EJU Chemistry 4

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Marking Your Choice of Subject on the Answer Sheet

Choose and answer two subjects from Physics, Chemistry,

and Biology. Use the front side of the answer sheet for one
subject, and the reverse side for the other subject.
⸃╵⑼⋡ Subject
As shown in the example on the right, if you answer the
‛ ℂ ൻ ቇ ↢ ‛
Chemistry questions, circle “Chemistry” and completely fill in Physics Chemistry Biology
the oval under the subject name.
If you do not correctly fill in the appropriate oval,
your answers will not be graded.

Use the following values for calculation. “L” indicates liters.

Standard state: 0 ͠㧘1.0˜105 Pa ( = 1.0 atm)

The molar volume of an ideal gas at the standard state: 22.4 L/mol

Gas constant: 5 = 8.31˜103 Pa㨯L/(K㨯mol)

Avogadro constant: 1A = 6.02˜1023 /mol

Faraday constant: ) = 9.65˜104 C/mol

Atomic weight: H : 1.0 C : 12 N : 14 O : 16

Q1  From the following ԘԜ choose the one in which the two numbers concerning atoms or

ions are different. ᴾ ᵏᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ the number of protons in 12C and that of neutrons in 12C

ԙ the number of protons in 12C and that in 13C

Ԛ the number of outermost shell electrons in Ca2+ and that in F㧙

ԛ the number of neutrons in 2H and that in 4He

Ԝ the total number of electrons in He and that in Li+


© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q2  The periodic table of elements is subdivided into (a)-(h) regions as is shown in the following

figure. From the statements Ԙԝ below choose the one that is not correct. ᴾ ᵐᴾ ᴾ



(b) (c) (g) (h)

(d) (e)

Ԙ The elements in region (b) are named alkali metals.

ԙ Both Ca and Mg are in region (c).

Ԛ Both Fe and Sn are in region (d).

ԛ All the elements in region (e) are main group elements.

Ԝ All the elements in regions (f) and (g) are nonmetallic elements.

ԝ The elements in region (g) are named halogens.

Q3  From the following statements ԘԜ on a water molecule choose the one that is not correct.

ᴾ ᵑᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ The number of electrons involved in covalent bonds within the molecule is 4.

ԙ It has two unshared electron pairs.

Ԛ Its molecular structure is linear.

ԛ It is a polar molecule.

Ԝ It forms hydrogen bonds with hydrogen fluoride (HF) and methanol (CH3OH).

Q4  Suppose 3.4 g of ammonia (NH3) is dissolved in water to prepare 25 mL of aqueous ammonia.

From the following Ԙԝ choose the closest value for the concentration (mol/L) of this aqueous

solution.                              ᴾᵒᴾᴾ mol/L

Ԙ 0.20   ԙ 0.50   Ԛ 0.80   ԛ 2.0   Ԝ 5.0   ԝ 8.0


© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q5  Among the following molecules (a)-(g), two of these have double bond(s). From Ԙԝ below

choose the correct combination. ᴾ ᵓᴾ ᴾ

(a) acetylene (ethyne) (C2H2)   (b) ammonia (NH3)  

(c) ethylene (ethene) (C2H4) (d) hydrogen chloride (HCl)  

(e) chlorine (Cl2)       ( f) nitrogen (N2)

(g) carbon dioxide (CO2)

Ԙ a㧘c   ԙ a㧘g   Ԛ b㧘d   ԛ b㧘f   Ԝ c㧘g   ԝ e㧘f

Q6  The temperature W(͠) of 1 mol of an ideal gas was changed while its pressures 31 (Pa) or 32 (Pa)

was kept constant. Assuming 31 㧨 32 , choose from the following Ԙԝ the most appropriate

graph representing the relation between W and the volume of the gas 9 (L). ᴾ ᾅᴾ

Ԙ           ԙ            Ԛ  
9 9 9
(L) (L) 31 (L) 31
32 32 32

0 0 0
W (͠) W (͠) W (͠)

ԛ           Ԝ            ԝ  
9 9 9
(L) (L) 32 (L) 32
31 31 31
 0 0 0
W (͠) W (͠) W (͠)

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q7  The heats of formation of carbon dioxide (CO2), ethanol (C2H5OH), and glucose (C6H12O6)

are represented by the following thermochemical equations, respectively.

C (V) 㧗 O2 (J) 㧩 CO2 (J) 㧗 394 kJ

2C (V) 㧗 3H2 (J) 㧗  O2 (J) 㧩 C2H5OH (O) 㧗 277 kJ 
6C (V) 㧗 6H2 (J) 㧗 3O2 (J) 㧩 C6H12O6 (V) 㧗 1273 kJ

From Ԙԝ below choose the most appropriate value for 4in the following thermochemical

equation for the reaction of glucose to form ethanol and carbon dioxide.       ᴾᵕᴾᴾ kJ

C6H12O6 (V) 㧩 2C2H5OH (O) 㧗 2CO2 (J) 㧗 4 kJ

Ԙ 32   ԙ 35   Ԛ 47   ԛ 60   Ԝ 69   ԝ 95

Q8  In its aqueous solution, ammonia (NH 3 ) exists in an equilibrium state as shown by the

electrolytic dissociation below.

    NH3 㧗 H2O    NH4+ 㧗 OH㧙

Which compound should be added to decrease the concentration of ammonium ion (NH4+ ) in

the aqueous solution? From the following ԘԜ choose the most appropriate one. ᴾ ᵖᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ C2H5OH   ԙ CH3COOH   Ԛ NaCl   ԛ NaOH   Ԝ NH4Cl

Q9  When 100 mL of 0.10 mol/L aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH (DT)) was added to 50 mL

of 0.40 mol/L hydrochloric acid (HCl (DT)), 0.56 kJ of heat was generated. How much heat (kJ)

will be generated when 100 mL of 0.30 mol/L aqueous sodium hydroxide is added to 50 mL of

0.40 mol/L hydrochloric acid? Choose from the following Ԙԝ the most appropriate value. 

                                      ᴾᵗᴾᴾ kJ

Ԙ 0.51   ԙ 0.72   Ԛ 1.1   ԛ 1.6   Ԝ 2.1   ԝ 3.2

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q10 How will the mass of the anode and that of the cathode change, respectively, when a lead storage

battery is charged? From ԘԜ in the following table choose the most appropriate combination.
ᴾ ᵏᵎ ᴾ ᴾ

  Cathode Anode

Ԙ increase increase

ԙ increase decrease

Ԛ decrease decrease

ԛ decrease increase

Ԝ no change no change

Q11 From the following statements ԘԜ on the properties of metals choose the most appropriate

one. ᴾ ᵏᵏ ᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ Silver (Ag) does not dissolve in concentrated nitric acid (conc. HNO3).

ԙ Aluminum (Al) does not dissolve in aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH (DT)).

Ԛ Gold (Au) dissolves in concentrated sulfuric acid (conc. H2SO4).

ԛ Copper (Cu) dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid (dil. HCl).

Ԝ Iron (Fe) does not dissolve in concentrated nitric acid.

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q12 Procedures given in column B were performed to detect the ions in aqueous solutions given in

column A. From ԘԜ in the following table choose the one that is not correct for the results

given in column C. ᴾ ᵏᵐ ᴾ ᴾ

㩷 A B C

Ԙ Ag+ Hydrochloric acid (HCl (DT)) was added. White precipitates were formed.

Aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH (DT)㧕 Reddish brown precipitates were

ԙ Fe3+
was added little by little. formed which afterwards dissolved.
In the solution acidified with sulfuric acid,

Ԛ MnO4 aqueous oxalic acid ((COOH)2 (DT)) was The solution was decolorized.
added and then heated.
ԛ Na+ The flame reaction was performed. The flame turned yellow.

Aqueous barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2 (DT))

Ԝ SO42䋭 White precipitates were formed.
was added.

Q13 From Ԙԛ in the following table choose the correct reaction formula for what happens with

each procedures. ᴾ ᵏᵑ ᴾ ᴾ

㩷㩷 Procedures Reaction formulas

Aqueous sodium hydroxide is added

Ԙ CuSO4 㧗 2NaOH 㩷 㩷 㩷 Cu(OH)2 㧗 Na2SO4
to aqueous copper (II) sulfate.
Sodium hydrogencarbonate is
ԙ NaHCO3 㩷 㩷 㩷 NaOH 㧗 CO2
thermally decomposed.
Aqueous ammonia is added to 2AgNO3 㧗 2NH3 㧗 H2O
aqueous silver nitrate in excess. 㩷 㩷 㩷 Ag2O 㧗 2NH4NO3

Calcium hydroxide is added to

ԛ 2NH4Cl 㧗 Ca(OH)2 㩷 㩷 㩷 2NH4OH 㧗 CaCl2
ammonium chloride and then heated.

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q14 From the following reactions ԘԜ choose the one that is an oxidation-reduction reaction.

ᴾ ᵏᵒ ᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ CaCO3 㧗 2HCl    CaCl2 㧗 H2O 㧗 CO2

ԙ FeCl3 㧗 3NaOH    Fe(OH)3 㧗 3NaCl

Ԛ Na2O 㧗 H2O    2NaOH

ԛ 2NH3 㧗 H2SO4    (NH4)2SO4

Ԝ SO2 㧗 2H2S    3S 㧗 2H2O

Q15 The Ostwald process, an industrial process to synthesize nitric acid (HNO3) from ammonia

(NH3), is represented by the following reaction formula.

NH3 㧗 2O2    HNO3 㧗 H2O

How many kg of nitric acid will be obtained from 17 kg of ammonia by this reaction? From the

following ԘԜ choose the closest value.                  ᴾ ᵏᵓ

 ᴾ ᴾ kg

Ԙ 17   ԙ 33   Ԛ 50   ԛ 63   Ԝ 86

Q16 From the following combination of compounds ԘԜ choose the one in which the two

compounds have the same empirical formula. ᴾ ᵏᵔ ᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ acetic acid formaldehyde

ԙ acetic acid formic acid

Ԛ acetone ethyl acetate

ԛ acetylsalicylic acid methyl salicylate

Ԝ ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol) glycerin (1,2,3-propanetriol)

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q17 From the following compounds ԘԜ choose the one in which all atoms in the molecule

exist in one plane. ᴾ ᵏᵕ ᴾ ᴾ

Ԙ acetic acid    ԙ benzene   Ԛ cyclohexane  

ԛ diethyl ether   Ԝ methane

Q18 How many grams (g) of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) will be formed when 0.264 g

of an ester with the molecular formula C4H8O2 is completely combusted? From Ԙԝ in the

following table choose the most appropriate combination. ᴾ ᵏᵖ ᴾ ᴾ

㩷 Carbon dioxide (g) Water (g)

Ԙ 0.336 0.192

ԙ 0.528 0.192

Ԛ 0.528 0.216

ԛ 0.672 0.216

Ԝ 0.672 0.384

ԝ 1.056 0.432

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q19 What are the general names of the reactions (A)-(D) in the following reaction paths?

From Ԙԝ in the table below choose the most appropriate combination. ᴾ ᵏᵗ ᴾ ᴾ

H2 H2O
3 2
(A) (A) (B)

2 3 2
      HNO3 Sn
(C) (D)

㩷 A B C D

Ԙ condensation substitution condensation reduction

ԙ condensation addition addition oxidation

Ԛ condensation addition addition reduction

ԛ addition condensation substitution oxidation

Ԝ addition condensation substitution reduction

ԝ addition substitution condensation oxidation

© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

Q20 Benzoic acid and phenol were dissolved in diethyl ether, and the mixture was placed in a

separatory funnel. One of the following aqueous solutions (a) or (b) was added to the mixture,

the separatory funnel was vigorously shaken, and the contents were allowed to settle into two

layers. In which layer, the upper layer or the lower layer, benzoic acid or phenol is mainly

contained, respectively? From Ԙԝ in the table below choose the correct combination.

ᴾ ᵐᵎ ᴾ ᴾ
(a) aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH (DT))

(b) aqueous sodium hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3 (DT))

㩷㩷 a b

  Benzoic acid Phenol Benzoic acid Phenol

Ԙ upper layer upper layer upper layer upper layer

ԙ upper layer upper layer upper layer lower layer

Ԛ upper layer lower layer upper layer lower layer

ԛ lower layer upper layer lower layer upper layer

Ԝ lower layer lower layer lower layer lower layer

ԝ lower layer lower layer lower layer upper layer

End of Chemistry questions. Leave the answer spaces ᾁᾀ 㨪 ᾆᾄᴾ blank.

Please check once more that you have properly marked the name of your subject as

“Chemistry” on your answer sheet.


© 2012 Japan Student Services Origanization

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