for healthy
plants for enabling excellent conversion of nutrients into biomass and economic

The benefits of Krishi Value Biofertilizers are as follows. Krishi Value Specialty Biofertilizers
1) Robust root system and establishment of a healthy plant stand.
2) Conversion of unavailable nutrients into available form thereby making plant
absorb necessary nutrition.
3) Strong vegetative growth foundation to support a healthy plant for bearing good
Quality nutrition for improved productivity
reproductive growth and high yields.
4) Enhanced resistance to biotic (pests and diseases) and abiotic stresses (drought and profitability of farmers
and salinity).
5) Improved quality of fruits, grains and vegetables
6) Improved plant vigour
Krishi Value Granules KrishiValue Liquid -Soil & Drip Application KrishiValue Liquid -Foliar spray Application
• Improves soil fertility and structure • Produce more vigorous and healthy plants
• Robust Roots • Converts insoluble phosphate to soluble form & Increase • Increase plant establishment and survival at seeding or
• Enhances Nutrient Availability & Uptake the availability of phosphorus in the rhizosphere transplanting
• Improves Fertilizer Use Efficiency • Helps in increased mineral and water uptake by • Improved yields and crop quality
• High Plant Vigor producing growth promoting substances • Improves photosynthetic activity
• Enhanced Disease resistance • Promotes root development and vegetative growth • Enhance flowering and fruiting
• Excellent quality of fruits • Fortifies the soil with bacterial metabolites. • Provides a complete nutritional package to growing
• Higher Yields and increased productivity • Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient plant
uptake • Contains all essential 20 Amino Acids in L- Form, which
helps in controlling Flower & Fruit drop and fighting
against abiotic stresses.

• Suitable for all crops for a uniform and strong plant • Suitable for all crops for complete nutritional package
• Suitable for vegetable crops for developing excellent
stand at initial crop stages • To be applied as a foliar spray in two applications per
plant stand.
• To be applied as both broadcasting or targeted acre
• Can be applied through drip/fertigation or at the
application at root zone • 500ml /acre as two doses at peak vegetative stage at 50-
• Best results when organic matter in soil is high 60 Days after sowing and between 90-120 days after
• Best results when organic matter in soil is high
• 8 kg/acre at 10 Days after sowing and second dose at 50 sowing at fruiting stage
• 500ml /acre as one dose between 10 Days to 50 days
days after sowing for short duration crops below 120
after sowing for short duration crops below 120 days like • In orchards and long duration crops, three applictions
days like Paddy, Chillies, Soybean, Vegetables, Maize. can be made one at vegetative stage, one at flowering
Tomato,Chilli, Brinjal, Sweet corn, Watermelon,Okra.
• 12 kg/acre for long duration crops above 120 days like stage and one at fruiting stage.
• 500 ml/acre per dose for long duration crops above 120
Sugarcane, Paddy,Onion, Ginger, Turmeric, Cotton etc.,
days like Potato,Onion, Ginger, Turmeric, etc., once at • Compatible with all pesticides and fungicides
once at 10 days after sowing, second at 40 days after
40 days after sowing, second at fruiting stage at 80 days
sowing and third at 70 days after sowing
after sowing.
• For orchards 3 applications, once at 40 days after
sowing, 80 days after sowing and 120 days after sowing.

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