The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Angelica Gacutan

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Sometimes, it seems that human history has been one big continuous, technological roller

coaster ride. First, we discovered fire, and then agriculture. Then came of the wheel, and

cities and manufacturing and trading, followed by computers or digitals that we are having

now in our generation, the internet that we are also using to browse and so on and so

forth. Scientist are now even talking about of “growing people in laboratories” and based

on the video that I saw on the internet that it is conceivable of downloading our brains to

computers. This one is mind blowing crazy technological roller coaster ride were on, and

it is becoming faster and weirder by the day.

What makes this Fourth Industrial Revolution so different is that we are well on the way

to developing the ability to design and engineer the world around us. It is definitely mind

blowing, to think that it is all possible to happen if we study and we only know it. Industrial

Revolution we discovered digital computing, and we created a virtual world of bits and

bytes. And we are now quite literally using this to add a fifth dimension to the world we

live in.

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