SFDC LoT Course Structure - ToC - Regular - Updated-3

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SFDC LoT Course Structure ....................................................................................................................2
Web Basics (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Polymer,JSON)..................................................................4
BootStrap & Angular..............................................................................................................................8
Core Java 8 and Development Tools.....................................................................................................9
Salesforce Basic Administration..........................................................................................................11
Salesforce Development – App Builder..............................................................................................13
Salesforce Development – Platform Developer...................................................................................15
Lightning experience and administration & Lightning Web Component (LWC) basics...............16
Advance Apex Coding Integration essentials......................................................................................17

Capgemini Public
SFDC LoT provides exposure to Salesforce and related technologies. It focuses on
application development using Salesforce. The following table lists the course structure
for SFDC.
Sr. No. Course Remarks
1 Discover 1
2 Soft Skills Part 1 1 Soft Skills Part 1
3 RDBMS +Web Basics 5
4 Core Java 8 Development Tools 4
5 Bootstrap and Angular 6 4 Project Kick off
Soft Skills Part 2 Soft Skills Part 2
6 1
Core Java 8+Bootstrap and Angular 6+ DBMS +Web Coding and MCQ
7 Basics Test 0.5

8 Salesforce Basic Administration 4.5

9 Soft Skills Part 3 1 Soft Skills Part 3
Salesforce Development – App Builder
10 1
Sprint 1(Salesforce Basic Administration &Salesforce Sprint 1 Implementation,
11 Development – App Builder )+MCQ 5 MCQ

12 Project evaluation 1 Sprint 1 Evaluation

Soft Skills Part 4 Soft Skills Part 4
13 1
Salesforce Development – Platform Developer I
14 5
Lightning experience and Programming Lightning
15 Components & Lightning Web Component (LWC) 4
Advance Apex Coding & Community Overview,
16 Integration essentials 1

Sprint 1Salesforce Development – Platform Sprint 2 Implementation,

Developer I &Lightning experience and MCQ
17 Programming Lightning Components & Lightning 6
Web Component (LWC) basics )+MCQ
18 Project evaluation 1 Sprint 2 Evaluation
19 L1 Preparation 1
20 L1 Test 1
Total Training Duration 49

Capgemini Public
Program Duration: 2 days
 Introduction to Database using MySQL
o Getting Started with Database(MySQL)
o Characteristics of DBMS
o Data models
o Relational DBMS
o Database Administrator
 Basics of SQL
o The SQL Language
o Rules for SQL Statements
o Standard SQL Statement Groups
 Data Query Language
o The SELECT statement
o The WHERE clause
o Comparison, Mathematical, and Logical operators
o The DISTINCT clause
o The ORDER BY clause
o Tips and Tricks in SELECT Statements

 Aggregate (Group) Functions

o The Group function
o GROUP BY & HAVING clause
o Examples of GROUP BY and HAVING clause
o Tips and Tricks
 SQL (Single-row) functions
o SQL functions
o Number functions
o Character functions
o Date functions
o Conversion functions
o Miscellaneous functions
o Tips and Tricks
 Joins and Sub-queries
o Joins
• SQL: 1999 Compliant Joins
o Types of Joins
o Sub-query
 Database Objects

Capgemini Public
o Basic Data Types
o Data Integrity
o Examples of CREATE TABLE
o Examples of ALTER TABLE
o Database Objects(Index, Synonym, Sequence and View)
o Deleting Database Objects
 Data Manipulation Language
o Adding Data
o Removing Data
o Modifying Data
 Transaction Control Language
o Introduction to Transactions
o Statement Execution and Transaction Control

Web Basics (HTML5, CSS3,

Program Duration: 3 days.
Provide few online links to learn HTML and CSS,
 HTML Introduction
o What is HTML?
o HTML Tags
o HTML Page Structure
o The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration
o HTML Versions Web Browsers
o Working of WWW
o HTML – Static and Dynamic Web Pages
 HTML Basics
o HTML Documents
o HTML Paragraphs
o HTML Links Learn to manage document spacing
o HTML Elements
o HTML Attributes
o HTML Comments
o HTML Quotation and Citation Elements
o HTML Text Formatting
 Working with Links

Capgemini Public
o Understand the working of hyperlinks in web pages.
o Learn to create hyperlinks in web pages.
o Add hyperlinks to list items and table contents.
 Image Handling
o Understand the role of images in web pages
o Learn to add images to web pages
o Learn to use images as hyperlinks

 Tables
o Understand the structure of an HTML
o Learn to control table format like cell spanning, cell spacing, border
 List
o Numbered List
o Bulleted List
 HTML Block
 HTML The class Attribute
 HTML The id Attribute
 Frames & Iframes
o Understand the need for frames in web pages.
o Learn to create and work with frames.
 Responsive Web Design
 HTML Forms for User Input
o Understand the role of forms in web pages
o Understand various HTML elements used in forms.
o Single line text field
o Text area
o Check box
o Radio buttons
o Password fields
o Pull-down menus
o File selector dialog box

 Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets 3.0

o What CSS can do
o CSS Syntax
o Types of CSS
 Working with Text and Fonts
o Text Formatting
o Text Effects

Capgemini Public
o Fonts
 CSS Layout - float and clear
 CSS Combinators
 CSS Selectors
o Type Selector
o Universal Selector
o ID Selector
o Class selector
o CSS Margins
 CSS Padding
 CSS Outline
 CSS Lists
 CSS Tables
 CSS Layout - The display Property
 Colors and Borders
o Background
o Multiple Background
o Colors RGB and RGBA
o HSL and HSLA
o Borders
o Rounded Corners
o Applying Shadows in border

 Introduction to JavaScript
o Basic Concepts of JavaScript
o Embedding JavaScript in HTML
 JavaScript Language
o Data Types and Variables
o JavaScript Operators
o Control Structures and Loops
o JavaScript Functions
 Working with Predefined Core Objects
o Data Types in JavaScript
o String Objects
o URL String Encoding and Decoding
o Math Properties
o Math Objects
o Date Objects
o Date and Time Arithmetic
 Working with arrays

Capgemini Public
o Arrays object, its properties and methods
 Document Object Model
o Understand the JavaScript Object Model
o Understand the Window object, Frame and Navigator Object
o Location and History Object
 Working With Document Object
o Document Object and its properties, methods and events
o Link ,Anchor & Cookies object
 Working with Form Object
o Form Object Properties, Methods & Event Handlers
o Text-Related Objects
o Button Objects
o Check Box and Radio Objects
o Select Objects
o Validate Data and Form Submission

o Introduction
o What is JSON ?
o Why JSON ?
o Using JSON
o Working with JSON and JavaScript
o JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
 Introduction of Polymer
o The Polymer.js Files
o Loading Polymer on Your Web Page
o Polygit CDN
o Parsing and HTML Elements
o The Hello Element
o Including the Hello Element
o Class-style Constructor
 Properties and Data Binding
o Property Types & keys
o ReflectToAttribute
o Notify, ReadOnly, and Data Binding
o Data Binding Under the Hood
o Data Binding - Objects
o Native Element Binding
o Attribute Binding
o Computed Properties

Capgemini Public
o Observers
o Observer Sub Properties
o Observer Array Mutations
o Life-cycle Callbacks
o Type Extension Element
 Reuse & Styling
o Local DOM
o DOM Distribution
o Shady and Shadow DOM
o Light DOM Children
o Observe Node Changes
o Selectors-Combinators

Program Duration: 1 days.
 Introduction
o Bootstrap Introduction
o Why Bootstrap?
o Bootstrap Advantages
o LESS Introduction
o What's new in Bootstrap 4?
o Mobile First Strategy
 Getting Started with Bootstrap
o Bootstrap home page
o Downloading Bootstrap
o Bootstrap pre-compiled folder structure
o Bootstrap Global Styles
o Responsive Design
o Bootstrap basic template
 Bootstrap grid system
o Grid System in Bootstrap
o Grid Options
o Basic Grid Structure
o Bootstrap grid sizes
o Bootstrap 4 Grid Extra Small
o Bootstrap 4 Grid Small
o Bootstrap 4 Grid Medium

Capgemini Public
o Bootstrap 4 Grid - Large
o Bootstrap 4 Grid - Extra Large
o Bootstrap grid sizes – using Offset
o Multiple Grid

Angular 6.0
Program Duration: 2.5 days

 Introduction to Typescript
o Introduction to Typescript
o JavaScript & Typescript
o The type system-Variable, Array
o Defining class and interface
o Arrow Functions
o Template Strings
o Defining a module
o Importing a module
o Generics

 Introduction to Angular 6
o What is Angular 6?
o Why Angular 6?
o What is nodeJS?
o Scope and Goal of Angular 6
o Installing and using Angular 6
o Building Blocks of an Angular 6 Application
o A Basic Angular 6 Application
o Working with Angular 6 with Eclipse

 Components
o What is a component?
o Developing a simple component.
o Templates for a component.
o Component lifecycle

Capgemini Public
 Managing Data
o What is data binding
o One way data binding
o Two way data binding
o Nested component
o Event binding

 Directives
o What are directives?
o Types of directives - component, structural and attribute
o Creating a basic directive
o Handling event & Binding input in attribute directive
o Creating your own structural directive
o Using the structural directive
o Binding input to a structural directive

 Service and Dependency Injection

o What is a service?
o Injecting a service to a component
o Application wide dependency injection
o @Injectable classes
o Multiple service instances
o @Optional and @Host

 HTTP Client
o The HTTP providers
o Injecting the providers
o GET call
o Handling error
o About Observables
o POST request
o Working with headers
o Sequential calls & parallel calls

Capgemini Public
Core Java 8 and Development Tools
Program Duration: 4 days

 Getting Started
o Introduction to Java
o Features of Java
o Evolution in Java
o Developing software in Java
o Installation and Setting up Eclipse
o Introduction to Eclipse IDE
o Creating and Managing Java Projects
o Use of Java docs
o Miscellaneous Options
 Learning the Java Language
o Language Fundamentals
• Keywords
• Primitive Data Types
• Operators and Assignments
• Variables and Literals
• Flow Control: Java’s Control Statements
• Best Practices
o Object-Oriented Programming Concepts & Classes and Objects
• Classes and Objects
• Packages
• Access Specifiers
• Constructors - Default and Parameterized
• this reference
• using static keyword
• Best Practices
o Exploring Java Basics
• The Object Class
• Wrapper Classes
• Type casting
• Using Scanner Class
• String Handling
• Date and Time API
• Best Practices
o Inheritance and Polymorphism

Capgemini Public
• Inheritance
• Using super keyword
• InstanceOf Operator
• Method & Constructor overloading
• Method overriding
• @override annotation
• Using final keyword
• Best Practices
o Abstract Classes and Interfaces
• Abstract class
• Interfaces
• default methods
• static methods on Interface
• Runtime Polymorphism
• Best Practices
o Exception Handling
• Introduction
• Exception Types
• Exception Hierarchy
• Try-catch-finally
• Try-with-resources
• Multi catch blocks
• Throwing exceptions using throw
• Declaring exceptions using throws
• User defined Exceptions
• Best Practices
 Collections
 Array
o One dimensional array
o Multidimensional array
o Using varargs
o Using Arrays class
o Best Practices
o Collections Framework
o Collection Interfaces
o Implementing Classes
o Iterating Collections (using foreach & iterator)
o Comparable and Comparator
o Best Practices
 Generics
o Generics

Capgemini Public
o Writing Generic Classes
o Using Generics with Collections
o Best Practices
 DevTools
o Sonarqube

Salesforce Basic Administration

Program Code: TSFDC
Program Overview: To learn basic administration of Salesforce.
Duration: 4.5 Days
Prerequisite Skills: NIL


• Introduction
o Introduction to CRM, Cloud
o Introduction to Salesforce
o SFDC Dev instance for all participants

• Getting Your Organization Ready for Users

o Set up the company profile
o Configure the user interface
o Set up activities and calendars
o Configure search settings
o Set up Chatter, Chatter Groups
o Mobile Access with Salesforce1

• Setting Up and Managing Users

o Manage user profiles
o Create and manage users
o Troubleshoot user login issues
o Set up Chatter Free Users and Invites

• Security and Data Access

o Restrict logins
o Determine object access
o Set up record access
o Manage record access with the role hierarchy
o Deal with record access exceptions
o Control access to events

Capgemini Public
o Manage field-level security

• Object Customizations
o Describe the standard object architecture and relationship model.
o Explain how to create, delete, and customize fields and page layouts on standard and custom
objects, and understand the implications of deleting fields.
o Given a scenario, determine how to create and assign page layouts, record types, and business
processes for custom and standard objects

• Trailhead - Build a Data Model for a Recruiting App


o Given a scenario, identify the capabilities and implications of the sales process.
o Given a scenario, identify the appropriate sales productivity features using opportunity tools, and
know when products and Price Books should be used.*
o Describe the capabilities of lead automation tools and campaign management.
o Describe the capability of Salesforce Content.

• Trailhead - Build a Discount Calculator


o Describe the capabilities of case management (for example, case processes, case settings, and case
o Given a scenario, identify how to automate case management (for example, case assignment, auto-
response, escalation, web-to-case, email-to-case, case teams).
o Describe the capabilities of Salesforce Knowledge.
o Describe the capabilities of the Community application (for example, Ideas and Answers).

o Describe the capabilities of activity management (e.g., manage tasks, events,
public calendars, multi-day events, cloud scheduler).

o Describe the considerations when importing, updating, transferring, and mass deleting data (for
example, CSV files, data quality, field mapping, record IDs, external IDs, duplicate records).
o Given a scenario, identify tools and use cases for managing data (for example, data loader, data
import wizard).
o Describe the capabilities and implications of data validation tools.
o Describe the different ways to backup data (for example, data export service, exports, data loader).


o Describe the options available when creating or customizing a report (for example, report type,
report format, fields, summarizing data, filtering data, charting, scheduling, and conditional
o Describe the impact of the sharing model on reports.
o Describe the options available when creating and modifying dashboards (for example, dashboard
components, data sources, chart types, scheduling, and running user).
o Describe the capabilities of custom report types.
o Given a scenario, identify the appropriate automation solution based on the capabilities of
o Describe capabilities and use cases for the approval process

Capgemini Public
o Describe the capabilities of Salesforce Mobile.
o Describe the installation and synchronization options of Salesforce for Outlook

o Identify use cases for AppExchange applications.



Salesforce Development – App Builder

Program Code: TSFDC
Program Overview: In this program participants will learn how to build applications using Salesforce.
Program Duration: 6 days,
Prerequisite Skills: (OOPs fundamentals, Java/.Net/any Object Oriented programing language, HTML,

Who should attend? This program is meant for employees in Levels 3, 4, 5 & 6. It is focused towards building
CRM applications using Force.com. Those who intend to work in CRM development should attend this
o Describe the considerations when developing in a multi-tenant environment.
o Describe how the Salesforce Platform features map to the MVC pattern.
o Describe the capabilities of the core CRM objects in the Salesforce schema.
o Identify the common scenarios for extending an application's capabilities using the

Capgemini Public
o Identify common use cases for declarative customization of the Lightning Platform as well as
customization and features of the Heroku platform.


o Given a set of requirements, determine the appropriate data model.
o Describe the capabilities of the various relationship types and the implications of each on
record access, user interface (UI), and object-oriented programming.
o Describe the impact of schema design and modifications on Apex Development.
o Describe how to visualize and create entity relationships.
o Describe the options for and considerations when importing and exporting data into
development environments.

Salesforce Development – Platform Developer

Program Overview: In this program participants will learn how to build applications using Salesforce.
Program Duration: 6.5 days,
Prerequisite Skills: (Salesforce AppBuilder Training)

o Describe how to programmatically access and utilize the object schema.

o Describe the capabilities and use cases for formula fields.
o Describe the capabilities and use cases for roll-up summary fields.
o Describe the capabilities of the declarative process automation features.
o Describe when to use declarative automation features vs. Apex classes and triggers.
o Describe how to declare variables and constants in Apex and how to assign values using expressions.
o Describe the primitive and complex Apex data types and when to use them.
o Describe how to use and apply Apex control flow statements.
o Describe how to write and when to use Apex classes and interfaces.
o Describe how to use basic SOSL, SOQL, and DML statements when working with objects in Apex.


o Describe the basic patterns used in triggers and classes to process data
o efficiently.
o Describe when to use and how to write triggers.
o Describe the implications of governor limits on Apex transactions.
o Describe the relationship between Apex transactions, the save execution order, and the potential for
recursion and/or cascading.
o Describe how to implement exception handling in Apex.
o Describe how to write Visualforce controllers.
o Describe when and how to use standard Visualforce controllers vs. Apex
o custom controllers and controller extensions.
o Describe the programmatic techniques to prevent security vulnerabilities in Apex and Visualforce.
o Describe how Apex impacts the ability to make declarative changes.

Capgemini Public
• Trailhead - Apex Specialist

o Describe how to display Salesforce data using a Visualforce page.
o Describe the types of web content that can be incorporated into Visualforce pages.
o Describe how to incorporate Visualforce pages into Force.com applications.
o Describe the benefits of the Lightning Component framework.
o Describe the resources that can be contained in a Lightning Component.

o Describe the testing framework and requirements for deployment.
o Describe how to write unit tests for triggers, controllers, and classes.
o Describe when and how to use various sources of test data.
o Describe how to execute one or multiple test classes.
o Describe the differences between invoking Apex in execute anonymous vs. unit tests.


o Describe how to monitor and access various types of debug logs.
o Describe the capabilities and security implications of the Developer Console,
o Workbench, and Force.com IDE.
o Describe the different processes for deploying metadata and business data.
o Describe how the different environments are used in the development and deployment process.
o Understand the following :
o Agile Process Framework
o Agile Methods and Practices
o GIT & SonarQube
o Salesforce DX

• Trailmix
• https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/projects/quickstart-apex
• https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/superbadges/superbadge_apex
• https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/users/strailhead/trailmixes/prepare-for-your-salesforce-platform-
• https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/project/account-geolocation-app
• https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/superbadges/superbadge_lex_rollout?

Lightning experience and administration & Lightning

Web Component (LWC) basics

Capgemini Public
Program Duration: 7 days.


• Introduction to Salesforce Lightning experience

o Salesforce Lightning Basics
o Introduction to Lightning Components
o What can I build with Lightning Components
o Lightning Component Framework - Hello World Example
o Overview of Lightning Web Components
o Lightning Web Component Framework – Hello World example
o Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience

• Migrate to Lightning Experience

o Lightning App Builder
o Lightning Process Builder
o Lightning Alternatives to JavaScript Buttons


o Introduction to Lightning Components
o Creating Lightning Components
o Using Components
o Communication With Events
o Lightning Web Components working with Aura Framework
o Handle Events in Lightning Web Components
o Push and Deploy Lightning Web Component Files
o App Customization Lite (Customize your app's page layouts, compact layouts, and

• Lightning Apps
o Creating Apps
o Using JavaScript
o Using Apex
o Debugging

• Visualforce & Lightning Experience

o Using Visualforce in Lightning Experience
o Developing Visualforce Pages for Lightning Experience

Capgemini Public
o Exploring the Visualforce App Container
o Sharing Visualforce Pages Between Classic and Lightning Experience
o Managing Navigation
o Understanding Important Visual Design Considerations
o Knowing Which Features to Avoid in Lightning Experience

Trailhead Exercises
Trailhead project - Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Super badge

• Lightning Web Component (LWC) basics

o Introducing Lightning Web Components
o Create Lightning Web Components
o Communicate with Events
o Work with Salesforce Data
o Use Components in Salesforce Experiences
o Lightning Web Components and Aura Components Working Together
o Debug Lightning Web Components

Advance Apex Coding, Integration essentials

Program Duration: 3 days.

• Advance Apex , Visualforce & Lightning Experience
o Use Cases related to real-life projects
o Progressively elaborate the implementation approach - Standard/Custom/VF Page
o Pagination
o Code scanning tools like Checkmarx /Sonarcube/Novacop Leverage
o Community Overview
o Community Builder
o Community Management
o Knowledge Articles & Content
• Integration essentials

o Salesforce Integration capabilities

o In a given scenario, recommend when to use API-based integrations, such as SOAP, REST, Bulk,
Streaming, Canvas, Workflow outbound, APEX (Callouts, @ future, etc.), and Lightning Connect to
achieve business requirements.
o Compare and contrast the advantages and drawbacks (design trade-offs) of using API-based
integrations such as SOAP, REST, Bulk, Streaming, Canvas, Workflow outbound, APEX (Callouts,
@future, etc.), and Lightning Connect.

Capgemini Public
o Tools
o Describe Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous execution in Salesforce
o Scenarios where Async execution is preferred, difference in Governor Limits for both types of
o Discuss different Async features offered by Salesforce like future method, Queueable, Batch Apex
and Outbound messages.
o Discuss which Async feature to use in different scenarios
o Lab exercise to implement Salesforce Asynchronous features.

Capgemini Public

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