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How cultural strategic thinking plays a part within your current?

Cultural strategic thinking is an imperative catalyst within my organization as it strives to

modernize in a cross-grain of cultural groups. Cultural strategic thinking forms synapses that
connect new and old information or practices (Lardbucket, 2012).

It allows managers to understand where the organization is and where it is heading, allowing
them to better capitalize on opportunities. Cultural strategic thinking synthesizes managers in
approaching new practices and cultures with an open mind allowing them to appreciate the
nuances, ambiguities, and inconsistencies regarding inherent cultural norms, beliefs, and
practices. This knowledge arms one to solve cultural problems and remedy translation failures
(UF, n.d.)

What two specific cultural strategic thinking techniques have you observed within your

Within my organization, there are various techniques employed. However, the two that I will
shed some light on are as follows:

Being an Observer

To observe means that you can learn from what you see. Observation allows you to document
what works - the inputs and their ramifications. Paying keen attention makes the intricacies clear
and aids in conscious decisions. To master the skill of observation, you must observe without
casting judgment and keep an open mind. Lastly, it would be best to ask questions to get a
different vantage then question your thoughts after (Lardbucket, 2012).

Active listening

The ability to understand, acknowledge or respond to what is communicated to you. An active

listener focuses on the speaker; this technique aids in the development of trust and respect
between subjects. It can facilitate effective cultural interaction with less conflict, confusion, and
frustration (Lardbucket, 2012).

Did you see evidence of Cultural Intelligence (CQ)?

This is evident in the way people can adapt to unfamiliar cultural settings. Allowing for the
identification of nuances in norms that were not idiosyncratic to the individual but the cultural
standards. In addition, cultural intelligence affords one to be flexible and adaptable in reshaping
the lens through which they view the world, making their actions appropriate to the setting.

What you observed, both in terms of positives and deficits, and discuss ways to improve.

The explanation and application of cognition and metacognition provided much-needed

introspection. Understanding through self-reflection when monitoring a situation or approaching
an unfamiliar territory.
In terms of how it could have been more fruitful is in giving more realistic real-world
experiences where the techniques were pivotal. These experiences could have aided mentors in
teaching their subalterns, peers, or superiors.


Lardbucket. (2012, December 29). Cultural intelligence for leaders (v. 1.0).

The University of Florida, Human Resources (n.d.)

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